The Dongfeng 21D missile and the Dongfeng 17 missile have already shocked the representatives of various countries watching.

But the next to appear is the real national treasure, the Dongfeng 41 missile!

At this time, a loud voice came from the radio:”The next to enter is the Dongfeng 41 missile formation!”

The discussion on the viewing platform was instantly drowned out by this announcement, and all eyes were focused on the missile vehicle slowly approaching from a distance.

The huge body, like a sleeping beast, is slowly waking up, ready to show the world its unparalleled terrifying power.

The Dongfeng 41 missile, the name itself is enough to make any opponent feel awe, and now, it appears in this grand military parade in an almost sacred posture.

Every detail of the missile vehicle reveals the perfect combination of technology and power. The large-caliber missile body flashes a cold light in the sun, as if announcing to the world: the guardian of peace is also the terminator of war.

Its appearance is not only a display of weapons, but also a symbol of national strength and a firm commitment to peace.

You know, the Dongfeng 41 missile can carry a large-yield nuclear warhead…….A Dongfeng 41 missile can directly destroy a city!

The power is quite terrifying!

“It was so shocking!”A representative watching the military parade exclaimed,”I have heard about the power of the Dongfeng 41 missile before, but seeing this missile with my own eyes, the feeling is still indescribable…….So shocking!”

“Yes, I heard that this missile can hit the Eagle Sauce homeland, and its range is incredible.” Another Asian country representative continued, with a look of amazement in his eyes:”Moreover, it is said that it is very difficult to intercept, which is a direct improvement in strategic deterrence!”

The representatives around nodded one after another……There are many military experts among them, but even they are shocked by the performance of the Dongfeng 41 missile.

This missile not only represents the pinnacle of the rabbit country’s technology, but also a profound reshaping of the international security landscape.

Its existence forces any potential threats to think twice before acting, thinking about how many Dongfeng 41 missiles they can withstand!

In the C position of the viewing platform, Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu held each other’s hands tightly…….Their eyes were full of excitement and pride.

As the main developers of the Dongfeng 41 missile, they knew how much sweat and wisdom were put into it…….From countless days and nights of hard work to countless tests and improvements, every step was full of challenges and uncertainties.

But now, seeing the missiles that I personally participated in developing so majestically driving in the parade, all the efforts have turned into the glory and satisfaction of this moment.

“Look, that’s our achievement.” Su Chu’s voice was a little trembling, but more proud, and said:”It is not just a weapon, it is our commitment to the country and peace.”

Bai Qingqiu nodded, his eyes slightly wet:”Yes, the Dongfeng 41 missile represents the country’s strength and hope…….With it, we have the ability to protect our country and our people no matter where in the world we are.”

“Dongfeng Express, the mission must be accomplished! That’s well said!”

As the Dongfeng 41 missile formation slowly passed by, the focus of the scene was all attracted, because this is the real national treasure!

It can be said that the Dongfeng 41 missile is absolutely powerful as a national treasure!

If the Eagle Sauce really dares to provoke a war, then the rabbit can directly use the Dongfeng 41 missile to attack the Eagle Sauce’s homeland, and directly raise a mushroom cloud over the Eagle Sauce’s homeland, so that the Eagle Sauce knows why the flowers are so red.

This time, because of the relevant matters of the EP3 reconnaissance aircraft, the rabbit and the Eagle Sauce had a game on the negotiation table, and more importantly, a military confrontation.

If it weren’t for the rabbit’s strong military strength, with the Dongfeng 21D missile, Dongfeng 41 missile, heavy composite brigade, and advanced fighter jets to escort, the Eagle Sauce would have taken action long ago.

After all, the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken had a murderous intention during the joint military exercise.

The Dongfeng 41 missile, known as the martial arts of the world, is invincible only because of its unparalleled speed, but also because of its huge destructive power and surprising mobility…….This is definitely something that can be developed to survive the Eagle Sauce!

It is no joke to hit the entire world in half an hour.

The manufacturing cost of the Dongfeng 41 missile is really staggering. The cost alone is as high as nearly 880 million yuan…….This number alone is enough to show the rabbit’s investment and determination in this powerful missile. The price of each Dongfeng 41 missile is announcing to the world that the rabbit has a strategic deterrent force that cannot be ignored.

This is for the Eagle Sauce!

The Dongfeng 41 missile is famous for its incredible speed…….In the process of delivering the target, Dongfeng 41 demonstrated unparalleled speed……It only takes 4 minutes to cook the rabbit and chicken, and 20 minutes to cook the hawker chicken…….This speed makes it difficult for other countries in the world to cope with it, and strengthens the deterrent effect of the Dongfeng 41.

In the context of geopolitical and strategic competition, the ability to strike quickly is priceless.

The Dongfeng 41 missile is a strategic-level missile, and its main function is deterrence!

This missile is enough to wipe out the chicken from the earth.

According to experts’ estimates, only 11 Dongfeng 41 missiles are enough to destroy the chicken…….The reason why this number is shocking is that it reveals the great destructive power of the Dongfeng 41 missile. This huge destructive power, coupled with its high speed, makes the Dongfeng 41 one of the most deadly weapons on earth.

In addition, the mobility of the Dongfeng 41 missile is also an important part of its deterrent power…….The warhead it carries makes interception extremely difficult…….Because its trajectory is completely random during flight, any defense system that attempts to intercept it is helpless.

The only certainty is that it will reach its target with devastating force…….This maneuverability makes the Dongfeng 41 missile unpredictable and increases its deterrent effect.

Currently, even the most powerful”Patriot” air defense missile system in the world cannot intercept it!

“The Patriot air defense missile system is a multi-purpose medium-range air defense missile system manufactured by Raytheon.

It is also one of the most representative weapons of the Eagle Sauce and is the Army’s third-generation medium-range and medium-high altitude air defense missile system…….

The system is mainly used to intercept ballistic missiles at an altitude of less than 40 kilometers at the terminal of flight.

It consists of kinetic interceptor missiles, radar, command and control system, etc.

“The Patriot missile has undergone many upgrades and improvements since it entered service in 1984…….The original PAC-1 and PAC-2 systems were tested in combat during the Gulf War, and were subsequently improved to address the problems that emerged. They are capable of countering saturation air raids, have fast search speeds, strong tracking capabilities, can carry out multiple simultaneous attacks, and can effectively counter existing electronic attacks.

In the Gulf War, the Patriot-2 system was partially successful in intercepting Iraq’s Scud tactical ballistic missiles…….This can be said to be a powerful anti-aircraft missile!

But when facing the Dongfeng 41 missile, it still seems very powerless!

There is no way to stop the Dongfeng 41 missile!

Because the speed is too fast!

In addition, the destructive power of the Dongfeng 41 missile is amazing……Its explosive power is equivalent to the power of 200 Hiroshima atomic bombs, which is enough to make any country deeply worried…….This huge destructive power means that once the DF-41 missile hits its target, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Even more shocking is that its strike accuracy can reach 100 meters, which means it can accurately strike high-value targets no matter where the target is.

It can be said that the DF-41 missile is not only a symbol of the Rabbit’s military strength, but also a key player on the geopolitical stage…….Its manufacturing cost, supersonic speed, earth coverage, mobility and destructive power make it an unprecedented deterrent force, so the Eagle Sauce dare not act rashly.

It is a national treasure, and this is not just talk.

There are many missile formations next, and the most eye-catching one is the 4 missile formations…….The Second Artillery conventional surface-to-surface missile formation, the medium-range surface-to-surface nuclear missile formation, the long-range surface-to-surface nuclear missile formation, and another conventional surface-to-surface missile formation.

Request flowers

These four formations, like bright pearls in the steel torrent, not only demonstrate the brilliant achievements of the Rabbit Strategic Missile Force, but also show the world the strong military strength of the Republic.

The two conventional surface-to-surface missile formations, with their strict formations and high morale, first caught the eye…….The missile vehicle was carrying advanced conventional missiles, and its body was freshly painted, shining brightly in the sun….

As the formation slowly moved forward, an invisible force seemed to gather in the air, making people feel the unstoppable force of this mighty army…….These missiles are an important part of the Republic’s nuclear power and an important force to break the nuclear monopoly and contain nuclear war.

Every soldier in the team is fully aware of the weight of the mission he shoulders.

The missile vehicle slowly drove past, leaving behind a series of shocking tracks. It is a symbol of national strength and a guarantee of peace.

It can be said that not only the Dongfeng 41 missile can carry nuclear warheads, but other missiles can also carry nuclear warheads!

The most eye-catching is the long-range ground-to-ground nuclear missile team…….These missiles are the pride of the Rabbit Strategic Missile Force, a sharp sword that transcends time and space, and the cornerstone of strategic balance…….They not only represent the highest level of rabbit missile technology, but also highlight the important position of rabbits in the global strategic pattern.

The soldiers in the formation are all in high spirits and high morale…….

They know that what they are driving is not just a missile vehicle, but also the glory of the country and the dignity of the nation…….

Whoosh whoosh……

As the formation slowly moved forward, a strong strategic deterrent spread in the air.

Compared with 15 years ago, today’s Rabbit missiles have become smaller and shorter, but this does not mean that their power has decreased…….On the contrary, this is a vivid portrayal of the historical leap forward of the Rabbit Strategic Missile Force.

The reduction in size means technological progress and enhanced combat effectiveness.

The increase in power and enhanced mobility have enabled the Rabbit Strategic Missile Force to have all-round, all-weather strategic nuclear counterattack combat capabilities and the ability to carry out long-range precision strikes on various important targets.

In the global strategic balance, the Rabbit Strategic Missile Force has become extremely important…….Rabbit has a series of weapons that include both conventional and nuclear missiles, short-range, medium-range, long-range and intercontinental missiles.

This is not only a symbol of national strength, but also a manifestation of national dignity. It has the power of dual deterrence and dual strike.

It can be said that the strategic nuclear deterrence capability of the Dongfeng 21D missile, Dongfeng 17 missile and Dongfeng 41 missile is absolutely shocking, and can effectively deter the restless countries such as Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken!

Su Chu and Bai Qingqiu were also quite excited when they watched these missile formations pass by.

Because this represents the rabbit’s all-round nuclear strike capability, it can ensure the absolute security of the country!

Strategic nuclear deterrence capability is not a joke.

In this military parade, the structural changes of the ground formations were significant. The number of infantry formations was reduced to two, while the proportion of armored troops, artillery and other arms increased to 70%. This change reflects the optimization and upgrading of the composition of the rabbit army.

At the same time, the expansion of the size of the air echelon to 10 further demonstrated the enhancement and modernization of the air force.

These changes not only reflect the adjustment of the rabbit’s military strategy, but also reflect the military’s development towards higher quality and higher efficiency.

The next stage is the much-anticipated and eye-catching fighter plane formation.

Representatives from all over the world want to see what advanced fighter planes the rabbit will display this time…….

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