He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 228 Come back Chen Ke, my most proud AD! (asking for monthly ticket)

"The two sides had a very friendly interaction."

"Also showed us their championship skins."

"Don't tell me, this champion skin looks really cool. I bought a set a few days ago, and I feel that my ranking winning rate has increased."

"But the game is about to start, and the two sides still need to hurry up and return to their respective halves."


The commentators also started joking.

Of course, everyone just talked about the skin, not a word about the bright label.

Some RNG fans were very unhappy at this moment after seeing Chen Ke's operation.

If this was a player from before RNG, and now he entered MSI and showed his RNG logo, everyone might be moved.

It’s rare that someone leaves RNG and still misses us.

But for people like Chen Ke, everyone knows that he displays his logo just to disgust people.

But in this situation, there is nothing you can do if you get angry. How can you not show your mark to others?

After the two sides separated, Chen Ke quickly returned to the line.

The two sides were just showing off in the lower river channel, and Chen Ke wanted to get online quickly.


As soon as he came online, Ah P hit him with [Secret Shooting].

The Q skill trajectory of this skin is a little strange in Chen Ke's opinion.

Then Chen Ke learned W in seconds and accurately fired a [Hot Fire Bullet].

The two sides are obviously still interacting, but it seems that Lucian's skin is more beautiful.

In addition, Chen Ke has been back for nearly half a year and has attracted many domestic fans.

With such a wave on MSI, even if it is not a skin from an LPL team, it is estimated that sales will not be bad.

After each player releases a skill, both sides enter the normal laning rhythm.

In normal laning, EZ will definitely be difficult to play at the beginning.

In addition, Ah P knew it well and knew that even if he tried hard, he still couldn't beat Chen Ke.

Don't have any ideas for him in the early stage, as long as he can be stable.

After the two sides entered the laning period, there was no such thing as showing off their faces.

The bottom lane is the most interesting, but the first thing to happen is the top lane.

Wunder is still too stable. I choose Ornn to fight the opposite Gnar, and I have to be a little more resistant to pressure in the early stage.

In addition, your laning ability is not as good as the opponent's single, so you can almost only get beaten.

He still refused to accept the beating, maybe he used a champion skin, and he was eager to let the audience see the effect.

When Ning Wangka's vision reached the triangular grass on the top road, 369 deliberately showed a flaw.

In the process of moving, he seemed to accidentally get closer to the lava pillar raised by Orn's Q skill.

Wunder isn't the kind of person who wants to eat too much, so he really grabbed this rare opportunity.

He directly pressed the E skill and charged forward.

Obviously this is intended to consume one set. In the early stage, Ornn is laning, and if you are really knocked up by him, you will get one set.

Especially after the W skill is sprayed and then followed by a broken flat A, the damage is still very considerable.

369 is now Little Gnar, who still seems to be in a fragile stage.

Wunder had also calculated before taking action, and went up to do this trick himself, even though he would be chased by Gnar after it was over.

However, after being clicked a few times by him, I still made money by exchanging blood.

In the early stage, hit him if you can to increase the health, otherwise Gnar can easily hit him with one life and two lives.

Or save teleporting down, and there will be a TP difference on the top lane, which is not a good thing for teammates.

There's nothing wrong with the idea, except that Morgana didn't arrive.

Seeing that Ornn's W skill was handed over, King Ning directly took it out from behind.

At this time, Aoun was still busy dealing damage, and his huge body had no time to move.

Finally got Morgana's [Dark Imprisonment].

This time, the accused was severely injured in the same place, unable to move at all.

Morgana combined with Gnar's damage is definitely enough.

After Wunder fell down, he started typing directly on the public screen.

It's not enough to curse people, but there are indeed a lot of question marks.

Marder, before the game, we agreed to go crazy to catch Ah P in the bottom lane. What does it mean to just come to me on the top lane?

369 felt very happy after taking a blood meal. After returning home and replenishing his equipment, he felt even more comfortable.

As long as he doesn't play too much online, it will be very difficult for Rambo to come over and cooperate with Ornn to catch him in the early stage.

The most exciting thing is the audience.

G2 people were arrested, and they actually cheered.

There is no chance of changing sides, it is purely about enjoying the game, and I feel that either team can win.

Soon G2 responded with a wave of response, Rambo came to the middle to cooperate with Silas.

Thanks to Caps' chain, Toothpaste was caught, so Toothpaste flashed out.

Seeing something happen to the toothpaste, the crowd cheered.

All in all, for the audience, today’s game was a worthwhile one.

Overall, the situation was pretty good. It was completely acceptable that the G2 lineup only died once on the road.

Their lineup also has the capital to delay, and it is still relatively strong in the mid-term.

Once EZ's power period is over, they still have Ornn to improve their late-stage capabilities.

EZ is a hero that is not good in the late stage, mainly because it is slow to clear the line, and the speed of killing meat is not fast.

But the lineup chosen by V5 has no obvious front row.

Only Gnar was able to resist a little bit after he got bigger. The others couldn't withstand it even if they got EZ and Q twice.

However, during the Vanguard group, G2 still had problems.

Maybe it was because he felt that Rambo's ultimate move was there, and Silas also stole a Galio's ultimate move.

Coupled with Ornn's ultimate move, team battles are completely possible.

It was from this wave of team battles that the chaos between the two sides began.

G2's side looks really good in combat.

The only problem is that Titan has not yet reached level six. If the three ultimate moves in the upper, middle and jungle are coordinated well, team battles will cause a devastating blow to the opponent.

But V5's system of Galio and Luo's entry is really very skillful.

Wink was not in a hurry for the first time. After Titan hit Chen Ke with his hook, he started to activate.

Chen Ke's positioning was deliberately aggressive, just to let the opponent hook.

With Morgana behind him, Chen Ke can completely trust King Ning.

Black Shield's response was very timely, preventing Chen Ke from taking control of the hook.

On Wink's side, on the other hand, his level is ahead of the opponent's support, and he already has a big move at this moment.

The ultimate move activated E Chen Ke as a springboard to create a perfect team.

[Grand Appearance] Lifted up four people on the opposite side at once.

The team battle has become like this, and G2's ultimate move is useless no matter how easy it is to use.

This is still the case where 369 did not become bigger for the first time and was unable to enter the field and use his ultimate move.

If Gnar is allowed to jump in and shoot four more, G2 will probably not need to operate this wave in the future.

Besides Toothpaste, the first person to follow was also Prince Ning.

King Ning's Morgana flashed in and was stunned, and [Soul Shackles] locked the five people on the opposite side immediately.

Fortunately, the G2 people reacted later and handed over one or two flashes as if they were free of charge.

Only Ornn was knocked away by Galio's ultimate move.

Now the problem comes again. After the flash disappears, the difficulty of subsequent operations will increase.

For example, it is almost impossible to kill Chen Ke without flashing.

Chen Ke sometimes plays aggressively in team fights, but that is two different things from giving away.

Ornn didn't even fire a complete ultimate move.

As soon as a sheep was barked, Chen Ke used [Holy Spear Baptism] to forcefully kill it without losing a single bullet.

Rambo's ultimate move is pretty good, but it's no longer effective.

At this point in time, Rambo's development has not yet reached the point where a single ultimate move can be very destructive.

The output is one aspect, but the more important thing is to divide the terrain, disrupt the opponent's formation, and provide deceleration.

More teammates are needed to help supplement the output.

The problem is that Rambo's ultimate move has just been released, and the damage taken by 369 just increases.

He jumped up and used his ultimate move to capture the opponent's mid laner.

I don't want to shoot several famous scenes at once, but I will catch your key person to shoot them.

After being photographed on the wall, King Ning also used a Q skill, basically unable to move the whole time.

Chen Ke made up for the damage and took the head.

Caps didn't move from start to finish, not even using the Galio ultimate move he stole from his hand.

Without the mid laner, G2's lineup is basically broken at the first touch.

For the first time, Titan has no ultimate move, and after the hook is empty, this hero is of little use.

Later, after Wink died in battle, his head was taken by the Titans. He himself was not very experienced.

The experience provided by the heads allowed him to reach the sixth level.

The ultimate move was pretty good, and it was given directly to Chen Ke.

But relying on the damage of EZ, this time point does not quench the thirst.

Yangkuosi also knew very well that if he, Rambo, went up to force a wave of damage, he would also join in.

Simply let the three of them go their separate ways. In the end, Titan sacrificed himself and let Ah P and Yangkuosi run away.

The champion skin of Titan actually had a special effect when it fell.

Two champion ADs appeared in front of him, which were the shadows of Lucian and EZ, which meant that he assisted the two champion ADs.

I have to say, this is also a good display of skin effects.

V5 paid the price of an assistant and replaced three people on the opposite side.

At the same time, he can also win the vanguard, and his early advantage is directly established.

Chen Ke didn't help with the vanguard either. He hurriedly went home to recuperate and then went online.

All the three heads just now were taken by Chen Ke, and Chen Ke became rich.

He went home and took out his first mythical outfit, but in order to increase his output, he bought the Siren.

What people didn't expect was that just after the wave was played, the two sides started fighting again when they reached the lane.

"Titan hooked Luo this time, how dare EZ come up?"

Ah P's strength is a little surprising.

Even Chen Ke didn't expect it. He thought it was someone from above, so he simply went up with E to deal damage.

The Titan Hook was released and could not threaten Chen Ke immediately.

The vanguard group has just finished fighting, and now everyone has no big moves.

This is not good news for V5 bottom lane.

If Luo and Lucian both have ultimate moves, they must be more powerful than the opponent's two ultimate moves.

EZ's ultimate move is not very effective. It can only be said that the Titan is no longer powerful, allowing Chen Ke to start outputting without any worries.

Ah P handed over E, and in the last team battle, he handed over Flash.

Of course Chen Ke wouldn't think too much, just slide up and output.

With the Kraken in hand, Ah P couldn't bear the current damage from Lucian, so he could only retreat quickly without any thought of fighting back.

"Rambo is coming down, this wave of G2 bottom lane is trying to seduce!"

When the fight started, the director's camera specifically showed Rambo in Yangkushi.

Rambo was heading down the road and was almost reaching the battlefield at this moment.

It's a pity that Rambo's ultimate move has not changed well. Now everyone has a level one ultimate move, and the cooldown time is not that fast.

If you don’t have a big move that can provide remote support, you can only forcefully walk over.

At this moment, everyone understood why Ah P caught up with E to output. It turned out that this was just a fake action.

The main reason why they plan to use V5's bottom lane in this wave is that G2 is too familiar with V5.

It doesn’t matter how many games you watch or how much the coaching staff studies.

If the two teams want to get familiar with each other, they have to play together more.

When we train together, we play a lot of training matches every day.

Both sides understand their respective characteristics quite well.

This is also the reason why G2 must fight in the vanguard team battle.

After knowing that V5 has taken the vanguard, he will continue to put pressure on the bottom lane.

EZ itself is a pressure-resistant character online, but now the vanguard team lost and was taken by the opponent.

If we follow the normal rhythm, Ah P will not be able to hold it in the bottom lane, but Chen Ke can successfully get the first blood tower.

With three heads, Lucian takes another one-blood tower. Who can stop him in the mid-game?

G2 simply came up with a move to catch them off guard. Before King Ning came down, they quickly moved down the lane.

Listening to Yutong's voice, Wang Duoduo reminded: "Fortunately, Lucian has a flash in this wave. Rambo and Titan on the other side don't have ultimate moves, so we can't keep him!"

That's what he said, but not even a second passed after he said it, Chen Ke flashed and handed it over.

Chen Ke forced a hand flash, and Luo, who cooperated with Wink, took away Ah P.

After falling to the ground, Ah P was completely confused.

This time he was just seducing, but he didn't expect that he would actually die.

Chen Kejiao was so decisive, which surprised him a little.

In addition, Lucian's injury also made him a little confused.

He knew that Chen Ke's Mythical Equipment now dealt a lot of damage, but the problem was that he had full health after going online.

E didn't even feel like he was going to die when Luo carried him to him before he had done two output hits.

Chen Ke's Lucian does more damage than others.

Could it be said that skin really increases attack power?

"Chen Ke flashed and killed EZ. It can be seen that he was not lenient at all when facing his old teammates."

After Wang Duoduo teased her, Rita said worriedly: "But you don't have flash, it seems that it is difficult to escape from this position."

"Warning warning!"

Rambo was already coming from behind.

Judging from this position, Chen Ke may not be able to move easily without flash.

If his head is taken by Rambo, then this one-for-one exchange will definitely be a loss.

Chen Ke is a big head with a 300 bounty.

Wink's play just now was quite disgusting. After lifting someone, he immediately kept the Titan stuck, preventing the Titan from delaying Chen Ke's output.

However, after Chen Ke flashed and handed over, before he could take two steps back, he was still hit hard by Tai Tan.

Mikxy has been staring at the skill bar, waiting for the CD of the Q skill.

But at this time, Chen Ke's E skill had already improved.

Lucian's E skill can be reduced by passively leveling A.

Pull the E position back and try to pull Rambo as much as possible.

At the same time, the flat A in hand continues.

At this time, Wink was also waiting for his skills.

At the same time, he stayed behind Chen Ke and did not give the Titan a chance to hook Chen Ke.

"Rambo's red is warm, this fire is a bit painful!"

The temperature of Yangkousi is well controlled, and it is obvious that it has been practiced in advance.

After coming over, I pressed three skills and directly entered the red-temperature roasting state.

Everyone knows that the combat effectiveness is different after Hongwen.

Whether this fire is roasting Chen Ke or Wink, the damage is very high.

Titan also took the bait at this moment and hit Wink again.

In fact, if you choose to kill Wink at the first opportunity, you can kill him no matter what.

But it would be a loss for them to kill an auxiliary. They will definitely kill Chen Ke this time.

Chen Ke fought and retreated, but the output in his hands did not stop.

He suffered a lot of damage, but he was soon pulled into the grass.

Taitan followed up, but Chen Ke's rapid entry into the grass caused him to lose his vision.

Rambo immediately inserted a real eye, but Luo's skills improved.

A W skill lifted two people.

At the same time, the Q skill hit the Titan.

A halo of life appeared on the soles of his feet. Wink forced himself to Chen Ke and gave him a bite.

Chen Ke and Yang Koussi were both standing and masturbating, but in the end it was Chen Ke who stood at the end.

After the extreme blood lock killed Rambo, the scene burst into warm cheers.

Many G2 fans began to chant at this moment: "Come back Chen Ke, my most proud AD!"

"I still vividly remember Lu Xian and the awesome policewoman."

"AP takes A Varus, Vayne will never be red and warm!"

"Tears are flowing inexplicably, my most proud belief!"


PS: Update is coming, I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

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