"Really, what are you doing in the canteen all of a sudden?"

"What else can we do in the dining hall? Of course we have a group meeting."

"But there is a game to be played soon."

"The match starts with both teams, is there any problem?"

"I've been looking forward to it all."

"Why can't you control the dog? Give me the control dog and shout at the same time."


The news was quickly announced.

That is Chen Ke. If it were anyone else, the fans would probably explode.

The first one among Chen Ke's fans is that they are complex, and the second one is that they like to have fun.

When Chen Ke went to the dining hall, everyone wanted to see it, so they naturally supported it.

Similarly, Chen Ke has also attracted many female fans. For someone with Chen Ke's good looks, as long as his grades are good, there will definitely be many female fans.

There are people like Le Yan and OMG’s 1.9 meter jungler Aki.

In fact, they didn't even get bad grades. The girls think they are quite handsome and they still have many fans.

Moreover, Leyan had talked with Sister Zhou, and Aki had also been with Xiaolou.

It can be seen that in the e-sports circle, a little good looks are still very popular.

After all, the overall appearance level is not high, and there are too many crooked melons and cracked dates.

There's no way someone like Le Yan can compare with Chen Ke in appearance.

The number of female fans of Chen Ke is actually terrifying, but there are also many male fans, which slightly covers it up.

Female fans don’t have much reason to follow celebrities. I support whatever Chen Ke does.

The whole meal is broadcast live in the dining hall.

Today, because of Chen Ke's arrival, the format of the previous program was slightly changed.

Because today's dining hall is before the playoffs, it is strictly before the meal.

Normally it starts after a meal, as a snack for the audience.

If Chen Ke really plays in the playoffs, he will definitely not come back, so this period was temporarily added.

As we all know, how the show is run is not a problem. To put it bluntly, this kind of show is purely based on the performance of the guests and the host.

"Okay, today we also welcome two guests to our dining hall!"

At the beginning of the live broadcast, the second brother sat in the middle, holding a script in his hand, greeting enthusiastically and saying the opening remarks.

After reciting the sponsor seriously, the second brother started.

He smiled and said: "To be honest, I was quite stressed when Chen Ke came to our show today."

"It's okay. You don't have to be stressed. The commentary I wanted to give didn't come today."


As soon as Chen Ke opened his mouth, he turned his head away because he was already laughing.

This person is really ruthless and can start a group with the first word he speaks.

In the history of the dining hall, there has never been such an aggressive guest.

Chen Ke came once before, but at that time Chen Ke was just an ordinary newcomer commentator, and his attack power was simply not comparable to what it is now.

The second brother knew who Chen Ke was talking about. The key was that he had a good relationship with those two people.

Naturally, I couldn't say anything more, so I could only laugh and ignore the topic.

Different from the previous canteen where food was served immediately, this time the matchup map for this playoffs appeared directly.

The second brother asked: "This is this year's playoff matchup. What do you two think?"

"The posture comes first."

He adjusted his posture slightly and then said: "I think the champion has nothing to talk about. We can discuss more about this year's World Championship quota."

What he said about his posture was not a compliment, because other people thought so too.

With V5, let others compete for second place.

Don't say that the second place is the biggest loser. The points for the runner-up in the summer split are very important.

Chen Ke didn't have anything to say yet and was waiting for the gesture to finish.

However, the posture seemed to be a little more relaxed when I came up here, as if I was trying to lose face.

He and he don't look like the same person at all in the live broadcast room.

The second brother continued: "What about Chen Ke? Someone is very optimistic about you now."

"Well, let's wait until the fight is over, but our goal is to win the championship, and this has never changed."

When others give V5 a loan, Chen Ke usually doesn't bother to take it.

My own loan is somewhat interesting, but other people's loans always feel like something is missing.

Chen Ke's answer made everyone a little dissatisfied.

Such a calm tone did not sound like Chen Ke.

But the second brother is not in a hurry, this is just the beginning.

I just heard the second brother ask: "Is there any team in the playoffs that you really want to meet?"


Chen Key's words were concise and to the point, which made the posture next to him a little unnatural. After all, he was from RNG.

Everyone spent about ten minutes discussing the playoff matchups.

After the discussion, I felt it was meaningless.

Following the director's prompts, the second brother quickly started the next step.

Now I want to ask two people, "Which of the following do you think is the most likely to happen?"

First: RNG won the S competition.

Second: Chen Ke transfers to Taobo.

Third: Make a comeback and return to IG, becoming the main top laner.

Fourth: Uzi joins EDG.


From this point on, the aggressiveness becomes relatively high.

Even Chen Ke couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw it.

Chen Ke and posture are also among the options.

Zheng Zhi answered first. This person's composition is relatively obvious. He just said: "Looking at it, it's quite outrageous."

"I'd better choose the first one. Anyway, in the next few years, I might get it some time."

Only Chen Ke smiled and said nothing, even forgetting to criticize RNG, saying that RNG would never win the world championship.

After saying the gesture, Chen Ke smiled and said: "Two and four."

"Of course I think four is the most likely."

"Really, do you think Uzi has a chance to join EDG?"

"I think with his strength, he can try to come back. If he comes back, except RNG, I think he can join any team."

Chen Ke was so serious that Zhi Zhi couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible to join V5?"

"Maybe, as long as he is willing to come on as a substitute for me."

"There shouldn't be any shame in being a substitute for the world champion, right?"


I kept silent appropriately, there was no way I could answer this question, the risk was too high.

The second brother wanted to create a show effect, but it felt awkward coming out of his mouth.

Entering the next link, netizens started asking questions.

Of course, these questions must have been screened in advance.

And it’s hard to say whether it’s from netizens or not. The canteen program team just made up a few random questions and you don’t know where they came from.

"Then let's take a look at the first question from netizens."

The second brother read to the screen: "Who is the most impressive opponent in your career?"

"Chen Ke, come first."

"Player Jakeylove."

Chen Ke replied seriously: "I made my debut because of him, so I have a deep impression."

Chen Ke is a person who tells the truth, and the person who has the most connection with him is his brother.

But in this situation, Chen Ke definitely can't call him brother directly. That would be too disgusting. Just call him by his normal ID.

Chen Ke was serious, but his second brother and his posture were a bit unbearable.

He forced his lips down in a gesture, and then said: "When I was playing in the game, there was one person who I couldn't beat at all. It felt like I was completely suppressed from the beginning of the laning."

Perhaps due to Chen Ke's continuous group starts, his posture has become much more relaxed and his tone has become exaggerated.

Chen Ke couldn't help but interrupt: "Huni?"


"Then two."

"Do you mean?"


Chen Ke nodded. Among domestic top laners, when Zoom was at its peak, it was indeed very good.

I also served as the number one domestic top orderer for a while.

Otherwise it would be said that Hongmi will train the top laner.

But the biggest problem with this person is that he is a bit bully and afraid of the strong. When he encounters Korean top laners like TheShy or Niu Bao, who are relatively strong in operations, he is a bit incapable of playing.

But if he shows his posture, there must be nothing wrong with him.

What impressed Chen Ke the most was Huni in the S5 World Championship.

"Okay, second question, who do you think is the best support player now?"

The second brother also laughed for a long time just now, and then started the second question.

This person's attitude focuses on one truth: "In my heart, I think it's Shi Senming."

As far as gestures are concerned, it's not surprising that he can tell Xiao Ming, since we were all teammates before.

And the relationship is quite good.

The posture was also afraid that Chen Ke would suddenly fire, so he added: "After all, he is my former teammate."

There was nothing he could do. Chen Ke was so real. He was afraid that Chen Ke would suddenly say, "What's the best support without a world champion?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke still didn't let him go and asked: "What about Sun Yalong? He is also your former teammate."


The second brother's point of laughter was a bit low, so he laughed straight away.

The gesture was not polite, and he directly said that Sun Yalong was no good. This person was epically weak after level 6.

When it was Chen Ke's turn, Chen Ke asked cautiously: "Do you mean worldwide, or in our LPL?"

"It's okay, just say what's in your mind."

Chen Ke thought for a while and then replied: "In terms of the world, I think the number one support in the world is G2's Mikxy."

"The best support in the LPL right now, I think, is Wink."

Chen Ke's response was full of emotional intelligence.

Taking care of former teammates and current teammates, Duan Shui has done a very good job.

After all, it is still difficult to hold a bowl of water levelly.

What Chen Ke is usually good at is spilling all the water directly.

"Ouch, this answer is a bit emotionally intelligent."

The second brother and the posture were also making noises.

But you can't find anything wrong with Chen Ke's answer.

Mikxy was last year's world champion. Before this year's world champion came out, he was still the world's number one support in name, so there was no problem.

Wink is Chen Ke's current support again, and he has also received support for a while.

It doesn't seem to be a problem to say that he is currently the best support in LPL.

Now that Wink was discussed, the second brother went a little deeper and said, "Then I would like to ask Chen Ke. Before the season started, it was said that you thought Wink could be transferred to support."

"Why did you make such a judgment at that time?"

Today's canteen is very flexible, so it's no problem for the second brother to use it on his own.

Chen Ke said with a bit of randomness: "At that time, I felt that it was difficult to find serious support. Not to mention a better price, other teams would not let him go."

"I thought I'd just find someone to try the transformation. What I thought at the time was that there was still an assistant in the team, so I could see the effect."

"After all, it is relatively easy for a player in the AD position to transform into a support player."

Chen Ke answered so seriously that the second brother nodded repeatedly.

Agreed: "It is true that many AD players have switched to support, including the familiar Golden Horn and so on."

At this time, the posture suddenly became troublesome and said: "Then do you think if you really transform into an assistant, you can become the world's number one assistant."

"I guess this won't work."

Chen Ke became unusually humble and shook his head: "I have also played support in games, but I'm really not that good."

Chen Ke was telling the truth. He was just reaping the bonus of accurate skills by playing with a robot.

Just when everyone was a little uncomfortable with it, Chen Ke started: "But I think there is an AD player. If he transforms into an assistant, he should be very successful in this position."

"Oh, you mean that?"

The gesture and the second brother's interest immediately intrigued them, and they wanted to know who could get such a high evaluation from Chen Ke.

"You can take a guess first."

Chen Ke chose to sell it out, and he was also deliberately trying to create a show effect.

He has to make the show work well so that the director will like to call him over in the future.

The second brother spoke directly and dangerously: "I guess it's Jakeylove. He has also played support in the professional arena before."

The gesture next to him also nodded, and the first person many people guessed was his brother.

If Chen Ke can take the initiative to bring it up, and has also assisted in professional competitions, there are really not many choices.

Moreover, my brother also assisted an AD with a 100% winning rate.

It's just that when he mentioned that, his expression was a little unnatural.

Because he had previously been attacked by the AD with a 100% win rate when he started a team fight because of his comeback in the line of fire.


Chen Ke shook his head and said: "That person has retired."


Originally, everyone had no goals, but when Chen Ke mentioned it, everyone suddenly understood.

There are many ADs who have retired, but the one who can specifically say it from Chen Ke's mouth is definitely not an unknown person.

That must be the only one.

"I know who you are talking about, but I can't say it, it's a little bit dangerous."

The second brother knew better and said directly: "You can first tell me why he is suitable for transformation assistance."

"Then we'll decide whether it's the person we want."

Chen Ke said slowly: "Because when I watched that person's live broadcast screen recording before, I found that as long as he went against the wind, he could find a lot of problems with the support."

"Either you don't know how to do vision, or you don't know how to protect AD, or you just don't look for opportunities."

"Or the assistant is an actor."

"Or maybe you think he is a substitute."

"If you can see so many problems, you must have a deep understanding of the support position."

"I think the position of AD has delayed him. If he comes back, he can consider transforming into an assistant. He can be more powerful than Wink."

"At this point, I'm really not as good as others."


PS: The third update has more than 10,000 completed, brothers please support with monthly votes!

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