He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 258 We are having sex, what do you mean you are disgusting? (asking for monthly ticket)

"One-click configuration of 4E robot talents in V5 Real Mid-Season Championship in one second!"

Chen Ke opened WeGame here.

Normally, professional players wouldn't use this, because it can't be used during competitions, and naturally everyone doesn't have that habit.

It's just that in Chen Ke's case, he has not been a professional player for a long time after all.

When playing the Chinese server, I was still used to using WeGame as the League of Legends launcher.

Many people think that those who use this thing to match runes must be novices, and they basically do it by themselves if they know how to do it.

But Chen Ke quite likes the one-click configuration. If it can be so trouble-free, why should I order it one by one by myself.

Even if you don't find a completely suitable one, you can configure it with one click and then click on the secondary runes to make small adjustments.

What Chen Ke didn't expect was that when he clicked on the list of configured talents, the first one was his own set of talents from the World Championship.

Even 4E came out in a second, and there are definitely anti-fans in charge of this project!

Many people were still posting on the barrage at this time, asking Chen Ke to get into a good mood and grab the AD last hit and the like.

But most fans know that Chen Ke's ability to choose a robot means that he has no idea of ​​grabbing a last hit.

If you want to grab last hit, you won’t choose a robot.

Everyone at MSI has seen what Chen Ke looks like with the robot's last hit.

It can be seen from my brother's live broadcast room that after entering the game, his face became serious.

Both men are world champions after all.

Although they have never cooperated together, they have just entered the game, how to last damage, how to put pressure on the opponent, and how to grab the second level.

No communication is needed to maintain a tacit understanding.

If Chen Ke was assisted in another position, it might be a little worse. He himself plays AD.

Why do many professional ADs want to transform when they feel unable to play at the end of their careers? Basically, most of them transform into assistants.

I work with the support all day long, and sometimes I even have to teach the support how to play, so I naturally understand this position very well.

In this round, they faced a combination like Policewoman and Lux, who were also relatively strong in the lane.

But when it comes to online, Chen Ke and the others are stronger.

The hero Robot is quite powerful in deterring soft assistants.

At the first level, Chen Ke didn't draw the hook at all.

He just maintained his position to put pressure on the opponent, allowing his brother to push the line quickly.

In Chen Ke's opinion, this policewoman was not good at playing.

The robot panicked as soon as it stood forward, and did not dare to take advantage of its range to keep hitting people.

On the contrary, the opponent's support was quite aggressive.

After grabbing the second level, Chen Ke immediately set the hook.

Still as stable as ever.

You, Lux, beat me hard, right? Then I'll let you taste the iron hook.

Lux didn't even move. He thought Chen Ke would predict, but in fact Chen Ke didn't.

In the previous laning phase, when the health was close to full, it was impossible to dodge directly if the opponent's robot hooked it.

Normal people will choose to believe in their own position for the first time.

Then he was hooked by Chen Ke very naturally.

The robot doesn't have many operations. Just hook it up and use the E skill to knock it back. The rest basically has to be left to Draven to handle.

Chen Ke and his brother obviously maintained a sufficient tacit understanding at this moment.

The two of them wanted to be All in from the very beginning, and it was not as simple as showing up in a flash.

After the E skill knocked away Lux, Chen Ke's ignition was set on his body.

My brother is also constantly outputting.

As Draven, he definitely doesn't need to say anything about his proficiency.

Before he came out, Delevingne had the most say among LPL professional players.

The output process was very smooth. After Lux flashed out, she immediately followed up and gave an E flash, and at the same time, the ax in her hand could still keep up.

The policewoman could only watch from the side at this time, and it was useless to worry.

He hasn't reached the second level yet. He has learned a Q skill at the first level, and there is no such thing as a trap to block movement.

Moreover, this female police officer is quite timid, and Chen Ke can feel it from the very beginning when they first face each other.

When Lux was hooked, no one could threaten him, but this guy still retreated immediately.

After my brother flashed up and followed him, he outputted without any pressure throughout the process.

After taking down the defense tower, I still succeeded in taking down Lux.

The bottom lane combination of Chen Ke + Brother has started to show results just after it went online.

Draven got first blood, and the bottom lane matchup was just about to end.

Chen Ke was still wondering if the [Bloodline Suppression] talent had an effect.

When reading the explanation before, Chen Ke still remembered that if the two of them became teammates, there would be some wonderful effects.

This wave of cooperation between the two people is quite smooth. Could it be said that it is effective?

Chen Ke took another special look and found that he was overthinking.

Being teammates is only limited to professional competitions, and this ranking does not count.

Not even in training matches.

Maybe it's not how well they cooperate, but the fact that the two people on the opposite side are really not good at it.

It's not surprising when you think about it, he's currently playing at the master level.

The level is really not that high, and it is normal for some weird people to appear sometimes.

With the strength of him and his brother, let alone winning at this level, there is no problem in beating the opponent in the lane.

Normally speaking, among all the ranks, the hardest to beat is not Black Iron Bronze, nor Grandmaster King.

But the silver and gold game.

The segments of silver and gold are the easiest to integrate into, and anyone who comes here will be sweating profusely.

Playing this kind of master game is relatively easy.

As long as there are no actors, after gaining the advantage, your teammates will know what to do under normal circumstances.

"Damn it, this robot is really a little fierce!"

The battle is still going on, and neither Chen Ke nor his brother has gone home.

After Lux came online, Chen Ke flashed his hook and hooked the person back.

This time, I knew that he didn't flash, and if he hooked back, it would be a sure-kill situation.

After cutting off another head, even my brother couldn't help but praise him.

Hearing him praise Chen Ke from his brother's mouth was something I never dared to think about before.

I wouldn't have dared to think about it before, so as long as I live long enough, I can witness anything.

When Ruozi came out two years later, he probably saw Uzi in EDG, and there were stars on the team uniform. People were confused at first.

My brother is just having fun now and doesn't think much about it. He just subconsciously feels that this support is very powerful.

I got two kills at level 3. I have never had such a wonderful start.

After my brother praised Chen Ke, the result was very effective, but his fans seemed a little dissatisfied.

Why do the SG sisters want Chen Ke to die quickly? To put it bluntly, it's not to protect their idol.

Now I hear my idol boasting about it, which is naturally a little hard to accept.

Seeing someone swiping the screen on the barrage, my brother restrained himself a lot.

However, the cooperation between the two people in the follow-up was still in place, and Chen Ke only needed to hook over.

As Draven's equipment gets better and better, the game becomes easier.

After the hook came over, whether it flashed or not, it was just a matter of two or three blows from Draven.

Playing in ranked doesn't need to be so rigorous. The advantage is big enough, and the two of them start to disconnect and block people in front of the second tower to kill them.

Totally inappropriate.

"Wuhu, you will die when you come here. I feel like I can go directly to the high ground later."

In less than ten minutes, my brother was almost in a state of ecstasy. He was so high at this time.

When I was finishing my last blow, I suddenly saw a barrage, and I couldn't stop laughing immediately.

Barrage: "During the competition, Chen Ke also blocked you in this position to kill you."

My brother's mentality fluctuated slightly, so he made a positioning error.

He was hit by Lux's Q, who was almost buried in the ground.

"It's broken, start answering Q!"

Chen Ke knew that this was his brother's reserved project, so there was nothing strange about answering Q, but he still had to rush to save people.

Because at this time, the purification in my brother's body is still cooling down.

The bottom lane on the opposite side was beaten badly, and the policewoman didn't have any equipment at all. Even if Lux's Q was hit and the policewoman received a clip, it was actually just a HP hit, and it was impossible to kill him directly.

But at this moment, Morgana, the jungler on the opposite side, also came over.

Fortunately, Lux's control ended, leaving Morgana unable to receive skills.

Chen Ke and his brother were both retreating.

Under normal circumstances, Draven's equipment is actually no problem in two-on-three.

The main reason is that after being clamped by the female police officer in Q just now, my brother's blood volume is not very good now.

Moreover, after Morgana comes over, the role of Chen Ke's robot will be infinitely reduced.

At this time, running away is the wisest choice.

It's obviously not worthwhile to exchange the big head of my brother with the opposite one.

After Morgana came over, there was no good way to retain people, so she could only flash to Q.

At this distance, even Morgana's flash and wide range are not enough to keep people away.

In other words, in ranked, everyone plays a little more casually.

In a game, it's rare to see Morgana flash directly to Q.

It's still a problem with Morgana's Q skill, her flying speed is too slow.

Then when the Q skill is gliding, the opponent has already moved and twisted it.

My brother doesn't know what's going on. This position looks weird.

Could it be that he couldn't control himself after seeing the Q skill?

Sure enough, there was only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname.


If Morgana takes another Q, Draven will definitely die, and the policewoman won't even need to compensate for the damage. Morgana can probably handle it alone.

Considering that his brother is a big man, Chen Ke simply showed up to help block Q.

Chen Ke didn't think much about it at all, he just did what an assistant should do.

I really didn’t deliberately try to create a show effect.

But once Chen Ke uses his Q skill, he still flashes and eats it, which means he can't run away.

Flashing to sell himself to save his brother? Damn it, what kind of romance novel is this?

The barrage in Chen Ke's live broadcast room suddenly exploded.


"The flash blocking skill really brings tears to my eyes."

"You have to sell yourself to save your brother. He really makes me cry to death!"

"Damn it, I've seen it a long time ago. Chen Ke is my brother's true fan."

"From now on, the two of them will talk about their own affairs. Chen Ke will call him his idol, and he will call Chen Ke his father."

"One moves to receive the Q, and the other has to flash to receive it. The decision is made!"


Even my brother himself was confused.

Chen Ke could still act like this even though he knew it was him, which made his brother a little moved.

Fortunately, my brother came to his senses quickly and knew that he couldn't fight back with his blood volume.

Chen Ke could only sell him and run away quickly.

Originally, in this kind of ranking, my brother felt that it didn't matter if he died once or twice.

But Chen Ke flashed to help block the attack with a skill, so he had to leave.

If he were still dead, I would be really sorry for Chen Ke.

Chen Ke really had no means of escape, he was just trying to delay as much time as possible.

The head was taken away by Lacus, which was the best outcome for Chen Ke.

When he was revived and returned to the bottom lane again, he was still as strong as ever.

A robot's head won't affect anything at all.

14 minutes ago, the bottom lane was quickly bulldozed.

With nine heads on Draven's body, he looks more and more invincible.

But when the opponent reached 15 minutes, they did not choose to surrender.

The main thing is that they just exploded in the bottom lane this time, and it wasn't a total collapse.

On the contrary, there are advantages to going on the road.

Chen Ke and his family were a bitch on the road. Chen Ke occasionally cut the screen to take a look at this bitch.

You can vaguely see the shadow of Brother Ba, and you can imagine how comfortable the opposing top laner is.

The two people on the opposite side of the lane may have wanted to do this. This game has no game experience, so it is better to end it as soon as possible.

But if their teammates don't agree, there's no point in thinking about it.

Around 18 minutes, Chen Ke cooperated with his brother and demolished the tower in the middle opposite side.

Even if things don't go well on the road, they still have a great advantage in this game as a whole.

In the advantageous game, Chen Ke had to be a little more courageous. When he went to the opposite jungle to ward, he was kept by Morgana and Jace.

Fortunately, Chen Ke was well equipped at this time, and after the control was over, he flashed and distanced himself.

Just when he was about to run away, the policewoman on the opposite side came with a big move.

A sniper bullet targeted Chen Ke.

Chen Ke is still in a state of residual health. If this bullet hits him, the damage will definitely be enough.

No matter how poorly developed the policewoman is, she still can't stand Chen Ke's blood volume at this time.

In fact, Chen Ke still had a stopwatch on him, but there was no need to use it.

Jace kept chasing him.

You can indeed avoid the policewoman's ultimate move by using a stopwatch, but you will still die after you stand up.

If he is destined to die, he might as well give the head to the policewoman. Jess's development on the top lane is pretty good.


However, what is shocking is that his brother flashes over to help block the bullet.

Very extreme distance.

This operation also shocked Chen Ke.

Draven's flash is still very important. There is no need to block bullets for the auxiliary. Even if the robot dies in this wave, it will not have much impact on the situation.

But my brother is still very particular.

If you help me once, I will flash back to you.

From now on, Chen Ke, I don’t owe you anything!

Chen Ke didn't even have time to speak, and instantly decided to fight back.

He turned around and caught Jace with a hook.

When Jace saw Draven coming, he actually had no intention of chasing him, but the robot's hook was still too fast.

Morgana was also nearby, but he had already used the shield just now.

It's not that I can't react, it's just that my skills aren't ready yet.

After Jace hooked over, Chen Ke himself was in danger.

However, after Chen Ke connected with the E skill, he quickly pressed the stopwatch before Jess could move him.

Jace was stunned for a moment, and the movement of his hand froze, and then his brother easily withdrew the sword three times.

The key point is that Morgana is still on the attack. It seems that she has been chasing her until now, even though she took Jace's life, she still couldn't kill the robot and lost blood.

After Chen Ke stood up, he still insisted on killing Chen Ke by force.

However, the Q skill suppressed him but did not suppress him. Chen Ke did not die, but Morgana was easily killed by Draven.

This wave of brother flashed to block bullets, and Chen Ke helped his brother win a double kill with a wonderful hook, bringing the atmosphere to its highest point.

"Wairui, one flash helps block the Q, and the other flash helps block the bullet."

"Are you two here to show off your affection?"

"If we cooperate like this in the game, I can't even imagine the effect."

"Why is it so annoying?"

"I used to be a champion fan, but now I declare that I have become a CP fan."

"I didn't expect the two of them to walk down the road so violently and kill the other side indiscriminately."

"After I win this round, can I let my brother assist Chen Ke in another round?"

"Damn it, I want to see it!"

"Let me tell you a scary thing. The most powerful support brother has encountered in his career may be Chen Ke."


In fact, these are normal operations, at best they are a little exciting.

But Chen Ke glanced at the barrage and was so embarrassed. What's going on?

This is not a good trend. The key is that you can’t say this directly.

The more you talk about it, the more enthusiastic your fans become.

Chen Ke simply started the team and said: "It's hard to say that we will win this round."

"Generally when he has a big advantage, he likes to give a big one."

[True Points +500]

Fans: "?"

Chen Ke's sudden group start was a bit overwhelming.

We are talking about CP, what does it mean that you are suddenly disgusted?


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