He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 241 When I use Thunder Half Moon Slash, how should you respond?

Chen Ke didn't even know that his move was purely based on deception and couldn't even be considered an operation.

It can actually cause a bloody storm in the barrage.

Unknowingly, Chen Ke has become the first shock wave among fans.

Although everyone was talking about Chen Ke, some people felt uncomfortable listening to it.

I always feel that these forces have something to say, but for a while I can't find any evidence.

"Damn it, you're not really going to do it, are you?"

Even his teammates couldn't hold it back, and Wink couldn't help but raise a question mark.

They were on the side of Chen Ke, so they naturally knew that there was no vision over there, so Chen Ke played another trick of blind vision.

It seems that Chen Ke has done this operation of hitting the enemy with blind vision more than once. Logically speaking, there is nothing surprising.

The problem is that grabbing buffs is a little different from taking heads.

After Chen Ke came over, he paused for a second and felt a bit scary after taking a closer look.

And after Chen Ke disappeared from the line, the two PSG bottom laners must have sent a signal.

It's probably said in the voice.

It could be seen that Morgana had an early warning, and he also thought that Jace on the opposite side might cooperate with Udyr to come to his jungle area.

It's just that in the early stage, everyone's vision is precious.

After Morgana went out and used the first eye on her body, she went back and changed the jewelry to scanning.

Now there are no eyes at all.

If you want to defend without an eye, you can only pull the wild monster into the grass on the right side of the red buff pit.

It's slightly better to farm in the grass, and standing in this position, if someone comes from the opposite side, you won't be caught off guard.

But Chen Ke's shot was aimed at the grass.

He even guessed this position. It's hard for you to say that this wave is all about luck.

The PSG jungler also saw the electromagnetic gun when it came over.

But he had no skills and no room for maneuver. He just watched the red buff with residual health leave him.

A living portrayal of a laborer.

After working exhaustingly for a long time, I found out in the end that none of it belonged to me.

Chen Ke also knew that Morgana couldn't do anything to him, and he could even go up and show off again.

Wink also walked over, about three or four steps away from him.

Maybe after stealing something, I felt more excited. My first reaction was to run away without thinking about anything else.

If you don't run away, or even walk past the other side in a swaggering manner, that's robbery, which is of a different nature.

After returning to the line, looking at the fresh red buff under Jace's feet, the two PSG bottom laners felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, they felt a lot of pressure against Chen Ke, so they let Jace get the red buff so early.

Next, they will be under even greater pressure, and it will be more uncomfortable if they are stuck on the A level after being really hammered by Jess.

If this is a gift from the jungler, you can still say a few words to vent your dissatisfaction.

The key jungler is also a victim, so it’s hard to say anything.

Even to a certain extent, if the jungler has a hot temper, he may have to force them to bot lane.

Entering my jungle area from the opposite side, the bottom lane looks like a dead man.

Even Jess, Level 2, can come and steal my popularity, why the hell are you going to play?

You can often see this kind of thing when watching short videos, assisting level 1 to grab a buff from the poodle or mantis on the opposite side.

For example, when playing a hero like Xerath, I still scratch my head after using Q at level one.

Then the poodle on the opposite side had an idea and started to grab the bottom lane crazily.

The key is that in the game, it is unrealistic for Morgana to crazily catch people and engage in violence.

This loss is equivalent to getting it in vain, and there is nothing that can be done about it for the time being.

The laning matchup in the bottom lane continues. After getting the red buff, Chen Ke did play a lot stronger.

The two players in the bottom lane of PSG want to focus on stability, so they can just stay back and hit the target.

If they were really under the tower, it wouldn't be that easy to move them if the jungler didn't come.

Chen Ke doesn't have enough mana right now, so he didn't choose water drops to go out at level one.

Therefore, you can't place skills randomly, and occasionally look for opportunities to suppress the opponent's health.

Don't shoot with uncertain shots.

After Morgana was stolen by Chen Ke, she would be affected to some extent.

First of all, he definitely couldn't eat the river crab in the lower half.

King Ning wanted to reach the river channel earlier.

Moreover, V5 still has lane rights in the bottom lane and can quickly come to support.

In the early stage, a single buff is used. This development is a bit hurt. It is impossible for the river crab to let the opponent eat two more.

Morgana had to go to the upper half to eat river crabs.

As soon as he left, the lower lane naturally entered a state of emptiness.

"Why don't you just cross over? I'm coming."

After King Ning finished swiping the river crabs, he immediately came to the opposite jungle area.

Be prepared to copy it from the back.

With Chen Ke's consumption in the lane, the health of the husband and wife team on the opposite lane can only be regarded as average.

The leg brother spoke a little faster than before: "King Ning is here, V5 is accelerating to push the line in the bottom lane, don't the two people from PSG leave?"

"If you don't leave, with your HP, three people can definitely surpass you."

When the troops entered the tower, King Ning appeared from behind. This wave is equivalent to telling you that I will jump over the tower and kill you soon.

The two PSG players were now in a dilemma. Seeing that they had no way to leave, they still chose to huddle under the tower.

At this time, the defense tower is their biggest support. Without the help of the defense tower, there is no room for maneuver at all.

The moment he saw King Ning enter the tower, a beam of light lit up on the defense tower opposite.

Wang Duoduo hurriedly said: "It was a teleport from Silas in the middle of the opposite lane. At this time, it was directly passed down to protect his teammates. It was a bit tearful."

"If Silas comes down, this wave will be difficult to move. V5 must withdraw quickly. If you jump over the tower and fight three against three, something will happen."

Brother Leg is already trying to persuade him to stop this wave.

Forcing the opponent's mid laner to teleport first is actually very profitable.

This Toothpaste is playing Syndra. Sylas plays Syndra in the early stage, so there is still pressure on the line.

Although Toothpaste is not known for his laning skills, Maple is not a strong laning player either.

When the laning is difficult, the first teleport is still very important.

If you use it to protect the bottom lane, you will undoubtedly sacrifice yourself.

The nickname Bay Tiger really didn’t come for nothing.

Regardless of whether Maple is a bad guy or not, it’s really a team effort that this wave can be passed on.

Before this wave of bottom lane moves, PSG obviously had warnings.

It was obvious that they had communicated with each other, and if the opponent really had an idea, he would teleport from the middle to save his hand.

He didn't even wait for the opponent to take action before teleporting, which might put V5 in a dilemma.

Maple was still the steady one, so he chose to teleport immediately for fear of an accident.

After the transfer, V5 has already made money.

King Ning himself had finished the first round of wild monsters at this time, so it was not a waste of his time.

What worried the fans was that King Ning still moved, and he flashed in his bear form and took a shot of Xia.

The teleportation from the other side seemed to make Prince Ning even more excited.


Chen Ke blasted past with an enhanced electromagnetic cannon.

But this time he used EQ and put an acceleration gate first.

And it was a vertical cannon, which also accelerated the Wink in front.

It was obvious that this was not the impulse of Ning Wang alone. At this time, V5, Shimonosuke and the other three were all full of murderous intentions and had no intention of retreating.

Fans outside the court can only watch but cannot hear how the team communicates.

In fact, the reason why Chen Ke and the others took action forcefully was because the teleportation had just turned on.

Toothpaste kept shouting in the team voice: "I can interrupt, I can interrupt..."

I shouted three times in a row, and the voice was extremely loud.

Toothpaste in the first game, obviously not sleepy yet.

I don’t know if they can interrupt. Chen Ke and the others didn’t even look at the middle. Of course, trust should be the main thing between teammates.

Even if this wave didn't interrupt Silas' teleportation and caused an explosion when he forcibly jumped over the tower, no one would blame Toothpaste.

Isn’t it true that if there is a problem in the bottom lane, the mid laner is blamed?

Maple retreated early this time. He simply returned to his tower and prepared to teleport, just in case the opponent interrupted him.

If it really passes on, if he returns to the city and goes online on foot, he can push the line quickly as long as Toothpaste is unconscious.

At least two waves of soldiers were lost.

But at this time, it was obvious that he would make more money by not letting him go down, and Toothpaste worked very hard to interrupt.

Forcibly flashing QE, a dark magic ball was pushed over, forcibly interrupting the teleportation.

Switching from flash to teleport seems like a slight loss.

It doesn't matter if he loses a little, it depends on how much his teammates can make.

The moment the transmission was interrupted, PSG also panicked in the bottom lane.

When Big Dog was controlled by King Ning, Number One had already pressed Purify.

Luo directly gave his W skill to King Ning who was carrying the tower.

Wink has the acceleration of Chen Ke's E skill, and its movement speed explodes in a short period of time.

Quickly came over and controlled the big dog in a flash.

The big dog flashed and fucked her too, but the sex was a bit rough, and she was still firmly controlled by the female tank.

Luo's W skill has been used, Chen Ke has no worries, just switch to the hammer form and it is a [Leap to the Sky].

The red buff on Chen Ke is still there. If he hits it, he just needs to keep drawing A.

Moreover, when he took action immediately, Chen Ke's reinforced cannon hit Xia, forcibly cutting his health to half.

Wink was still on fire, and Chen Ke easily got first blood.

"Hey, the teleportation was interrupted. Wink's E flash was very beautiful, and Chen Ke got first blood!"

"There is another Luo who seems to be dying too!"


After getting a head, Chen Ke and the others had no intention of stopping.

King Ning, who was carrying the tower, first pulled out the range of the defensive tower.

Chen Ke didn't touch Luo at all for the first time because he had a red buff on him.

As long as he touches Luo and triggers the burning effect of the red buff, he will be the next person to carry the tower if King Ning pulls him out.

Let Wink take action first, forcing Luo inside the defense tower, greatly reducing his movement space.

Wink touched it, and then Chen Ke took action.

King Ning also came in to supplement the output, and it was very easy for three people to deal with one Luo.

The three people carrying the tower did a pretty good job.

After Wink was pulled out, Chen Ke also carried him twice.

All three of them have residual health, but it's okay as long as no one dies.

"Luo Ye is dead, there is no room for maneuver at all. I feel like he should save his money and don't pay when he flashes."

"Jace has two heads, his growth is unstoppable!"


Fans were not very excited after seeing Chen Ke score a double play.

When playing PSG, getting an advantage at the start is a basic operation.

Next everyone is waiting to see Chen Ke's performance.

After Chen Ke returned home, he spent 750 yuan to turn his long sword into a serrated dagger and make up a water drop.

With these two parts, laning in the early stage is very comfortable.

Mainly, the time point for owning this equipment is a little ahead of its time.

Just 20 minutes into the game, V5 came to the baron.

From the looks of it, he was about to get ready to fight the dragon.

The dragon has just been born, and before he has even breathed a few breaths of fresh air in the canyon, V5 is about to kill him, which seems a little excessive.

The main thing is that at this point in time, the inexplicable advantage is huge.

Chen Ke now has a three-piece set of star bugs, magic cutters, and ice skates in his hand, and the stack of magic cutters has just been filled up.

The combat effectiveness is now terrifying.

V5 obviously doesn't want to be in a hurry and wants to get off work quickly in today's game.

Use the baron to push the opponent over. It is best to take away the baron and the people.


PSG knew what the opposition meant, but they had to come over.

It had only been 20 minutes, and with everyone present, it was a bit unreasonable to let Baron go.

After arranging the blue accessories that came in from the opposite side, Chen Ke pulled out of the dragon pit.

When the other side just arrived, a reinforced cannon shot over.

He was impartial and hit Xia accurately.

Xayah felt this way when facing Jace. If she was hit before a team battle, she would probably lose her ability to fight.

As for Chen Ke's current equipment, it's really no exaggeration at all. Half of the blood was gone in an instant.

And this shot also caused deceleration.

"Feathers all over the sky!"

Toothpaste was thrown over with a push ball in the next second.

Xayah now still has the slowing effect of Serelda's Resentment, making it very difficult to move.

In desperation, he had to hand over his ultimate move.

Before the team fight even started, with only half health left and the ultimate move being handed over, there was no way to fight this wave of team fights.

The worst thing is that after the ultimate move lands, Wink presses your landing point and throws another ultimate move.

There is nothing wrong with the big dog's reaction, and the flash is pressed again.

Even if the purification on his body is still there, he can't take advantage of this female tank's ultimate move.

With Xia in this state, he could only retreat quickly. He was afraid that Syndra would flash out and give him a big move later.


Chen Ke's CD is also very fast now, and it's another QE booster.

This time it hit Morgana, knocking out half of her health again.

When the two of them had little health and Xia had almost no combat capability, PSG had no choice but to let go of Baron.

This kind of suppressive power can only be said to make everyone watching the game feel suffocated.

Everyone also knows that even if they don't get the baron in this wave, the game will no longer be suspenseful.

But after getting the baron, V5 can speed up.

After going back and getting a small demon-drinking knife, everyone in V5 started to hug together.

The advantages are too great, just play violently and there is no need to do any management.

PSG's second tower in the middle was pushed over about three minutes ago.

Everyone in V5 led their troops straight to the high ground without encountering any obstacles.

Before the troops arrived, Chen Ke had already taken the lead and pressed forward.

The leg brother couldn't help but said: "The high ground of PSG is simply unbearable. Jess will give you two shots to suppress your health immediately. This high ground must be given up."

"If the two cannons were eaten by the same person, I feel like they would die immediately."

Wang Duoduo added.


After Chen Ke came over, Morgana on the opposite side threw a Q card vision at her.

It's a pity that Chen Ke easily twisted him away.

It would be strange if Chen Ke couldn't twist a skill at this speed.

Then Chen Ke inserted a real eye into the high ground on the opposite side, on the side of the high ground tower in the middle road.

Morgana and Xia were instantly revealed.

Seeing these two people getting together, Chen Ke couldn't control himself at all.


Chen Ke was extremely fast this time.

The moment he felt the reinforced cannon go out, Chen Ke followed the cannon and flashed up.

QER flash QWAAE!

The moment it flashed up, [Leap of the Sky] hammered out.

Jace jumped up high, and Mercury's hammer drew a yellow halo in the air.

Thunder Half Moon Slash!

A set of silky combos with extremely fast hand speed, facing two people in an instant!

This Jace is so handsome!


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