He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 209 Toothpaste leads the charge and humiliates RNG! (Please ask for monthly tickets for addi


"Fuck, are you really doing this..."

Toothpaste is like this, he usually doesn't seem to talk much.

But it can give you a joke out of the blue. Xiaoyu’s jokes are really classics.

This wave really made the whole team laugh. Chen Ke's atmosphere adjustment was really not as good as toothpaste.

Even the referee behind him didn't stop and almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, they have received professional training and know that they should not be too exaggerated when working at this time. The camera can capture them at any time.

Looking back after the game, if you put this microphone out again, the effect will definitely be explosive.

The three official commentators immediately received the news from the director through their headphones.

When they learned about this method, the three people looked at each other.

Knowing that if you do this, your rhythm will definitely explode.

Every time and space review is very controversial.

Even in the regular season, if you make an unreasonable move, you will be scolded for a long time.

What's more, this is the finals, the nature is completely different.

But no matter what, from their commentary perspective, they also hope that the game will start as soon as possible.

Anyway, the rhythm is not to scold them, just do a good job today.

The university’s live broadcast reported: “We have also received news that due to peripheral problems of player Xiaohu, there are frequent pop-ups in the game.”

"After verification by the staff and confirmation that the situation is true, player Xiaohu's peripherals have now been replaced."

"And the game will be backtracked in time and space, from the original 25 minutes and 15 seconds to 25 minutes and 03 seconds."


As soon as the explanation was finished, the barrage exploded.

This is no longer unacceptable to V5 fans, even passers-by find it outrageous.


"Did you hear that right? There was a problem with RNG, and V5 suffered a loss?"

"It's too much. Why are you backtracking? Just reopen it."

"From the top management to the referees, they are all my people. What can you V5 do to fight with me?"

"If there is really a problem with the exterior, I suggest you just withdraw from the competition and don't come here to disgust people."

"Guigui, V5 wants to play in a group again for no reason. Isn't this too awkward?"

"V5 can also agree with this. Bullying, right?"


Basically, they were all scolding, even in the live broadcast rooms of Huya Four Dogs, which have a lot of RNG fans, there was a lot of scolding.

RNG fans with their right minds also know that this wave is indeed taking advantage.

If you are taking advantage, then keep a low profile. If you are still good, there is no need.

But when I saw how fierce the comments on the barrage were, I still had to say a few words: "No, brothers, it's really unreasonable to scold RNG for this."

"Obviously there is a bug in the game. Xiaohu definitely doesn't want this."

"And if there hadn't been a problem with the peripherals just now, Xiaohu might not have been defeated. Don't make it look like V5 suffered a huge loss."


Before he finished speaking, the barrage started to curse.

This wave was really embarrassing, and even Letme didn’t dare to answer the question for the first time.

You were dodged by someone else and didn't move the whole time.

The best thing to do in this situation is to take your hands off the keyboard and silently cheer for your teammates.

Even if there is nothing wrong with the peripherals, is there really room for manipulation?

Zhi Zhi didn't expect to be scolded like this, so he quickly explained to himself: "No, even if Xiaohu was killed."

"Then this wave is just one head."

"There are four people left on the RNG side. After Xiao Ming's big move is given, they can retreat if they don't want to fight."

"And Olaf has flashed, does V5 really dare to continue to fight the baron? Not necessarily, right?"

"It has a little impact, but it's really not that big."


There was still some bickering in the posture live broadcast room, but the game was finally back at this time.

Starting again after being stuck for so long immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At this point in time after looking back, it is true that nothing happened to Xiaohu, and the V5 people had just entered Dalong Pit not long ago.

"We saw people from RNG coming, but Xiaohu's positioning needs to be much more careful."

At this time, Miller also felt that V5 was a bit miserable.

As I said before, after learning a lesson, Xiaohu will definitely never be hit by a wine barrel again.

As long as he is a little further away, it will be useless for 369 to find another opportunity.

"Look for opportunities to attack the opposite side, and don't let the dragon consume too much of our blood."

If an ordinary team encounters this situation, their mentality will most likely be affected.

Once the mentality is affected after a pause, it is indeed easy for problems to occur in the next key team battle.

Fortunately, V5 is full of veterans and has quite a lot of experience in the field.

In addition, the atmosphere was well adjusted, and everyone was not in chaos at this time, but instead communicating calmly.

Now everyone in the V5 team, including Chen Ke, is holding their breath.

This anger must be vented on RNG, otherwise there will be no way to vent it.

If you want to talk about the benefits to V5 after going back, it is that the people of RNG pay more attention to the wine barrel.

369's team-starting ability, after what happened just now, RNG still recognizes it.

So I was very careful at this time, thinking that I must not let the wine barrel find the opportunity.

If they were really hit by the wine barrel, except for Olaf, the rest of their lineup would probably be killed immediately.

Too much attention was focused on the barrel, and others were somewhat neglected.

This gave toothpaste an opportunity.

It can be seen that although Toothpaste told jokes to make everyone happy, he was also angry inside.

When I was on JD.com, I was scolded by you RNG fans for going back in time.

Today I have another debt to settle, and I must settle old and new grudges together.

Toothpaste flashed out directly, and an EW was sent to the opposite side.

[Rune Confinement] firmly controls the clockwork in place.

Even Ryze can flash up and start a group fight, which shows that they are quite hardworking.

Titan had quick eyes and quick hands, and even hit Toothpaste accurately with his hook.

The mid laners on both sides were all under control, and no one could retreat. This team battle was going to happen no matter what.

Both sides began to attack the opposing mid laner like crazy. The only difference was that Toothpaste had a stopwatch on him, which helped him avoid a lot of damage later.

Wei's Olaf opened up the ball and rushed in immediately. The correct way to play is that he takes a wind-up ball and rushes in.

But the clockwork has been turned off, and now that he is unable to protect himself, there is no way to give him the ball.

In order to block Chen Ke's output, Olaf immediately rushed towards Chen Ke's face.

He put on a completely lifeless posture.

If he could exchange one with Chen Ke at this time, he would definitely make a profit.

But Chen Ke didn't panic at all, and Bronn was right next to him to protect him.

Wink's awareness of protection was very good this time. He knew that Chen Ke was the most important point.

You can't rush with your teammates because you have to save Chen Ke.

Even when the toothpaste was in danger just now, he didn't go up to protect the toothpaste.

When the fight started, Wink let the crowd hit him with a big move, and then defended Chen Ke.

This time Chen Ke brings Ignite, and if the support is a soft support, he can also bring healing and the like.

There is no need to be a hard support, Wink brings a weakness.

Just when Olaf uses his ultimate move and looks more like a mad dog, you can weaken him to calm him down.

At the same time, the [Holy Spear Baptism] in Chen Ke's hand had been fired.

Olaf didn't have the skills to interrupt Chen Ke's ultimate move, so Chen Ke could just shoot straight away and be done with it.

From this angle, it really looks like a gun barrel has been stuffed into your mouth.

Chen Ke is now equipped with luxurious equipment, and it is relatively easy to deal with an Olaf.

After taking all the damage from his ultimate move, Olaf's health dropped to less than half, and he entered Chen Ke's killing line.

When he realized something was wrong, it was already too late to run.

After the Collector killed Olaf, Chen Ke officially joined the team battle.


When Chen Ke came over, he saw that Xiaohu had used a pretty good ultimate move and directly controlled the three people on V5's side.

However, Chen Ke was located a little further back, so he was not photographed.


Brother Guozi is still relatively stubborn. He didn't die in the situation just now, and the remaining blood was locked by him.

And before Xiaohu, he also pulled out a big move.

Chen Ke didn't even think about it and pressed forward to release the strong wind.

No other skills are needed, the damage from the strong wind can easily take care of him.

"Double Kill!"

Chen Ke got his second head, and the team battle entered the rhythm of V5.

Still the same problem, Chen Ke's output is now higher than Kai'Sa.

He has a solid three-piece suit, but Kai'Sa does not.

Moreover, in this wave of team battles, not all of RNG's skills were reserved for Chen Ke.

When Chen Ke came to fight, the Titan, Clockwork, and Nar were all used, so the threat to Chen Ke was much smaller.

This means that Chen Ke can have a very relaxed output environment.

Knowing that Chen Ke was not in much danger now, Wink also started to perform his best.

He flashed up and hit Gala directly, putting a mark on him.

Even if Gala was vulnerable, she wouldn't have time to hide from a flat A.

Chen Ke kept up with the output, and Gala chose to use her ultimate move to confront Chen Ke, but she still fell to Chen Ke's gun.

Once Kai'Sa fell, the remaining two people were useless.

Xiaohu's ultimate move was shot well just now. He used Flash to shoot it.

In addition, he is still a giant Gnar, so he can't pull it up at all.

"Quadra Kill!"

One by one, don’t run away!

"Penta Kill!"

The Titan was the last one to fall. Everyone knew that this Titan could not escape, so all his teammates stopped and killed everyone.

When the words "Five Kills" lit up on the big screen, the scene instantly boiled.

For those who can come to watch the game and see the pentakill with their own eyes, today's ticket price is worth at least half of it.

Even the viewers who watched the live broadcast felt that they had waited for so long just now, and when they came back to see such a wonderful pentakill, the wait seemed to be worth it.

The commentators were also yelling, but if they were at the scene, it would be difficult to hear the commentators' voices clearly.

The camera once again showed everyone in G2. Several of them were quite excited when they saw their old teammate Chen Ke get five kills.

Crazy yelling at the camera.

"Wow, it feels like no one is really taking care of Lucian in this wave of team battles, letting Lucian deal damage from beginning to end."

"In this wave of team battles, I feel like Lucian has an output of 10,000."

"After this wave of fighting, I can only say that everything is over."

After calming down a little, everyone in V5 was already fighting the baron in the picture.

This wave only sacrificed one toothpaste, and the remaining four people had no problem beating the baron.

Without toothpaste, the speed of defeating the dragon is indeed very slow, but the opposite side is all in the spring water, so it doesn't matter if the time is slower.

After everyone got excited, they all understood that a wave of team battles directly ended the game.

Anyone who is a fan of V5 will find this video very enjoyable.

So what if I take advantage of you? If you can't beat me, you can't beat me.

Fans of Chen Ke now feel that they are pretty when watching RNG.

If it hadn't been for this incident with RNG, Chen Ke really wouldn't have been able to get this pentakill.

Nothing more to say, thank you RNG!

The four tiger-toothed dogs howled, and the posture live broadcast room was directly washed away.

"What a silly dog ​​is talking about, is this going to be a loss?"

"How are you going to wash Zichu this time?"

"Hahaha, doesn't this wave of suspension have little impact? How about you say it again."

"The impact is really not big, it just caused the RNG base to explode."


After coming out of home, Chen Ke carried a set of luxurious equipment and started to rush to the opposite high ground with his teammates.

It can be seen that the entire V5 team is very irritable now. Even if their lineup has short hands, they are still forcing themselves to the high ground.

And after getting to the high ground, if you find an opportunity, you will do it with the opponent.

After the wave just now, it can be seen that RNG has no momentum now.

He also knew that there was no way to fight, and there was no way he could resist another wave of team fights.

Unlike just now, I managed to hold on for a while.

"It's over, it's over!"

"RNG still has Xiaohu and Wei left. The two of them really can't hold on. Xiaohu is too young."


After the team battle, everyone knew that the game was completely over.

No one on V5's side was lost. Next, with the baron buff line, no matter how hard you push, it's over.

"Come on, come on, I'll drive into their spring, come all up, come up all!"

When he pushed down the two incisor towers, Chen Ke was still thinking about going to the spring gate to have sex.

I didn't expect Toothpaste to be so direct, just open a large line of troops and enter the opposite spring.

Usually when teammates go to the spring, Toothpaste is always the most stable sub-slave in the team.

Being able to take the lead in the charge today shows that he is really angry.

"Hey, Ryze's ultimate move!"

When we were advancing just now, the commentators kept mentioning that Ryze's ultimate move could be used to lead the line of troops.

Toothpaste has never used his ultimate move, and now everyone finally knows what this ultimate move is for.

Ryze's ultimate move is indeed one of the most suitable skills to use to torture Quan.

Anyway, everyone's conflicts are open to the public, and if they are abused, they will be abused.

It would be a big shame for all the people from the opposite side to come to your spring for team building.

But if your skills are not as good as others, then I will bear with you.

The scene was very cruel, and the two Ueno and wild players in the RNG fountain simply couldn't handle the output of five people.

It had only been a few seconds since they came in, and the blood had not yet fully returned.

Even though they brought some soldiers in, after Chen Ke and the others killed two people, there was a high probability that they would all be surrendered in the spring.

Even the game may not be over, because the super soldiers haven't come up yet.

But this is not important, humiliating RNG is the top priority!


PS: Brothers, the 800 monthly votes have been added this month. All the arrears have been added. Now the book has more than 900 votes. Please try to give me 1,000 votes tomorrow and continue to add more!

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