He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 250 Do you understand the value of practicing for two and a half years? (asking for monthly

"Can it be ended immediately?"

The commentators had just finished their excitement and realized this as they watched Chen Ke keep pushing forward.

At this moment, all five people on the opposite side fell to the ground, and it seemed that the game could be ended in one wave.

Even though Chen Ke was in a bad state, he had a blood-drinking sword on him, so he could drink blood without any problem.

Bring the troops to the opposite highland tower. The blood volume is already full.

And at this point in time, Chen Ke's teammates were finally resurrected.

There is no teleportation on 369, but there is teleportation on the toothpaste.

He simply drank a bottle of big blue medicine, and the toothpaste was decisively teleported to the opposite high ground.

Together with Chen Ke, the two of them pushed the tower very quickly.

The five people here at DK are still soaking in the spring water. It seems that it is too late to check the time.

Fans just came out of Chen Ke's shocking one-on-five performance, and took a closer look at how the game ended?

The excitement of this game has made countless people hooked.

In all previous finals, it would definitely be ranked number one.

Just now it looked like DK was going to end the game with a wave, but unexpectedly, when he turned around, V5 ended it with a wave.

This is indeed the case at this point in the game, the resurrection time is too long.

A wave of deaths can easily occur.

For DK, it was like going from heaven to hell in an instant, and he might not be able to accept it for a while.

No matter what, the final victory still belongs to V5.

When the incisor tower was pushed down, Xu Xiu was the first to be resurrected.

But a hero like Zoe simply can’t hold on.

Just separate Chen Ke from the toothpaste. You don't need to look at it at all. You can push the tower with your life.

The moment the game ended, the audience once again burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Everyone feels very lucky to be able to witness such a game live.

Before he even won the championship, King Ning came over and hugged Chen Ke.

He knew that it was Chen Ke who forcibly dragged him out of the conference room.

Including Wink, I feel the same way.

At this time, G2 is also excited. Although their game is over, they have not disbanded yet.

All members are still staying in Iceland and plan to hang out with the V5 people after the finals.

After experiencing yesterday's failure, I felt uncomfortable for a while that night, but I feel much better today.

As long as Chen Ke wins the championship, they don't seem to feel that bad.

Everyone gathered together to watch the game today. When they saw Chen Ke's one-on-five game, the people in G2 were also dancing with excitement.

Ah P even shook his head and said, "It seemed like this was how we won the world championship last year."

At this time, the first reaction of G2 people was Chen Ke from last year's World Championship.

So far this year, Chen Ke has still played the same carry game, but it rarely gives people the shocking and exaggerated feeling.

The one-on-five desperate situation just now allowed everyone to experience it again.

It’s just that DK should be depressed. Why are we the ones injured every time?

Whether at home or abroad, everyone on the Internet is almost blowing up Chen Ke.

But in the V5 lounge, the atmosphere was not so lively at the moment.

Maizijian is reviewing it for everyone.

Except for Chen Ke, the other four players in the first game were basically tortured.

The fact that Prince Ning was robbed of Dalong was nothing.

Wink’s last wave of group starts is the key point to talk about.

After the coach's review and the manager's words of encouragement, everyone's mentality has long been adjusted.

The most important thing is that we won the first game in the end.

If it weren't for Chen Ke's unexpected change of fate, the game would have been lost.

No matter how much you say at this time, everyone's mentality will not be adjusted immediately.

After ten minutes, everyone returned to the stage.

In this round, DK still chose the blue side, and it was hard to tell from their expressions what their current mentality was.

But what is certain is that during the break just now, DK probably did a lot of psychological counseling.

It's not uncomfortable to be defeated by the opponent, but it's uncomfortable to be defeated by the opponent when you're about to win.

This affects the mentality even more than King Ning's big dragon being robbed.

If the first game can be won, the winning side will definitely relax a lot in terms of mentality.

It's equivalent to having confidence. Even if I lose the second game, everyone will just get back to the same starting line.

But there is pressure on the losing side, and they must not lose in the second game.

If you lose the second game, you will be 0:2 behind, which is equivalent to the champion already facing you.

Chen Ke and the others didn't relax too much. They didn't win the last game easily.

It made them understand that their opponents were not that easy to deal with, and DK seemed to be playing better than during the match.

V5 was still a bit targeted in the early stage, banning the hero Varus with his own backhand.

It's quite rare for V5 to ban Varus on its own.

If it is really released, the opponent may not choose it on the first floor again.

Because Varus was brought out in the last game, except for the baron grab, there seemed to be no other scenes.

I was playing a Poke hero, but my output was crushed by the serious A-level AD on the opposite side. It can be seen that there is still a big problem.

V5 does this just to make the opponent more uncomfortable. It is best to let the Ghost Emperor bring out a big core like Kai'Sa.

Neither team drafted AD in the first round.

I guess DK has also figured out that it is useless for the Ghost King to grab the hero first.

Moreover, the popular ADs in this version are all out there, so there will be no heroes to use.

"The hero Jace is a foreshadowing. DK is probably like us at this time and doesn't know where he is going."

When banning people in the second round, DK was still targeting the top hero.

Logically speaking, Jace should be on the road when he takes it out, but in the V5 team, Chen Ke can directly control Jace.

The last time we played against PSG, the super-god Jayce is still vivid in our minds.

"Huh? This can't be true, right?"

When it was time to choose someone on the fourth floor of the red square, a bomber appeared inexplicably.

When seeing this hero, everyone felt that it was not very scientific.

Now that Bomberman is out, he can only go to the bottom lane to mess around.

Everyone no longer finds it strange that Chen Ke plays a weird hero.

But Bomberman is really not good. This thing doesn't look like Chen Ke.

Totally unconnected.

The second brother joked: "Maybe just to show off and tell the other side that I know you want to choose Bomber."

Bomberman is a hero that Ghost King plays quite well, and he has been using it a lot this year.

"I chose, I really chose!"

The second brother was slapped in the face by V5 before he could finish his words.

The fourth floor of V5 really locked in on Bomberman, and even Chen Ke laughed when he was selected.

For a while, even the commentator didn't know how to analyze this choice.

Many people still had some expectations, but gave up hope when they saw the last shot of Galio.

It is definitely impossible to play Bomberman on the road. The only choice is to let Chen Ke take it to the bottom road.

Judging from the lineup, there seems to be no problem in choosing a bomber in the bottom lane.

The biggest problem still lies with Chen Ke.

As a top AD, is it really appropriate to play this kind of hero?

The guy who turned the tide with a one-on-five one-on-five in the last round, now he's just messing around?

When Bomberman was chosen, everyone had to associate him with a gangster.

In everyone's opinion, the biggest effect of V5's selection of this hero may be to prevent the opponent from selecting this hero.

DK really wants to choose a bomber for the bottom lane in this round so that the Ghost King can play by himself.

Bomberman won't target the opponent, so there's no need to choose from the first three moves.

I never expected that the fourth floor of V5 was locked directly.

The Ghost King is now a little depressed. I admit that I can't beat you. What do you mean you won't even let me mess around?

The fans are also quite depressed, but depression is depression. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that there is no need to criticize the coach for this matter.

Chen Ke's status in V5 is obvious to all. He single-handedly built this lineup and is the core of the team.

If he didn't want to play on his own, you wouldn't force Chen Ke to choose a bomber if you gave the coach ten courages.

Chen Ke really wanted to play, so he had to have fun first.

After trying this one, if you feel uncomfortable, or if you are being targeted by the opponent and cannot perform the operation.

If you get angry in the next game, you might be able to use your strength.

After coming online, there is nothing interesting about the bottom lane.

On one side is Bomberman, on the other side is Kai'Sa.

They are all developed heroes, and their early combat effectiveness is not very strong.

Moreover, for a hero like Bomberman, it is difficult for others to do anything to him, and it is also difficult for him to perform line kills.

To put it bluntly, it depends on which of the two sides gives the opportunity.

Bomberman Chen Ke doesn't play much, but this kind of hero doesn't require much proficiency.

The key is this mediocre hero. After everyone observed it for a few minutes, they found that it was quite disgusting in Chen Ke's hands.

As for Bomberman's Q skill, if the skill hits and then triggers the comet, the damage will be considerable in the early stage.

Due to the accuracy and technique of Chen Ke's throwing skill, even though Bomberman's Q skill is slower, the hit rate is still very high.

The first [Bounce Bomb] that went online hit Kai'Sa on the opposite side.

Even if you bring out a bomber, you can still control the line.

Wink had no sense of involvement in the whole process, just watching Chen Ke doing last-ditch damage while using skills.

With the teleportation on his body, Chen Ke just needs to pay a little attention, and he doesn't need to control the mana too deliberately.

Even though he was playing a bomber in the bottom lane, King Ning still came to the bottom lane in the early stage to see if there was any chance.


Wink's female tank E flashed up and started the fight directly. The skill was very accurate and a bit unexpected, so that the Ghost King did not feel danger at the first time.

However, after pointing it up, the Ghost King immediately activated his double moves.

Purify + Flash, directly increasing the distance.

Prince Ning was playing like a bear, and he jumped up and missed.

This wave was still a little slow, allowing the Ghost Emperor to press Flash in advance and run away.

"Wow, this wave is a bit forced. Ghost's reaction is still very fast."

Miller commented: "Although the double move was eliminated, V5 also paid for the flashes of Nosuke."

"This wave is really not very profitable, and Wink also gave it to me."

Three skills are exchanged for two on the opposite side, and two of them are flashes, which is really not very profitable.

The colonel added: "But Ghost was hit by a bear's thunder just now. He can't continue to line up with his current blood volume."

"It's equivalent to spending an extra flash, which slightly delays the development of Kai'Sa on the opposite side."

Wink moved a little too fast just now. Of course, this is not to blame for Wink being anxious. If the opportunity is not seized, it may be gone immediately.

Prince Ning could only follow quickly and had no time to use other skills.

After flashing up and missing, King Ning was a little angry, so he simply asked the Ghost King to use an E skill behind him.

The location of this thunder was blocked very well, so that the Ghost Emperor could not move to hide, and he received a thunderbolt.

When facing Chen Ke, he said that now, the Ghost King has obtained several Q skills, and his blood volume is quite average, even though he has consumed a blood bottle on his body.

Just now Wink pointed at it, which caused some damage.

Moreover, the ignition was started later, and the burning continued until now.

With another E skill from Gou Xiong, Kai'Sa really can't continue to line up.

His blood volume must be returned. If he doesn't return, King Ning can directly surpass him without the double move.

Unlike Bomberman who has teleportation, he will lose 10 soldiers this time.

Korean fans felt better when they thought that the opponent wasted two flashes.

This wave really cannot be blamed on the Ghost Emperor, it is already very good to be able to fight like this.

Who knew that at this moment, Chen Ke started to move.

Throwing a W skill [Fixed-Point Explosion] forward, Chen Ke walked to the front of the explosive pack.

After pressing it, the whole person was ejected forward into the air.

This set of operations is not a difficult operation, everyone has seen it before.

Question was used in Chen Ke's hands and it felt quite smooth.

A Q skill was thrown out of the air. When looking at the rolling trajectory of the bomb, everyone suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He kept approaching the Ghost King, as if he wanted to speak.

The second brother couldn't help shouting: "Hey, Bomberman's Q!"


When the bomb rolled over, the Ghost Emperor was also panicked.

He knows the right position for the opponent's Q skill, and he knows Bomberman's damage very well.

I know that if I get this Q skill, I will most likely be in trouble.

I wanted to move immediately, but was slowed down by the bear's thunder, so my movement speed is very slow now.

Moreover, I am now under great psychological pressure. It seems that I am moving, but in fact I am swinging from side to side.

After being hit by the bomb, Kai'Sa, who was still alive, died directly.

Chen Ke successfully obtained first blood in an unexpected way.

Chen Ke's position is also quite radical. After W moves for a while, landing is equivalent to entering the opposite defense tower.

Fortunately, Titan has no hook. When Wink took action just now, Genshin Impact hooked up to gain space for his AD.

After seeing Kai'Sa running away with a double move, Genshin Impact also pulled back and kept a distance from Chen Ke.

Therefore, he was unable to control Chen Ke immediately. Chen Ke could successfully pull out the defense tower just by carrying it.

Earn a head in vain, without any danger to life.

And the barrage exploded again at this moment.

"Guigui, super long three-point jumper?"

"How come you can play with Bomberman?"

"It's bad, Chen Ke looks like he can play basketball."

"And I think this skill has been practiced for at least two and a half years!"

"Little Heizi, just wait for me!"

"I won't say a word until the lawyers come."

"When the court is held, remember to bring your bomb!"


PS: Brothers, the update is here, and there are still monthly votes to cast, okay!

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