Chen Ke didn't care much.

What Emperor Chi does has little impact on Chen Ke.

For this reason, it has nothing to do with Emperor Chi. This situation cannot be manipulated by him as a fortune teller.

Unless Chen Ke made some mistakes and gave him a chance.

Back online, Chen Ke was still suppressing as always, and it was difficult for the Gen.G bottom duo to get out of the tower.

In addition to Chen Ke putting too much pressure on him, King Ning is also in the lower half.

I'm playing against Xiaolong. If something goes wrong in the bottom lane, he can rush over immediately.

King Chi is now in a state of nervousness, and he must be extra careful with Wink's hook when finishing the attack under the tower.

What's more exaggerated is that so far in this game, Wink's hook has only been empty once.

There are not many hooks, but this hit rate is still very exaggerated.

Chen Ke reached level six first. He is the highest level among the four players in the bottom lane.

After all, three kills were obtained, so it was normal for him to be ahead in experience.

After Chen Ke reached six, Wink immediately set the hook to look for opportunities.

If you can hook this wave, you can definitely kill it easily.

Unfortunately, the hook was empty, so Chen Ke simply retreated and went back first.

He went back and retrieved his first piece of equipment, the blue-sucking knife, and then Chen Ke moved to the vanguard.

They are very strong in the early stage, and this vanguard is a must.

As soon as Chen Ke joined, Gen.G instantly lost their desire to compete.

"The pioneer Gen.G should be released. The bottom lane duo is still online and has no intention of leaving."

"There is no way, Draven's damage is too high, this wave is really unbeatable."

"But if you get this vanguard for V5, Gen.G's bottom lane will be even more uncomfortable."


Having watched so many games, everyone knows V5’s favorite play style.

If you get Pioneer, you must raise Chen Ke.

When the time comes, if Draven is given a single health tower, this kind of development will be unimaginable.

Chen Ke didn't stay much, just helped to cut down the vanguard twice, and then hurried down the road.

When he came over, Emperor Chi had just pushed his troops in.

He also knew that Chen Ke was coming, so he didn't dare to touch the defense tower casually for fear of being double-teamed by the robots.

At this point in time when Emperor Chi returned home, it was a little slow.

Before he returned to the line, Chen Ke had already pushed the line under the opposite defense tower.

"Wow, it feels like I have to cut off another layer of the tart skin."

When the colonel said this, he had already begun to make calculations in his heart.

If Chen Ke takes another layer, there will only be three layers left in the bottom lane.

The three-layer tower skin is almost the same. If the opposite jungler comes over and gives a vanguard, it can be easily pushed away.

The thought of Draven being so developed made the senior colonel feel extremely uncomfortable.

I can't wait to start the next game quickly.

What is surprising is that Chen Ke did not continue to push the tower.

After leveling the defense tower three times, he actually went forward and thought about disconnecting.

It's this kind of inappropriate play style again. Chen Ke likes to do this when playing heroes like Draven and Skateboard Shoes.

Everyone has seen it more than once during the game.

At this point in time, Chen Ke's equipment is too far ahead of Chi Emperor, and the prince is indeed not in the bottom half, so it seems there is nothing wrong with this.

But the problem is that Wink isn't here yet.

Wink just went to have his eyes done, and there is still some distance between him and Chen Ke.

It feels a bit inappropriate to disconnect when the assistant is not available.

Thinking carefully about Chen Ke's operation in this game, it seems that he was quite inhumane from the beginning.

I don’t know how Gen.G offended him.

Chen Kecai killed three soldiers on the opposite side, and Emperor Chi and the auxiliary Rifu also arrived.

When they saw Chen Ke, they were a little confused at first, feeling like there was a robot hiding in the grass behind them.

After meeting, Chen Ke was very disrespectful. He went up with an ax and performed a one-on-one one-two punch for everyone on the spot.

Chi Di originally wanted to fight back, but Chen Ke immediately found that the damage difference between the two was quite different.

Even though he bought cloth-armored shoes as the first thing he wore, it was still not enough for Draven, who was developing ahead of his time.

After being slashed twice by Chen Ke, he couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly walked down the tower.

Luo's level was a little behind in this game, and he had not yet reached level six at this time.

If Luo had level six, he could still fight back.

Seeing that Chi Emperor was about to retreat, Chen Ke used the E skill in his hand, and two rotating flying axes interrupted Chi Emperor's pace, allowing Chen Ke to make another slash.

Luo used an E skill to come to Chi Emperor, adding a slight shield to Chi Emperor.

Seeing Chen Ke's E skill being used, Luo simply moved forward and made a [Grand Appearance].

After lifting Chen Ke up, he still had some time to go back, so he was fine.

The main thing is not to let Chen Ke cut anymore. If Chi Di's health drops, it will be difficult for him to continue the match.

When the blind man comes later, I don’t know if he can walk away.

However, Chen Ke was not greedy for output. After his E skill hit Chi Di, he just slashed and moved forward to pull back.

Luo's W skill directly hit the air, and Chen Ke's ax immediately greeted him after landing.

Fortunately, he was able to go back in time and Chen Ke only made two cuts.

At this moment, Wink entered the tower along with the army line.

Emperor Chi was very nervous. Even though he had both moves on his body, he still felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

While moving, try to position yourself behind the support so that someone can block him a little.

There were no other teammates on V5's side, so they decided to take action in advance as they were the only two players in the bottom lane.

The two of them didn't even communicate much, they had a tacit understanding with each other.

Wink's route was so good that he directly forced the two players from the bottom lane on the opposite side to the inside of the defense tower.

The activity space is infinitely compressed.


Almost at the same time, Chen Ke and Wink pressed all their ultimate moves.

The robot's body suddenly exerted force, shaking the surrounding magnetic field and silencing the two enemies.

Wink attracted the attack from the defense tower.

Chen Ke's ultimate move was even more exciting. The two of them were squeezed inside the defense tower, unable to move at all, and were directly hit by Chen Ke's two ultimate moves.

Once you get the two ultimate moves, that's basically it.

The goal is clear, kill Emperor Chi first!

Wink's Ignite had already been applied, and Chen Ke took over Chi Di in a few simple moves.

Chi Di didn't press Flash. He knew that pressing Flash would be useless. It would be a waste.

It's better to keep it and save a few more flashes, maybe they can be used during the Chinese New Year.

Luo has no skills at all and looks like a Muggle standing under the tower.

After taking in the ruler, Wink went straight out of the tower to avoid being taken in by the defense tower.

Just leave this person to Chen Ke.

"No more, Gen.G's bottom lane is completely exploded."

"Draven's damage is too high, it feels like this is completely a Rank play."

"What the hell is Clid doing? He's shopping crazily in the middle lane and doesn't come to the bottom lane to take a look. Isn't it obvious that the other side is going to move the bottom lane?"


After this wave, no matter how optimistic anyone is about Gen.G, they know the game is over.

The colonel was a little anxious and began to criticize Clid crazily.

Originally, he wanted to say that Gen.G should be careful in this wave in the bottom lane. Ice Girl's ultimate move is still in hand and has not been used even once.

After the push is completed, there is a high probability that he will come down and forcefully jump over the tower to put pressure on him. Four packs of two is also the style of play that V5 is good at this year.

As a result, before the V5 midfielder came down, the two players in the bottom lane jumped over the tower and ended the battle.

If you were killed by four people from the opposite side, there would be no special feeling. We are outnumbered and there is really nothing we can do.

The key is that you were two against two and they all jumped over the tower and killed them all, and it took less than ten minutes.

People will inevitably feel a little worried when they see it.

After Chen Ke finished taking the heads, Prince Ning happened to come over.

The Pioneer walked away as soon as it was released, looking very relaxed.

After this game, he only controlled the resources and had no sense of participation at all.

Wink also retreated very wisely. His blood volume was only over 100 points now, and he had to return to the city quickly.

Just leave the first tower on the bottom road to Chen Ke.

There are three layers of tart skin, two of which are shared with King Ning. The last layer of tart skin plus the first-blood pagoda money is actually eaten by myself.

With five heads and a fully plated health tower, Draven could not even imagine how terrifying he had become.

Back home, Chen Ke took out the shield and bow again.

Changing the lane to the middle lane made Enchantress very uncomfortable.

He was pretty good in the lane, because Toothpaste's early wave of TP knocked him out of the lane, allowing him to take the initiative in the lane.

As the level increases, he becomes more and more comfortable in consuming it.

As a result, someone pushed him flat in the bottom lane, forcing him to change lanes.

After going to the side road, the toothpaste is still relatively comfortable.

There is no need to face off with this enchantress anymore, just push the lane without thinking.

When I'm under pressure, I'll just wait for the line of soldiers to come over and use two quick skills to clear it out. There seems to be nothing you can do against me.

In order to seize the line rights in the early stage of the middle lane, Toothpaste often has to compete with the opponent.

Chen Ke played more and more easily in the middle.

With his current equipment, unless the Enchantress comes with him, it will be difficult to target Chen Ke with just one prince.

In the game, the hero Prince is also one whose effect becomes wider the further he plays from the back.

Many times when playing in a group, you go in and forcibly retain people and then sell them. Whether you can play well in the future depends purely on your teammates.

In order to comfort the senior colonel, Maomao helped Gen.G think of a way.

"I think next, the Gen.G lineup will still have to focus on the two players."

"Both the male spear and the enchantress are still developing well now and have not been affected at all."

"The Gen.G lineup behind us has plenty of output. It just depends on whether the prince and Luo can form a good team."


The colonel's face indeed softened, and he nodded: "I think it mainly depends on BDD's performance."

"He is the only one who can threaten this Draven."

"If we can play a set of consumption before the team battle, then Gen.G will have a chance."


The two of them were so unscrupulous in trying to help Gen.G find a solution, and for a while it was unclear which division they were cast as commentators.

Fans will naturally be a little unhappy after hearing this.

He was defeated by Draven alone so quickly, but he still has a chance here.

If Chen Ke was so easily restrained by the enchantress, would he still be Chen Ke?

As the parties involved, Guan Gou and Maomao didn't really care about this.

V5 is now the leading side, and the advantage seems to be quite large, so what if I help the inferior side think of a solution during the game?

Anyway, if they win, even if the audience scolds them, they won't be too harsh. At most, they will just mock them, and it doesn't matter if they are a dog.

His last name had been changed a long time ago.

If Gen.G really breaks down, the fans will have nowhere to vent their anger, and the two of them will be in trouble.

But if I can really make a comeback, it’s too late to even care about the dog being happy. Why do I still care about people criticizing me? As long as I can hold back from laughing on the commentary stage.

When people are in a good mood and see others criticizing them, they will only feel that they are angry.

After about 12 minutes of this, Chen Ke assisted King Ning to win the second dragon.

A wind dragon appeared in an instant, which felt a bit disappointing.

What is a bit surprising is that after taking down the dragon, Chen Ke did not continue to return to the middle to push the tower.

There are now three layers left in the middle defense tower. If Chen Ke is stronger, he might be able to take two more layers in close to two minutes.

What is surprising is that Chen Ke took the initiative to go to the bottom lane.

Everyone didn't think much about it. Toothpaste had returned to the city. Chen Ke should have gone down to eat the wave of troops pushed by the Enchantress.

Toothpaste is not teleporting now. If he doesn't come, this wave of troops will be wasted.

Maybe the Enchantress can also find a chance to eat a layer of tapioca.

Chen Ke came to the foot of the tower, and it was quite normal at first, eating the soldiers under the tower.

BDD was squatting in the grass. Seeing that Chen Ke couldn't come over, he took the initiative to come up and try to kill him.

What people didn't expect was that after Chen Ke twisted off the chain, he forced W to accelerate and rushed forward.

I just talked about the key point of controlling the dog for a long time, which is the Enchantress who can restrain Draven.

Now being chased and slashed by Draven.

The fans immediately felt comfortable when they saw this.

Chen Ke understands fans. Guan Gou and Maomao have just finished beeping, and they immediately go up to slap them in the face.

The slap in the face must be done quickly, otherwise it won’t be that satisfying if you’re a minute late!


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