He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 223: A killing spree at the beginning, giving the whole world a little shock! (asking for mo

The teammates knew Chen Ke's actions first, and they all became excited first.

However, during the preparations before the game, the camera did not focus on the filming, but simply gave a picture.

No one noticed Chen Ke's special preparations.

There were a lot of spectators at the scene, and the seats were packed.

Similar to the domestic audience, the European side is also looking forward to this game.

Moreover, this local time is right after dinner, which is quite friendly to everyone.

There were quite a few people at the scene before, and they all seemed packed.

However, including the last game, it was not as lively as it is now.

The game hasn't even started yet, and the audience is so excited.

I am purely using my actions to support Chen Ke and the V5 team.

Didn't PSG talk about eavesdropping? We are very noisy at the venue right now. We can't forcefully say that someone is eavesdropping on you.

Even if you take off the headphones, you may not be able to hear it clearly.

The three commentators in China are three professional players, Xiao Umbrella, Hirano Aya and Ai Luoli.

Individually, they are all talents, but the explanatory effect of all three together is unimaginable.

Including many other second-line commentators, they have all made it to this point.

Seeing that the game was about to start, everyone was in high spirits.

Even those who were wronged by Chen Ke before, now watching the game, they still have to say that they support V5 to kill the opponent.

Of course, what you say is the same thing, and it doesn't prevent you from skewering it later.

"Okay, we see that the game is about to start. Because it is a rematch, the PSG team is still on the blue side."

"Let's first see how both sides ban people. I guess there will be big changes from the last game."


After entering the BP session, the voices of three commentators rang.

A rematch means that the two teams play again, and all BP must be redone.

Yesterday's game was lost by PSG. It is estimated that they will make certain tactical adjustments.

"Oh? Draven was banned immediately."

PSG's ban was indeed different from the last time they played against each other.

This first hero ban is somewhat unexpected.

He probably knew that when Chen Ke was angry today, he would most likely use Draven to attack him.

From last year's World Championship to now, who doesn't know that Delevingne is Chen Ke's signature skill?

It's okay if you can target this hero in the early stage, but what you're most afraid of is killing him.

If this were to happen, killing them would be as easy as killing a chicken.

When you start a group online, you are very harsh, but when it comes to the game, you still have to take action.

"Ah? Why is the ban empty?"

When it was V5's turn to ban the first hero, I found that V5 seemed to be a little slow.

No one found it strange, I guess they were probably discussing it.

Then the three commentators analyzed it and felt that if we play PSG, we should just focus on it as we did in yesterday’s game.

Overall, this team has nothing particularly difficult to deal with.

What is surprising is that V5 directly banned the first move, that is, no hero was banned.

It can be seen that everyone is quite surprised.

We have seen many instances of empty bans in professional competitions, but those were all accidents, such as not finding a hero.

Sometimes if you don't pay much attention, you may be too late to find a hero at the end.

In this version now, the BP pressure on the red side is very high. It can be said that every ban position is very important.

Banning an empty hand is more damaging.

But all the explanations are clear, and I don’t dare to make any judgments at this time.

If this were another team, they would definitely have made a mistake and there would be nothing to complain about.

When you see the team name "V5", you have to consider another possibility.

Considering why the two teams wanted to play this rematch, it was probably intentional and careless.

Many fans have also thought of this possibility, but they are not sure yet and have to look at the second-hand options of V5.

It's rare for a game to attract so much attention during the BP stage.

Facts have proved that V5 did it on purpose, and the second hand of banning people was still empty, which made the ban airless.

This time, not only the commentators and the audience, but also the faces of the people opposite PSG changed.

The audience got excited, but the people on the other side were very angry.

This is my first time playing a game and encountering this situation. Not banning anyone is a bit disrespectful.

Even in the game, the two teams with a huge disparity in strength have never played like this.

To put it bluntly, this is not a matter of whether you can win. Even if you win, doing so is somewhat disrespectful to your opponent.

Now that both sides are at odds, there is no need to respect each other.

For a team as disgusting as PSG, give them respect. Do they deserve it?

As a result, domestic fans became completely excited.

This trick of V5 is really fun.

Didn’t you tell me that I eavesdropped on your BP in the last game? If I don't ban anyone this time, it's almost equivalent to giving up BP.

Let me tell you clearly, it doesn’t matter how much BP I beat you, it’s just a formality.

Of course, this will also increase the risk of this game to a certain extent. Not banning anyone does mean to force the difficulty.

But everyone doesn’t care about that much, the main thing is to believe in it.

If you can't beat five free bans, then don't blame me for sitting on your head and shitting.

Before the game was even announced, V5 ignited the atmosphere.

At the same time, what they did also affected PSG's thinking.

BP's logic should be a process of you coming back and forth and playing games with each other.

Now that everyone on the other side has given up, I still want to play Gou Ba.

The materials prepared by the coaching staff before cannot be said to be of any use. I can only say that they are of little use.

But in this case, PSG does not have so many worries and can be more bold in targeting the bottom lane.

Five of Chen Ke's heroes were directly banned by the opponent.

If another AD player had come over, he would probably have to retire in this situation.

From a version perspective, the one that is more in line with the current version is that Bomberman has gone down the lane.

If Chen Ke plays Bomberman, the opponent will probably not be happy in time, so they will naturally not target this hero.

When selecting players, PSG was still the same as before, grabbing the hero Kai'Sa on the first floor.

Among the popular ADs, there was one Kai'Sa missing. It was clear that he was going to grab it directly from the first floor. Everyone guessed it before choosing the player.

This is also a series of negative impacts caused by V5’s forced empty ban.

However, Chen Ke and the others had thought of this before. In Chen Ke's view, Kai'Sa on the opposite side was not a threat at all.

When it was the turn to choose someone, everyone was more concerned about what Chen Ke would choose.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry and chose the hero in the second round.

"Hey, the robot has been selected. What kind of AD are you going to equip it with?"

V5 is on the red side, and Wink got the robot on the fourth floor.

After this season, the most impressive thing about Wink is this robot.

Being able to take it out today is already a great honor to PSG.

Chen Ke didn't keep everyone waiting for long, and finally took the skateboard shoes with one hand.

The hero skateboard shoes is not considered a popular version.

But if you want to improve your online strength and be aggressive, this hero is not bad.

Without Draven, this thing is the backup option.

"Okay, now the game begins, let's look forward to a wonderful match from both sides."

After selecting the lineup and entering the game, the commentary went through a little process.

But before she finished speaking, Ai Luoli said in surprise: "Hey, why is Chen Ke playing games with his hands crossed?"

After the game starts, there will be a small area at the bottom of the screen where each player is constantly switched.

The picture is small, but many people like to stare at it.

It’s nothing to watch when nothing happens. I want to see how these players will react when they are killed or manipulated.

For example, many people like to drink water tactically, and this can be captured immediately.

Ai Luoli was really shocked when she saw Chen Ke.

Even though the picture was very small, I immediately noticed Chen Ke's strange posture at this time.

The director was probably quite confused, and the camera never switched to other contestants, so that everyone could watch for a while.

Seeing that everyone was online and starting to finish off the damage, everyone was sure about this.

Chen Ke was forcibly changing hands to play the game, and for a while the commentator didn't know what to say.

This kind of operation is much more abnormal than empty ban.

After watching Chen Ke's games for so long, everyone knows that Chen Ke's dominant hand is his right hand.

There is no need to pay special attention to this. If he was left-handed, everyone would probably know it already.

I deliberately changed it like this today, obviously targeting the other party.

Think about it for a moment, when everyone rewards themselves, they usually use their right hand.

It must be uncomfortable to suddenly switch to your left hand and pull back and forth.

Not to mention that this is a game, the impact is too great.

It's understandable to want to mock the opponent, PSG is really a disgusting team.

But if you are so inappropriate, what if you get involved in it later?

The game is not over yet, so there is nothing wrong with showing off, but you can't always weaken yourself like this.

Fortunately, the live broadcast camera has been placed in the bottom lane. Everyone took a look at the last hit of the skate shoes, which seemed to be quite silky, so they felt a little relieved.

In fact, Chen Ke is not only silky smooth now, but even stronger than before.

Entering the game, when he officially started operating with his left hand, his attributes immediately changed.

I had better luck today. These three random attributes were directly added to Chen Ke's operations.

With the addition of three attributes, Chen Ke's operation once again exceeded 95 points.

When playing in the World Championship last year, Chen Ke had experienced this feeling because of some special bonus props.

There is nothing to say about the bottom lane. The two PSG players will definitely be suppressed in the early stage.

Let’s not talk about the strength of skate shoes. The robot hook alone causes a lot of pressure.

If this is hooked, Chen Ke will do a set of output.

Even the female tank is estimated to lose nearly half of its health.

After grabbing the second level, Chen Ke truly gained strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that the big dog did not dare to hit the enemy immediately and could only retreat.

Chen Ke was also very detailed. While finishing his last strike, he came up with an insidious soldier-piercing Q.

The spear accurately hit Kai'Sa, and combined with [Tear], it dealt decent damage.

But just as the third wave of soldiers came online, the voice of the commentator suddenly changed: "It's bad, Udyr on the other side came down so early."

"Fortunately, the V5 river channel has a field of vision, and they can see Udyr in advance."

PSG's tactics are quite clear, and this one is aimed at the bottom lane.

In other words, we need to protect the development of our bottom lane.

Once Kai'Sa is knocked out of the lane by skate shoes, it's hard to imagine what will happen next in the bottom lane.

Udyr, the hero, is a jungler who is easier to do in the early stage.

Go to the grass in the river on the lower road and start scanning to remove the artificial eyes inside.

To a certain extent, this is also putting pressure.

Surprisingly, Chen Ke didn't seem to feel it and just refused to leave.

As a result, PSG's jungler was naturally not used to it and rushed forward forcefully.


Taking two steps forward, Udyr flashed forward and hit his face.

Chen Ke is too flexible. If he expects the female tank to flash out and use her E first, the risk will be greater.

The control of Udyr's transformation into bear form is relatively stable.


"Ouch, Wink!"

What people can't help but exclaim is that this wave of Wink operations.

Predicting that Udyr was about to flash, he forced a hook to hook Udyr over.

Not even Udyr's control claws were shot.

Chen Ke himself was seducing, and this time he was thinking of two-on-three manipulation of the opponent.

The combat effectiveness of skateboard shoes is here, and it can be fully operated in two-on-three situations.

I just didn't expect Wink to be so powerful, which made Chen Ke unable to play the operations he had previously thought of.

Udyr didn't dodge and was hooked. Udyr must be dealt first.

Udyr would definitely not be able to bear the damage Chen Ke was doing.

Moreover, Chen Ke keeps jumping. Playing this hero is like a duck in water for Chen Ke, who is good at pulling.

Udyr lost his flash, and tried to touch Chen Ke despite the damage, but kept getting missed.

Seeing more and more spears on Udyr, the female tank couldn't help it.

Wanting to save the jungler is only one aspect. The hero Skate Shoes has the ability to kill.

If he dies, the first blood can only be Chen Ke's.

If Skateboards gets first blood so early, how will they play in the next line?

But there was a distance between him and Chen Ke. If he wanted to control Chen Ke, he could only dodge his hand.

Still the same problem, Chen Ke kept jumping, causing him to flash and not touch anyone at all.

Udyr, who was at level three, hadn't returned home yet, so Chen Ke dealt with it very quickly.


I don’t know how many times he hit A, but after Chen Ke triggered the fatal rhythm, his attack speed was still relatively fast.

While pressing the E skill to kill Udyr, Chen Ke used the Q skill in his hand to take action again.

The damage is enough, and there is no need for Chen Ke to use the Q skill to make up for the damage. This is a reverse Q, thrown directly to Kai'Sa.

Another shot of EQ dealt damage, catching the big dog by surprise.

This time he was more stable, and Chen Ke didn't have a direct A attack.

But Chen Ke's two tears of EQ knocked out nearly one-third of his health.

After causing the deceleration, Chen Ke flashed directly into his face in the next second.

Big Dog didn't expect that even the opponent got first blood, and he wasn't satisfied yet.

In fact, Chen Ke can just directly output the female tank. Once the female tank flashes and is slowed down, it will definitely not be able to escape. It just takes more time.

But Chen Ke still forced himself to find Kai'Sa on the opposite side. If these two people could only choose one, Kai'Sa would naturally be the best choice.

Kai'Sa has been slowed down by Chen Ke, and coupled with Chen Ke's high mobility, he didn't run away even if he used Blink and Purify.

"Double Kill!"

The moment he killed the big dog and won the double kill, the entire audience was in a state of excitement.

To put it bluntly, how many fans PSG has, they are not all here to watch Chen Ke.

The director also gave Chen Ke his own shots for the first time, so that everyone can see the players' reactions at this time.

I originally wanted to see if Chen Ke would roar passionately after winning the double kill, and maybe some curse words would come out of his mouth.

Surprisingly, Chen Ke was not excited at all, but there was a bit of disdain on his face.

The director's shots are more deliberate, maybe he just wants everyone to see how Chen Ke operates.

From such an obvious angle, Chen Ke occupies the entire frame, making it difficult not to see him.

Some people have noticed it before, but many people haven't.

At this sight, everyone was frightened.

A generous gift crab!

What is this person doing?

Can you get a double kill in a two-on-three game by crossing your hands?

After recalling the difficulty of Chen Ke's operation just now, everyone was shocked.


PS: Brothers have a fever today, it went straight to 38 degrees. I rely on ibuprofen to keep me alive, so the update is a little late. There will be an update tonight, but I can’t guarantee how much more, I can only try my best to write. Forgive me!

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