He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 324 How insidious, tricking HZ into killing him (please subscribe with monthly ticket)

"OK, I'm following you. You go up first and look for opportunities."

Chen Ke was still thinking about things in his mind, and there was no delay in taking action.

Chaowei's current position does seem to have a good chance.

In terms of preparation, he gave himself the opportunity.

Yanque has no dodge, which is why everyone is puzzled as to why he is so bold.

Weiwei was closer than Chen Ke and he reached the lower route first.

After Chaowei saw the person, he suddenly woke up.

As soon as his mind cleared up, he knew that the blind monk was coming, and Yasuo must not be far away.

The first thing I wanted to do was use my ultimate move to escape, but luckily Weiwei was on guard and went up to forcefully interrupt.

Chen Ke took the big move, and the next step was very simple.

The blind monk doesn't even need to make up for the damage. Chen Ke's current damage is completely sufficient.

Another killing in this wave, completely defeated Yanque.

It can't be said that it is useless at all. If he can lift three or four people on the opposite side from a rock protrusion in a team battle, that is indeed crucial.

Like the blind monk, this kind of hero has the possibility of whitewashing through a wave of operations.

But the possibility is too low. For a person who has been invisible and out of rhythm from the beginning, it is difficult for you to believe that he can play a big role next.

The pace of the game was as fast as ever, and it took about ten minutes for V5 to successfully win the game.

"Let us congratulate V5 for advancing to the semi-finals 3:0!"

"As a result, two of our LPL teams have reached the semi-finals."

"For the HLE players, although they can expect such a result, they can still see the frustration on their faces."

“But for them to get here this summer, it’s amazing.”


Once the game ended, the fans were completely relieved.

Even with two substitutes, V5 still won the game steadily.

As long as you can win, the fans won't say anything if you replace the coach with him.

After entering the semi-finals, we can really look forward to the championship.

Before the quarter-finals started, after all, it was the first BO5 in this world championship.

Coupled with the lessons learned from RNG three years ago, some people keep asking whether V5 will get the same script.

It made fans a little worried.

Now that I see V5 in such good condition, the last trace of worry in my heart has completely disappeared.

Before the end of each of the three games, there was an economic difference of more than 10,000 yuan.

Moreover, the game does not last long, and the battle is basically over in just over twenty-five minutes.

Being able to produce such data in every game shows how far the strength gap between the two sides is.

Although Hanwha is not good, it is still a World Championship team, and it still made it to the quarterfinals.

It can only be said that V5 is indeed very powerful, not to mention that it can maintain its dominance even with two substitutes.

Of course, if you look at it rationally, two substitutes were replaced in the third game. When Chen Ke went directly to the middle, V5 didn't play very well.

Unable to stand up to the opponent's mid laner, he fell seriously ill and has been sleepwalking.

This year in the entire Hanwha team, the most powerful one is Chaowei.

He played a huge role in making it to the World Championship, but if something suddenly went wrong, it would have a huge impact on the entire team.

In any case, the result of this game was within everyone's expectations.

As soon as the game ended, it was time for the post-game interview that everyone was looking forward to.

Today is more friendly to fans. Chen Ke accepted an interview in Chinese streaming, so that everyone can watch it through domestic live broadcast platforms for the first time.

What's a little embarrassing is that today's host is Yu Shuang.

Ever since Chen Ke pushed her hard during that interview, Chen Ke hadn't cooperated with her for a while.

When it comes to the World Championship, there is nothing we can do, and there are not many available hosts.

First of all, people like Xiaoyu who have no foreign language skills were passed out in the first place and were not even qualified to go to the World Championships.

After the two met, they smiled at each other and said nothing on the surface.

Communicate the questions in advance and the interview will begin soon.

At the beginning of the interview, Yu Shuang had another problem of his own.

After being reminded by the staff, she realized that she was still wearing an electronic product on her hand, which was not allowed to be worn according to regulations.

Quickly take off your watch and start again.

First, he introduced himself, and then Yu Shuang asked: "First of all, congratulations to you guys for reaching the semi-finals. Did you ever think that you could win so easily this year?"

"Because there is a certain strength gap between the two teams, this process is still conceivable."

Chen Ke answered the first question very appropriately, without any aggression.

But Yu Shuang still didn't dare to be careless at all. She knew that Chen Ke had sudden attacks.

You can't relax for a moment until the interview is over and he hands you the microphone.

Second question: "Before the game, I also had an interview and interaction with the opponent's AD player Deft. At that time, you agreed to perform well."

"We met him on the field today. Did he leave any deep impression on you?"

"As for today, I feel pretty good."

Chen Ke thought for a moment and said, "Mainly the situation at Hanwha today makes it difficult for him to have room to perform."

"Compared to today, he left a deeper impression on me when he was in the LPL."

Yu Shuang: "..."

After Chen Ke finished speaking, Yu Shuang didn't dare to pick it up.

She knew that if she answered the call and asked what impression she left on you in the LPL, then Chen Ke would start again.

The latter question was not interesting at all. I asked why Chen Ke went to the mid lane position.

Chen Ke said that he had no special considerations. It was just that Toothpaste said that he was a little sleepy, so he asked him to go down to rest and go to the middle to support himself.

Knowing that Chen Ke was joking, Yu Shuang also rarely laughed sincerely.

In front of Chen Ke before, the smile on her face was somewhat deliberate, just professional.

She is smiling happily now, but she won't be able to laugh at the next question.

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "Last question, after winning today, you have officially entered the semi-finals."

"So when the team was first formed at the beginning of the season, did you think you could get to this point?"

Chen Ke felt that this question was meaningless. It seemed that someone had asked this before when he won the league championship, or similar questions.

If you want to answer, you can only say that you thought of it.

But this is the last question, and Chen Ke cannot let down so many fans watching the live broadcast.

Just listen to Chen Ke say: "I did think of this result when we formed the team."

"When I was forming this team, I told my teammates that when we get together, we must pursue the championship and become the strongest all-China class."

"Now reaching the semi-finals is a small proof."

"It's our first time for V5 to play in the World Championship, and our record so far has equaled RNG's best record in the World Championship."

"So teams like RNG should not compete with V5 in the future."

"Even if V5 retires after today's match, you are not qualified to compete."


Yu Shuang immediately felt numb. The question she asked was normal. She didn't expect that Chen Ke would be caught and continue to start a group.

The one who was scolding was still RNG, and Yu Shuang definitely sounded unhappy.

Even if she is happy at the moment, she cannot show it and must pay attention to expression management.

To put it bluntly, a large part of the people who support her are RNG fans, and Yu Shuang obviously understands.

I didn’t make any summary, I just hoped that V5 would perform well in the next game, so I ended the interview in a hurry.

Chen Ke also opened an RNG, and it was not very long.

But the enjoyment brought to fans is still quite good.

Didn't you, RNG, warn me? I not only ridiculed you online, but also showed your mark in the game.

The post-game interview can continue to ridicule, what can you do to me?

As a result, RNG's lawyer's letter became a joke.

The lawyer's letter you co-authored was sent to encourage Chen Ke.

After the announcement, people became even more aggressive.

After all the interviews were over, the whole team returned to the hotel in a happy mood.

It just so happened that the ingredients sent from China arrived today, so they could have a hot pot to enjoy in the evening.

In Iceland, having a hot pot meal is indeed a pleasure.

It's a pity that when we eat hot pot now, the good brothers of G2 are no longer here.

After they lost yesterday, they took a holiday and everyone left.

There is obviously no need to stay with Chen Ke and the others. It will take at least half a month until the finals.

But it's still early here in Iceland, obviously it's not time for dinner, and everyone is not very hungry.

After some discussion, we decided to rest for a while and talk about it later.

Today's three games ended too quickly, taking just over an hour.

Including BP and rest time, it’s probably not even two hours.

Therefore, it is not too late in China at this time. In addition, today is Saturday in China, so most people will not go to bed that early.

Chen Ke started the live broadcast at this time and was very popular.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, few people discussed today's game on the barrage.

The game was over, and since it was relatively easy, there was really no need to discuss it.

There are only a few barrages here, and here Chaowei is a shock wave.

Most people are still asking what they think of tomorrow's game, and many people agree that Gen.G can win, and want to ask Chen Ke what he thinks about playing Chichi Emperor.

Fans are concerned about the next game, while players are concerned about the post-game interview with RNG.

Many people are joking that Chen Ke will receive a lawyer's letter again.

Chen Ke's response to the barrage was not positive, as if he was waiting for something.

Soon, Chen Ke finally arrived at HZ.

"It's so shameless. If you don't mention RNG all day long, you will die, right?"

"I've sent you a lawyer's letter, but I can't shut you up, right? Just wait for the lawsuit!"

"As expected of an RNG fan, opening one's mouth or keeping silent is a lawsuit. I've let you understand the legal aspect."

"Even if you are a bad guy, you can't be embarrassed, right? RNG's best result was the semi-finals, but you took two runner-up places?"

"How could he not know? He is deliberately being disgusting."

"Even if you are the world champion, you can't erase our two runners-up!"


Chen Ke just looked at the barrage and was not in a hurry.

After waiting for two or three minutes, he smiled and said: "Isn't the runner-up from the royal family? What does it have to do with you RNG?"

The relationship between the royal family and RNG is actually nothing complicated.

They are two clubs. After the Royal Family was relegated, the boss purchased the King team and then reincarnated.

Then many people default to an inheritance relationship.

If you don’t watch Royal Family, then there is nothing wrong with Chen Ke spraying RNG.

After playing in so many world championships, my best result was no more than the semi-finals.

When fans heard this, they naturally wanted to count the achievements of the royal family.

People who are familiar with Chen Ke can somewhat tell that Chen Ke is a bit mean-spirited and looks like he is deliberately fishing.

Sure enough, HZ people became anxious when they heard it and refreshed the screen again.

"Haha, what are you pretending to be? Who are you going to ask? They are both on the same team."

"You're laughing so hard. The official kill data has been inherited by RNG, but it doesn't count when it comes to you?"

"We're all the same boss, why can't we be the same team? It's boring if you insist on talking about this."

"Don't think that you can be here and make history if you have a favorable wind now!"

"Some of our old fans have been supporting us since then. Many of them are the same group of people. If they are not the same team, why should we continue to support it?"


Chen Ke glanced at the barrage and was very satisfied.

Then he started: "Oh, it turns out that the Royal Family and your RNG are on the same team?"

"Then why did you inherit it when you were the runner-up? When it comes to who was the first team to introduce Korean aid, how did you sever ties with the royal family?"

The first team in the LPL to introduce Korean players is actually a bit controversial.

The first one to be officially announced should be Royal Family’s InSec, the OGN Wild King back then.

But IG’s Korean top laner Yongxiu was signed at the same time as the Royal Family, so they are considered the same group of people.

Due to the schedule, the IG one was the first one to appear.

When many people think that InSec is the first Korean aid, especially many people in the industry think so.

Then someone started talking about this, and came up with a piece of trivia: the first Korean aid was not from the royal family.

How cold do you do it? What difference does it make?

It's nothing more than the group of people in the All-China Class who keep saying this every day.

It doesn't matter to Chen Ke. I don't care whether you come first or second, it doesn't affect my output of you.

"Okay, now I count your RNG as the runner-up. Then your RNG is also the first team to introduce Korean aid. There is nothing wrong with that, right?"

"The first team to introduce Korean aid, but still have the nerve to criticize the Koreans of another team every day, how shameless!"

Chen Ke was still outputting: "Besides, what's wrong with you being the runner-up? What's wrong with you getting two runner-ups?"

"Apart from you, who else would get runner-up every day and talk about it? It wouldn't be embarrassing!"

HZ people are numb.

Aren't you all theorizing? We are talking about the relationship between the two teams. Why are you being forced to complain about this again?

Chen Ke's fans completely came to their senses at this moment.

This guy is so insidious that he deliberately mentioned the top four in the post-match interview.

At that time, everyone was still wondering. It seemed a bit inconsistent with Chen Ke's style to mock RNG after reaching the semi-finals.

Chen Ke has always talked about the championship.

Now I understand that Chen Ke is making a nest when co-writing.

He is deliberately trying to catch HZs and arouse their emotions.

After the show starts, just trick people into killing them.


PS: I finished the 10,000 words today. I originally wanted to add an update today, but it was too late. I will definitely add an update for everyone tomorrow. Please vote for me monthly!

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