He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 312 G2, please take us back to S8 again! (Please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

The next day is October 15th in China.

After Chen Ke and the others had a good rest, they started watching the game in the hotel.

We didn’t play with each other. When the first game started, many people hadn’t gotten up yet.

Chen Ke didn't feel very hungry, so he just lay on the bed and watched the game on his mobile phone.

The first game is the focus battle between FPX and DK.

When the live broadcast room was opened, the BP for the game was almost done.

Chen Ke quickly turned down the volume to avoid disturbing Wink who was still sleeping.

Chen Ke seemed to have put the headphones in his backpack, so he was too lazy to look for them.

Unless I really can’t hold my pee in anymore, what’s the difference between getting up to get something and getting up directly?

Before the start of this game, everyone still has expectations for FPX.

Looking at the results, the gap between the two teams is not big. As long as FPX beats DK today, they will still have a chance to compete for first place in the group.

V5 has qualified first in the group, and everyone definitely hopes to see other LPL teams also qualify first in the group.

If everyone is first in the group, civil war can be avoided.

When watching the World Championship, what everyone hates to see the most is the civil war.

They lost to DK in the first round. In the eyes of fans, they were tricked by the opponent's Conqueror Enchantress. It was because the opponent made a strange move.

In a BO1 game, once the opponent comes up with something new that you can't deal with, it's normal that you won't be able to beat it.

In the second round, there is a chance to wait for FPX to adjust and then play DK.

I don't know why, but LPL fans feel a little inexplicable confident when they meet a team with Khan on it.

Only Chen Ke was thinking about whether FPX could appear at this time, and whether there would be any changes.

After watching the first game, Chen Ke felt that it was almost time to say goodbye. The entire team was out of shape.

When Xiaotian got his own skin hero, he didn't even hit 3,000 damage, which was equivalent to making Qi Jiang's number look higher in disguise.

Apart from him, the other few people were just like that.

And the BP is not that good either. I chose a wine barrel for the big dad on the road, but the wine barrel is not very good at playing. In Chen Ke's opinion, it is relatively stupid.

Losing this game again and getting a double kill by DK meant that they no longer wanted to be ranked first in the group.

It’s almost the same situation as T1 yesterday.

Being double-killed by your biggest competitor means that there is no possibility of competing for first place.

Fortunately, no one has too high expectations for this year's FPX report. The second place in the group will be second.

Even if V5 is drawn to them in the quarter-finals, it will definitely allow V5 to enter the semi-finals.

What people never expected was that the big one was still behind.

After watching the first game, Chen Ke got up to wash up and find something to eat.

Wink also woke up at this time. The first thing he looked at was his phone. He was a little surprised and asked Chen Ke why FPX was beaten by DK again.

"I don't know why, but once this scarecrow is locked, I feel a little bad."

The second game of FPX is right next to the first game.

When Chen Ke came to the training room, most of his teammates were also there.

There are still people who have nothing to eat and are eating burgers in the training room.

This time FPX faced the meat pigeon team from Europe.

There is definitely a gap in strength between this team and FPX. In the first round of the group stage, FPX seemed to have no trouble beating them.

After reading the BP, King Ning suddenly said something.

Chen Ke glanced over. This man seemed to have the potential to be a prophet.

Chen Ke still has an impression of Meitu's scarecrow support.

Of course, what impressed Chen Ke the most was Xiaotian's prince.

It’s hard to imagine that humans can play it.

After watching the game, everyone in the V5 lounge was silent.

Prince Ning, who always talked a lot, didn't know how to comment sharply at this time.

The main reason is that he always speaks for the second uncle. After all, the uncle and the second uncle are from the same school.

And bragging about the Finals FMVP is equivalent to bragging about yourself.

It was quite obvious who Prince Ning liked and who he disliked.

Xiaotian's performance in this game was really beyond his control.

Xiaotian was the most "dazzling", but the others were not much better, and were fooled by the scarecrow opposite.

Everyone knelt down in the last two games, which really shocked countless fans.

Everyone who was extremely optimistic two or three hours ago now had to consider a serious issue.

Isn’t it true that FPX won’t be able to qualify as a group?

Before today's game started, in everyone's opinion, this group was the same as yesterday's Group B, and the situation was relatively clear.

The two teams from China and South Korea join hands to qualify. It is just a question of who is first and who is second.

Now it seems that everything is in chaos, and the whole group is in a mess.

Except for DK who secured first place in the group early, the other three teams now look hard to compete for the remaining qualifying spot.

The cruelest time is when everything seems to have a chance.

Normally, there is no problem for FPX against the other two teams. As long as he wins the third game against C9, he still has a chance to qualify.

As long as they get three wins in this group, they are guaranteed to play in the playoffs.

The only problem now is that everyone is worried about whether DK will be able to play FPX.

After all, they are locked in first place in the group, and it doesn't matter now.

As long as they let C9 win, FPX might not even have a chance to win the third game.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this. The relationship between DK and Niu Bao is still okay, and leaving the team this year did not cause any conflicts.

He just wants to make a lot of money. Even if his teammates are unhappy, they will respect his blessings.

On the contrary, if they can help, they will try their best to help.

Anyway, after qualifying, the two teams will not be able to meet each other, and FPX will no longer pose any threat to them.

There was indeed no problem on DK's side, and they steadily won C9, which was equivalent to helping FPX gain a chance.

But FPX failed to live up to their expectations and lost against C9.

If you win one of the three games, you may qualify, but if you don't win one, there is really no way.

No one can help you.

In the end, DK joined hands with C9 to qualify. The Light of North America truly lived up to its reputation.

No matter what group he is assigned to, you will find that he can always break out of the siege in the end.

But this is no longer important. Domestic fans are violently blasting FPX.

Even if you are the third seed and are not expected to win the championship, you can't play like this.

In addition, FPX also has a lot of team fans, so everyone is really confused this time.

Not to mention fans, even the V5 team has been discussing it, and other teams must be similar.

Even if Chen Ke knew the result in advance, he was still curious about what happened in the FPX team during this period.

It's a pity that he is not familiar with the people at FPX. If you ask the person involved about this kind of thing, the person involved will definitely not be willing to talk about it.

Others don't know the inside story, so they just rely on their imagination to make up for it.

On the third match day of the second round of the group stage, today is the Group D match.

Group D is the most intense group. After the first round, the situation does not look clear.

Among them, Chen Ke's old team did not perform well in the first round and even lost to RNG.

Chen Ke had thought of this possibility before, which made RNG fans arrogant for a few days.

It's just that Chen Ke also had to play a game at that time. In addition, G2 actually lost, and he couldn't touch RNG, so it was not easy to output.

Coming to the second round, G2 fans were not concerned about whether they could defeat RNG, but whether they could qualify.

Because from the first round, it seems that Gen.G and RNG have a higher chance of qualifying together.

If the defending champion can't even make it out of the group, then it's really better not to enter this world championship.

Gen.G, who happens to be in the same group as them, had this experience in S8, and it happened to be in their home stadium.

Chen Ke is more concerned about today's competition in this group.

In order to cheer for his old club, Chen Ke even went to watch the game live.

The venue for the group stage was not big, and there were no VIP boxes or anything like that, so Chen Ke just sat with the ordinary audience.

When entering the venue, many people were greeting Chen Ke, but it didn't cause any commotion. Chen Ke, a gamer, hadn't reached that level yet.

Along with Chen Ke, there were four other teammates who came to the scene, which is equivalent to the starting five people coming today.

It's not that Weiwei and PPgod don't want to take him, it's that they are reluctant to come.

Personality is one thing, but mainly the two of them also know that it is possible for them to be defeated in the knockout round.

They've all said that you have to show off your skin, so you can't do it without looking for opportunities in the knockout rounds.

The knockout rounds are another level of intensity. The two of them are still under a lot of pressure to prepare for the competition.

Basically, except for training matches, every day is endless ranking.

If someone doesn't come, Chen Ke can't force him.

The five of them had just sat down when the on-site director showed the camera.

Players came to watch the game during the group stage, which is almost never seen before.

There will be a game later, and coming to watch the game will inevitably give people an excuse for not training well.

If there is no team that qualified from the group, it would be even more embarrassing to go to watch the game live.

It is estimated that after the game is over, the first reaction is to cut off the Internet and escape from the game.

If you ask them to watch the next game on their mobile phone or computer, they probably won't watch it.

The first game was RNG playing Gen.G. As soon as the five RNG players saw Chen Ke coming to the scene, they suddenly felt unlucky.

Why can't this guy prepare well and come to the scene to watch the game?

I don’t know if it was really influenced by Chen Ke, but RNG still didn’t beat Gen.G in the first game.

The Titan in Pluto's game contributed several Pluto scenes.

Wink next to Chen Ke looked silent because he and Xiao Ming had a pretty good relationship.

These LPL teams can also silence one of Chen Ke's teammates for one day.

In the second game, G2 came on the scene, and they performed pretty well, directly overthrowing Gen.G.

This game is still very crucial. If we lose, we can almost say goodbye to this World Championship in advance.

Then fast forward to the scene where Ah P is sitting on a chair crying.

The subsequent game between G2 and RNG is very critical, involving the battle for the group qualifying spots.

If RNG wins, they can directly lock in the qualifying spot.

It's a pity that they were double-killed by Gen.G. Even if their records were the same, they could only be second in the group.

Unless there is an accident when Gen.G plays TL in the next game, in that case RNG can become the first.

But now everyone doesn’t think too much about it, as long as they can qualify in the group.

It must be very comfortable to step on G2's head and qualify.

And you said that there were various factors involved in winning one game. I defeated you in two games in the group stage. There is nothing wrong with saying that it was revenge, right?

I want to see who dares to use G2 to disgust our RNG in the future.

For G2, there is no retreat, they must win.

If you lose, you will be sent away. If you win, you may have to play a playoff with RNG.

Judging from the difficulty of qualifying, it is obvious that G2 is much bigger.

"How do I say this? Can G2 win?"

"I feel like G2's performance in the group stage is pretty average every time."


As soon as the two teams sat down, their teammates started teasing each other.

Before, Chen Ke was just watching for fun, but now it's finally a game that he cares about.

Supporting G2 is one thing, but the main reason is that if G2 loses to RNG, it will be more uncomfortable than killing Chen Ke.

The teammates noticed that Chen Ke was silent and couldn't help but take a look.

He was immediately shocked to find that Chen Ke got paper and pen from nowhere and started writing.

After finishing writing, Chen Ke stood up directly and pulled the paper with both hands.

The director's footage was given immediately, and everyone found that it said: "G2, please take us back to S8 again!"

At this moment, the show was at full effect.

Domestic fans almost stopped laughing after seeing it.

These foreign fans cannot understand Chinese, but just by looking at the words G2 and S8, they can probably guess what it means.

The scene was very exciting for a while.

Even the staff at Riot Games were moved. Even though it was not Chen Ke's game, he still made the game popular off the court and increased the ratings of the game.

It is strongly recommended that after Chen Ke wins the championship this year, Riot Games will make two skins for him.

Chen Ke had planned this operation before he came, but his teammates didn't know that he secretly brought a pen and paper with him.

Anyway, the weather is cold in Iceland and everyone wears quite a lot of clothes. It’s so easy to just carry a pen and paper with you.

He did not involve his teammates and operated the whole process by himself. Chen Ke also had his own considerations.

After all, RNG is also a member of the LPL. If the entire V5 team supports a foreign team to defeat the LPL team at this time, it would be somewhat unethical.

People can use this to talk about you later.

But if Chen Ke does it himself, it doesn't matter.

Everyone knows that Chen Ke has a feud with RNG. The most important thing is that G2 is his old club. The five people on the court now are all Chen Ke's former teammates.

I support my old club and my former teammates to crush the team that has a grudge against me. There seems to be nothing wrong with that, right?

Chen Ke also knows that there are risks in doing so. If G2 overturns later, Chen Ke will also be ridiculed.

But how can we be afraid of the pressure of public opinion when we come out to clean up our lives?

If RNG really advances, Chen Ke might be able to meet them later.

Go back and beat RNG once in the World Championship, and see if HZ still screams.

The atmosphere at the scene has been mobilized by Chen Ke, but this is not the end yet.

After Chen Ke handed the paper in his hand to Wink next to him, he took off his down jacket.

What he was wearing turned out to be a G2 championship commemorative jersey.

At this moment, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak, and even a few explanations in English could not be tolerated.

The four teammates next to him all looked up at Chen Ke, their expressions a little confused.

After putting on G2's clothes, I feel that he is so sexy.


PS: More than 10,000 words have been completed. Brothers, please support me with monthly tickets. If you have a monthly ticket, remember to give one, please!

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