He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 320 Biyang’s lateness, the rising thing! (asking for monthly ticket)


"I still have three seconds to turn the hook!"


Chen Ke had no idea that a group meeting was already underway on the barrage at this time, full of joy.

The team was still cheering at this moment.

Wink even wants to continue to operate the opponent's support.

After the team opens up the situation, it will make people's brains congested for a moment.

Chen Ke had been pursuing continuously, but he was not attacked by the defense tower on the opposite side. He was stuck at a very extreme distance.

Use Tongbi's range to kill the bomber on the opposite side.

Even the minions on the opposite side were almost wiped out. Chen Ke basically didn't lose any blood and still maintained the same combat effectiveness as before.

What's more, now that he has a full stack of conquerors, he is actually in better shape than before.

In order to block Chen Ke's output, the female tank also handed in flash, and now she seems a bit out of position.

At the same time, because he met Chen Ke, he was also attacked by soldiers at this time.

You must retreat to the defense tower as soon as possible.

It's a pity that Chen Ke has no skills anymore. It is impossible to retain people through the control of Shuiming. He can only try his best to gain some output.

Seeing that the female tank was about to reach the bottom of the tower, Wink's hook was turned.

He aimed his Q skill at the female tank, but unfortunately the hook was a little too straight and was twisted off by the opponent, which was a bit regretful.

Chen Ke also knew that even if he was hit by this hook, the most he would do would be to lose more HP, but the damage would not be enough to take the female tank away with him.

If the female tank was so easy to kill, Chen Ke would not have moved out of position immediately to use his E skill.

It seems easier to let the female tank point directly up, and then control it herself, and then Thresh will control it.

It’s just that the female tank’s HP is too high, and this hero is rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He’s already at level 3 now and must have the W skill, so it’s not that easy to deal with at all.

After the female tank enters the tower, the blue side's troop line also enters. There is no such operation as forcibly blocking the line.

Fortunately, Bomberman brings teleportation, so he can go online directly after resurrection, so he won't lose a wave of troops.

Chen Ke also had to go back quickly. After all, there was a teleport on the other side. If he wasted his time returning to the city.

If he comes up later, he will lose the army line.

While Mr. Dai was waiting for resurrection, his expression did not change much.

At level three, resurrection is faster.

In just a few seconds, Mr. Dai had already reviewed his previous operation in his mind.

He realized he had made a mistake.

Chen Ke played well on the one hand, but Tongbi Q's unexpected attack caught him a bit by surprise.

But the biggest problem is the use of his W skill.

It was too slow when he gave it to himself. He had to adjust his position and walk to the inside of the explosive pack.

If Chen Ke was given an explosive pack to blow others away at the first opportunity, it would be difficult to keep up with the output.

Just retreat back when the time comes, and you may not even need to flash.

There is no use thinking about that now. Mr. Dai just wants to pay attention to himself next.

Fortunately, he is a bomber, so dying once in the early stage will not delay his subsequent development.

Back online, Chen Ke is leading in this aspect of equipment.

But if you think about killing someone in line for no reason, that's impossible.

If the opponent plays more steadily, there really is no chance.

What's more, at this point in time, neither of the two players in the bottom lane of V5 showed up, so it was difficult to continue to give the opponent a face.

Fans don't think it's a big deal, as long as they can get the line rights and develop normally.

There is a first-blood kill, wait until the line is over and then use some tapioca.

As long as the opponent Xin Zhao doesn't find a chance, he will develop well in this round.

Without flashing, it is quite easy to find opportunities when Xin Zhao comes from the opposite side.

King Ning's trolls started patrolling the lower half of the area early and had a real eye on the river operation.

But the opponent's jungler really didn't care about Chen Ke in this game.

He has almost never been to the bottom lane, and did not take advantage of the vacuum period when Chen Ke did not flash as everyone thought.

On the contrary, after the Crocodile reached level 6, he went directly to the top lane to look for opportunities.

The two unreasonable heroes jumped directly over the tower. Without Brother 9's flash, there was no way to operate even under the defense tower.

"There is really nothing we can do about this wave. The crocodile on the opposite side is really cruel when it comes to cooperating with Xin Zhao."

"After the flash attack just now, the other party probably thought about taking action."

"Xin Zhao got this head. It doesn't seem to be good news."

"I think the only good news is that 369 was quite calm this time. Knowing that he was going to die, he didn't give out his ultimate move randomly."

"That's right, this wave of big moves won't have any effect if you use them, and will maximize your losses."


When Xin Zhao came out from behind, the commentators were talking about being gone.

The opponent's jungler has been targeting the top lane. All I can say is that if another player comes in, the result will be similar.

King Ning focused all his attention on the bottom lane, thinking that the opponent was going to take advantage of Chen Ke's flash and purification, so he would not be able to take care of the top lane.

When no one shows up, if you ask Prince Ning to choose one, he will definitely help Chen Ke.

Hanhua's jungler can successfully cross the tower, which shows that there is nothing wrong with his thinking in this game.

If you really want to play the bottom lane, first of all, your teammates in the bottom lane will not be easy to cooperate with.

There is no problem with the female tank. The jungler prefers this kind of support with all-round control.

The problem is still with Bomberman. This hero's combat effectiveness is too poor.

Secondly, if he encounters Prince Ning squatting in reverse, he will most likely suffer serious consequences.

When playing against a team like V5, if you die once, the jungle rhythm will basically be interrupted.

On the top lane, your own top laner is strong. If you find an opportunity, you can greatly make up for the losses caused by the wave of lane kills in the bottom lane.

At this point in the game, it's still a tie.

But if you appear on the top lane, the two guys on the bottom lane will definitely have to bear some pressure.

For example, Chen Ke started to push the line unscrupulously at this time.

Although Bomberman clears the line of troops quite quickly, Chen Ke can always get a few hits.

After going back and forth like this, I successfully ate a layer of tart crust.

Then over there, King Ning was soloing Xiaolong.

After the soldiers under the opposite defense tower were cut off, Chen Ke came over to help King Ning hit him a few times so that he could finish it quickly.

King Ning punished and took away the little dragon with residual health, and then entered the opposite jungle area without stopping.

"Hey, with Prince Ning's position, I feel like I'm going to take action."

"Chen Ke is pushing the troops line, this wave is the artillery line."

"Can we take action this time? The female tank hasn't reached level six yet."


As soon as they saw King Ning's movements, everyone knew that V5's best bottom lane jump over the tower was coming.

Although Toothpaste can't come this time, there are only three of them, but there is still a captain's ultimate move that can be used.

It was crucial that the captain did not use his ultimate move casually when he was overtaken in the wave just now.

As long as you make a move in the bottom lane, the captain's ultimate move will follow immediately.

And just like Chen Ke and the others, the two people on the opposite side of the road also didn't flash.

Even though the female tank is quite tough, the troll is still relatively easy to deal with as long as it uses a big move.

Hanhua's bottom lane was obviously aware of this. Mr. Dai quickly threw his skills and tried his best to clear the line of troops quickly.

Although Mr. Dai died once, he was not lagging behind in terms of experience.

After clearing out the two minions, Bomberman reached level six before the minions entered the tower.

He learned the ultimate move in seconds, and without even thinking about it, a hellfire cannon was aimed at the line of troops that was about to enter the tower and hit it.

Throwing out all his skills again, this wave really allowed him to almost clear the line of soldiers.

Although the female tank has not yet reached level six, and he is a little behind in level, it is still difficult to take action this time.

If the three of them acted forcefully without a military line, the risk would be too great.

Everyone rushed directly to the upper half of the area. At this time, Xin Zhao on the opposite side was about to use the vanguard.

I thought that the bottom lane would help delay time, and this pioneer might be available.

Who knew that the toothpaste was going down the river, and it was hopeless to see the way down the tower.

He simply used his ultimate move to lead everyone towards the vanguard.

As soon as King Ning came over, Xin Zhao didn't dare to fight on the opposite side. This pioneer's HP was still quite sensitive.

I'm afraid that after working hard for a long time, I will finally help others.

Around the vanguard, the two sides still started fighting.

Judging from the lineup, Hanwha's lineup is still fighting harder at this time.

The problem is that they currently lack the ultimate.

I have used both Crocodile and Bomberman's ultimate moves, and they are still on CD. The level 1 ultimate moves are not that quick to master.

Fortunately for Bomberman, his ultimate move can be used at will most of the time.

But Crocodile is different. This thing is like two heroes whether it has a big move or not.

Hanhua still refused to give in. He felt that Xin Zhao had a big move, and since Silas could steal the big move of the opposing captain or troll, this wave could still be fought.

At the beginning of the team battle, Xin Zhao forced a big move to attack Chen Ke. He knew that Chen Ke's flash had not improved yet.

Chen Ke didn't panic, the team's protection for him was sufficient.

Brother 9 immediately gave the ultimate move, and the troll's pillar was used to slow down, making it difficult for everyone else on the opposite side to catch up.

Ryze was under control, and Thresh pulled a lantern not too far behind Chen Ke, helping Chen Ke open a small distance.

That was enough, Xin Zhao flashed into the scene.

After Chen Ke distanced himself, it was difficult for him to pick Chen Ke up.

At this moment, Chen Ke has a green and white sword in his hand, and a pillar spirit is placed in front of him, which can continuously output.

The troll's ultimate move also hit Xin Zhao. The moment his ultimate move disappeared, the man was melted instantly.

The most powerful Xin Zhao fell down, and the crocodile without a big move couldn't stand up.

Chen Ke still has purification and is fully operational.

After the crocodile was also taken away, the remaining three people of Hanhua had no choice but to retreat and simply gave up the vanguard.

Chen Ke did not change lanes and continued to push the lane back to the bottom lane. Changing lanes gave Bomber a chance to push the tower.

Later, the opposite jungler became obviously angry and wanted to attack Chen Ke in the bottom lane.

On the V5 side, King Ning took the vanguard and brushed two groups of wild monsters in the upper half, and soon reached the bottom lane.

After getting the vanguard, this is the rhythm that King Ning is best at.

When you come to the lower road, the two sides meet.

Hanhua's combat effectiveness is still good, after all, this wave of female tanks has ultimate moves.

In the wave of vanguard groups just now, the opponent's auxiliary suffered a loss because it had not reached level six.

But the toothpaste swam over first.

In terms of laning ability, Toothpaste really cannot beat Chaowei.

When it comes to roaming support capabilities, Toothpaste must be stronger than the current Super Power.

This guy is still obsessed with last-hitting.

With one more person and Chen Ke's better equipment, this wave will definitely be easy to fight.

The more important thing is that the bombers have been dealt with this time, which means that this tower can be easily demolished.

After Chen Ke ate a tower, everyone knew that this game was almost spent.

After Hanwha lasted for 20 minutes, it obviously felt a bit difficult.

The pace of the dragons in this crucial game was very fast, and the fourth dragon was refreshed around 21 minutes.

This game is about the Fire Dragon Soul, and everyone knows that there is no way to release this dragon soul.

In the V5 lineup, the three Cs of Captain, Ryze and Aphelios do too much damage in the late stage.

In the later stage, the combined damage of these three people will overflow, and you can still do it with the entire Fire Dragon Soul.

Hanhua also knew that even if this wave came to fight, it would almost explode, but he still had to try.

They came to Xiaolong early to lay out their vision.

But V5 is very direct. I'm too lazy to fight you for the dragon. Let Ryze drive five people and go directly to the dragon.

Their lineup is too fast to beat Baron.

Fortunately, Hanhua was on guard, and they rushed over as soon as possible. At the same time, Crocodile and Silas teleported quickly to the battlefield.

Chen Ke and the others were not in a hurry. If they couldn't steal the dragon, they would just fight.

The anxious one is Hanwha.

The female tank cut in from the side and threw her ultimate move out without even thinking about it.

But the position of this ultimate move is really good. The V5 people in his place can't see it, so Chen Ke has no defense.

The female tank used a big move to hold him firmly in place.

Fortunately, Chen Ke had Purification in hand and his hand speed was extremely fast.

After the purification was removed, the crocodile entered the field in a big way.

"This wave of crocodiles is in a good position and has a chance to bite Aphelios."

"It's over, Aphelios is not purified!"


The second brother immediately felt his heart in his throat.

As soon as Chen Ke's purification was released, the crocodile came in.

Even if the crocodile is in normal development, it will still pose a great threat to a crispy creature when it is enlarged at this time.

Coupled with Bomberman's ultimate move, Xin Zhao doesn't have to rush in, but Chen Ke will be very dangerous, even if he flashes, it won't work.

The next second, the colonel cried out in shock: "Hey, what is this crocodile doing?"

"Let me go, why did the Red Fury W real eye flash?!"

"Morgan is committing a crime!!!"

The senior colonel and the cat emperor were almost astonished at this moment.

They didn't expect to see such an explosive performance. Are you telling me this is the World Championship?

The barrage was also filled with question marks at the moment.


"Damn it, this crocodile is one of his own."

"Good brother Crocodile, remember to report to V5 next year."

"It's so astringent, I feel like a pervert."

"It's so scary. This kid can never be returned to the LPL. Please stay in the LCK."

"Isn't this a pure freshman? Such a good opportunity can be wasted."

"The late meaning of the other sun, the rising thing!"

"No, why are some people so excited when the top laner of the Korean team made a mistake?"


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