He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 175 If you don’t understand, just ask, are the three of them dead?

"Is this EDG's strategy?"

"Guigui, it seems that he has done some research."

"Sure enough, the regular season is strong, but it's not the same thing as the playoffs."

"It's so funny. It's 3 vs 2 all the time in the bottom lane. What's there to brag about?"

"Wait until you win before you cheer me up, okay?"

"Here we go, I'm going to have to worry about this for the past few days."


After watching this wave of bot lane, it may be that some of the commentators were too excited and even started arguing with the barrages.

In fact, if you look closely, EDG is not that profitable this time.

There was a flash from Chen Ke, but the price they paid was also not low.

In addition to flashing and sprinting, the rhythm of the men and horses in the wild has been greatly affected.

In this wave, he sacrificed his own development to help the bottom lane.

If you can catch someone and get a head for yourself or for AD, then this wave will be quite comfortable.

Just making a flash is not really profitable.

It's just that everyone hasn't seen V5's bot lane suffer in the early stage for too long, and some of the commentators were too excited, which led to a little misunderstanding of the situation.

Prince Ning felt more comfortable with Jiejie playing like this.

There is really no way to fight against people and horses in the jungle in the early stage.

It is impossible to beat 1V1. The main top and middle lanes do not have lane rights in the early stage, which will definitely make King Ning feel uncomfortable in the jungle.

But Jiejie's control of the bottom lane made it much easier for King Ning, and he was able to counterattack in the jungle.

It's just that King Ning still cares about the bottom lane and is not too determined to go to the opposite jungle.

After seeing Chen Ke's flash shot being knocked out, Prince Ning still chose to come closer quickly.

This wave failed to catch, so Jiejie went to the lower half of the jungle area of ​​​​5 to brush a group of stone men and continue to put pressure.

Soon after the EDG bottom lane duo pushed their troops forward, they turned around and left.

It is impossible to directly apply pressure to jump over the tower. It is easy for things to happen at this point.

EDG went directly to Xiaolong in the bottom lane and started to help the people and horses fight Xiaolong together.

It can be seen that EDG had a lot of preparation before the game.

In previous V5 games, the early rhythm was used to allow King Ning to control Xiaolong as quickly as possible.

Not only was this one aimed at the bottom lane of V5, but it was not long after Xiaolong was refreshed that he quickly defeated the dragon.

After getting the first dragon, the rhythm that V5 is best at in the regular season can no longer be played. At least there is no time pressure on EDG this time.

When it really develops later, I, Aphelios, will be paired with the Tsar. This is the real big core.

When the dragon was fighting on the opposite side, King Ning had actually arrived.

It's still a little early to fight the first dragon at this time, and the speed of fighting is not that fast.

But after Chen Ke finished handling the army line, V5 still rationally gave up on this little dragon.

In a regular 3 vs. 3 situation, it's okay, but the opponent's combat effectiveness drops a lot without sprinting.

The problem is that the opponent's mid laner Tsar played quite well in the lane and successfully grabbed the lane rights and came over.

If there is one more person on the other side, there is no need to test it.

Chen Ke didn't show up now. It would definitely be risky to fight in the past.

"Oh, I also got the first dragon. EDG's early rhythm is very good."

"This was definitely planned before the game. We were very determined to win the second half and controlled the first dragon early."

"In this case, there will be no pressure on EDG this time, and you can safely drag it back."

"Wow, they're dragging this double C back, I can't even think about it."

"The time pressure is still on V5's side."


The three commentators were in a good mood. Although they didn't show any words, the joy in their voices could not be concealed.

EDG has been doing so well in the past, and everyone has reason to believe that they can maintain it.

Maybe it will be better next time!

After beating the little dragon, Jiejie really needs to grow up for a while.

From grabbing the bottom lane to beating the dragon, he sacrificed a lot of time.

Now the number and level of junglers are behind King Ning, and a man and horse are behind the blind monk in the early stage. This is a very rare thing.

Fortunately, they had an advantage and at least strictly implemented the tactics laid out before the game.

If they really develop for a while, those who are lagging behind will be able to catch up. The speed of the men and horses will definitely be faster.

Without the jungle harassment, V5's bottom lane has regained its strength.

Chen Ke still has Purify in his hand, and it is really hit by the female tank. It is not impossible to operate in a 2-on-2 situation.

In addition, King Ning has indeed strengthened the protection of the bottom lane.

After I came out of the house again, I was considerate and inserted a real ward into my bottom lane.

Although there was a small amount of pressure in the bottom lane, no lives were lost.

Both sides are developing, and since I got the first little dragon in the early stage, they will continue to develop.

For EDG, they can completely accept this result.

It can even be seen that EDG's bottom lane this year is really strong.

When reaching level six, Chen Ke went back first and took control of the line.

In the past few minutes, the people and horses did not come to cause trouble again.

I just leaned over here and had a good view, but I didn't really do anything.

At the time when the troops reached six, his flash had not yet improved, and Chen Ke kept thinking that the opponent might be coming.

However, EDG did not choose to force Chen Ke, perhaps because they were afraid of having Galio in the middle to support them.

It may also be that he is saving his troops for the ultimate move to prepare for the vanguard team battle.

The two EDG bottom laners returned a little later. After completing their equipment and status, they switched lanes directly to Vanguard.

They must fight against this vanguard group.

In fact, V5 seems to be able to fight here, with Luo and the team starting of the wine barrel on the road, and Galio's entry.

The troops on the opposite side are very fierce, but the Tsar's damage in early fights is really bad.

However, I saw that Gnar, the Holy Spear brother on the road, controlled his anger well. If he is stuck at a critical point, it can quickly become bigger.

There was a discussion within the V5 team, but the vanguard did not fight for it.

Wink looked over and put a little pressure on the opponent, allowing Chen Ke to develop alone in the bottom lane.

It's equivalent to letting go of the vanguard, keeping AD, and developing the tower skin.

With his teammates there to restrain him, Chen Ke can really do well in the bottom lane alone, and he can just take two layers of tapioca.

Chen Ke, as the core output point, received two layers of tower skin. In fact, it is not a loss if he puts the vanguard.

"V5 is just pretending. They don't dare to fight until AD comes. If they don't move, they will open directly."

However, the commentator was still very excited. The colonel couldn't help shouting: "The V5 people have indeed withdrawn, so EDG successfully obtained the first vanguard."

"They controlled all the important resources in the early stage, and EDG had a very good rhythm this time."

"Xia ate two layers of pie crust alone in the bottom lane, but this is really not profitable."

"Jiejie still has his ultimate move in hand. When he finds an opportunity to lead the rhythm, he can use the vanguard to push a tower."


EDG did not choose a conventional lane change, forcing the bottom lane duo to go to the top lane to face the lane, and then the jungler indeed put the vanguard to help push the tower.

Obviously they still want to continue playing in the lane.

At this pace, maybe the troops will come down later.

Prince Ning has been reminding everyone to pay attention to this.

When EDG returned to the lane in the bottom lane, Wink arrived a step earlier, and the two sides returned to normal alignment.

Because he went to the vanguard for a while, Viper seems to be a little behind Chen Ke in terms of last-hitting, and there is also some gap in experience.

Chen Ke has reached level 7, while the opponent is still at level 6.

After entering the normal laning rhythm, Chen Ke commanded: "Drive directly to the opposite side."

Wink was in a good position in the grass, and the opponent didn't seem so careful. Chen Ke thought there might be a chance.


Wink's greatest strength is that he listens to orders.

As soon as Chen Ke finished speaking, he activated his ultimate move and jumped out of the grass with a flash W.

EDG really had no vision in that bush. They just went online and had no chance to look here.

Without vision and without Luo dodge, it's really hard to react to this.

But Viper's reaction was still very abnormal. The moment he was charmed, he pressed Purify and Flash.

After purifying the charm, he flashed directly and moved back, not giving Chen Ke a chance to imprison him with barbs.

Once the flash is pressed, nothing will happen and this wave will be over.

Luo flashed out and hit the opponent's AD double moves, which was a profit no matter how you looked at it.

But the commentators saw it differently.

The colonel was the first to speak: "Actually, this wave is not bad."

"Although Aphelios has lost his double moves, Luo's flash and ultimate moves have also been released."

"V5 now relies heavily on Luo to start a team. If Luo is not strong, V5's bottom lane threat will be much smaller."

Cat King added: "The most important thing is that I feel that Jiejie will grab the bottom lane later. It's good news that Luo didn't dodge."

"If it doesn't work out later, kill Luo. As long as the auxiliary is killed, AD won't dare to stay under the tower, and Aphelios can be saved to eat the tower skin."

It can also be seen from a God's perspective that Jiejie is brushing against the three wolves. His movement means that he wants to take action on the bottom lane.

King Ning's consciousness was very sharp, and he had already reached the bottom lane one step ahead of Jiejie.

King Ning still felt it was a pity that he only used two moves in this wave. He felt that Chen Ke and the others should wait for him.

However, King Ning could also guess that the opposing team might want to move down the lane to allow Aphelios to develop, and he would definitely come over.

As he walked over, Chen Ke gave instructions: "Come here from the line of sight. I'll drive. Wink, stand back."

To be honest, both Ning Wang and Wink were a little confused. How can you open an AD? Do you need R to flash your hand?

After Viper didn't have double moves, he was very careful.

He still didn't dare to trust his positioning too much, so he paid more attention to Luo.

Seeing Wink push back, Viper felt relieved.

Luo doesn't even have a flash of ultimate skills, so it's impossible to reach him in this position.

Just when he took a step forward and wanted to hit the target, Chen Ke pressed Flash.

This is a Q flash.

Kasumi can Q-flash, but the flash speed needs to be faster.

Q flashed AE, a set of light speed combos was ridiculously fast, and three feathers directly controlled Aphelios.

"Hey, Viper!"

"It's done, the blind monk is behind."

"Wait a minute, why did Meikuan point her finger?"


The moment Chen Ke took control of Viper, everyone knew something bad was going to happen.

Because King Ning is behind and the troops are still in the jungle.

Viper is definitely going to die this time, and if he doesn't flash, he won't be able to save him.

Luo directly E-Chen Ke, then took a step back and W-lifted it.

King Ning also followed up from behind. He did not waste any skills and used a very clean R dodge to kick the person back.

He is very skilled at playing VIPer.

Now you ask Viper to take off his team uniform, and there are still King Ning's shoe prints on his back.

What really made people break through the defense was the female tank pointing her finger at him.

It may be a desire to save people, but from God’s perspective, isn’t this buy one, get one free?

After the second brother shouted, the three of them fell into a brief silence.

But the barrage got excited.

Too many people have been unhappy with the three of them recently, and it was a bit noisy to hear them shouting for a long time during this game.

Now this silence, even if it was very short, everyone expressed that they felt comfortable.

Someone even posted a barrage of soul torture: "If you don't understand, just ask, why are the three commentators silent? Are they dead?"


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