He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 266 Jimeis, rush him out! (Please support with monthly tickets)

"Can you change it and give me another chance?"

Chen Ke was a little unwilling to give up and tried to communicate with the system.

It may not be that good. Chen Ke had psychological expectations before, but you can't give me the whole thing that is completely useless.

But the system entered a state of pretending to be dead.

Chen Ke had discovered this thing before. It was a bit difficult to communicate, and it basically worked sometimes and sometimes not.

After the failed attempt, Chen Ke naturally did not have any expectations.

With a depressed mood, Chen Ke slowly fell asleep.

In the dream, Chen Ke transformed into Tam and licked wildly.

When I woke up at noon the next day, my mouth felt a little dry.

After the afternoon training match, Chen Ke had nothing to do and simply started the live broadcast.

After winning the game last night, the live broadcast was not started, and the fans were still a little depressed.

If you are reasonable and win Taobo, you are not just a cat or a dog. You should start a live broadcast to let everyone have fun.

After the live broadcast started today, everyone didn’t talk much about yesterday’s game.

The questions are all about the next game with RNG.

The group that Chen Ke held during the post-game interview could be regarded as helping Taobo and his brother.

My brother was beaten like that yesterday, and if he's reasonable, he would definitely be severely punished.

My brother's enthusiasm has always been there.

But after Chen Ke finished spraying yesterday, there were also people who started talking about Brother, but obviously not that many.

The topic was directly changed by Chen Ke.

Everyone is talking about RNG and Auntie.

Of course, both RNG and Auntie are unpopular.

There is a basic base of fans, and even among Auntie’s fans, many are RNG fans, who are highly bound to it.

But it leaves a bad impression on passers-by.

When Chen Ke started talking like this, there were naturally a lot of people following him.

For example, Chen Ke's fans are quite active right now, and there are a lot of "do you have confidence" on the barrage.

Chen Ke simply responded: "Don't worry, I won't say much about the next game. Let's just wait and see."

"We always fight hard against teams like RNG."

There was no nonsense, Chen Ke just expressed his stance.

Meeting RNG is like meeting that clown from PSG at MSI. There is only one word, "beat"!

Chen Ke has always been the kind of person who is not afraid of being slapped in the face. To him, saying harsh words in advance is not a bad move.

Fans were naturally excited after hearing this.

Beating RNG violently will be another enjoyment.

Chen Ke is still the same as before. When the broadcast starts, he will watch the barrage first and communicate with everyone.

But after he finished speaking, everyone on the barrage was scolding RNG.

At this moment, everyone was surprisingly harmonious and consistent, and there were not many words in a row.

As a result, Chen Ke didn't know what team to join, and he seemed to have scolded RNG enough.

If there is no inspiration from the barrage, Chen Ke will not be able to find a new starting point for a while.

After chatting briefly for a while, Chen Ke opened the game and prepared to play two ranked games.

Of course, during general live broadcasts, Chen Ke always plays the national server.

After going online, Chen Ke specifically checked to see if his brother was online.

If you are here, you can play with me.

Anyway, the regular season games are over and we won’t meet them before the playoffs, so there’s nothing wrong with them playing together.

It's a pity that my brother's gray avatar will no longer jump.

It's not surprising if you think about it carefully. Not many professional players play in the national server, and at this point, my brother may not have finished the training match yet.

The training time for each team will definitely be slightly different, and there will be review after the game.

After losing to V5 yesterday, it is not surprising that Taobo started practicing more today.

Chen Ke opened the rankings himself, but he played the mid lane position.

There was no fill-in position, and Chen Ke successfully obtained the mid lane position.

And after entering, no one asked him to give up his seat.

However, some teammates recognized Chen Ke first and expressed their desire to be friends.

Even if you are a negative fan, don’t delay adding a friend.

Chen Ke didn't agree directly. Instead, he dealt with it in the same way as most players. He would wait until the battle was over and won.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, Chen Ke, this is sure."

"I'll protect you later!"

The blind monk on the first floor of his house was very enthusiastic at this time and was typing furiously to interact with Chen Ke.

Chen Ke suddenly frowned, who the hell is this person? Why does he look so familiar?

It makes everyone seem to know each other.

Do you want to be a friend this way? It's not necessary, Chen Ke feels that his friend status is of little value.

"Really or not, is this Brother Ba?"

Chen Ke only realized after watching the barrage that the person who was interacting with him crazily was actually Brother Ba.

If it was Brother Ba, it wouldn't be surprising.

Chen Ke had criticized him before, and he thought he had a good relationship with Chen Ke.

The reason why Chen Ke had to confirm repeatedly was because he didn't understand why Brother Ba wanted to play blind monk.

The stone man on the other side didn't target him either.

The top laner Blind Sin has been popular for several versions and is still popular now.

There are many in ranked, and you can basically see it all the time. Now that Lee Sin is selected, everyone defaults to using it to play top lane, rather than jungle.

There is no problem with the hero, and there is no problem with the position.

The problem is people.

You, Wang Muba, can’t even understand how to play the Stone Man, so why are you playing the blind monk?

Chen Ke couldn't help but type: "You are Brother Ba?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Brother Ba didn't expect that Chen Ke didn't recognize him, so he responded: "Didn't I add you as a friend last time?"

Only then did Chen Ke remember that Brother Ba was in his friend list.

In the last game organized by Huya, Chen Ke's teammates all added Chen Ke as game friends.

But Chen Ke has no memory of who is who. He can only remember his brother's ID.

Chen Ke did not respond to Brother Ba's question, but instead asked: "The stone man and the dog head are outside, why are you playing blind monk?"

"This hero's top laner is very powerful recently. Don't you often use it in professional games?"

"Hero Meng, what does it have to do with you?"

Brother Ba: "..."

[True Points +1000]

The two interacted for a few words and then entered the game.

Chen Ke is playing Zoe, and his proficiency with this hero has been no problem for a long time.

In the mid lane, Chen Ke loves to play this hero. His operation is a bonus, and the feeling of being able to kill people instantly is very comfortable.

In this kind of game, combined with Chen Ke's skill hit rate, there will be no problem in laning.

The opponent is also a unique anchor, but it is said that his unique skill Kassadin was banned. In this game, he used a clockwork to face Chen Ke, and the fight was very uncomfortable.

Chen Ke did gain a considerable advantage in the middle, but Chen Ke never laughed from the beginning to the end.

The main reason was that something went wrong on the road, something happened to Brother Ba, which Chen Ke could foresee in advance.

If you don't even have this ability to predict, how can you be the world's number one AD?

What surprised Chen Ke was that Brother Ba also brought down the jungler.

After being caught once at the beginning, I started to shake people, but I didn't expect to send the jungler with me.

Then the two of them started arguing, which made the whole game unharmonious among teammates.

Brother Ba, the blind monk, has a bad mouth, but his own jungler Udyr has an even worse mouth.

Compared with him, Brother Ba is considered elegant and easy-going.

With the top lane exploding and the bottom lane average, this game was all supported by Chen Ke alone.

To be honest, I have never been so sweaty during a game.

Playing ranked, the pressure is full.

When the time came to 29 minutes, the opponent's card vision stole the baron.

Chen Ke had a premonition that something was wrong, but after the jungler collapsed, he only thought about disgusting Brother Ba and did not play the game at all.

He gave the signal without thinking of coming over quickly, allowing the opponent to capture the baron without spending a single soldier.

Chen Ke frantically signaled that people must be retained in this wave.

If he gets the Baron and lets the opponent go like this, then when he needs to deal with the army line, it will be more uncomfortable for him as a Poke hero.

If we can fight a wave and wipe out all the main opponents, we might still have a chance in this round.

If you are really immersed in the game, even if it is an insignificant ranking game, Chen Ke must be thinking about winning.

Brother Ba understood it clearly. Chen Ke sent so many signals, even a pig knew that Chen Ke was asking him to keep people.

Mo Yan Tian Yin Bo, don’t tell me, there is nothing wrong with this Q skill, it accurately hit Kai’Sa on the opposite side.

Moreover, the positions of the people on the opposite side were slightly scattered. When they ran away just now, they did not retreat together.

If some people have the displacement skill, they can just cross the wall and leave, while others just leave the dragon pit and walk towards their home.


Chen Ke pressed the Tab key instantly and took a look. Brother Ba was still there in the flash.

In this wave, just kick the person R back and it will take seconds.

It's almost 30 minutes now, and the resurrection time is quite long. The opponent lacks a main output point, so they definitely don't dare to push forward strongly, and a lot of Baron buff time will be wasted.

But the next second, Chen Keren was dumbfounded.

The barrage was also filled with question marks.

Brother Ba's R flash didn't know what was going on, so he kicked the person forward, which was equivalent to a wave of life-saving treatment.

With such a kick, Chen Ke's skills were all gone.

The Kai'Sa players were stunned for the first time. They didn't expect to be able to run away without handing in any skills.

After quickly moving away, I didn't forget to give Brother Ba a thumbs up. You're such a nice person.

"Damn it, I made a mistake this time, I didn't start the operation!"

At this time, Brother Ba was still washing like crazy in his live broadcast room.

But for his fans, it doesn't seem strange. Instead, they feel that the effect of the show is here.

But Chen Ke has been playing games hard and doesn't think there is anything funny about this wave.

Instead, he shook his head and said speechlessly: "To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that there is a person sitting in front of Brother Ba's computer."

"How come a blind man can make mistakes when he flashes R?"


This wave makes the opponent retreat completely, making the game difficult.

There are still two pendulums in the team, and it is simply difficult to resist the enemy's advance.

After watching Brother Ba's operation, Chen Ke's anger was gone.

It’s not like I can’t accept losing.

To be honest, it would be quite disgusting if such an upper jungler were to win.

After finishing the rankings, what Chen Ke didn't expect was that Brother Ba took the initiative to find him.

"Come to double queue, I was in a bad state just now."

Brother Ba actually doesn't feel anything at all, he just wants to create some show effect.

His fans probably also knew that Chen Ke was depressed after being beaten, and they yelled frantically for Brother Ba to get Chen Ke to double queue together.

Brother Ba also really wants to play duo queue with Chen Ke. Every time he meets Chen Ke, his popularity in the live broadcast room will increase anyway.

What every anchor wants most is the live broadcast effect. With this thing, everyone is willing to watch and buy gifts.

Chen Ke was silent for a moment. He was currently broadcasting live. It would be impolite not to reply.

He simply said: "I'm a little sleepy. Toothpaste told me to go to sleep. I'll do it next time."

Brother Ba knew that Chen Ke did this on purpose because he could see the duration of Chen Ke's live broadcast.

Now the live broadcast has not lasted more than an hour, and apart from toothpaste, professional players are sleepy at this point.

Brother Ba continued to type furiously: "I'm not going to lie to you, I'm very skilled in R-flash. I've practiced it many times before. I was just too nervous just now."

Chen Ke wanted to laugh a little, but couldn't help but said: "It's enough for the blind monk to flash R, but he still needs to practice?"

In fact, Chen Ke didn't panic because he wanted to ask Brother Ba if he had been practicing for two and a half years.

But think about what you would do if you were caught in a live broadcast by a lawyer later.

When Brother Ba heard this, he immediately became unhappy: "No, that's for you professional players. It's not that easy for ordinary people to do R-dodge."

"I said it's fine if you have hands. That's just for you. We professional players can dodge R with our feet."

"Damn it, don't brag, just dodge with your foot and show me."


Chen Ke was attacking Brother Ba, but he didn't expect that it would make the show more effective. Brother Ba was also quite good at it.

Just let Chen Ke demonstrate it on the spot.

After the rhythm picked up, even Chen Ke fans wanted to see it.

Use your foot R to dodge. If you use customization, Chen Ke can also do it.

It's just that he feels that using his feet is a bit too heavy.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ke simply changed his approach: "Forget about using my feet, I can use my tongue."


Brother Ba really couldn't bear it anymore. He felt like Chen Ke was getting high.

Find Chen Ke directly to apply for a connection.

After the two of them connected to the mic, Brother Ba couldn't help but said: "Damn it, please stop bragging, it's absolutely impossible to dodge with your tongue!"

"What if it succeeds?"

Brother Ba: "If you succeed, I will call you daddy."

"But it's useless for me to have a son like you."

Brother Ba: "..."

"How about this? If I succeed, you can change your game ID to be my son."

Chen Ke thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing to punish Brother Ba, so he simply followed his train of thought and made some changes.

At the same time, he said: "If I fail, I will give you 10 treasure maps."

"Okay, okay, come on, come on!"

When Brother Ba heard about the 10 treasure maps, he immediately said there was no problem.

It doesn't matter if dad has money, such a bet puts no pressure on him.

Chen Ke also has no pressure because his tongue has been strengthened.

After strengthening it, it is of no use, but it can still be used to give Brother Ba a face.

And it doesn't matter if he really loses. Chen Ke still has a lot of Huya coins in his Huya account, and 10 treasure maps are just a drop in the bucket.

When these two people did this, the popularity of the live broadcast room exploded.

Many people came here specifically after hearing the news, wanting to see how Chen Ke flashed his tongue.

Chen Ke didn't start immediately, but wiped his keyboard with disinfectant wipes.

Just wipe it a little, it's not too particular.

And after strengthening, the tongue will not only be more flexible, but also the health bar will probably be improved, so it will not be so fragile.

But compared to the gesture of using the tongue in the future, it is still much cleaner.

After showing a wave of R flashes with his feet, he immediately used his tongue without wiping it off.

When I go back to the hospital, I guess the doctor still has to think about it.

Why is there still athlete's foot on the tongue? Young people today know how to play.

When ready, Chen Ke opened customization directly.

I chose a blind monk and put a dummy in front.

Chen Ke directly picked up the keyboard with one hand.

If he was lying down and using his tongue, he wouldn't be able to see the screen at all.


Chen Ke just gave it a simple try and succeeded the first time.

And that's not all. Chen Ke's skills are directly good without CD.

It came several times in succession, all very smoothly, without any failure.

"How to say?"

After putting down the keyboard, Chen Ke quickly rinsed his mouth.

Brother Ba was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe this was true.

It's even more uncomfortable than missing 20 tower troops.

The barrage was filled with question marks.


"Damn it, can your tongue really flash?"

"The blind monk on the tip of the tongue!"

"Damn it, why can't I do it with my hands? I wonder if I'm disabled."

"Are professional players really that scary?"

"Is there a possibility that Chen Ke is gifted?"

"To be honest, what kind of career can I have if I have such a tongue? I can get it right in one step and save thirty years of hard work."

"Huakai Fugui requests to add you as a friend."

"The flower language of steel wool is wealth and forbearance."


After a brief shock, the barrage began to joke.

Brother Ba couldn't afford it, so he stopped being harsh and simply changed his name.

What people didn't expect was that the ID "I am Chen Ke's son" had already been registered.

Brother Ba tried adding numbers at the end, but found that it still didn't work.

Finally, I tried "I am Chen Ke's eldest son" and finally succeeded in changing my name.

When Brother Ba tried one after another, the program was so effective that it was criticized.

When he saw the gifts coming one after another, Brother Ba was thinking that this father recognized him as worthy.

Chen Ke's fans smelled something different.

I couldn't help but ask in the barrage: "Why do you say he is Chen Ke's eldest son?"

"Suggesting that Chen Ke has other sons?"

"Fuck, this is so realistic and disgusting."

"Jimeis, flush him out!"


PS: Please vote for me!

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