After Dongfang Yuan and his group entered Tan Planet, they emitted the power of the soul and spread it, checking for anything strange on the entire planet.

Many cities, palaces, mountains and oceans in Tan Star have become piles of ruins, and the vast ocean has become a black dead sea, exuding an unpleasant stench.

Dongfang Yuan and the others explored many places, but found nothing strange.

Until their figures flew over a wilderness surrounded by mountains.

Suddenly, dozens of small hills on the ground burst open, and thousands of divine lights shot straight into the sky like meteor beams.

The power of the powerful formation emerged, and the formation patterns were connected, instantly forming a huge earthquake in the entire sky. Black divine thunder blocked all sides. The power of the power was amazing, and Dongfang Yuan and his party were trapped inside.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

The Evil Flesh Buddha saw several divine thunders shooting directly towards Dongfang Yuan, and immediately struck them out with a giant Buddha's palm print, blocking them in front of Dongfang Yuan.

Dongfang Yuan frowned at this time.

This formation is so huge that it was obviously built in advance.

In other words, someone has already laid a trap here, waiting for them.

Who is it?

When Dongfang Yuan was confused, he took a closer look and saw several void cracks appearing on the edges of the formation on all sides.

More than ten figures flew out from it.

Those with the lowest cultivation levels are all at the level of Tianjie Realm!

These figures are none other than others.

It is the star masters of the Liusha Tianyu Canye Star, Anguangxing, Tianya Star, and Baixuan Star, as well as their powerful Tianjie Realm experts!

Among them, Fan Yao, the master of Can Ye Star, and An Mu, the master of Anguang Star, stood in the middle. Both of them exuded the aura of original power.

Obviously they have broken through from the peak of Tianjie Realm to the Origin Realm.

It's just that they didn't choose to upgrade the planet level, so they didn't reveal their current true state.

Queen Fire Dance glanced at them at this moment, with an interesting smile on her lips, and then secretly stepped back a few steps and stood behind the wise man.

As a person from the Emperor God Realm, she could recognize the identities of these people at a glance.

But she wanted to see what these people were trying to do by ambushing here.

"Who are you?!"

"What do you want to ambush us here?"

Zuo Xuanqi looked solemn and spoke for Dongfang Yuan, questioning the people in front.

"You took something you shouldn't have taken."

"Hand over the things and keep the whole body."

Fan Yao, the star master of Canyexing, said in a gloomy tone.

When Dongfang Yuan heard this, his mind turned around and he immediately thought of who these people were.

"Can Ye Xing, it turns out to be you."

"Presumably what you are referring to is the half map of the ancient god's ruins, right?" Dongfang Yuan said relaxedly and calmly.

Queen Huowu stood behind, and when she heard the words "Map of the Ancient God's Ruins," she was trembling and shocked.

She turned to Wang Hanyi and asked him through her eyes.

Wang Hanyi nodded and confirmed the matter.

Huo Wu then frowned. These people from the Quicksand Realm wanted to plot the map of the ancient god's ruins.

They are far from qualified.

There must be a backer behind it!

"Now that I know."

"Then hand it over quickly, and we can give you a good time." An Mu said.


"The map is indeed in my hands."

"But if you want it, you don't have the qualifications yet."

Dongfang Yuan smiled indifferently.

Although they are trapped at the moment, there is only a thunder lock formation, plus these people in front of them.

Not enough to be their opponent.

And they also have a Fire Dance Queen.

She is truly a strong person in the Origin Realm of Dzogchen!

"Since you are so stubborn, then die."

Fan Yao said coldly, and then he opened his palms, and the original power spread, linking the black divine thunder in the formation, and condensed into a huge black thunder palm print.

"You hold that monk, and leave the rest to us!"

The Evil Flesh Buddha had already released his aura before he took action, and Fan Yao and others knew that he was a strong source in the Origin Realm.


An Mu nodded.

The next moment, a black spear appeared in his hand, filled with dark divine power. It was a magic weapon condensed with his own original power!

Its spear jumped, and the dark spear light penetrated into the world of Infernal Affairs, locking the Evil Flesh Buddha, and setting off a huge whirlpool of darkness. The Infernal Storm inside was very ferocious, as if it was composed of countless sharp blades, spreading endlessly.

The Evil Flesh Buddha clasped his hands together, condensing a huge original Buddha statue, holding up the void of ten thousand feet in the infinite world, and covering the sky and the ground with Buddha light.

The Buddha's palms continuously hit thousands of huge Buddha handprints to restrain An Mu.

Two strong men in the early stage of the Origin Realm were fighting each other and deliberately isolated the battlefield.

At this time, the Evil Flesh Buddha was being held back, but Fan Yao did not pay attention to the others.

He directly hit the divine thunder palm print and fell straight towards Dongfang Yuan's life gate!

boom! ! !

In the center of Dongfang Yuan's body, a particle of light instantly expanded a hundred thousand times to form a chaotic nebula, filled with the power of the law of chaos.

Chaos comes to an end.

Immediately, he swallowed the divine thunder palm print easily.

Dongfang Yuan's figure flew above the chaos nebula, stepping on the chaos, his eyes as sharp as a sword, locked on Fan Yao and the others.

"Original power?!"

"How is this possible? The Infinite Realm comprehends the original power?"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Even if it was the one who was called the best talent in the past thirty eras, it was impossible for him to comprehend the power of origin in the Wujian Realm!"

Fan Yao was horrified. The moment he saw the Chaos Nebula, his jaw dropped.

And the Fire Dance Queen was also shocked.

Because his master, Haotian, who was called the best talent in the past thirty eras, was the most talented monster in the past thirty eras!

But he also realized the power of origin at the peak of Tianjue Realm, which caused a huge shock at the beginning.

Many giants were very optimistic about him.

As expected, he became the ancestor, the Lord of Time, and stood at the peak of the sea of ​​stars.

But Dongfang Yuan realized the origin at the peak of Wujian Realm, which directly pulled his master to a higher realm.

No wonder she couldn't accept it all of a sudden.

It's too shocking!


"You're shocked?"

"What if that's the case!"

Dongfang Yuan spread his arms, and the two original powers of time and space and reincarnation emerged on both sides of his back, condensing into a vortex.

He alone mastered the three original powers, and his aura permeated the entire formation. With his aura alone, he completely crushed Fan Yao and others.

Just like the boy who once aspired to be the Dou Emperor, he mastered three kinds of strange fire and dominated Zhongzhou.

Now, Dongfang Yuan has three kinds of origins, stepped on the Chaos Nebula, and condensed the Time and Space Heaven Gate and the Reincarnation Divine Road. He can defeat the Source Realm with Wujian!

Chapter 631 Three sources merge into one, breaking the formation with force!

"Three...three kinds of original power!!"

Fan Yao's scalp tingled when he saw the scene in front of him.

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