He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 211 What does it mean, implying that RNG is the Sima team? (Please support with monthly tick

"Okay, everyone, welcome back."

"Our second game of the Spring Finals is about to begin."

"After the disastrous defeat in the last game, I don't know if RNG can adjust in time."

"Yes, if RNG adjusts well, I think both sides can still compete in this final."


The three people in the commentary box chatted for a long time, and the camera finally showed them to the commentary box again.

On the commentary table, Miller and the three of them had just put down their mobile phones.

When they have nothing to do, everyone is surfing the Internet.

And the commentators are different from the players. They can bring their mobile phones to the stage.

Otherwise, as soon as the game is over, I can immediately post comments and thoughts on Weibo.

If you are brave, you can also take out your mobile phone during commentary. Anyway, during the game, the camera will not be available to them, so they only need to be responsible for talking.

When G2 played Gen.G, Big School and Changmao had a live battle.

After Gen.G was beaten, the colonel said the classic "I'm actually fine", and his subsequent reaction was captured by Nami Sushi.

If she hadn't taken the photo, everyone would have missed a classic. The game wasn't over yet when she took out her phone.

Just now, when Miller and the others were surfing the Internet, they saw the opening of the V5 official blog for the first time.

You can't mention this on stage, but you can feel it from their tone and laughter.

When talking, he didn't sound so polite to RNG anymore, and directly said that RNG was beaten badly in the last game.

Even if I say it a little rudely, RNG fans are under a lot of pressure today and have no time to care about their commentators.

After several RNG players came on the stage, their faces were gloomy.

Judging from their facial expressions, they are most likely aware of these rhythms off the field.

Coupled with the fact that he was tortured and humiliated in the last game, it would be strange not to be angry.

As for whether they can vent this anger, it depends on their ability.

In the second game, RNG had the right to choose a side, and they also chose the blue side.

The three commentators in the commentary box just mentioned this point during their analysis.

In addition to its own adjustments, this RNG will be switched to the blue side, which may make a difference.

After the two sides targeted each other with targeted bans in the first three moves, what is surprising is that RNG still chose Gnar on the first floor.

Even the commentator couldn't help but said: "Oh, RNG didn't go to see the wine barrel and Kai'Sa, but still got the Gnar for Xiaohu, choosing to believe in Xiaohu."

"There's no problem, right? Except for the fact that Gnar from the Little Tiger in the previous game sent one inexplicably during the Pioneer wave, he actually did pretty well most of the time."

"That's right, he also got the lane right when he hit the barrel during the laning phase."


The two sides obviously have different priorities when it comes to the choice of top lane.

In the last game of V5, the top laner grabbed a wine barrel on the first floor. To put it bluntly, I couldn’t figure out what the top laner on the other side wanted to play more. I chose what I was good at first.

It can be seen from this game that Gnar has a higher priority in RNG.

Of course, this has something to do with Xiaohu Naer playing better.

Brother Ninth's Nal is still practicing this season, and his training is pretty good, but his performance in the game is not very good.

RNG’s choice is obviously acceptable to V5.

You choose Gnar, and I'll get the barrel with my backhand. Everyone still goes to the top lane and lines up like before.

Even if you put a little pressure on me during the laning period, I won, and this is the most important thing.

And 369 is a person who never minds making sacrifices for the team.

The slightly different thing is that this RNG released Galio.

V5 is very confident in Galio's choice. If you dare to let me go, I will choose it directly.

This is Toothpaste’s most played hero throughout the spring split.

"Oh? We saw from RNG's side that they seem to have chosen Kai'Sa for the bottom lane."

"Looking at it this way, this lineup is a bit similar to the previous one."


RNG's selection of players for the second and third floors made fans feel a bit off.

It’s Kai’Sa + Titan again, plus Gnar on the first floor.

If selected this way, the three positions will be exactly the same as the handle.

Many coaches do not believe in evil. Even if they lose, they feel that there is nothing wrong with their lineup. Let's try again next time.

It would be okay if both sides were anxious in the first game, but the problem is that you were beaten by others.

Even if these three moves are what the players are good at, if the facts prove that they are not working, you have to try to change them.

It is conceivable that if you lose this game, no matter how well the players play.

Tabe will definitely not be able to run away after the game.

The first three moves on both sides were slightly aimed at the jungle. V5 chose the hero Zhu Mei for King Ning on the third floor.

"On V5's side, the midfielder and jungler are all out, but these three people are all AP, and they have no output."

After seeing the pig girl take it off, Miller couldn't help but frown.

As the more important midfielder and top midfielder, V5 always feels like there is something strange about the third-hand selection.

The second brother also added: "If you choose this way, I think the pressure will definitely come to AD next. He needs to find someone who can continue to deal damage."

If the barrel releases AP, it will also cause damage, but only in that wave.

The midfielder has absolutely no output ability.

Fortunately, the big daddy of V5 is the bottom lane. This is the only reason that can explain their choice of top, middle and jungle.

In the second round of bans, V5 was more direct and continued to restrict junglers.

Click on both Olaf and Lilia for you.

RNG's choice is a bit confusing.

I still banned Draven like I did before, everyone can understand this.

Although Chen Ke used Lucian to kill randomly in the last game, everyone believed that his Draven would be even more terrifying.

Everyone is saying that for the second ban seat, if it doesn’t work out, Lucian should be banned too.

I played Chen Kelu Xian so well, I don’t rule out that I will continue to play.

If it really doesn't work, you can just let Braum deal with it. It will still be difficult to play with Braum on Titan.

Moreover, the V5 lineup already has Wine Barrel and Pig Girl, so it doesn’t really need support to start a group first.

However, RNG banned a robot, which made people feel baffled.

Reasonable Robot is somewhat overpowered by Titan.

While the commentator was still wondering what the RNG ban robot meant, V5 changed hands and a big one came.

"Ah? What does Sword Demon mean???"

When selecting players on the fourth floor, V5 directly showed Sword Demon.

When the Sword Demon was revealed, no one dared to speak for the first time.

Sure enough, V5 chose to lock within a few seconds.

The commentator suddenly shouted.

I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all.

Originally, the top laner was selected, but once the Sword Demon was selected, it felt like it was completely thrown into chaos.

However, the commentators' voices were filled with excitement. This is V5's tactical system.

In every BO5, they always try to do something different, and we saw it again today in the finals.

The second brother responded quickly: "In that case, Jiugong should go to assist?"

To be honest, if Sword Demon is selected, he can only go to the top lane.

When no one knows the opponent's mid laner, it is very risky to rush to the middle lane.

Besides, there is no such hero in Toothpaste’s hero pool.

If you secretly prepared other heroes, everyone would still believe it, but Sword Demon looks like he is incompatible with toothpaste.

Pig Girl's position cannot be moved, and she can only go to the jungle.

Galio can assist, but it's still a matter of Toothpaste's personal hero pool.

Everyone has never seen him play the middle lane of wine barrel.

It seems unnecessary for him to give up Galio, who is good at it, and force the whole barrel.

On the contrary, barrel assistance is much more scientific.

When wine barrels became popular at the beginning of the Spring Split, the most popular ones were not on the top lane, but on the auxiliary position.

When Wink was practicing barrel assist, his records were pages and pages of barrels, so his proficiency was definitely no problem.

The director also understood very well, and the camera quickly cut to the RNG player bench.

It can be seen that this sword demon does make them feel a little confused.

However, there is not much time to think about it at this time, and we must continue to carry out BP according to their ideas.

On the fourth floor, RNG chose the card mid laner.

Like Galio, this hero's ultimate move also has a powerful ability to support roaming.

Brother Guozi is also relatively good at playing this type of hero.

What really makes people feel bright is the nightmare selected by RNG on the fifth floor.

"Oh, Nightmare is a good choice!"

Colonel Guan couldn't hold back at the first moment and praised crazily: "Nightmare has chosen to cooperate with the cards. This two-flying system is really powerful."

"With the existence of these two global-famous ultimate moves, RNG will be much more comfortable on both sides."

"The most important thing is if Gala's early development can be preserved, I think it will be considered a success."

"The most important thing is that as soon as Nightmare turns off the lights, you, Galio, can't be killed right away."

"Yes, this nightmare will make Galio a little uncomfortable."


Fans also understood at this moment, no wonder Galio was released.

It turns out that I have prepared some tricks to deal with it.

In this way, RNG fans feel a little hopeful. It seems that the coaching staff has improved. Just now, their fans spoke too loudly.

"Oh no?"

The excitement of the colonel had not passed yet, and Yasuo started to shine on the fifth floor of V5.

When they saw this hero, the first reaction of the commentators was full of questions.

No matter how you choose, the V5 lineup becomes increasingly incomprehensible.

But the audience didn't care about that and cheered heartily now.

When seeing weird heroes like Yasuo, the audience will basically have this reaction.

"It seems like they are really ready to play. No wonder they want wine barrels to assist."

Gragas is a very good hero to pair with Yasuo, and there have been many such combinations in games before.

Most of them go to the middle and jungle, and some specifically go to the bottom lane.

But from last year to now, people have rarely seen it when watching games.

"It's really locked, Chen Ke's Yasuo."

Miller said passionately: "No matter what, if you dare to play like this in the finals, this experimental spirit is still worth learning."

It’s not like Chen Ke has never played strange heroes in the bottom lane. The previous Xerath was eye-catching.

But the difference is that Yasuo is a hero that requires more operations and is very risky.

It's really hard to say what kind of effect it will have. Anyway, just look forward to it.

The commentators are very excited, and you can imagine how far the barrage has gone.

"Damn it, I really chose Yasuo. Isn't it a bit too exciting?"

"Although I love watching it, I still have to say that Yasuo is an orphan."

"What do you mean, V5, you are trying to be a worldly person, are you deliberately trying to give the opponent a favor?"

"Both sides are really at odds with each other, so why bother with this worldly thing?"

"Chen Ke chose an orphan, which is obviously mocking RNG Sima."

"Damn it, your reading comprehension must be perfect, right?"


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