He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 304: This kind of trash is worthy of skin? (asking for monthly ticket)

The game is not yet started, the rhythm starts first.

Games involving Chen Ke seem to always be like this.

But this time, we really can't blame Chen Ke. Chen Ke is on the passive side.

Chen Ke himself didn't expect that even if he didn't mess with others, someone would take the initiative to mess with him.

However, after doing this, the two teams did attract a lot of attention, and their traffic itself was already huge.

Fist naturally hopes to see this kind of scene.

With the off-field rhythm, why worry about the game not breaking ratings records?

Originally, the top management of Riot Games were all counting on Chen Ke to exert his strength.

I never expected that there would be a strong man on T1's side. He didn't even need to use his fists to signal, but he forced Chen Ke out at full strength.

Of course, this is only in their opinion.

Real fans know that after the game is over, everyone will understand what true full force is.

Chen Ke's output was limited to post-game interviews.

Even after the interview, he did not broadcast a live broadcast to comment on the matter.

But fans know that after the game with T1 is over, Chen Ke will definitely start a live broadcast.

It's a pity that this game has to wait one more day, because tomorrow is the V5 team against the DFM team.

At first, I thought it would be interesting to see our No. 1 seed struggle against the odds.

Now everyone is eager to fast forward.

October 12th is the second group stage match day.

Today is a little different. Only three LPL teams are playing. RNG can have a day off today.

The V5 competition time is still a little behind, but it is better than yesterday, equivalent to an hour earlier.

It is estimated that everyone will be able to see it after eleven o'clock.

Coupled with the fact that V5 is playing against a team with such a disparity in strength, it must be over very quickly, and the game will not delay everyone's sleep time after the game is over.

Compared with yesterday, the performance of LPL teams today was pretty good.

FPX and EDG both defeated their opponents one after another.

After yesterday's defeat, it can be seen today that FPX seems to be in good shape and seems to have adjusted back.

The opponent they defeated was C9, the third seed in North America.

You may think that this team’s ranking is not very good, but in fact, its strength is still good when it comes to the World Championship.

It should be considered the North American team with the best performance in the World Championship.

Chen Ke watched the whole game and didn't feel too surprised.

In his impression, FPX did well in the first round of this year's group stage.

When everyone watched the first round, they just felt that even if they couldn't beat DK, at least qualifying second in the group would be fine.

It was really unexpected to play like that in the second round.

Even if you win a game, you will be qualified. The other opponents are not that good, but they can't win.

EDG has nothing to say here, and the same goes for their opponent PSG.

Among all the teams in the World Championship, they can only be considered mid-range at best.

EDG can still win if they don't have any problems.

What they played in these two games was a bit beyond Chen Ke's expectations.

Before, he thought that EDG would probably overturn in one or two games in the group stage.

After winning the first two games, everyone can just wait for the V5 game.

This V5 game seems to have the least suspense.

After V5 wins and wins all three games today, the LPL audience will feel much more comfortable, and the haze of watching yesterday's game will be gone.

Although there is no South Korean team among the three winning opponents today, they all won, so we can't find a lot of things to worry about.

"Today's V5 game also had personnel adjustments."

"The two substitute players PPgod and Weiwei also came on the bench today."

"In the World Championship, it seems that V5 is also planning to give the two newcomers a chance to practice."

"Let's look forward to the performance of the two newcomers today."


You can now bring two substitute players into the World Championship, unlike before where you could only bring in one substitute.

This is up to the team itself. You can bring one if you want. After all, some teams don’t have that many substitutes.

The starting lineup is very stable, and a substitute is just to cope with the regulations.

According to Riot regulations, teams must have substitute players to deal with emergencies.

If you have many substitutes, it doesn't matter if you bring two.

V5 brought both of them with them to the MSI. It wouldn't be appropriate not to bring them with them for the S game, and it would cost a lot of money to fly.

It was the whole team's decision to let the two of them appear.

MSI has allowed them to participate, so there is no reason why they should not participate in the S game. What's more, the two of them have always participated in training games, but the number of games is less than that of the starting players.

If you want to let them experience the stage of the S game, then playing DFM this time is the most suitable choice.

If you want to train new people, you must find the weakest opponent.

And this is not the first group match. They got a good start yesterday.

If you overturn, you will definitely be criticized for being arrogant and looking down on your opponents.

But playing against this kind of team, Chen Ke is still relatively confident.

The possibility of rollover is not high.

If the two of them were really that bad, the V5 coaching staff wouldn't be able to let them play.

In fact, everyone knows what V5 means, it's just that it's too bad to see the other side.

It's just that it's difficult for commentators to say these words in official situations. They can only express it with high emotional intelligence, which is to train new people.

Before the game started, Chen Ke took a few glances at DFM.

The Ruler Emperor who discovered them actually took out the ruler he was carrying while debugging the equipment.

In this small team, there are some special heroes that need to be targeted, not entirely based on the version.

When we played against this team before, many people would target the big head.

But in the current version, this is not the case. The main target is Ozat on the road.

This hero is basically no longer played, and has not been seen in the game for a long time.

But in the top laner DFM, he has a unique skill.

In addition to Ozat, there is also a smart player who plays pretty well.

Anyway, when playing against this kind of team, even if some of the popular heroes are released to them, they may not be able to play them.

Just follow the BP that others give them. Looking at it all the way from the finals, there is basically a set of standard answers.

The Luna combination, which is currently very popular in the bottom lane, gave V5 directly to the opponent, which was obviously intentional.

Chen Ke is operating Draven here, intending to have a head-to-head confrontation with his opponent.

PPgod is more straightforward here, with the versatile Thresh.

Chen Ke has experienced this person's Thresh in training matches, and sometimes it's quite scary in real terms.

But playing against the opponent's bot lane shouldn't be that stressful.

Chen Ke doesn't ask him to play well, just be normal.

The whole game seemed to have no suspense.

It has indeed disappointed many people. Compared with the V5 team, there is an all-round gap between the DFM team.

As for the V5 team, they have always been very stable when it comes to bullying.

Chen Ke's Draven directly completed the lane kill on the bottom lane, even if the opponent got a strong Luna.

However, due to the gap in personal abilities, problems occurred during the laning phase.

After Chen Ke took off, he was really merciless and would kill him immediately if he was caught.

Finally, they blocked the opposite side in the spring and killed a few of them after they were resurrected.

The time was less than 20 minutes, and the head count was 27:3.

The first tragedy of this World Championship has occurred.

It's just that the team facing them is Little Days, and domestic fans won't have any sympathy when they see them in such misery.

"There is still a huge gap in strength between the two sides. V5 completely crushed them and won this game."

After Gugu finished speaking, Wang Duoduo nodded in agreement: "Then we can congratulate V5 for winning their second victory in the group stage."

"Our LPL team also completed three consecutive victories today, and the audience can have a good sleep."


Now that V5 is standing in front of other people's springs, saying congratulations at this time is not considered opening champagne in advance.

There is no suspense about the result of the game, it just depends on whether V5 wants to play for a while.

Chen Ke and the others are not human beings, but there are slaves in the team.

After the toothpaste was almost ready, his Ryze began to demolish the opposite base with peace of mind.

After the game, Chen Ke and the others didn't feel much, but Weiwei and PPgod breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the opponent is not strong enough, this is still the first world championship game in life.

It's still very meaningful, of course, it only makes sense if you win.

After winning, everyone was in a good mood.

It doesn't matter who the opponent is, as long as he can win, and this game is still a bit crucial.

For example, Chen Ke violently brushed up the data.

His current KDA and number of kills are all far ahead of his peers.

During the post-game interview, there were relatively few questions about today’s game.

Basically everyone is asking about the next game against T1.

There is no way, this game is really attracting too much attention.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Not only Chen Ke, but also none of the other teammates kept a low profile during interviews.

All of them said they wanted to kill their opponents.

People are going to shit on Chen Ke's head. As Chen Ke's good brother, we now have a mutually prosperous relationship.

He was also polite to the other person.

It is obvious that whoever loses tomorrow will not have the right to breathe. It is useless even if you humble yourself before the game.

Will people stop criticizing you if you lose the game because you have a good attitude?

You must know that this is the World Championship, so forget it if it is a game that attracts less attention.

Today in Iceland, the game ended quite early, so I just had dinner when I got back.

It's just that people didn't expect that V5 obviously won the game and beat the Xiaotian team. As a result, after the game today, the domestic team still started to complain.

"What did you spray?"

Chen Ke heard about it in the car, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Wink handed the phone directly to Chen Ke and said, "See for yourself."

Chen Ke picked it up. It was a post from Kangba.

The title is: "V5 deliberately rubs his skin with two substitutes. Isn't it a bit disgusting?" 》

Today, two substitutes were directly used. It seemed to everyone that the intention was to help these two people gain skin.

It is stipulated in the S game that only players who have played in the game can get the skin.

Later, it was also to prevent the situation of just playing in the group stage and getting mixed up.

The rules have been slightly changed, and you need to have played in both the group stage and the knockout stages.

To be honest, this condition is not very harsh.

Many people below agreed, and they all started spraying.

"Obviously it's just a skin rub, just let these two people do it together."

"Isn't it just that the opponent is too good? If we change the team, let's see if they dare."

"This is only the group stage. I don't know if they will continue to play in the knockout rounds."

"It's going to rub your skin, so it must be applied."

"It's really disgusting to let these two people get the skin."

“There are countless players who are better than them, but it’s just two of them who got it. What a joke.”

"Why do these two trashy losers deserve skin?"

"It's not like you are all too good at lending, right? The World Championship has just started, and you already default to V5 winning the championship?"


Chen Ke has probably finished cleaning up. It is impossible to be polite when speaking in this place.

Basically, a lot of unpleasant things were said.

But what they said is also true. Letting two substitutes come on does have some meaning.

The outside world may evaluate whether it is worthy or not, but within the team, who cares about this issue?

We are all teammates who get along together day and night, and the relationship must be good.

If I have this opportunity, I will definitely take them with me.

For example, when FPX was in S9, if there hadn't been some problems in the group stage, maybe Shinichi would have been forced to give him the entire skin.

Do you think Shinichi is worthy of his strength? He is definitely not worthy.

But my teammates are willing, the coach is also willing, and there are no problems with the rules. Can anyone else take care of it?

If you don’t like it, the worst case scenario is just don’t buy it.

And if you look at history, some of the previous champion skins were indeed obtained by force.

Maybe the skins you get are better made than the main skins and will sell better.

From a strength perspective, the two of them are really not good. If they are released, they will have no problem starting in other teams in the LPL.

Weiwei's performance has always been remarkable, and PPgod is a bit unstable, but he has obviously improved this year and is much better than Chen Ke imagined.

It's just that compared to the starters in the team, it may be a bit worse.

Chen Ke was still thinking before, bringing one substitute to rub the skin would be enough, but two would be a bit too much.

Later, Chen Ke stopped worrying about this. Some people can get skin even if they don't have a championship.

I have a chance to win the championship as a substitute, why not?

After Chen Ke handed the phone to Wink, he opened his own phone and browsed it for a while. There were many similar posts.

I guess there are other places as well, obviously the rhythm has been picked up.

Chen Ke and the others don't care. The main thing is that the mentality of the two substitutes will be affected a little at this time.

Chen Ke still comforted him: "It's obvious that someone is taking the lead. Don't think too much about it. You two played well today. Don't let this matter affect your mood."

"As long as we can win the championship, then everyone has contributed, and there is no question of whether we deserve it or not."

"It's much better than some shock waves that rely solely on marketing."

"Besides, the fact that they can loan us our skin in advance proves that they still recognize our strength."


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