He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 263 Mine is big, please bear with it! (asking for monthly ticket)

After taking his brother's head, Chen Ke now had four heads on his body.

At this time point of more than ten minutes, it is considered to be quite good development.

In many cases, you can't just look at the number of kills. Some players often don't have any kills, and then they can make up for the bounty with a last hit.

Chen Ke took the lead with last hits in this game, and also took a lot of plating.

With the equipment Chen Ke has now, and with his ultimate move, he can probably kill anyone he catches alone.

On the other hand, my brother is almost one piece behind in equipment.

Obviously, he still has a long way to go before he can reach the stage of exerting his strength.

There is a high probability that we won’t get to that point.

While his brother was on the line, Chen Ke was still pushing the first tower on the opposite side of the middle lane.

The first tower in the middle road is already in a state of residual health. If Chen Ke is given a few more seconds, he will probably be able to push it away.

At this point brother arrived and tried to stop Chen Ke.

The importance of the first tower in the middle is here, and it cannot be given to it for no reason.

When his brother saw Chen Ke, he was still full of pressure, but he still mustered up the courage to come up.

Mainly, no one else was in V5 at this time, only Chen Ke himself.

If Wink was there, no matter how courageous my brother was, he would not dare to come up and collect him alone.

Because Brother Zhuo was not here at this time, the supports on both sides wandered to the top lane.

After AD comes to the middle lane, it is true that the support will not be around to protect him. The middle lane is the safest development line.

What his brother didn't know was that Chen Ke had just slowed down the speed of pushing the tower and was actually waiting for him to come over.

Chen Ke was still wondering whether his brother would go on the road this time.

Now the roads on both sides looked tense, and people were approaching, looking like they were about to start a fight at any time.

My brother might be able to support him directly, and it would be convenient to just resurrect him from home.

But then I thought about it, I just used the flash of my ultimate move, it is not very convenient to support at this time, it is better to come to the middle to continue the last-hitting development.

If you can't get anything back, it will actually affect your development speed.

Chen Ke became excited when he saw his brother coming to clear out the troops.

At this moment, in front of Chen Ke, there is a blue soldier with residual health.

When the troops entered the tower just now, after a new wave of troops from the opposite side came over, Chen Ke did not try his best to push the line.

Instead, he kept tapping the tower.

In everyone's opinion, this is normal. Chen Ke definitely wants to demolish the tower in the middle first.

My brother thought so too, and he felt that since Chen Ke didn't have a big move anymore, he wouldn't be in much danger.


He never expected that as soon as he arrived at the foot of the tower, Chen Ke would hit him with [Penetrating Holy Light].

If Qing Kai'Sa directly, Chen Ke stood on the edge of the opposite tower, and the distance was simply not enough.

For Q Xiaobing, the distance was enough, the angle was just right, and he hit his brother directly.

Being hurt by Chen Ke was something his brother expected. He knew that Chen Ke would not let him hit him for no reason.

However, my brother's Q skill has evolved at this time. Just one Q skill can quickly clear out the minions under the tower.

Chen Ke didn't dare to mess around.

But Chen Ke is more courageous than his brother thought.

[Transparent Holy Light] As soon as the damage hit Kai'Sa, Chen Ke slid up.

After hitting the A point twice with his hand, Chen Ke hit with another W shot, and then hit it twice more.

Now Chen Ke has two pieces of equipment and a 40% critical hit chance, and he can actually hit twice in a row.

Another reason why Chen Ke dared to take action this time was because the strong wind on his body had improved.

Carrying the opposite defense tower, Chen Ke hit Kai'Sa again.

At this time, his brother no longer had the Q skill, which he had just used to clear troops. If his Q skill was still there, Chen Ke would not dare to use it like this.

If an evolved [Icathian Rainstorm] is poured all over him, and Kai'Sa clicks twice to connect to the W skill, Chen Ke will still be very dangerous.

Now that my brother's Q skill is in CD, he doesn't have any good counterattack methods.

After ordering Chen Ke twice, I just wanted to have a W.

Only when [Surveying Enemies in the Void] hits, can he detonate the plasma on Chen Ke as quickly as possible.

The moment Kai'Sa raised her hands hard to release [Void Search for Enemies], Chen Ke pressed the violent wind to the side.

This squall was perfectly timed and played a key role.

It avoided the damage from Kai'Sa's W skill, and at the same time, all the damage from the strong wind was poured into his brother.

Chen Ke's set of output just now was actually not full.

After the Q skill hit, he passively hit Kai'Sa twice without hitting Kai'Sa, so Chen Ke went up with E.

At that distance, it would be impossible to hit anyone unless E went up.

Lucian's shooting range is too short, the lowest among all AD heroes.

In addition, Chen Ke wanted to be more violent, so the second piece of equipment was a collector instead of an artillery piece.

Fortunately, Chen Ke's equipment lead is too big now, and his equipment does very high damage at this point in time.

Coupled with the strong wind to compensate for the damage, it's almost enough.

Chen Ke nodded his brother twice more.

When the last flat A shot was taken, Chen Ke flashed out of the defense tower.

The moment he flashed out, the holy light bullet in his hand fell on his brother.

The collector effect was triggered and he took down his brother's head again.

Chen Ke was stunned and carried the defense tower three times. When he flashed out, he was in a dying state.

No matter what, as long as it can be locked.

This is a solo kill of the opponent by jumping over the tower, and he flashes out in advance before the person is dead.

There's something about a real man who never looks back at the explosion, and his brother once again becomes the backdrop.


"Damn it, can you jump over the tower and kill solo when you are full of health? I can't understand this damage."

"I've told you a long time ago that G2 champion Lucian's skin has bonuses."

"Don't lie to me, I bought that skin too."

"Brother, isn't he killed every time he meets Chen Ke? Is there anything to be surprised about?"

"After the main force kill, Chen Ke also showed up to teach over the wall."

"Hahaha, it's true what you said."

"Brother can't pass the wall. I, Chen Ke, can show it to you."

"It's so harsh. I keep teaching my brother things during the competition. I cried to death!"


While the barrage was still being ridiculed, Chen Ke had quickly distanced himself.

Fortunately, the people on the opposite side were all concentrated in the upper half of the area.

There is no one near the middle lane now, and Chen Ke's health level is not dangerous.

Not only did he not worry about his own safety, he also had the time to go to the middle and push down the opponent's bloody middle tower.

This game didn't end so quickly.

But after 15 minutes, everyone could see that Taobo had no hope of winning this round.

Leaving aside the others, it’s very difficult for my brother to be in this state.

If Taobo wants to win, he must ask his brother to get up, but he cannot die so many times.

With Kai'Sa dying so many times, it would be difficult for any team to win.

Being single-killed by Chen Ke twice in a row, my brother couldn't wait for the three-piece suit he wanted in this game.

Finally, at nearly 27 minutes, all members of V5 bulldozed the Taobo base and won a small game.

After winning the game, Chen Ke didn't ridicule him.

The main thing is that he knows why the fight is like this, and there is no point in mocking it anymore.

On the contrary, V5 fans can finally feel a little more relaxed.

Winning the first game was like finally being able to relax a little bit.

No matter what, Taobao can be regarded as a pretty good team in the LPL.

In the spring split, they even reached the semi-finals, and they have a good chance of entering the world championships.

If you can win easily against them, it proves that V5 has regained its form.

Although the game time is not very fast, the whole process is still quite easy.

It's just that V5's game is a little rough. This has something to do with the fact that they lost the last game and everyone really wants to win now.

I played a little more steadily, not as aggressively as before.

In the previous V5, when I got some advantage, I just wanted to take away the opponent directly.

The second game started soon.

Taobo made a change in this game and chose to go to the red side.

In this way, each side has a blue square, which is very fair.

Lucian still took the ban position and was no longer used by Chen Ke.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry to choose a hero, and waited until the second round for both bottom lanes.

"Oh, the robot just came out?"

Everyone was indeed a little surprised when they saw Taobo on the red side and the robot displayed on the fourth floor.

In my impression, Zhuo has never played this hero.

Mainly, the robot was banned in the last round, and Taobo released it in this round. Unexpectedly, they chose it themselves.

Miller also said: "Maybe because I don't want V5 to choose a robot, Taobo just uses it myself. If you dare to choose, you must be prepared."

"Yes, it will be a bit troublesome to give this hero to V5. The main thing is that both of them can use this hero in the bottom lane."


The robot was selected by the opponent, and V5 didn't feel much at all.

In their tactical system, robots only appear occasionally and are not very important heroes.

Even if the opponent doesn't grab it, they most likely won't pick it.

The fact that Taobo attaches so much importance to robots today may have something to do with the fact that Chen Ke's robot assisted him in killing people that day.

I have seen how powerful Chen Ke's robot is.

If Chen Ke were to use a robot in a competition, my brother would never dare to think about it.

If the robot answers the Q, something big will happen.

When we came to the fourth and fifth floors to select players, V5 was about to form a bottom lane combination.

I really didn’t know what to play, so in order to cooperate with Zoe in the middle lane, Chen Ke chose an EZ.

Form a double Poke system.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Ke is equally good at EZ as a hero.

The hit rate of this hero skill is really crucial, but this is what Chen Ke is best at.

It's just that Chen Ke doesn't play this hero much in games.

As a result, when everyone was counting Chen Ke's signature heroes, EZ was not included.

Although Chen Ke didn't consider robots too much when choosing, everyone knows that EZ is not under any pressure when facing robots.

Unlike Thresh's hook, even if the robot's hook is eaten, EZ can still EZ out.

For professional players, it is impossible to be hooked and press E to react, which is equivalent to a robot that poses no threat.

My brother’s side was also interesting. He chose skateboard shoes on the fifth floor.

The heroes created by the two of them in this round were as if their roles had been reversed.

In the previous impression, Chen Ke prefers to play heroes who are not very conventional or even reverse versions.

But in this game, the EZ in Chen Ke's hand is the mainstream of the current version, with a very high appearance rate.

Compared with the MSI version of the three musketeers in the bottom lane, the appearance rate is higher.

The skateboard shoes in my brother's hands are relatively unpopular.

When he locked in, Miller also said directly: "If I remember correctly, this is the first time Kalista has appeared since the start of the summer split."

We haven’t played for long in the main summer split so far.

Miller remembers it quite clearly. If there are uncertain data or appearances, he will wait for the director to remind him before talking about it.

After being beaten violently in the last game, the Taobo coaching staff probably wanted to make changes in the bottom lane and play stronger in the lane.

The alignment strength of skateboard shoes is definitely stronger than that of EZ.

When the jungler does not participate, the two sides fight in the bottom lane, and the skateboard shoes can fight casually.

Being able to pick it out against the V5 bottom lane shows that Taobo must have practiced in recent training matches, and the results have been very good.

When playing against a strong team, it is impossible to just pick and use heroes that you have not practiced before.

If a player says in an interview that he has not practiced beforehand, he is most likely lying.

Skateboard shoes are equipped with robots, and they feel quite oppressive just by looking at them.

So as soon as the game started, the director showed footage of the bottom lane.

Having just arrived online, Chen Ke really needs to be more steady.

The level 1 opponent's skateboard shoes are still very powerful in combat. If you are stuck chasing A and keep stacking spears, you will have to peel off your skin even if you don't die.

When playing a hero like EZ, you still can’t rush.

The feeling of laning in the previous game was reversed, and Taobo successfully reached the second level.

However, Chen Ke and the others didn't give them a chance. They gave Zhuo the hook as soon as he reached level two, but unfortunately he didn't hit.

After the hook is released, it is equivalent to reducing the line pressure by more than half.

And Chen Ke could tell that his brother was not playing aggressively, which was a bit different from his style.

After V5 came to the second level from the bottom lane, Wink also made his first hook shot in this game.

Knowing that the robot had no hook, he simply took the initiative and took the initiative.

Titan is a bit like a Counter robot. After the hook hits the robot, Chen Ke's Q skill instantly catches up.

Even though he was hooked, Taobo, the bottom laner, logically needs to be stronger in combat. There is no reason not to fight in this wave.

My brother’s skateboard shoes kept beating flat A.

Chen Ke was also unambiguous. When his brother A was Titan, he also gave his brother the flat A in his hand.

My brother jumped forward this time, which was equivalent to breaking away from his own soldiers, and there was no obstacle in front of him.

After Chen Ke's Q skill improved, another Q skill accurately hit his brother.

The smell of gunpowder was strong, and the two people started to fight each other.

But at this time, Titan is obviously more useful than robots.

The robot's hook was on cooldown, and after the hook was completed, he immediately used the E skill on Titan.

If you want to use skateboard shoes to output Titans, ignore EZ.

But Chen Ke immediately went to deal with his brother, which made him a little unable to withstand it.

If EZ has five layers of passives, its attack speed will also be very fast.

When my brother and Chen Ke were facing each other, Wink flashed over and gave him a flat ace.

He was punished to stand on the spot, allowing Chen Ke to hit twice more to draw A.

And the robot has no skills at this time and can't do anything.

Seeing that his health was dropping quickly, his brother got scared and wanted to pull back.

Press the E skill to draw the spear in advance, hoping to slow down Chen Ke.

There is still some chance in a head-on fight, because Chen Ke uses teleportation, which is equivalent to missing a summoner skill.

If you get cold feet, you will completely lose your chance. Chen Ke still has the E skill in his hand.

The moment E went out, a flat A came on top of his brother.

EZ's [Arcane Leap] is often used to deal damage.

Wink also understands it very well, just leave the rest to Chen Ke.

He was responsible for sticking it, knowing that the robot's hook was almost ready. The only thing he could do now was to help Chen Ke block the hook later.


But there was still a flash, and he flashed the hook directly. This hook was used to save people.

The moment Chen Ke took action, he flashed forward and stuck to his skateboard shoes.

The flat A in my hand never stopped for a moment.

In panic, the elder brother also handed over Flash, but was still hit by Chen Ke's Q.

With residual health, he was taken away by Chen Ke with a Q skill.

After getting a strong combination and giving away first blood, even Taobo coach Zhanma closed his eyes in despair.

It's just baffling, it feels like there's something wrong with both of them. ,

In training matches, this is not the case at all.

You said Chen Ke's operation is so good. Apart from the accurate Q skill, I haven't seen any abnormal operation from him this time.

My brother was even more stressed at the moment. When the camera came, the stress was already written on his face.

I kept biting my lips and even forgot about my favorite scratching of my head.

Chen Ke also knows that pressure is a superimposed process.

The pressure from the previous game hadn't faded away yet, and this one started again.

With the existence of [bloodline suppression], the pressure I put on him was destined to be great.

But there was nothing I could do but let my brother endure it for a while and wait until the game was over.

In order to comfort his brother, Chen Ke showed him a weak blow.

I hope there can be some interaction to help my brother relieve his nervousness at the moment.


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