Chapter 244 Top ADs all have their own flaws, for example...


Chen Ke's teammates didn't stop at this moment and began to ask questions to Chen Ke frantically.

When you are not playing Yasuo and there are still question marks under your feet, that can already explain the problem.


The audience was also very happy, and it was rare to see Chen Ke serving food.

Chen Ke's gangsters didn't know whether to laugh or not.

Call him a bad guy, this wave is indeed pretty good, but if you take a closer look, you'll find that it doesn't seem to have any impact on the game.

Everyone was very happy to see it, only Chen Ke was depressed.

Rubbish robot, never play again!

When Chen Ke was depressed, he never expected that there would be Silas standing not far from him on the opposite side.

Damn it, the people across from me are also laughing at me, right?

The more Chen Ke thought about it, the angrier he became. As soon as W was opened, he accelerated and rushed forward.

Maple was indeed attracted by Chen Ke's actions.

In fact, his position was not radical at all, he just stood there without moving.

However, Chen Ke is quite sensitive now.

"Ouch, another hook!"

"It's still a prejudgment hook!"


Chen Ke's hook predicted Maple's E skill.

After Silas advanced forward for a while, he was hooked back firmly.

The distance of this hook seems to be quite extreme.

It looked like it couldn't even be touched by the naked eye, but unexpectedly it was pulled back.

Chen Ke's ultimate move is still cooling down, but his E skill has been transformed.

I can't replenish my troops. Isn't it more than enough to give you a punch?

Wink is right behind Chen Ke. Just now after Chen Ke missed four knives in a row, Wink was on the line.

When Chen Ke accelerated and moved forward, Wink also turned on W and followed up as if there was wind under his feet.

Draven's current growth is really a bit exaggerated, and he just came out of home after replenishing his equipment.

Two axes hit him and he lost almost half of his health.

Maple didn't have flash at this time, and when he was hooked back after using his E skill, he would definitely not be able to escape.

He simply turned around and fought back, and hit Draven with a [Regicide Thrust].

However, at this point in time, the damage was too low.

Moreover, Chen Ke was able to ignite it immediately, and the blood recovery effect of Silas's [Regicide Thrust] seemed to be quite limited.

Subsequently, Wink quickly gave him an E skill and easily took down the head.

Draven, who was already very wealthy, was no longer short of money now.

People who were laughing at the robot just now are now applauding again.

The last hit is a bit off, but this hook is still as perverted as ever.

For this reason, the game is no different than it is over.

But many people do not dare to make judgments too directly, saying that V5 is almost stable.

To put it bluntly, I am still worried about Wink’s performance in team battles.

If you replace this Draven with Chen Ke, the laning period has probably not passed yet, and everyone will feel that there is no suspense.

It’s still hard to say Wink’s words.

Let’s not talk about how good he is at playing AD. He has been a support player for a while and has not played in a serious game for a long time.

Looking back when it came time to play in a group, it was very difficult to fight once something happened to Draven.

The V5 lineup seems to have a big lead in the early stage, but in fact most of the lead lies with Draven.

And their main output also relies on Draven.

The midfielder is Galio and Udyr. When these two heroes play in a team, they are more functional.

The top laner is Gnar, and of course this hero has output.

But you can't rely solely on one Gnar for damage.

In this crucial round, his 369's development was quite average, just normal development, not very good.

But that worry is all in the future. It is still difficult for PSG now.

The first blood tower that I pushed down ten minutes ago in the bottom lane was purely a hard push.

Prince Ning's vanguard is still with him.

As soon as Silas died, PSG's bottom lane had just reached the line, and King Ning came over to put pressure on the vanguard.

Raising Draven is only one aspect. To be honest, this development is good enough.

The main thing is to forcefully remove the tower in the middle. This tower is still very important.

After the Pioneer was summoned from the void, the two PSG bottom laners were immediately under pressure.

Rambo also rushed over, and when he was almost there, he unleashed a big move.

I want to help clear the line of troops quickly.

The big dog's face turned green when he saw it. Just now, it was difficult for him to finish the last shot in the bottom lane, but now he was outnumbered by Draven for more than 30 last shots.

Then we came to the middle, and a large wave of soldiers were dirty by the jungle again, which was a bit uncomfortable.

The key point is that Rambo is famous for his divisions in this wave. You really can't say that he is deliberately attacking.

But it doesn't work to clear the troops with the ultimate move. You can't clear the vanguard quickly.

After hitting it head-on, the eye behind Pioneer leaked out.

Fearing the existence of the robot, they simply did not dare to forcefully walk past A.

Since the start of this game, Kai'Sa's flash has basically been used whenever it's good.

There is no flash on his body most of the time, and Big Dog feels as if this skill does not belong to him.

After the rotation is completed, Chen Ke will easily take it over.

Not daring to come up to defend, and with the vanguard carrying the tower, Draven and Udyr began their output.

There is really no way to forcibly dismantle this defense tower with just one vanguard.

The defensive tower in the middle opposite side is basically at full health.

Toothpaste is playing Galio, and if the opponent doesn't give him a chance, it will indeed be difficult to reduce the HP of the opponent's defense tower during the laning phase.

Rambo's ultimate move still had some effect, otherwise they could just push away Chen Ke, the first tower in the middle.

After the vanguard was taken away by the defense tower, King Ning left the middle.

He also can't hang around the middle all the time.

After the next wave of soldiers came in, Wink continued to push the line. At this time, 369 Gnar wandered up after pushing the line in the bottom lane.

Once people stop here, PSG is still under great pressure in the bottom lane.

It wasn't that they were afraid of Gnar, who was quite angry. What frightened them the most was still the robot.

Chen Ke, the robot, looks grim now.

No longer staying in the front, he started to drill into the lower half of the blue area and eliminated the view on the opposite side.

The two PSG bottom laners are in a panic now. If the robot is in the pit of F6, the hooking distance is definitely enough.

Fortunately, Luo was hooked. Wink and 369 were both preparing to push the tower from the front, and no one dealt with it immediately.

If Kaisha gets hooked, something will happen.

After taking so many hooks this time, the big dog really couldn't be confident in his positioning anymore.

As soon as the people stepped back, the first tower in the middle finally gave way.

Similar to previous games, when PSG fell into a passive situation in the early stage, they still released almost everything they could.

Still thinking about playing in a group later on.

Judging from PSG's lineup this time, it was really delayed to the time they wanted. It is indeed very advantageous to fight as a team.

The three Cs of Captain, Sylas and Kai'Sa are all very powerful in the late game.

And when playing in a group, there is also Rambo’s ultimate move.

Rambo and the captain's ultimate move are absolutely disgusting when they really work together in a team fight.

But V5 has quite a lot of experience playing against this kind of team.

As long as there are things like dragon souls and big dragons, it's impossible not to fight if you don't want to.

It's still the same method, just hit the dragon as soon as the 20 minutes are up.

In fact, if you wait another two minutes, you can get the dragon soul directly. This one is still the most comfortable water dragon soul at present.

V5 seems to be unable to wait at all, just like clocking in on time.

As soon as the time came, people immediately gathered to take action.

With Gnar and a well-developed Draven, this one can defeat the Baron very quickly.

PSG probably also guessed that V5 would play such a trick, so they rushed over in advance.

Silas is still very comfortable with this one. Gnar's ultimate move and Galio's ultimate move are very useful for him to steal.

Maple just stole Gnar's ultimate move, and when he was about to use it later, Chen Ke emerged from the grass on the side.

Chen Ke didn't flash, he charged up a Hex flash in the grass.

The moment he came out of the grass, Chen Ke threw him straight with a hook.

Maple has been hooked twice by Chen Ke, but his reaction is still online.

Flash pressed very quickly, and Flash dodged the robot's hook.

When a robot can hit the opponent's C position with a hook and flash out, it's already a big profit.

What people didn't expect was that there was a captain behind Silas.

Silas dodged in a flash and became the unlucky captain.

After the captain was hooked, Chen Ke was given two controls: flying and silencing him.

Prince Ning and Toothpaste also followed.

The captain only had one orange, which was not enough at this time.

In addition, the hero Captain was too fragile and was dealt with by V5 in an instant.

"The captain is hooked!"

"Without the captain, PSG seems to be unable to play."

"They wanted to retreat quickly, but 369 just flashed and jumped into the crowd!"

"Oh my god, Tathagata Palm!"


From the moment the captain was beaten, PSG was destined to have no chance at all.

I gave you a captain who had developed so far, but the captain was gone before the team battle even started.

Forget it if it's gone. The ultimate move hasn't been released yet, which means it's useless.

When he wanted to withdraw, Brother 9 directly became bigger and took a perfect ultimate move.

Galio followed up with his ultimate move. It was like the two of them had coordinated their ultimate moves.

Everyone was worried about whether something would go wrong during the Wink team battle for a long time, but it turned out that they were overthinking it.

There was no intense team battle like imagined.

Chen Ke hooked one in advance to solve it, and the opponent naturally collapsed.

With so few people, I simply don’t have the courage to join a group again.

Wink doesn't even need to use two moves in this wave. One big move hits the crowd and the damage is fully dealt.

After this wave of group destruction, V5 directly took the Baron and forced a wave of push to end the game.

Overall it looks very natural.

Even if Chen Ke plays as a support, and it is not the kind of support that can deal damage and output, the opponent will still be unable to defeat him.

In the MVP selection session after the game, Chen Ke received unanimous votes without any suspense.

This robot has such a strong presence that it is not an exaggeration to say that the robot can single-handedly destroy the opponent.

During the ten-minute break, the discussion started online.

However, what is surprising is that everyone seems to be tired of praising Chen Ke.

This robot is really amazing, but this person is Chen Ke.

On the contrary, many people are still talking about Chen Ke's off-stage last-hitting and 4E operation in one second.

Everyone was making fun of it, but some fans couldn't sit still.

Chen Ke's true fans directly stood up and defended: "This wave is nothing. I think every top AD has its own shortcomings, and Chen Ke is no exception."

"A Shui, for example, is prone to sudden death. When facing strong European teams in the quarter-finals of the S-League, he repeatedly gave his opponent opportunities."

"For example, Ghost King, I can't play many versions of heroes, so I just play the ones I know all day long."

"For example, LWX has been a gangster for most of his career, and all the honors he got were in that year."

"For example, the Lantern Emperor doesn't know how to play AP Verus."

"For example, Gala's laning is relatively weak, and winning kills in the early laning depends entirely on shaking people."

"For example, Huanfeng, after finishing second in the world, he really thought he was awesome."

"For example, Bang won all the championships with his partner Feike, but Feike could still win the championship without Bang."

"Another example is Viper. He had no success in the first few years of his career. If he had come to EDG earlier, he wouldn't have won many championships."

"Chen Ke only plays robots and doesn't know how to last-hit. Compared with the above, he should be fine, right?"


PS: Brothers, I was delayed today because I didn’t get home until tonight. There will be an update later!

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