He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 340 What do you mean, deliberately setting up a bathtub to seduce? (asking for monthly ticke

"Want to torture me some more?"

Forcibly pushed to the opposite front tooth tower, Wink asked.

He had already walked to the water spring and started to display the sign.

Just waiting for Chen Ke to give the order.

As long as Chen Ke has that will, Wink will definitely wait at the edge of the spring for the opponent to resurrect and then use the hook.

Not for anything else, just to have a good time.

Chen Ke thought for a while but shook his head and said: "Forget it, push it quickly and let's talk about the next one."

It's not that it's not a good idea to abuse the spring in the first game. If conditions permit, Chen Ke is already soaking in the opposite spring.

Chen Ke doesn't care at all whether his character is ruined or his character is not.

Mainly, their advantage in this game is not that big.

It seems that the economy is a lot ahead, but by this point in time, the opponent is almost fully developed.

As long as the necessary equipment is available, the condition is still good.

If this wave is not rejected due to abuse, there may be changes next.

Regarding the opposite lineup, Chen Ke never felt that they would win in a 5V5 team battle.

As long as Zhongzhong cooperates with Xin Zhao, he will probably suffer serious consequences.

In the team fight just now, to be precise, Xin Zhao found an opportunity. The opponent had to accept the fight, and he was definitely not well prepared for the fight.

Moreover, Xiao Lu Bu's position in the team battle just now was not good. When he was caught by Chen Ke, his health volume was almost bottomed out after two hits.

Don't look at how many lives he has in the future. In fact, without the support of his teammates, even giving you ten lives is fake.

What's the use of standing up and dying.

If the opponent is given another chance, Chen Ke and the others will still have a high probability of winning, but it may not be very reliable. Especially if Chen Ke uses his own flash, the room for maneuver in team battles will be relatively reduced.

Chen Ke also had to consider another factor, which was that Toothpaste, the most loyal member of the team, was still counting down the seconds in the spring, waiting for his resurrection.

Of the remaining few, none of them were stable enough and could easily be led astray.

If Toothpaste was there and he was left alone to push the tower steadily, there would be no problem for Chen Ke to take the others down.

Once everyone heard what Chen Ke said, they stopped pretending and quickly won the game.

"Congratulations V5, win the first victory!"

"Congratulations to V5 for getting a good start in the finals. It was a very exciting game."

"Hopefully they can continue to maintain their form in the next games."


Miller and his second brother could finally breathe a sigh of relief after seeing V5 knocking down T1's crystal fortress.

This final was confusing from the beginning.

Only when you really win a small round will everyone relax a little.

It proves that everyone’s predictions before the game are not wrong, V5 is still in good condition as always.

It’s not too early to be happy about winning a game, but thinking about winning two more games, it’s hard to avoid being a little excited.

Even the senior colonel is quite happy at this time. Anyway, he pays more attention to his tone management today.

If your tone is not right in the finals, you will probably be liquidated on a large scale after the game.

Whether V5 loses or wins, he will be unlucky.

If you win, your reputation will reach its peak today, and your fans' fighting power will be invincible.

Even if the dog on the roadside barks twice, it will probably be bad luck.

Even if he is in charge of the senior school and gets charged a lot, he still can't stand up to this peak style of play.

If he loses, the fans will have nowhere to vent for a while, and they will definitely make trouble for him.

However, the three explanations only said a few words briefly.

After the game, as soon as the ten players from both sides left the field, the camera switched to the commentary box.

The atmosphere of the finals is here, and the opponent is indeed not as easy to deal with as before.

If you look at the V5 semi-finals and today's final, you can clearly feel that there is a big gap between the opponents.

In fact, in the LCK this year, T1 is not much better than teams like Gen.G.

It can only be said that this team has indeed evolved relatively quickly after reaching the World Championships.

Compared with the group stage, Chen Ke could also feel that they must have become stronger.

V5 also had some problems in the early stage. After coming down, the coach will inevitably have to say a few more words.

As a result, no one has a chance to look at their mobile phones.

At this time, no one thought about using their mobile phones to check comments. In the end, everyone was discussing.

The second game started soon, V5 came to the red side, and changing sides was something that everyone could predict before.

Basically whoever has the right to choose a side will go to the blue side.

Especially for these two teams, everyone in the bottom lane can play Luna.

If you are on the red side, Lucian has to press it, which is equivalent to fixing a position.

V5 hasn't thought about deliberately letting Lucian go yet. Let's try to see if the opponent dares to choose.

As far as T1's style is concerned, they will definitely pick Lucian when he comes out.

In T1's bot lane, Luna is actually quite strong.

Whether it can handle it or not, V5 has never tried it.

It's still the same truth, even if you can beat this combination, there is no need to give the opponent such a strong one to make them more comfortable.

Unless I win this one, I feel like I have a bigger advantage after leading 2:0, so I might as well give it a try.

Somewhat unexpectedly, both sides only banned one AD hero in this round.

The blue side banned Draven, and the red side dealt with Lucian.

The next two teams seem to be targeting the jungle.

The blind monk, Xin Zhao, and the prince were all dealt with.

There are not many junglers left outside. The two sides probably feel that there are no junglers left to compete for, and the ones left outside are not particularly powerful.

Just let other lanes be chosen first and see what you plan to use for jungle.

T1's choice was the same as V5's in the previous game, grabbing Ryze first.

Among the heroes outside, Ryze is the best choice.

The mechanics of this hero are here. As long as the value is not too high, you can play.

Not to mention how good Ryze was in Toothpaste, but he did pretty well in the next two waves of driving and finding opportunities.

If Feike gets it, everyone has reason to believe that his Ryze can lead T1 to victory.

Turning around, V5 chose the male spear and Aphelios.

Again, Chen Ke was chosen a hero early on the second floor, which made everyone feel at ease but also felt a little strange.

When Chen Ke played in the game before, he always chose the last two players, and from time to time he could see some strange heroes.

It seems that the finals are still different, even Chen Ke has become more stable.

Compared with randomly selecting heroes in the finals, everyone still feels that it is best to be more prudent and win the championship.

Chen Ke doesn't really like playing the hero Aphelios. When he sees this hero, he can't help but think of his brother.

My brother and I haven’t seen each other for such a long time. I miss people when I see things.

But V5 is very clear that Aphelios has a higher priority on T1.

I try my best not to give the opponent what they want. This is the meaning of BP.

T1 would not save the bottom lane for the second round and directly take the hero Jhin.

The two teams seem to have maintained a certain tacit understanding, and neither team selected a jungler in the first round.

Then in the second round, both sides were targeting the jungle.

Heroes like Olaf, Troll, and even wine barrels have been banned.

On the surface, it seems that there are no good jungle options on either side.

"There are really no good choices for junglers. I think we should just go for the male sword?"

Miller frowned and said that he felt that V5 should grab the jungler first on the fourth floor of the red square.

But V5 didn't. They chose Titan for Wink on the fourth floor to supplement the team's team-starting ability.

Then T1 had nothing to worry about and locked the male sword as the jungler.

Men's sword junglers are quite popular right now, and they appear frequently in world championships.

It is suitable for players who like to play.

It was only after the World Championship entered the second half that the appearance rate of this hero dropped.

There is no problem in choosing this hero when there are no good choices.

It’s not that V5 doesn’t want to choose, it’s that King Ning can’t play at all.

Chen Ke and the others had seen him play with a male sword more than once during training.

If you can't play it in the training game, how can you choose it in the game?

People use one shot at a time in training matches, but it may not be possible to use it in the game, let alone this kind of training match that you can't understand.

After Prince Ning and Chen Ke became teammates, there was no problem with their attitude.

If it’s because I don’t know how to play heroes without practicing, then I can say a few words.

But King Ning did spend a lot of time practicing, but he just couldn't play well, so there was nothing he could do.

It means that this hero is just not compatible with him, so he can't play with it and can't force it.

It doesn’t mean that professional players must be able to play every hero in their position and how well they can play.

To put it bluntly, every player has a greener hero.

Even if he is as strong as a god, he can't play Jhin, Xayah, or Aphelios.

Even Varus, who played well before, couldn't understand the game after changing his outfit.

Ning Wang is a mortal, so he is no exception. What's more, heroes like Nan Dao used to play the mid lane position, but they have only recently become popular in the jungle position.

Many junglers have never played this hero before.

Soon we arrived at the fifth floor of the red square, and everyone was guessing what hero jungler they would play.

The colonel couldn't help but said: "There are really no good heroes to choose for the jungle position. I think if it doesn't work, I'll try Poppy."

"But if you choose Poppy, the V5 lineup is a bit lacking in damage in the early stage. After all, the mid laner is Galio."

Miller shook his head and felt that it was not feasible. He guessed: "Actually, it's okay to use Kindred to match Galio, but I don't know if King Ning has been practicing this hero recently."

After hearing this, the second brother nodded and thought it was okay.

After Kindred was brought out, the V5 lineup looked a bit like a chopper team, and the little AP output of Galio and Titan couldn't be considered much output.

But after they put out this lineup, including the male gunner, it was barely a three-shooter lineup.

As long as everyone can develop well, this lineup will not be able to withstand the opponent.

Even if there was Bronn on the other side, he still couldn't stand it.

It is true that no one plays Kindred, but as long as you are proficient enough in this kind of hero, you can occasionally show it off.

V5 seemed to know that everyone was guessing and did not reveal the hero at the first time.

The second brother continued: "Is it possible to directly choose a top laner on the fifth floor, and then the male gunner will go to the jungle?"

The male gunner has only been popular in the top lane position recently, but this hero is a jungle hero after all, and he can still play in the jungle now.

In this World Championship, some teams indeed grabbed the male gun and then went to the jungle with one hand.

The colonel was embarrassed when he heard this expression. He wanted to say something but didn't.

As for Prince Ning's male gun, the senior colonel felt that it wouldn't be a big deal if the male gun was used to help him fight in the jungle.


"This is not true, is it?"

"Is Ike playing jungle? Is this a secret weapon prepared by V5 specially for the finals?"


An Ike lighted up directly on the fifth floor of V5, which surprised everyone.

The barrage was filled with question marks.

Ekko can indeed play jungle, but he is not that strong right now. If he were a really powerful hero, he would not be able to play so many games in the World Championships in a month and not even appear once.

In this version of the World Championship, Ekko's W skill has been slightly strengthened and can be used for play.

But compared with the previous strength, it is still far behind.

King Ning also occasionally practiced this hero, and he played it quite smoothly, seeming to have his own understanding.

I’ve played it a few times in training matches, using it when playing EDG, and the effect is actually pretty good.

If it's okay, this hero is considered to be in the arsenal.

I don't think of him as a secret weapon, because I know that its strength is average.

There are no jungle heroes that can be used in this game, so why not take it out and give it a try.

If it were the first game, V5 would not make such an attempt, but they have won one game, and their mentality is naturally different now.

If this hero can still produce effects when used, it will be really difficult for the opponent to play.

"It's locked, it's really Ike jungle!"

"Since you dare to choose, it means you are prepared."

"Let's look forward to Ike's first appearance in this World Championship."


After the hero was really locked, no one questioned it. The main thing was belief.

Even after careful consideration, everyone feels that the selection of this hero makes sense.

First of all, in this lineup, Ekko can supplement V5's AP damage.

Secondly, when this hero has a big move, he has a stronger tower jumping ability, which is more important for V5.

Especially when Galio is selected, V5 will definitely play the four-pack-two set.

After W is strengthened, the jungler will not be hurt in the early stage, but the speed will be slightly slower.

If you are caught by a male swordsman in the jungle in the early stage, you will definitely not be able to beat him 1 on 1.

You need to pay attention to this aspect. If you can get through it, it will be fine.

Before he had his ultimate move, Ekko was actually pretty good at ganking online.

It's hard for everyone to judge how well it will play out. It mainly depends on King Ning himself.

Compared with the commentators, the fans are more optimistic.

Lucian's jungler has been out before, and Ekko's jungler is pretty normal in comparison.

Moreover, Chen Ke was still the one who went to the jungle at that time, and his performance in the jungle was definitely much worse than that of professional players.

Let King Ning play Ike in the finals, and no one would worry at all.

To put it bluntly, even if he doesn't play well, as long as there are no big problems on Chen Ke's side, the team will not necessarily lose.

Everyone knows who the V5 team relies on to get to where it is today.

Ning Wang is no longer the point in the team that can carry. It can only be said that when he has the rhythm, Chen Ke will play more comfortably.

But if his rhythm explodes, Chen Ke can also stabilize the situation through his personal ability.

Fans have even started teasing it on the barrage.

In the eyes of the commentators, this hero can supplement the damage type to the team, and can also cooperate with the bottom lane to jump over the tower, etc. It mainly has a high fault tolerance rate in the late stage.

In the eyes of fans, does King Ning of Dog Coin feel that Ike W is like a bathtub after being released, and he deliberately takes it out to seduce the disciples?


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