The start of the bottom lane was played like this, which really exceeded many people's expectations.

With half health and flash, Suning suffered a big loss in the bottom lane at the beginning.

The Colonel and the Cat Emperor were also a bit worried about their reputation.

I just finished saying that the hero Policewoman will be useless if she doesn't get the advantage in the lane. Isn't that what she got?

After noticing the Cat King's eyes, the colonel couldn't hold himself tight.

He quickly said forcefully: "This wave of Huanfeng coming up is a bit inappropriate. Why are you facing A with a policewoman?"

"Fortunately, this is an EZ. EZ is the least flash-friendly among all ADs."

"After you learn [Arcane Leap] at Level 2, being outdone at the beginning won't actually hurt that much."


Before the colonel could finish speaking, the Cat King forcibly interrupted the spellcasting.

Please stop saying a few words. I'm afraid Huanfeng will be killed later.

After finishing the first level, EZ now has no flash, and the blood medicine on his body has been knocked down.

Suning's bottom lane is at a disadvantage.

In particular, Karma's R skill is on cooldown and has lost its powerful consumption method.

It is certain that he will be beaten down in the bottom lane.

The opposite jungler can be reached by brushing up, so Chen Ke doesn't have to worry too much about pressing the line in the early stage.

Every once in a while during the gap between last strikes, I would hit A, which would put more and more pressure on the opponent.

Huanfeng feels very uncomfortable now. Compared with the policewoman, his hand length is much inferior.

After being educated just now, Huanfeng woke up in time, and Snake, an old Jianghu, was beside him to remind him.

Huanfeng also knew that he couldn't fight this policewoman head-on.

The opponent's performance was a bit different from what he thought.

To prevent Chen Ke from getting caught, Huanfeng is currently positioned relatively far back.

What’s also fun is the EZ. This hero can hit the target remotely through the Q skill.

But then he can't go to Q Chen Ke to consume.

In the past, even if Q hit and lost some health, he was not very profitable, because it meant he would lose troops.

Not to mention that EZ’s Q skill is easier to hide against.

Huanfeng simply gave up the consumption and just kept on living.


After Chen Ke's Q skill improved, he used the Q skill to make up for the two long-range soldiers with residual health. At the same time, the skill also touched Huan Feng.

After the first wave of soldiers was completed, Huanfeng only received three soldiers.

At this time, Huanfeng showed his stability.

Pull to the back of the tower and press B to start the countdown to return to the city.

What he brings is teleportation. When the hero EZ is taken out, it is indeed teleportation in many cases.

Facing a policewoman who wants to push the tower, this hand will definitely be fine with teleportation.

After going back, it will be obviously much easier to replenish the state and then come back.

Moreover, what he brought with him when he went out was Goddess Tears. There was no problem that he didn’t have enough money to buy Goddess Tears in the first round.

After being teleported back, Huanfeng, who was in full condition, was obviously more comfortable than before.

But the overall situation has not changed much. The bottom lane is still unable to beat the lane, and it has been suppressed.

Soon the third wave of soldiers came online. This was a wave of soldiers with artillery vehicles.

After this wave of soldiers came up, Snake found an opportunity to use RQ to consume.

Hitting a crowd of minions, the effect is not very good.

However, reducing the health of the minions can also relieve the pressure on their troops.

"Can this artillery truck be replaced?"

Seeing Lux go up and forcibly block Huanfeng's Q skill, the colonel couldn't help but regretted: "The opponent's play is a bit disgusting, so I won't let you eat the cannon!"

Normally, you can just make up for the small soldiers, but you can't give something as valuable as a gun truck to you casually.

The damage of EZ's current Q skill is only that much. It is obviously cost-effective to take some damage in exchange for missing a gun truck on the other side.

The gun carriage on the opposite side is now close to remaining health, and Chen Ke hasn't replenished it yet.

Seeing that the opponent's AD couldn't make up for the car, Chen Ke simply used the "Autobot" prop.

If the other side doesn't make up for it, then I won't make up for it either.

Before the game started, Chen Ke decided it would depend on the situation.

Seeing that this shot was pretty smooth, I have already received several last hits.

Once the opponent misses, Chen Ke will feel less psychological pressure.

Just use it directly and earn attribute points by missing the cannon vehicle.

The attribute point bonus is of little use to Chen Ke in this game.

He has integrated little Lu Bu's abilities, and his attributes can be said to cover him in all directions.

The attribute you added is only at your original level. After adding it, it is still covered.

However, I can only maintain this state for one game, so I still have to prepare for the future.

Especially if he performs very well in his first game, he might play consecutively in the future.

In order to ensure that the gap is not too big in the future, props that can improve your abilities should be used as soon as possible.

Chen Ke didn't make it too obvious and took advantage of this opportunity.

I had a flat A with a headshot in my hand, put it on and gave Huanfeng a hit.

A lot of the time in laning is to look at the details. Seeing the artillery soldiers reaching the kill line, normal people would think that Chen Ke wants to repair the artillery vehicles.

In the end, Chen Ke came up to beat you.

After Huanfeng received this blow, he immediately moved back and distanced himself.

"Isn't this beating too fierce?"

The Cat King said unexpectedly: "If you don't want the cannon truck, you have to be tough on Huanfeng."

"Then I think this wave is acceptable."

The colonel opened his mouth again: "After going back and forth like this, no one has made up for it, which is equivalent to Huanfeng not missing the gun carriage."


The Cat King wanted to complain, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

[Movement +1]

Chen Ke quickly received a prompt from the system.

Missing out on this cannon truck gives you a little bit of random movement ability.

Before playing, Chen Ke almost brought all his statistics to the level of 80.

Adding one point above 80 requires 500 real points.

If you do the math, you'll find it's quite a bargain.

"Q is here!"

For Huanfeng, being clicked by Chen Ke just now was nothing.

The terrible thing is that Q soldiers just returned and were imprisoned by Lux.

So far in the laning match, the advantage has basically been achieved by Chen Ke alone.

Now the support finally comes into play.

Huanfeng just used the E skill to pull back, and the E skill fell into a CD state of nearly 30 seconds.

Qingxia, who had not twisted his position while moving, could only be held in place.

Chen Ke only has Level 2, which means he is missing a headshot without E.

You can only go up to WQ and shoot your head.

Lux was also given the E skill to level A.

Fortunately, Karma provided a shield, otherwise Huanfeng would probably be below half health again.

There is no teleportation this time, so I can only knock off the last bottle of blood medicine on my body, and then bite the bullet and continue to line up.

A wave of sexy fans came next.

But the hero Blind Man is not very good at retaining people before level 6.

Suning's bottom lane combination also has little control.

Chen Ke just stepped back a little and didn't even use any skills.

【Calculation +1】

After the second wave of artillery soldiers came online, Chen Ke still missed it.

When Chen Ke was about to miss the car, he also wanted to follow the same method and hit Huanfeng.

However, the opponent also had experience, and Karma gave Huanfeng a shield to speed up and pull away.

"Hey, this artillery carriage hasn't been replenished yet?"

Majors are among the commentators who prefer to focus on players missing cars and talk about them.

And it should be mentioned emphatically every time.

When he saw that Chen Ke missed it again, he couldn't help but laugh: "It's a bit uncomfortable for the policewoman to miss two cannon trucks in a row."

"It looks like the pressure is very fierce. Why do I feel weird when I am replenishing the artillery truck?"

Chen Ke was expressionless at this time and pushed his troops directly into the opposite defense tower.


As soon as the troops entered the defense tower, Chen Ke directly pressed Flash.

E flashes to the face and connects to Q.

Huanfeng sensed the danger when the dotted line of the policewoman's range appeared on his body.

Quickly move back one [Arcane Leap].

But the distance of 1,300 yards cannot be extended at all.

Chen Ke took it down with a headshot!

When the first blood sounded, the smiles on the faces of the Colonel and the Cat Emperor disappeared instantly.


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