"In this case, the Tianyan Dynasty is a little unbelievable..."

Han Yunkun was still calm and wise.

Although his daughter was in Dongfang Yuan's hands, he remained sober and did not panic.

He first thought about how powerful the master was in the Tianyan Dynasty to suppress Xiaying Yidao without any movement and quickly!

Chapter 65: Capture the Holy Maiden of Hehuan!

Han Yunkun pondered for a while and finally said, "Forget it, I will go there myself to see who is the sacred person in the Tianyan Dynasty."

Han Yunkun thought about it and sent other people. He was a little worried about another accident.

If he asked the ancestor to go, it would be a bit too much.

Besides, his daughter was still in his hands, so it was impossible for him to play the bad guy.

So it was safer to go there in person.

"You two."

"During this period of time when I'm away, if there is anything, you can go directly to the deputy sect master and the chief steward, and leave everything to them."

"Yes! Sect Master!" The two elders responded immediately.

Then, Han Yunkun turned around and disappeared in the hall.


Now that Qian Xinrou is pregnant, it's not easy to touch her in the near future.

Dongfang Yuan was itching, and he also put his mind on Han Wanxiang!


"Hurry up!!"

"You've seen it all, come and change my pajamas!"

"Why are you still covering your face? Hurry up!"

"Otherwise, I will think you are breaking the agreement!!"


Finally, at Dongfang Yuan's request, Han Wanxiang and he finished bathing.

Dongfang Yuan also directly asked Han Wanxiang to warm his bed.

This time, there was no disgust on Han Wanxiang's face.

Some were just a little entangled.

However, under Dongfang Yuan's repeated urging, Han Wanxiang also agreed.

She entered the bed in her pajamas and used the temperature of her skin to warm the bed for Dongfang Yuan.

"By the way, which powerful person are you reincarnated from? And that General Fei Peng, I have never heard of such a person in the Tianyan Dynasty. Can you tell me about it?"

At this time, hiding in the quilt, Han Wanxiang became interested and asked curiously.


"Tonight, I will tell you about it."

Dongfang Yuan smiled, then lifted the quilt and lay down beside Han Wanxiang.

Feeling the warmth in the quilt, Dongfang Yuan showed a satisfied and comfortable smile on his face.

Han Wanxiang was startled.

She was about to get up and leave.

"What are you doing?"

"This quilt is warm, why are you getting up?"

Dongfang Yuan grabbed her hand and asked knowingly.


Han Wanxiang was a little at a loss for a moment.

Her face was shy and slightly red. It was the first time she lay in a bed so close to a man.

Although she was deeply curious about Dongfang Yuan, and was attracted by his mysterious temperament.

But she was not prepared for the two of them to sleep in the same bed at such a close distance.

"The bed is warm, I... I should leave too."

"Let's talk next time."

Han Wanxiang was still too shy and wanted to leave.

"Wanxiang, this emperor has the right to ask the maid to sleep with him." Dongfang Yuan said.

Han Wanxiang paused and frowned.

Dongfang Yuan said again: "But I don't intend to force you."

"I asked you to stay, and I just wanted you to chat with this emperor."

"If you want to leave, feel free, I won't force you."

Dongfang Yuan's eyes changed, and his eyes were full of affection.

Seeing Dongfang Yuan suddenly change the subject at this moment, Han Wanxiang was a little unprepared.

This person doesn't intend to force herself?

So sincere?

Han Wanxiang is the same as Xiao Qingli, who is soft and not hard.

At this time, she thought again and again, and finally lay down: "Go ahead, let's talk."

The two of them lay on the same bed, Dongfang Yuan put his hands behind his head and said slowly: "This emperor is indeed a reincarnated body, this is true, as for Fei Peng, they are all my former subordinates, and they have reincarnated with me."

"As for the real identity, I can't tell you now."

Hearing these words, Han Wanxiang also confirmed her inner guess.

Sure enough, just like the rumors outside, Dongfang Yuan is a reincarnated body.

"Then...what is your purpose in asking me to be your maid?" Han Wanxiang asked hesitantly.

Dongfang Yuan looked sincere, his eyes full of affection: "If I say, I have no purpose."

"Or, my purpose is you, do you believe it?"


"Stop it!"

"Do you think this saint is a three-year-old girl? So easy to deceive?"

"You have so many affectionate men, Miss Qian, Princess Xiao and that Medusa, aren't they all your targets?"

"Now you are so affectionate with me, do you think I believe it?" Han Wanxiang snorted coldly, a little arrogantly.

Dongfang Yuan's face did not change. At this time, his hand slowly reached out to Han Wanxiang and hugged her shoulders.

He hugged her body and looked into each other's eyes.

Dongfang Yuan's eyes were still tender, and he said sincerely: "Wanxiang, that is a difference in your cognition."

"Who told you that being affectionate and being affectionate cannot exist at the same time?"

"Although I fell in love with you at the same time, I have devoted my heart to each of you. My love for you can be witnessed by the sun and the moon, and the heaven and earth can show it!"

"You also know that with my current strength, it is not difficult for me to force you."

"But that will only make my beloved woman hate me for the rest of my life. I absolutely do not want to see this scene, so I will never do such a thing!"

"Wanxiang, do you understand my feelings for you?"

Dongfang Yuan pressed his face against Han Wanxiang's with deep affection.

Han Wanxiang was a little dazed by this man's sudden confession.

But for some reason, seeing Dongfang Yuan's true feelings, her inner vigilance completely disappeared.

The infatuation with Dongfang Yuan in her heart completely broke out at this moment.

Her cheeks were as red as apples.

The heart beat faster and faster, beating continuously and extremely fast.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Dongfang Yuan held Han Wanxiang's hand tightly at this moment, turned sideways, and said face to face: "Wanxiang, I can hear your heart beating."

"You have also fallen in love with me, right!"


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