He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 144: Seeing your teammates’ disadvantages, you can’t hold it in anymore, right? (Please subs

"What do you mean, you're not leaving yet?"

When Cat King returned his attention to the game screen, he was a little surprised by Chen Ke's choice.

There are three people on the opposite side, why don't you leave alone? Your support has fallen.

Looking at King Ning again, King Ning still wanted to hit the road to find a breakthrough, but TheShy suddenly became stable when playing Ornn.

I've been laning normally and haven't made any drastic moves so far.

King Ning never found a chance, but he was still in the top half.

Toothpaste took Zoe, but the lane was a bit suppressed by Rookie's clockwork.

Rookie's laning ability is still there, and he plays very fiercely after getting his signature.

No one can help Chen Ke now. Chen Ke's best solution is to give up the defense tower and quickly move back.

Even Ai Luoli couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said: "Hey, we have to leave this time, right?"

"The flashing of the two people on the opposite side of the lane has also improved. Baolan can flash away."

Just now, we came to grab him from the opposite side, which was the last moment of Wink's flash.

Now the flash has been reversed.

The Cat King seemed to be watching the fun, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

In his opinion, IG's operation in this wave is very simple, just let Baolan flash to open hard and then carry the tower.

Pan Sen and Kai'Sa just need to connect the output, and Kai'Sa happens to still have her ultimate move. It was too easy to kill Wink just now, and Puff didn't even use her ultimate move.

Even if this wave of Sapphire carries the tower to death, it is still very profitable.

Chen Ke will lose at least two waves of troops, and once the vanguard is released, he can push V5, the bottom tower, to a certain extent.

The IG guys went back to deal with the troop line. When they crossed the tower just now, the troop line didn't enter at all. It was Pan Sen who carried the tower and forcibly crossed it.

Chen Ke had enough time to retreat, but he still did not retreat after the troops advanced, which proved that he did not want to retreat.

The moment the troops entered the tower, Chen Ke first used the Q skill to shoot three feathers, and then used W to accelerate forward and hit Pan Sen twice.

XUN held back and didn't move. He didn't flash now and his HP was very low, so he couldn't go in with W first.

If he went in to carry the tower, he would probably die after carrying it.

Seeing that Chen Ke refused to leave and wanted to deal damage, Baolan couldn't help but dodge directly over.

I plan to flash Level A directly. If I can react quickly, I will hit you with a big move. When the big move lands, I will hit you.

If the reaction is slow, the hook can follow directly, and the hand purification will not work.

Baolan is already ready to change his life. He will definitely be willing to change his support to the opponent's AD.

If Chen Ke really did a good job and let him escape, then he wouldn't have to die.

On the contrary, Chen Ke's ultimate move has to be handed over to both moves, and it is still very profitable.

Without skills, there is definitely no way to stay under the tower. The progress of pushing the tower with the vanguard will not be affected.


However, before he dodged, Chen Ke had already dodged.

This flash is not aimed at Baolan, Chen Ke is an E flash.

The five feathers on the ground all flew towards Chen Ke in an instant, and Chen Ke's flash forced him to change his direction.

Pan Sen suffered a lot of damage from the barb.

Pan Sen's HP was already very low because he had to carry two defensive towers when he jumped over the tower just now.

And when he was carrying Baolan in the tower W, Chen Ke immediately dealt damage from behind.

Just now, Chen Ke went up and forced A twice. They thought that Chen Ke was seeking death, but they didn't expect that Chen Ke had already had murderous thoughts.

Hunters often appear in the form of prey.

Moreover, before this wave, both sides of the bottom lane had returned home. Chen Ke had a quiver on his body, so the damage was considered okay now.

The five-feather barb, XUN couldn't withstand the damage and was instantly dropped.

I didn't even have time to press the E skill, everything was too sudden.


"what's the situation!"

Ai Luoli exclaimed directly, and the smile on the cat emperor's face suddenly stopped.

I thought Chen Ke was going to suffer a lot this time, but he didn't expect him to show off.

The most embarrassing person in this wave was Bao Lan, who flashed over and jumped into the air.

The huge anchor raised in his hand was at a loss for a while.

After Chen Ke flashed and collected the heads, there was a defense tower between him and Titan. Titan thought the hook would be blocked directly.

As soon as Pan Sen died, Bao Lan knew that he could not continue and quickly retreated.

It was a good thing that he didn't meet Chen Ke, at least he didn't attract the hatred of the defense tower.

If he is hit twice by the defense tower, Baolan's health will be dangerous, and Chen Ke still has a big move on him.

Seeing Baolan retreating, Chen Ke chased A a few times. It was impossible to kill him now that he had no barb.

A huge loss in the bottom lane made Chen Ke forcefully come back.

Looking at it now, if the support switches to the opposite jungler, Chen Ke and the others will make a profit.

In addition to Chen Ke's operation being a bit unexpected, the opponent's handling of the wave was also rough.

Maybe because there were too many people, XUN never thought that Chen Ke would dare to attack him.

"Damn it, this E flash is kind of cool."

Just after the operation was completed, Wink couldn't help but hold it up.

As someone who plays AD, he certainly knows that this operation is not as simple as it seems.

Let’s not talk about whether it is possible or not. For many ADs, whether they dare to use E like this is a question.

Chen Ke quickly cleared the wave of soldiers under the tower. After finishing the tower sword, he said: "It's not a big problem. I'll wait for this one."

The start of this round was not good and his teammates were not playing well. Chen Ke knew that this was normal.

With so many games in a season, it is impossible to always go smoothly. This is not Chen Ke's game alone.

There is no point in comparing the strength of the team. IG's strength is indeed not strong. Chen Ke did not expect this before the game. He thought it was the same rhythm as the first game.

But many strong teams have been overthrown by bottom players like Lao Gan Daddy. Everyone has problems sometimes.

Chen Ke is the most stable point in the team. When something happens to his teammates, he must have the ability to stand up.

After getting his first head, Chen Ke felt confident.

His game has been well developed so far. Regardless of the buff, the start was smooth. In fact, after Chen Ke's wave of tower troops was used up, the buff was not as much as him.

And after saying this, the teammates felt a lot more at ease and tried their best to avoid getting anxious when they fell behind.

Cat King couldn't laugh anymore, he felt as if he was choked, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, he was ready, and when he was waiting for Chen Ke to be killed, he said "Chen Ke is down."

He deliberately imitated his second brother's cry to make him sick, but Chen Ke was stunned and didn't give him a chance.

You want to cry in your grave, right? Why the hell do you hold it back for me?

In the follow-up, IG was still Xiaoyou, but after the setback in the bottom lane, the vanguard was unable to move to the bottom lane. XUN later found an opportunity to release the vanguard in the middle lane.

If placed in the middle, there will only be two layers of tower skin at most.

The purpose is to control the second vanguard, and then the two vanguards will directly pull out the first tower in the middle.

As long as no one comes from the bottom lane, Chen Ke will still have an advantage in the lane.

There is good news for V5. The wave just interrupted Pan Sen's rhythm.

Let King Ning control the second dragon in the game. Now there is one dragon on both sides, and the dragon's rhythm is definitely not that fast.

When the third little dragon came, both sides wanted to come over and pick up the group.

Xiaolong hasn't refreshed yet, and the group has started.

IG's lineup includes Titan, Pantheon, and Ornn.

The ability to start a team and find opportunities is too strong. Wink's Luo was not quite right, and he was hit by Titan again.

It's equivalent to not using any skills, but being instantly dropped.

Without a support, team battles will be very difficult.

Chen Ke tried his best and tried his best, but couldn't defeat the opponent at all.

That is to say, TheShy's Ornn rushed too hard and didn't pay attention to his position at all, and he was killed by him.

In addition to the previous Luo, IG played one for three in this wave, and could also take Xiaolong, which can be said to be very profitable.

Chen Ke surrendered his ultimate move and purification before walking away. At least he saved his flash.

"After this wave of fighting, I feel that the situation of V5 is not good."

Ai Luoli directly commented: "Wink should really pay attention to his position, this wave is really for nothing."

"Now IG has an economic lead of more than 3,000, and Ornn is still here. The lead is already very big."

The Cat King said angrily: "With Ornn's lineup, in the future, the lineup alone will lead the opponent by at least 3,000."

"Next, as long as you keep the double C and wait for Orn to issue equipment, IG's lineup will be easy to win."


Chen Ke didn't think much about it. Unless the base exploded, he would think there was still a chance.

After retreating from Xiaolong, Chen Ke directly wiped out the Demon Swamp Frog in the wild area.

In addition, after refreshing the Demon Swamp Frog, the blue buff will also be refreshed, and this Lan Chenke plans to eat it.

There is no way to leave it to the mid laner. If he doesn't eat it, the opponent will definitely come up and invade after defeating the dragon.

When playing blue, there was a false eye in the grass at the intersection of my jungle area and the river, and I found that the buff had touched it.

The dragon left before the fight was over, obviously looking for him.

I guess I guessed that Chen Ke was playing blue, and also knew that Chen Ke's health was average.

He didn't just come here for a blue buff, he wanted to take away Chen Ke's head as well.

And this wave is very detailed, it was found from behind the blue buff pit, just to prevent Chen Ke from discovering him.


Chen Ke was still playing blue, pretending not to notice.

Counting down in my heart, there was another E flash.

The timing was just right, and the blind barb caught Kai'Sa.

Kai'Sa's health bottomed out instantly, and the feathers in Chen Ke's hand continued to fall.

After leveling A, Kai'Sa didn't have a big move. After the control was over, he thought about flashing and running away. Chen Ke followed up with a strong wind and took the kill.

I didn't use the strong wind to inflict damage immediately, just to wait for his flash.

"Puff has been seen, right? How dare you dodge this?"

"But there's no view nearby!"


The commentator was very confused as to how Chen Ke dared to do this, and the director quickly gave the replay.

The replay was only from the perspective of the red side, and I did see the buff’s movements for the first time.

But then the field of vision was lost, and Chen Ke guessed the opposite position and had a blind field of vision.

After watching the replay, I really couldn’t stand the barrage.


"Damn it, do you really dare to do this if you are blind?"

"This is too fake."

"The cliff is open."

"He's always playing games, which is normal."

"You were quite restrained in the last round, but this time it depends on your teammates' disadvantages. You can't hold it in any longer, right?"


PS: The fourth update is over 10,000 yuan. The old rule is to add updates later. Brothers, if you have a monthly pass in the new month, remember to give it to me. The monthly pass addition will not stop!

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