
At the beginning of the second game, according to the rules, both sides shouted "Come on."

But there's nothing we can do about this scene today. It's basically V5's home court.

As soon as the game started, everyone on the scene shouted "Come on V5".

T1 fans were dissatisfied upon hearing this, especially those Koreans who are better at shouting

Whenever a few sticks come together, you know what it means to be noisy.

As soon as they heard about this formation at the scene, the stickmen began to exert their strength and shouted crazily. If nothing else, at least they couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

But when the number of people was crushed, calling like this still couldn't defeat the opponent.

On the contrary, it made the domestic fans very unhappy. Originally, everyone shouted three times and that was enough, but now they have continued it directly.

The shouting is very energetic, and the main focus is to overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum.

So much so that I didn’t even pay much attention to it when I entered the game.

It wasn't until Wink made a flash that the audience's shouts suddenly stopped and they fell into a brief calm.

When Wink went to the opponent's defensive ward at level one, he was squatted by the opponent's Braum.

Bronn squatted in the grass, leaving Wink defenseless, and was slowed down by him.

It wouldn't matter if Braum was alone. Wink learned a Q skill in seconds and escaped directly by hooking onto the wall.

Titan's Q skill can often be regarded as a displacement skill.

Seeing that he could leave like this, he was hit by a W skill from Xiao Lu Bu, and he was stuck after hooking the wall.

Wink was unable to move for a moment as he was firmly under the control of [Deadly Brilliance].

Seeing Ryze follow suit, I thought about how Nandao, a hero, was too flexible in the jungle.

You feel like you haven’t seen the person yet, and they might climb over the wall and come to you in the next second.

To be on the safe side, Wink pressed Flash directly.

On the final stage, the whole world is watching.

Even though V5 has already won a round, the pressure on the players is actually quite high.

Stress depends on the person. Some people are naturally more stressed.

I like to put pressure on myself or my teammates.

People like Chen Ke and Ning Wang don't have much pressure now.

"Damn it, I lost my flash."

After the exchange of flashes, Wink immediately pressed B on the spot to return to the city, and at the same time said something to his teammates.

He also knew that his teammates must have seen what happened just now, so it was embarrassing not to say a word.

The teammates didn't say anything, and even gave him a few words of comfort.

A small mistake at the beginning won't have much impact.

Even if Wink accidentally gave the opponent first blood at the beginning, as a teammate, he couldn't say anything to put pressure on the opponent.

Even Chen Ke said: "It doesn't matter, let the other side flash."

"Jhin learned W. He couldn't push us in the beginning."

Chen Ke knew very well that if he remained silent, it would be easier to put pressure on Wink.

It's just that the fans at the scene were quite uncomfortable. When they were suppressing the stick, Wink basically gave them a slap.

This damn flash has been played out, and I am really embarrassed to call out again.

On the contrary, it was Bangzi who regained the situation, and one or two of them felt extremely happy.

Even though the game started dozens of seconds ago, the scene was still quite noisy.

When they came to the bottom lane, just like what Chen Ke said, they pushed the lane faster after coming up.

Without the flash, Wink still stood relatively forward, showing a very anxious look.

Braum is a hero who can restrain Titan. He can even take the initiative to sell a hand and let Titan hook him.

But in this round, the opponent is AD Jhin. It’s still a bit difficult for this hero to get out of Braum’s passive.

The speed is not that fast, which is equivalent to leaving room for the opponent to operate.

From another perspective, after Braum touches someone, Jhin first uses W to control the person, and then slowly cooperates with Braum to play passive.

Being able to play two controls seems pretty good.

Level 1 Aphelios doesn't look that strong. He can't even use a skill. At best, his hands are a bit longer.

But T1 still played relatively steadily in the bottom lane. They felt that their first-level combat effectiveness was only that much, and they didn't give them any chance at all.

After the first round, the coach criticized them by name.

This is true for the Korean team. If you don't play well, prepare to be scolded. Even if you win the game, you will be scolded. They rarely take the initiative to comfort you.

In the last game, their early rhythm was very good. If we really want to talk about the turning point, Feike Clockwork was caught and then dropped the baron and added two lanes. This was the biggest problem.

But the real turning point was when the two of them in the bottom lane saw Chen Ke alone in the lane and wanted to take the initiative to cause trouble, but Chen Ke counterattacked and killed them.

If Draven still can't get a kill any later, there will naturally be no need to take off.

The two T1 bottom laners are both young players, and the coach's authority works very well for them.

When Braum is selected in the bottom lane, it means that they don't need to be too proactive.

It's enough to be able to counterattack and defend well.

After watching the laning in the early five or six minutes, even the commentator had to sigh, the opponent's Braum choice was really good.

Compared with the previous game, the bottom lane matchup was obviously not that thrilling in the eyes of T1 fans.

Wink attempted a hook twice, but each time it was Bronn.

After Braum is hooked, just raise a shield with his backhand.

Aphelios is not a very strong hero in the early stage. At most, he can only hit the opponent's HP a little, but can't do much more.

In this situation, even if Chen Ke suppressed him, he couldn't suppress anything.

In fact, a hero like Aphelios is considered good if he can develop well in the early laning, but everyone has higher requirements for Chen Ke.

After the middle lane reaches level six, the V5 bottom lane can no longer suppress the opponent wantonly.

Wink's flash has improved, but when the opponent's midfielder and jungler all have strong roaming abilities, you have to be careful.

Galio is in the middle, and he can't push the lane in the early stage.

The most important thing is King Ning. When Ike was taken out, no one saw any effect yet.

On the contrary, it was quite difficult in the early stage. It would be nice to be able to clear the jungle smoothly and barely maintain my level.

When teammates have no time to support, the opponent's midfielder and jungler all come over, and the opponent directly packs two of four, which has nothing to do with the operation.

Fortunately, the opponent did not come to the bottom lane, and kept laying down the lane to finish the damage safely.

But this situation did not last long, as both sides gathered at the vanguard.

Everyone has a reason to fight this wave of vanguards.

The early stage is too bland, and you need to fight through this vanguard.

Even the audience became nervous. Everyone could see that this vanguard team battle was likely to determine the next trend.

No matter which lineup has the advantage, the snowballing ability is quite strong.

"Here we come, it feels like there's going to be a big team battle between the two sides."

All ten people from both sides were moving closer to the upper half of the river, and even the senior colonel's voice was trembling.

If this wave doesn’t start, I’ll be sorry for everyone.

The vanguard has been refreshed for more than ten seconds, and no one has touched him at all.

Players from both teams are testing in various ways, including arranging vision and the like.

The people in T1 couldn't bear it anymore and left the matter of starting a group to Bronn.

Braum's wave can be called a hard attack, and he will only attack the Titan you are standing at the front.

Wink was a bit surprised that when playing in a group, the ultimate move would only be given to one Titan.

In his position, he couldn't hook the wall at all. Wink didn't want to flash, so he was knocked away by Braum's big move.

Wink also has some selling intentions in it. If the opponent's skills are given to him, the next team battle will be easier to fight.

The reason why he hesitated for a long time was that he still felt that there was a Bronn in front of him, and it would be more dangerous for him to hook up.

But the opponent had too many controls. After being knocked away by Braum's ultimate move, Jhin's [Deadly Brilliance] hit him accurately.

With a size like Titan's, it's pretty easy to unleash skills.

At the same time, Ryze's EW control was also given.

Wink was really hurt for the first time and couldn't move at all.

The ultimate move of Toothpaste is not given immediately, but the ultimate move guarantees an auxiliary, so it requires some thinking.

And Toothpaste knew that Wink wouldn't be killed directly, so he wanted to observe again.

Chen Ke's equipment in this wave of team battles is mediocre. It's unrealistic to expect Chen Ke to forcefully attack and kill randomly. Galio's ultimate move is probably the winner of the team.

Wink saw his blood volume dropping rapidly, and when it was about to bottom out, he quickly pressed the flash button.

After pressing Flash, the hook in his hand was thrown towards the wall in front of him.

This wave seemed to be a bit extreme, and he didn't even have time to use his ultimate move.

After pressing out the flash, he thought about saving his life first. If he stopped to enlarge the move, he would definitely die, and the flash would become meaningless.

There was a fruit plate in front of the river. Wink thought that he could eat some fruit to regain his health and then come back to continue joining the group, which would be fine.

"Ouch, Keria!!"

"Flash blocked the hook!"

The moment Wink just dodged out, the colonel was excited to see Bronn's operation on the other side.

It turned out that K Technical High School had already predicted Wink's next operation, and forced a flash to grab the hook, abruptly interrupting Wink's movement.

Toothpaste has quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly used a big move to hit Titan.

He doesn't need to pay much attention to his position. The control of the opponent is basically given to Wink just now, and no one can interrupt his ultimate move.

Galio's [Hero Appearance] helped Wink delay some time, and at least resisted some of the damage from Gwen.

Wink was still going to die, but before he died, he threw his ultimate move to Ryze.

Ning Wang had been looking for an opportunity from the side. When Wink's hook was cut off by the opponent, Ning Wang's W skill found an opportunity to take action.

He knew that the opponent would definitely attack this Titan with low health immediately.

The temptation of first blood is too great.

With Galio's protection able to delay time, King Ning planned to use the W skill to divide the battlefield.

"Damn it, look at Jin on the other side!"

Prince Ning was very surprised that AD walked into his W for some reason.

Although he was a little confused, Prince Ning reacted quickly and almost subconsciously rushed into his [Time Interlace].

Little Lu Bu's Jhin was controlled in the semicircular sphere in a very elegant manner.

After Toothpaste hits the ground, he doesn't care about Wink at all. He will die next. Now the first target is the opponent's AD.

After Feike's Ryze was given the ultimate move by Wink, he immediately took two steps back and then dodged to distance himself.

If he didn't move from that position, he would be knocked away and no matter how hard he tried to dodge, he wouldn't be able to dodge.

Now it seems that only Jhin is the best target.

After being ridiculed by Toothpaste Flash, little Lu Bu could hardly move, and his head was directly taken away by King Ning.

As soon as Little Lu Bu died, the ensuing team battle suddenly became clear.

Gwen used all three stages of her ultimate move, but two of them did not have a very good AOE effect. Wink's Titan attracted too much attention.

Then Braum and Ryze's flashes were exchanged. The male swordsman tried to cut Chen Ke to death, but he was in a bad position. He was the second person to suffer.

After V5 scored a big victory, it finally ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

After the fans were frustrated at the beginning because of that flash, they have endured it until now and can finally continue to talk about it.

T1 played mediocrely this wave. It’s really hard to say which one is the best.

Including Braun to drive the Titan, and then use Prejudgment Flash to interrupt the Titan's hook.

It looks pretty cool, but it doesn't necessarily have much effect.

But if you want to say who is the most useless, it must be little Lu Bu.

From the moment he held his double moves in hand, he was already arrested by everyone.

"If you don't understand, just ask, why is this Dogecoin Jin always on the edge of OB if it doesn't open up?"

"Forget it if you don't open up, don't go up to hit the output, just move around there."

"Ten seconds of teamfight, nine seconds of positioning, and then walked into the opposite Ekko's W."

"What the hell, are you really using that thing as a bathtub?"

"This wave, this wave is Gumayuzi!"

"If it doesn't work, let's change our idol. If we don't learn from the good ones, we will learn these useless ones."

"It's not that it's useless. I think it will be of great help to V5."


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