He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 282 If you don’t understand, just ask, has V5 won the world championship? (asking for monthl

"Okay, let's start the game. Let's take a look at the BP situation on both sides."

"V5 will have priority in selecting sides if it is ranked higher."

"They still actively chose the blue side."


After entering BP, everyone started to look serious.

Even the barrage became less lively for a while.

We still need to take a look at the lineups on both sides first.

There is nothing surprising about WE. They took the initiative to choose Yue Nan for the AD position.

At this point in time, the two heroes that Jiu Meng is best at are Yue Nan and Kai'Sa.

It just so happens that in this version, both heroes are playable, but Yue Nan's priority is still higher.

Moreover, Yue Nan, a hero, is pretty good in the laning phase.

As long as you don't cause any problems, you can get through it no matter what.

During the second round of selection, my brother couldn't help but said: "Why don't we just get Draven."

"If you don't care about Kai'Sa, Draven will just cut it and it'll be over."

Everyone is discussing what hero Chen Ke wants to play, and the same goes for his brother in his live broadcast room.

My brother is also very capable of taking the initiative to start a group. He is worthy of being a 100% AD in the group.

When everyone was discussing that Kai'Sa was pretty good, my brother immediately started playing Draven.

It just so happens that the hero Draven is quite related to Chen Ke and his brother.

It really surprised everyone that my brother could take the initiative to cue like this.

"Still locked on Kaisha."

"There is nothing wrong with this hero. It is one of the best choices after Aphelios is gone."

"We probably won't be able to release heroes like Varus to you today."

"When this bottom lane is selected, both ADs need development, and then the output in the later stage is very strong."


Chen Ke's first game was relatively stable, and he didn't go to any trouble.

After Kai'Sa was chosen, many people thought it was okay and was a regular choice.

And it's really not good to just start the first round.

As the official commentators, Er Ge and Tong Xi will definitely not question this choice.

But my brother doesn’t have so many worries in his live broadcast room.

He couldn't help but said: "Oh, what's the point of Kai'Sa? It's really Draven."

"Why do you like to choose Draven so much to attack me?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

My brother is still driving himself, which makes the fans stunned.

Even the Heizi people are stunned. You are so shameful to yourself, how can we open our mouths?

However, some people still joked: "Don't be ridiculous, Chen Ke is making fun of you like other heroes."

Some people also hinted at the barrage.

In the last game when her brother was sent away, Kai'Sa was chosen to fight against Yue Nan.

Then the elder brother failed to resist and was unfortunately captured.

Chen Ke chose this choice today because he wanted to teach first-hand.

Teach the older boy how to use Kai'Sa to hit the opposite Moon Man.

My brother wasn't angry when he saw it. Anyway, he didn't think Chen Ke did it on purpose.

Chen Ke was playing and didn't know that he was commentating on his game.

What's more, these two heroes are originally the popular bottom lane in the version. It is normal for this kind of matchup to occur.

If this is considered to be aimed at you, then your face will be too great.

Moreover, when Chen Ke came into the game, he still used his brother’s skin.

Chen Ke didn't know that his brother was commentating on his game, but Chen Ke never forgot to make the show more effective.

He went out after level one, found a safe place, and returned to the city directly to show off a wave of his brother's championship signatures.

What Chen Ke originally thought was that although his brother was eliminated, he would always exist in Summoner's Rift.

Unexpectedly, my brother saw all this immediately.

After doing this, the effect of my brother's live broadcast room really exploded.

My brother also smiled at this moment, and then continued to watch the game.

It can be seen from the lineup that WE's lineup selection is obviously better.

Except for the bottom lane, the selected heroes are basically strong online heroes.

Especially on the top road, they reserved the counter position for the top road.

Brother 9 chose Kennen this time and wanted to prepare for the team battle.

In recent training matches, he, Kenan, has been playing a lot.

But WE directly took out the knife girl on the fifth floor.

When Sword Girl fights Kennen, the matchup is definitely Counter, and he is one of the few heroes who can make Kennen uncomfortable in the matchup.

If you don't pay attention, you may get eaten alone.

The proficiency of the breathing knife girl is pretty good.

In the middle, Shanks got Ryze, which is considered his best hero, to face Galio in Toothpaste.

These two heroes are facing each other, and Galio must be a little uncomfortable.

Then in the jungle, Sadness got Olaf.

As soon as Olaf was selected, the barrage started.

People are flooding the screen asking King Ning to choose Spider. This person has some say in using Olaf to beat King Ning.

King Ning chose a bear here, and the jungle area will definitely be more uncomfortable in the early stage.

When facing off in the bottom lane, it's not necessarily easy to play, but everyone believes in Chen Ke's ability more.

As soon as the early game started, it didn't seem so calm.

Mainly on King Ning's side, it was a little uncomfortable being made by the opponent in the jungle.

It can be seen from the jungle planning that WE's idea for this game is to defeat King Ning in the jungle.

It is true that the strongest point of V5 is Chen Ke, but Chen Ke is difficult to target. This is something everyone knows.

The more specific you are, the more excited he may be.

There are also two points: top lane and middle lane. After this year of V5, everyone can see it.

369 and Toothpaste are getting more and more aggressive in their tactics. You have no problem targeting me.

It's okay to make me uncomfortable, but it's hard to make me have a big problem.

Looking at the five people in V5, King Ning is the best to target.

If Prince Ning is targeted, his rhythm can be interrupted.

When King Ning gets a hero like Gou Xiong, everyone knows how he will play.

As long as Ning Wang can help the bottom lane, it can be regarded as a success to a certain extent.

Wink played a cat in this game, half a human at most, so it is not within the scope of discussion.

King Ning's playing style has changed a lot this year.

A person can only change his style of play only if he changes his thinking and positioning first.

You are like some people who know they have a problem but can never change it in their lifetime.

In the early stage, the jungle area was targeted and he did not get much support from his teammates. King Ning could only be a little more relaxed.

The rhythm is really affected.

WE's early game looks good, so no one is surprised.

No matter how powerful the V5 is, it's not to the point where it makes the opponent tremble and explode within a few minutes of coming up.

From the perspective of the lineup, WE itself chose the better lineup.

The scene looked a little better in the early stages, which was normal.

As a team, V5, even if it doesn't go well in the early stage, in everyone's opinion, it is stronger than WE in the mid-to-late game.

However, what gradually started to worry everyone was that after level 6, the top lane was the first to be broken through.

Ryze drove Olaf and cooperated with the three sword girls to fight one by one.

Kennen's ultimate move is not easy to use under the tower.

And Olaf also has a big move, so he is not afraid of Kennen's control at all.

The most outrageous thing is that this wave still killed people with Galio's ultimate move.

When Toothpaste saw that Ryze had disappeared online, he knew he had to take action.

It's just that his military line is being pushed, so it's impossible to just abandon the military line and go straight up.

After cleaning up the army line a little, I didn't do any detailed finishing touches, so I quickly moved up the road.

But these three guys from WE are really too violent.

Moreover, the shield provided by his ultimate move to Kennen has no effect in front of Sword Girl and Olaf.

By the time he came down, the Kennanites were gone.

Olaf is still the key to carrying the tower, and Galio's ultimate move has no effect on him.

Sorrow can quickly pull out the defensive tower, and the remaining blood is locked.

The first wave of tower jumping was very successful, and the head was also taken by the knife girl, which was considered the most ideal result.

It's good for Ryze to get kills, but if given to Sword Girl, he can pose a greater threat to Kennen online.

"This wave is really hurtful. It seems that the Pioneer V5 side that will be waiting later won't be able to fight for it."

After seeing Kainan's death, the second brother felt that it was not a matter of one person's death.

It was indeed hard for Kenan to die, but it was even harder later.

The vanguard is about to be refreshed. Olaf will go back immediately to replenish his status, and he will come back in time.

If you, Prince Ning, act first, you won't be able to finish the fight in this short time, and you will most likely be making wedding clothes for others.

Don't look at the opponents who used their midfielder's ultimate moves, but V5's Kennen and Galio also used all their ultimate moves.

These two ultimate moves are so important. Unlike your opponent Ryze and Sword Girl, who don’t have their ultimate moves, your combat effectiveness is still there.

Moreover, Dao Mei took first blood and went back to replenish her equipment.

You said you were counting on Chen Ke, but that's not realistic.

Chen Ke's bottom lane was pure laning, and he only suppressed the opponent's 10 or so CS.

It’s good to be able to suppress last hits, but Wink’s proficiency as a cat is still not that high, and his ability to suppress the opponent online is not enough.

The mythical costume has not yet come out. If you expect Kai'Sa to change her destiny at this time, that is obviously impossible.

Kai'Sa has this ability, but not at this time.

Chen Ke won't be stubborn, so he simply gives up the vanguard to the opponent, and then he can also develop a wave.

But without being able to get the vanguard, and not having a clear advantage in the lane, Chen Ke's development rhythm is obviously incomparable with previous games.

The most outrageous thing is that at 13 minutes, Wink gave the opponent a chance online.

When Chen Ke pressed the troops, the two men did not retreat immediately.

After Wink's Q skill [Fish Missile] was empty, he got off Chen Ke directly.

Cat, a hero, doesn't just hang around and be done with it, the only way to play is up and down.

It looks like a hero that can be operated with one hand, but in fact it is not easy to play well, and it is very detail-oriented.

If you play hard support, it depends more on AD's performance.

If you play as a soft assistant, your support performance is very important when laning.

Wink, the cat who plays, is obviously not a very good person.

But for normal play, you have to use it. You can’t version the hero, and you can’t always use it.

Every year in the World Championship, there are heroes who can’t afford it. What do you use to win the championship?

Wink's mistakes have little to do with proficiency, but just errors in judgment.

He also underestimated the opponent's mobility.

It is very dangerous to get down in front of the opposite tower.

Missing's Thresh simply flashed and launched a wave.

After the flash was done, the cat was temporarily unable to get up.

The key point was that Wink had taken action just now, but Thresh pushed him back and directly took damage from the defense tower.

For a cat as small as a cat, it would be fatal to hit the defense tower.

Although the cat brought healing, Thresh was not ignited. This one was aimed at Kennen and was weak.

That’s why I was a little timid in the early laning.

Wink treatment was pressed out quickly, but it still had no effect.

Yue Nan from the old dream still had a purple knife on his body. The moment the purple knife hit the cat, Chen Ke knew it was cold.

He simply backed away without even looking.

Thresh was not ignited, there was no head grabbing, Yue Man took the head easily.


Seeing this, everyone really felt something was wrong.

Seeing that the game has reached the middle stage, the rhythm of V5 seems to be getting more and more unsatisfactory.

The sword girl and Yue Nan on the opposite side all got heads.

The key point of sadness came quickly, and he forced the lane to be released, ready to release the vanguard for Yue Man to develop.

Then Ryze also disappeared from the line.

Chen Ke knew that he could not defend the defense tower.

As soon as the defense tower gave way, the opposing vanguard directly pushed the tower. It looked like the first-blood tower was very promising.

Even the more optimistic V5 fans have nothing to say at this time.

It's rare to see Chen Ke's development not as good as his opponent's when facing a line, and his defense tower was pushed down by his opponent first.

It feels like something is getting more and more wrong.

Could it be that V5 is like this, every time it comes up after not playing for a while, something is wrong.

Even though V5 seemed to be about to collapse, the number of people in my brother's live broadcast room was still increasing.

Normally, it has been more than half an hour since the broadcast started, so the rate of new additions to the live broadcast room should have slowed down.

My brother's live broadcast room can be like this. To put it bluntly, everyone still wants to come in and see what my brother's reaction is at this time.

Who knew that my brother didn't look excited.

Instead, he said: "Don't worry, there is still a chance for Kai'Sa to develop."

"Chen Ke didn't die even once, why do you say V5 lost?"

I don’t know if it’s a string or not, but everyone feels that these words are familiar.

Chen Ke seemed to have said the same thing two days ago when my brother's team was having trouble in the fifth game.

Both of us have reached this point now?

But in the smile live broadcast room, it's different.

Xiaoxiao is watching the game with the old WE guys on the mic, and the ingredients are quite obvious.

The cat has been meowing non-stop since it made a mistake and gave away its head.

"Beautiful, Missing is very crucial."

"The head belongs to Aphelios, feel good!"

"Yes, this is how Sadness beats you. Come down and put pressure on me. Let me see if you dare to defend this tower."

"Hey, the champion AD must go to the Autistic Grass to stay with me at this time."

"Push down one tower, and the AD development will be opened directly!"


Xiaoxiao's live broadcast popularity has also increased due to his good performance in WE this season.

In addition, fans like to watch the facial expressions, so he is still a little addicted to watching the game now.

After seeing the advantage, he immediately started to make excuses.

When you are in a high mood, some words are just out of your head.

Many V5 fans are also watching his live broadcast. They originally wanted to see the effect of the show, but they didn't expect that he has already made fun of him to this extent.

They are explaining it to WE fans, and their position is very clear. If you don't like it, you can leave.

But when they heard such arrogance and talking about Chen Ke, the fans couldn't help it.

"No, are you talking about it before you win?"

"You're so ridiculous. What kind of AD did the support give you?"

"The live broadcast effect is there, but the horse is gone."

"Can you wait until you win before calling? Can't you wait until the game is over?"

"If it gets turned over later, be careful."

"You just have this face when you get a little advantage, tsk tsk tsk."


No surprise, the Smile live broadcast room was blocked.

I don’t care how many fans you have, I don’t care what your stance is, you’re already live streaming, why can’t I come in and post a barrage?

If you want to make this money but don’t want to be angry, then you might as well stop live streaming.

The barrage suddenly changed, and it was quite unpleasant to see the smile.

Everyone has their own reasons for being unhappy. On the one hand, they feel that you haven’t won yet, so is it appropriate for you to be so pretentious?

On the other hand, I feel how arrogant this group of fans are to dare to challenge me even though they are at a disadvantage.

Smile couldn't help but started to quarrel: "No, can't I just say a few words about WE's advantage now?"

"If you don't like watching it, then don't watch it. What are you talking about here? Can't I still be happy?"

"Isn't it too lenient?"

"I don't know, I thought V5 won the world championship."


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