He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 307: Say the harshest words and receive the harshest beatings (please vote for me)

Chapter 307: Say the harshest words and receive the harshest beatings~ (please vote for me)

Chen Ke just took the time to look at the red temperature value, and the movement of his hand didn't stop at all.

He quickly pushed the military line under the opposite defense tower.

K Technical High School was almost in the bottom lane, but after seeing something happen to his AD, he quickly changed his route.

I simply didn’t dare to go down the tower alone.

The T1 team probably also said that Chen Ke still has his ultimate move.

Even though Lulu has a big move at this time, but Lucian cooperates with Nami's damage, he can't stand it now.

No one dares to come over, and the defense tower is equivalent to leaving it to the other side.

King Ning was about to reach the bottom lane, and he was going to follow the rhythm that V5 was best at before.

After getting the vanguard, when Chen Ke was suppressing the lane in the bottom lane, he came over to put pressure.

As long as the pressure is on, and the opponent is already at a disadvantage in the early stage, there is a high probability that this defensive tower will be unable to defend.

Releasing the vanguard and covering Chen Ke to take the first blood tower has almost become the password for V5's victory this year.

Before Ning Wang's men arrived, Chen Ke killed the opponent's AD without any force.

During the walk, King Ning witnessed the whole process, and he thought he saw an assassin hero fighting against him in seconds.

The critical time is only about 10 minutes, even the assassin hero may not be able to explode to such a high level.

Little Lu Bu died suddenly, disrupting King Ning's plan.

Because it looks like the bottom tower can be pushed down without a vanguard.

Before that, Chen Ke had taken the initiative in the bottom lane, and the defensive tower on the opposite side had been pushed off nearly the third floor.

Prince Ning simply stood sentry around to help keep an eye on it for a while.

Seeing that the blind monk on the opposite side did not forcefully come to defend him, he felt relieved and rushed to the middle.

If it weren't for Chen Ke's development, Pioneer would have used it to push a tower in the opposite middle lane, which is obviously more cost-effective.

If the middle tower of the card falls, it will be quite uncomfortable for the hero.

Even if there is a lane change period later, if your first tower in the middle is gone, Aphelios will be equally uncomfortable growing in the middle.

Maybe before the wave of soldiers was finished, Lucian was struck by the wind.

Even with Lulu's constant personal protection, it was still difficult to block Chen Ke's damage.

After taking down a health tower in the bottom lane, Chen Ke went home to replenish a wave of equipment.

I got a pair of CD shoes and a yellow cross.

The improvement of Chen Ke's equipment is not too big. The key lies in Wink's imperial directive.

The support in this version is still too poor. Sometimes a piece of equipment can last for half a year.

Forget it if you don’t have much income, you still need two real eyes every time you go home to guarantee your income.

Fortunately, Wink got a kill early in this game, and he also got first-blood assist money and the like.

Just now, the defensive tower also had a layer of tower skin. Although the economy of the first-blood tower was eaten up by Chen Kedan, Wink's money was enough.

After arriving at the middle road, King Ning continued to follow.

When Chen Ke met, he used his big move to sweep away, and used Aphelios on the opposite side to retest his damage.

Fortunately, Lulu is here this time, which is equivalent to Chen Ke and Lulu switching their ultimate moves.

Moreover, Xiao Lu Bu also bought out Guangfeng. It is obviously impossible for Chen Ke to directly kill the opponent with a big move.

But after reducing the opponent's health, King Ning can use the vanguard to push the tower.

Realizing that the opposing midfielder might want to come over and forcibly defend the first tower in the middle, King Ning stopped giving up the economy.

He fired a W forward and instinctively accelerated to demolish the tower.

AQ is used continuously. This hero pushes towers very quickly and can be regarded as a member of the canyon demolition team.

The three of them worked together, and Silas of Toothpaste was also leaning towards the middle.

T1 thought about it but still couldn't fight. At this point in time, their damage was too different from the opponent's, mainly because of Lucian.

Unless Lucian can be directly controlled and killed instantly, Chen Ke will not be given any chance to move.

But the current situation seems that T1's lineup is still a little less explosive.

Relying on a blind man alone is not enough. After all, Chen Ke still has Nami by his side to protect him.

To a certain extent, the hero Troll also has a protective role.

As long as he puts his skills in place and delays the opponent's output, it can be regarded as a kind of protection.

Even if the yellow card is really given to Chen Ke, Chen Ke doesn't have any means to relieve the control now.

As long as he moves back a certain distance, it will be difficult for T1 to kill Chen Ke in seconds.

If Chen Ke turns around and fights back, he will most likely be involved.

In desperation, he watched the tower in the middle being pushed down.

They want to delay the development of Aphelios, but a very cruel fact is that in the later stage, even if Aphelios develops for you.

With Nami's blessing, Lucian still does more damage than you.

Unless during a team battle, you find an opportunity to set off a perfect firework and directly hit the explosive AOE.

In terms of burst damage alone, there is still a gap between him and Chen Ke.

Lucian's critical strike in the late stage is already full of damage, not to mention Nami's blessing.

Moreover, Chen Ke was played by Lucian, and I felt that he was so fierce that he pressed the opponent so hard that it seemed difficult to breathe.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that while he plays fiercely, he can also not give his opponent any chance.

A team like T1 has a strong ability to seize opportunities.

Even they couldn't do anything against Chen Ke, which showed that Chen Ke was really full in this game.

When playing against teams like 100T or DFM before, Chen Ke would relax a little after getting a good advantage.

In today's game, Chen Ke was definitely 120% energetic.

Later, when Wink came out of the crucible, Chen Ke's risk of being killed was basically much smaller.

T1, on the other hand, is trying its best to delay. Their lineup is lagging behind, and it seems to be stronger.

There are two late-stage cores, Gwen and Aphelios.

Gwen's development is quite satisfactory. Although he has never beaten Brother 9 in the lane, nothing will happen to him and he can last hits normally.

Little Lu Bu was completely numb. After the laning period ended, his last hits fell further and further behind.

The 20-minute mark has not yet arrived, and we are already nearly 60 dollars behind Chen Ke.

The AD position is not like the top laner. Sometimes it is not a big deal if the top laner is 100 dollars behind the opponent.

After all, this also depends on the situation. Some of them are simply too good at being beaten by the opponent and can't breathe.

Some people, when the laning is not smooth, have to give up resources to other positions after the laning is over, and they don't take the line at all.

However, the AD position is a position that can suck blood, and the result is that it is so far behind, which is a bit unreasonable.

This round didn't end so quickly.

On the one hand, after T1 was at a big disadvantage in the early stage, it wanted to delay the game later and let the cards be distributed on the side.

Another aspect is that the entire V5 lineup has short hands.

Without the Baron, it would be difficult to go directly to the opposite high ground.

It is simply impossible to rush the game before 20 minutes.

Even if the early advantage is already huge, sometimes it still depends on the lineup.

However, V5 will not drag down the opponent. This point of Aphelios can be ignored. Even if he develops to the later stage, no one will worry.

The main reason is that Gwen will be a little troublesome in the later stages.

This hero has a W skill, which makes it very difficult to kill him at the beginning of a team battle.

In the event of a real team fight, if this hero's three [Threading Threads] are properly deployed, they will be very destructive.

In addition, Rat Man performed well in this game. After the laning period, he has been steadily replenishing his development.

This person's strength is not that great. In the era when the LCK top laner is declining, he is barely usable.

But given the strength of the hero Gwen, you still have to be careful.

Just after 20 minutes, V5 started to cause trouble on Baron's side.

Their lineup is not as fast as T1 in beating Baron, but they can't handle it now that they have good equipment.

T1 seemed to have expected this a long time ago. As soon as they entered the dragon pit, the card's ultimate move was unleashed.

Instantly illuminated the five people in the dragon pit.

There is no moji at all on V5's side, and they just start doing it when they come over.

The people in T1 had to come over quickly. Once the opponent gets this baron, they will completely lose the capital to drag the game on.

After the people arrived, a team battle broke out between the two sides.

The V5 lineup has average team-starting ability. The key opponent's big move can be stolen by Toothpaste, and there are no good group-starting moves.

Chen Ke's body started to fight, and the strong wind knocked away a large amount of the blind monk's health.

There was no greed for output. After playing the flat A in his hand, he pressed the stopwatch instantly, leaving Feike with no way to deal with the yellow card that he quickly cut out.

In fact, even if Chen Ke is really given a yellow card, nothing will happen to Chen Ke.

Wink has been staring next to Chen Ke.

It was impossible to suppress Chen Ke's getting up, because at this time, the waves formed by Nami's ultimate move had already swept towards the opposite side.

After Chen Ke stood up, the opponent had no time to care about him.

With the help of his teammates, Chen Ke began to operate wildly.

At this moment, his gun was filled with relief.

"Is there a pentakill?"

"Ning Wangzhu is ready!"

"Penta Kill!"

"It's over, it's all over."

Chen Ke's pentakill ignited the atmosphere at the scene, and the European commentator at the scene roared passionately: "T1 paid the price for their arrogant BP. V5's Luna told everyone what cruelty is."

After the team battle, V5 only paid the price of one Kennen and successfully wiped out the opponent.

There is no need to fight the dragon anymore. Toothpaste returns to the city and prepares to teleport.

The other three people are constantly moving to the opposite high ground, and they can definitely try to end the game in one wave.


"What he did was T1."

"Sure enough, it is reassuring that Chen Ke plays the Korean team."

"Who the hell is shouting before the game? You're still pretending at this level."

"To be honest, I can't even compare to my brother. My brother wouldn't be so miserable against Chen Ke."

"You are a bit insulting to my brother. After all, he is the world champion. What kind of shock wave is coming from the other side?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem. Han Za will help wash it anyway."

"Chen Ke couldn't hide his decline after killing Lucian five times, and Gumayusi's newly born Aphelios showed his full style."

"Say the harshest words and receive the harshest beatings."

"Hurry up and show me the damage list. I want to see how much damage this guy has done."


After the game is over, the real war begins.

Everyone is just waiting for V5 to show off after they win.

For a team of T1 level, as long as the LPL team can beat them, it will be pretty cool.

It would be more comfortable to defeat the opponent when they provoked trouble before the game. It is a super double type.

The fans are quite satisfied now, and this game is enough to keep them entertained for several days.

Many people have even begun to look forward to what Chen Ke will do after the game.

I wish I could fast forward to the post-game interview session.

There are still people who are looking forward to a post-game blowout, just like MSI did against PSG before.

Who allowed the damn opponent to be so mean? The match started with a weak performance.

If you shine for me during the game, I will return it to you in person after the game. Is this reasonable?

It's just that Chen Ke didn't do that. When shaking hands, it was very normal, without any extra movements.

On the other hand, little Lu Bu added some drama to himself. When shaking hands with Chen Ke, he deliberately turned his face to the side. He didn't look like an ordinary clown.

Chen Ke didn't pay attention to him at all and simply went through the process.

A live-action version of a weak explosion is enough if you do it once, and it won't be interesting if you continue to do it.

Even Chen Ke didn't expect that step. At the end of the game, Chen Ke kept looking at the opponent's AD's red temperature.

The result left Chen Ke quite disappointed.

The highest point only reached 94 points, and after the last wave of Baron team battles, it even fell back to 90 points.

Chen Ke realized that this value did not always increase. If he was numbed during a game, it would also decrease.

But the value of 94 is still far away from 100, so if it decreases, it will decrease. Chen Ke has nothing to regret.

This test was just a test, and it made Chen Ke understand that it is not easy to achieve a red-hot performance.

If I want to get this mysterious reward, it seems I can only wait until Rambo returns next year.


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