He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 293: Isn’t it just for a few words to say that I worked hard to win the championship? (askin

After the players on both sides came down, they had completely different moods.

EDG's mentality is obviously a bit unbearable.

During the ten-minute break, there is no need to talk about tactics or review.

At this time, it’s up to Zhu Kai, who is crazily giving everyone chicken soup.

"Think about it for yourselves. Are the previous two games true to your current level?"

"If you think about it again, is the gap with the other side really that big?"

"It's not like we haven't beaten them in training matches, but when it comes to the game, I feel like you guys don't know how to play the game."

"Even Viper, who is usually the calmest, started to get anxious. How can he operate like this? How can he make good decisions?"

"I still say the same thing, don't put too much pressure on me."

"We have entered the World Championship anyway, and the outside world has always believed that we can't beat them."

"If there is any pressure, just let go and hit and that's it."

"Let's not worry about the lineup in the next game. Tell me what heroes you want to play, and I will help you choose!"

"No matter what the result is, we must be worthy of our efforts this summer and show our momentum."


I have to say that there is something good about Zhu Kai's chicken soup.

But his biggest problem is that he seems to only know how to feed chicken soup.

This stuff works sometimes, and it's nice to have a little bit of it every once in a while.

If you do this to your teammates every day, you will probably get a little panicked.

On the other hand, on the V5 side, both of them were very calm.

I have won the league championship before, so naturally I won’t be too excited now.

We chatted briefly and everyone was waiting for the next game to start.

In the third game, EDG still chose the blue side.

Different from the previous thing, V5 released Aphelios, which made everyone confused for a while what the reason for this change was.

If you win, you can basically keep the previous BP, as long as the opponent doesn't change much.

If Aphelios is released, EDG will naturally not be polite.

Afraid of being picked by V5 later, I grabbed it on the first floor.

Although V5 did not have the habit of grabbing heroes for Chen Ke very early, it was hard to say anything in the finals.

Moreover, Chen Ke's Aphelios has also played many famous scenes.

EDG's choice is not surprising. V5 was also very straightforward here and simply chose Draven.

As soon as Delevingne appeared, the scene was instantly shaken by a tsunami.

Fans were even a little surprised. They didn't expect to see Chen Ke's Draven today.

Especially choosing Draven on the first floor, this is not in line with V5's usual BP style.

Everyone has never seen it before.

It was obvious that Chen Ke played the third game as the last game of the day and planned to increase the intensity of his husband.

Draven was played in the first round to prevent the opponent from banning him in the second round.

Basically, the three ban positions in the first round are relatively tight, and there are no extra ban positions to deal with Draven.

Moreover, Chen Ke hasn't played Draven for a long time, which also made the EDG coaching staff relax their vigilance.

When I saw Chen Ke locking this hero, I felt a little panicked.

EDG went as usual and chose the hero Thresh for their support.

There is nothing wrong with using Thresh to match Aphelios.

I chose it so early because I was afraid that I would be chosen by V5.

The third floor of V5 was equally straightforward, and Wink got the same robot that hadn't appeared in a long time.

If you ban someone in the second round, you can guess that the opponent will most likely deal with the robot.

If you don’t choose now, you will definitely not be selected in the second round.

After all, v5's Draven + Robot are good at unique skills, and the two players in the bottom lane can even use them interchangeably.

What's more, the hero Robot is somewhat of a Counter Thresh.

Thresh's lantern can restrain the robot a bit. If you hook the person over, my lantern can save the person.

But it would be very uncomfortable if the person being hooked was Thresh.

Both sides of the bottom lane were all selected in the first round, which is very rare in this year's playoffs.

Basically, there is a choice between this combination on both sides, and all the attention is placed on the bottom lane.

From the beginning of laning, the director's camera has been showing the bottom lane.

EDG played better than the previous game, but still couldn't withstand the pressure in the bottom lane.

The first few minutes were pretty good, but of course it had something to do with Wink's inaccurate hook.

Maybe it's been too long since I've used it in a game, so I need to try a few hooks first to find the status.

But the hero Robot is a bit of a scumbag. You can avoid many of my hooks, but if you get hit by me once, you will suffer a serious blow.

Thresh was hooked in the level 5 wave, and was killed by Chen Ke's follow-up.

Although this head is not first blood, the nature of the game has changed after opening it to Draven.

At 25 minutes, the words "Congratulations V5" came out from the commentators' mouths.

There is no suspense, V5 won the second league championship this year.

"Congratulations to V5. While winning their second league championship, they also locked in the number one seed in the LPL."

"This year, V5 has shown strong dominance in the LPL, and this championship is truly deserved."

"We also want to give applause to the second seed EDG. We hope they will not be discouraged and continue to work hard in the World Championship."


On all live broadcast platforms, the screen was full of "We are the champions", and various blessings were constantly spoken from the commentators' mouths.

On the other hand, Chen Ke and his teammates seemed quite calm at this time.

There was no longer any excited celebration, all five people stood up relatively calmly.

Letting the ribbons fall on their heads, everyone looked at each other and smiled as they stood up, as if everything was gone.

The LPL league championship can no longer satisfy everyone.

The championship in the Spring Split, the first championship we won after everyone got together, represented rebirth for King Ning.

For 369, it was equivalent to rediscovering its own value, so everyone was very excited at the time.

For everyone's sake, we have only one ultimate goal.

The LPL championship is just an appetizer.

But when he came to the stage to hold the trophy, Chen Ke stared at the trophy for a while.

Only then did I remember that this year’s Summer Split Silver Dragon Cup is a brand new version after a redesign.

The two dragons are entrenched on both sides of the trophy, and they do look a little more refined than the old version.

But it lacks a bit of heaviness.

And it is worth mentioning that after winning this championship, V5 is regarded as the third team in the LPL that can win two or more LPL championships.

Before this, except for RNG and EDG, no team had ever won it for the second time.

Including the original time and space, S11 was also won once by these two teams this year.

Later, in S12, JD.com became the third one.

Now, because of the emergence of Chen Ke, V5 has only used one year to accomplish what many teams have failed to accomplish in several years.

This story fully tells us that hard work is not as good as luck.

I was lucky enough to get a player like Chen Ke. Not only was he a strong team, he could also recruit people to form a team myself.

This group produced several champions.

"Okay, let us give warm applause to our champion V5 team again!"

Hosts Liu Hang and Yu Shuang appeared at the same time.

Just this line, Chen Ke felt as if he had heard it several times.

He seemed to have heard it when he won the championship in the World Championship held in Shanghai last year.

On the contrary, more V5 fans came to watch the game.

A long-established giant like EDG has long been unable to compete with V5 in terms of fans.

Let alone EDG, there is no team in the entire LPL that can compare.

There are not that many die-hard fans of V5, but there are many fans who can't stand the champion.

After holding the cup, the leaders came up to present the awards.

Holding a sign with a bonus, everyone took a group photo together.

After taking a group photo, it was time to enter everyone’s favorite part of the interview.

There are two hosts on the stage. It is normal for such a large competition to have two hosts.

But Liu Hang still came for the interview. Yu Shuang was obviously punished by Chen Ke, and the shadow has not dissipated.

It is estimated that including this year's World Championship, he will not take the initiative to interview Chen Ke again.

The interviews were conducted in order, and there were coaches to interview in the middle. Chen Ke's position was slightly to the right.

It was his turn on the fifth one, which made the fans a little anxious.


When it was finally Chen Ke's turn, the audience cheered continuously again.

Chen Ke just got the microphone, and the fans already felt quite comfortable.

Liu Hang also knew that interviewing Chen Ke was a difficult task.

Fortunately, this is not the first time that the two of them have cooperated, and Liu Hang has already been prepared for one problem.

This question is quite broad and relatively universal.

Just listen to Liu Hang ask: "After winning this summer championship, you also obtained the status of LPL's No. 1 seed."

"This is also Chen Ke's first time representing the LPL in the World Championship. What are your expectations for this year's upcoming World Championship?"

Liu Hang was afraid that Chen Ke would think that the questions he asked were too unchallenging, so he continued to add: "Maybe there are some opponents that need attention."


It's different from the usual post-game interview after the game.

The usual post-game interview takes place about ten minutes after the game. The host and the players can communicate in advance below.

Let the players look at the questions in advance so that they can think about how to answer them, so as not to burn the CPU directly after the meeting.

But the interview in the finals was different. Everyone was on the stage the whole time and couldn't stop for a moment.

Chen Ke didn't know what the host would ask, so he thought about it on the spot.

It was a little difficult to figure out how to start a group on the spot. Fortunately, Chen Ke had excellent professional skills.

After a short pause, Chen Ke said: "A few days ago, my old team, the G2 team, has confirmed to enter the World Championship."

"I think when it comes to the World Championships, they are the ones who need to pay attention the most."

Liu Hang nodded, there was nothing wrong with it, and he waited expectantly for Chen Ke to say more.

In his opinion, Chen Ke probably wanted to take advantage of his old club.

After all, after MSI, the two teams agreed to meet again in the World Championship.


But at this time, Wink next to him was the first to not stop and burst out laughing.

He still knew Chen Ke too well. When Chen Ke mentioned G2, he immediately knew what to say.

Only when he opened his mouth did he realize that he was on stage, and Wink quickly held it back.

The way he was holding back his laughter was really embarrassing.

Everyone was on the stage, Liu Hang could hear Wink laughing, and instantly realized something was wrong.

But it was too late, Chen Ke had already spoken: "Everyone knows what happened to the last LPL team that won all the championships before the S game and was preparing to hit the Grand Slam throughout the year."

"So I think this World Championship, we must fully learn from the lessons of S8."

"Especially be careful with G2. If you don't pay attention to them, you may be upset."

Liu Hang immediately felt numb. I asked this question so carefully. How can you still get RNG?

Chen Ke looked like he was enjoying it and didn't intend to stop yet.

Are you kidding me? I work hard all year round to win the championship just to say a few words after the game.

Live streaming is done every day, but it's not as exciting as being on stage.

"Brothers, have you heard this? The alarm bell must sound."

Chen Ke turned to his teammates and warned: "If we get G2 in the lottery later, we must not laugh too happily."

The teammates didn't look at Chen Ke the whole time.

There is no other way, everyone really can't hold it any longer, and now everyone is lowering their heads and suppressing laughter.

If this girl raises her head, there will probably be a lot of memes online soon.


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