He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 237 No one will remember losers unless you keep failing! (asking for monthly ticket)

I sat up in shock when I was dying. I was the substitute?

Now not only the V5 team, but also many viewers started to make fun of him.

The worries about this game disappeared at this moment.

I kind of underestimated V5, and also kind of overestimated the other side.

Next comes the enjoyment phase.

Based on everyone's understanding of this V5, it is indeed difficult for them to overturn after giving them an advantage.

It's hard to say this is another massacre feast.

It can be seen from the camera that the PSG players have begun to become visibly nervous.

The fight on the road continues.

But Udyr used Flash, and the wine barrel just got better passively, and he regained a mouthful of blood when he used the skill.

There was also Morgana blocking her, and it was difficult for Udyr to keep up and take this head.

Brother 9 walked around Morgana, and the jungler on the opposite side seemed unable to catch up.

At the same time, I can also feel that Morgana's Q skill is probably improving soon.

These junglers have been practicing Morgana recently, and their skill cooldown time is relatively clear.

If you continue to pull, something might happen to you, and you will have no choice but to retreat.

In this wave of games on the road, V5 still took advantage.

In this way, the rhythm of the upper, middle and jungle areas is completely opened up, which is equivalent to gaining a huge advantage.

Looking at the bottom lane, V5's bottom lane did not play very smoothly.

To be honest, Xia Luo's combination is quite strong in laning.

Although the opposite support female tank is a little bit clow, she is really fine during the laning phase.

Normally, they can fight with pressure, and the two people on the opposite side of the lane are not very powerful.

But the situation is different from what everyone thought. On the contrary, the V5 bottom lane was slightly suppressed.

After all, Wink hasn't played AD for a long time, so he's a little rusty in laning.

Besides, before he switched positions and played exclusively as AD, his level was just like that.

The reason why playing Draven was so smooth last time was mainly due to the support of Chen Ke's Varus.

Chen Ke put pressure on the opponent like crazy, making it difficult for Wink to even play uncomfortable.

This time when paired with PPgod, the two of them really didn't cooperate very well, and their tacit understanding was a little worse.

In addition, PPgod's performance in the first game was indeed not as good as Weiwei's performance.

The early laning gives the opponent a chance to increase their HP. If you make a mistake, you may have to force the opponent to hit the laning.

But as long as it's not delivered, it's not a big problem.

It would be nice to just stabilize the bottom lane this time, and I didn’t expect them to be able to C.

Chen Ke used his teleportation to escape.

But Galio didn't teleport either, and he firmly controlled the line in the middle.

So using this teleportation doesn't mean there is much loss, at least I just got first blood.

Not long after it went online again, the two sides started fighting over the Pioneer.

Despite the early difficulties, PSG still wanted to play.

They probably also feel that their top, middle and jungle are more powerful, and Galio still has a big move at his disposal.

Moreover, Galio's laning is too torturous, so he must work hard to create something in the team.

If he had developed normally in the lane, he would have been tortured to death by Chen Ke.

Naturally, V5 didn't panic. The two players from the bottom lane all came over, and a big team battle started between the two sides.

This wave of support has also been upgraded to level six, which is more critical.

"Luo Kai is big!"

"Ouch, this is a bit mediocre, and the female tank's control keeps up with it!"


PPgod chose to start the group first.

It's just that this team battle started, and it's a little hard to describe.

Wink probably shook his head after seeing this. This season he has played a lot of good teams with Roko.

Why didn’t PPgod learn anything?

Fortunately, everyone's mentality is relatively stable. As long as Chen Ke can continue to output in this wave of team battles, it will be enough.

PPgod was defeated first, and V5 lost one of its members first.

However, his sacrifice is worth it. On the surface, it seems useless, but in fact, it consumes a lot of the opponent's skills.

PSG's support gave Luo all his ultimate moves, which was unexpected.

In addition, PPgod has not taken out the mercury shoes at this time, so it is normal for him to be killed by focused fire.

When the team battle just started, Chen Ke was still more cautious.

He needs to be careful not to be touched by Galio or Udyr, and there is no flash on him.

Fortunately, PSG's top, middle and junglers didn't show up at this time, so the threat to Chen Ke was really not that great.

Everyone had very clear ideas during the team fight, and obviously the people at PSG also knew that what they needed to deal with most was the cannons.

As soon as the cannon fell down, it was expected that Wink Xia wouldn't have much output at this point in time.

But it is difficult for them to encounter Chen Ke in the upper, middle and jungle, especially the blind monk. At this time, the ultimate skill is still a little bit better.

The female tank used her ultimate move to control Luo and helped her teammates knock him out instantly, and now she seems to be more confident.

Simply flash up and attack Chen Ke, without purification and the flash has not improved yet.

If you are caught, there is definitely a high chance that you can be killed instantly.

Chen Ke didn't even need to jump. Morgana behind him directly put a shield on Chen Ke.

Whether it is Prince Ning or Weiwei, Chen Ke trusts them very much.

Weiwei's attention has indeed been on Chen Ke, and this shield was provided in a timely manner.

The female tanker followed, but the control failed to hit.


The wine barrel collided directly with her in the next second, firmly controlling the female tank.

Chen Ke didn't even move his position. He simply put up the E skill on the spot and opened his Q to level the A output like crazy.

The female tank comes with a flash, and if you don't control the person, it's like giving yourself away.

Despite Galio's ultimate move, he still couldn't save the person.

What made Chen Ke a little bit pained was that the head was knocked off by Wink with a barb.

But the team fight continues.

Just now, Weiwei's Q skill didn't improve, so he didn't use the skill to give it to the female tank.

After the female tank fell later, she used her Q skill.

In the melee, this skill is easy to hit.

Galio was directly charged in place, and Chen Ke continued to output.

As long as he pulls him into a team fight and keeps outputting, PSG will basically be unplayable.

Galio didn't flash, and he couldn't run away after being captured.

Just now, he used his ultimate move for the female tank, and after landing, his position was a bit aggressive.

Seeing that the mid laner and support fell down, and there were only three people left on their side, PSG began to retreat decisively.

The blind monk's ultimate move was used to persuade him to retreat, and he kicked the wine barrel.

However, Chen Ke jumped directly and continued to output.

Kai'Sa moved a lot and took a pretty good position, saving herself from flashing.

It's just that Udyr was left a little helpless.

1 for 3, it was still V5’s victory.

After winning the team battle, you will definitely get this vanguard. Now that the opponent has no jungler, they don’t even dare to look at it.

Once you get the vanguard, use it with the small cannon's tower-pushing ability.

The first-blood tower must be dropped, and it is the most important tower in the middle.

"I didn't expect that after the substitution of V5, the team battle was still very good."

"PPgod actually didn't do well in this wave of team battles, but they still won the subsequent 4-on-5."

"And the three kills in this wave of team battles are well distributed. One for Xia and two for Xiaopao. All of them are taken by the C position."

"I think this game should be stable."


Wawa was quite courageous. Before the ten minutes had passed, PSG was sentenced to death immediately after the team battle.

As long as such words are not said from the mouth of a dog, no one will feel too uncomfortable.

The main audience also thinks so.

Don't tell me about rhythm or lineup. I saw that Chen Ke had three heads in just over 8 minutes, so I was relieved.

It's just a little regrettable that PPgod gave away his head and everyone knew that he helped PSG break the embarrassment of zero.

It is impossible to keep them clean again in this round.

The subsequent game is also quite simple.

After Chen Ke got two heads in the team battle, he went home and bought the Kraken directly.

When you go online again, you can push the line in the middle without thinking.

After just finishing the first wave, the opponent now has no way to target Chen Ke.

Seeing that the defense tower in the middle had less than half of its health left, Weiwei came over in time to release the vanguard.

After winning the first blood tower, Chen Ke was still pressing the line, and he led the vanguard to hit the second tower.

The first tower in the middle was pushed down in just 10 minutes. This was a huge blow.

The space was compressed so early, which was quite uncomfortable.

Then Chen Ke got a few more heads. His equipment took off all the way, and he bought a three-piece set in 22 minutes.

At this point in time, PSG's economic lag is very large, it is close to 8,000, and it is in a state of survival.

The scene looked indeed much better than the last time the two teams had a rematch.

At least this one got the kill, and it lasted until the dragon was born.

But think about it from another perspective, this V5 has two substitutes.

Chen Ke also changed his position.

It seems quite humiliating to be able to beat you up in this situation.

This one is the Wind Dragon Soul. PSG didn’t want it and gave it to V5 directly.

He probably also knew that there was no way to win this round, so there was no point in fighting the dragon group.

It can only be delayed for a while, but it is impossible to delay it for as long as I really want.

If you don't come to fight, V5 can just go and fight the baron.

With the double shooters, you can beat the baron very quickly.

"What does PSG mean? Did the big dragon give in?"

What is surprising is that PSG implemented the strategy of giving everything.

It's okay if the little dragon doesn't get hit, but it's a bit unjustifiable for the big dragon.

If you give in everything, what else is there to fight in this game? Isn't this slow death?

But if you think about it carefully, maybe PSG realizes that if you come to fight, you will die directly.

It's all death anyway, and I thought it would be slower, at least it would look better in terms of time.

"Damn it, the other side isn't even here?"

"It seems like there is really no one, not even the junglers are here."

"Hurry up and fight. Just push the opponent away. It's a bit of a waste of time."


Even the V5 team did not expect that when Baron first took action, 369 and PPgod were still looking for the opponent.

Not giving the opponent any chance to grab the dragon, it turned out that they didn't even come.

This behavior is tantamount to giving up resistance.

There's no point in continuing the fight, so it's better to end it altogether.

The two substitutes, Weiwei and PPgod, also knew that this game would definitely be won.

The whole person felt much more relaxed, and his voice became louder.

After going home to make up for it, V5 started to push forward with five people in a group.

"The second tower has been pushed down. V5 seems to have no intention of changing the route and wants to go directly to the high ground."

"The wine barrel is about to move, and it looks like it wants to be opened by force."

"Hey, what are you doing, little Pao?"


The commentary is still focusing on how long the highland tower on the opposite side can hold on, and whether it's time to let it go.

Chen Ke jumped up directly.

His actions shocked his teammates.

Chen Ke didn't say anything in advance, so Weiwei had time to provide a shield.

While in the air, Chen Ke's E skill hit Kai'Sa's head.

Kai'Sa moved from the highland tower in the bottom lane to the middle lane, intending to come over to defend the line, allowing Chen Ke to seize the opportunity.


An unpretentious set of combos was pushed out by Chen Ke's ultimate move.

The [Explosion Spark] above Kai'Sa's head exploded, and Chen Ke was forced to kill her.


The doll was still questioning just now, but took a breath the next second.

Why does this person act like an assassin? Is this really polite?

As soon as Kai'Sa fell, Chen Ke jumped back without any danger.

There is one less person on the other side, and I don’t want to fight anymore.

If everyone retreats, it is equivalent to giving the home directly to you.

As long as you don't hit me, everything you want can be discussed.

With the dual shooters and the Baron buff, the push speed is really fast.

After pushing down the incisor tower, Chen Ke took the lead and tortured Bo Quan, and then the game ended smoothly.

Amid the doubts before the game, V5 still defeated the opponent with a brand-new lineup.

I can beat you if I play with my left hand, and I can beat you if I play with two substitutes.

The key point is that I changed my position to a position that I'm not good at, and I can still beat you.

Tell me what is your use?

A few years later, when everyone mentioned this MSI again, they would not only talk about the championship.

The team that left the most impressive impression is probably PSG.

No one remembers a loser unless you keep failing.

Oh, and Yue Lun!


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