He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 346 At this moment, I just want to thank Tao Bo! (asking for monthly ticket)

"Let us once again give the warmest applause to the Victory Five team!"

When everyone put down the trophy completely and came to the middle of the stage.

Before the European female host even reached her seat, her passionate voice echoed throughout the audience.

The audience was also very generous, cheering and shouting wildly.

It seems that from the end of the game to now, no one has stopped much.

But now that the atmosphere is here, everyone is in a high mood, and no one cares about their throats anymore.

Amid the cheers and applause, the female host appeared on stage.

The translator following behind was Xia An, and there was nothing wrong with him.

At least it seems that his business ability is indeed stronger than that of Yu Shuang.

The European female host came to the player and waited for several seconds with a smile on her face.

After the sound of the scene fell, she said: "First of all, I would like to congratulate the V5 team again for becoming the final winner of the S11 Global Finals."

"First of all, we want to ask player Ning, how do you feel now that you have reached the top again after S8?"

The female host was also the first to find Prince Ning.

King Ning was a little tearful at the end of the game.

It seems that a tall man who is about 1.8 meters tall also has a more emotional side.

After losing to FNC in the S8 group stage and finishing second in the group, King Ning cried at the beach at night.

At that time, I cried and said that I really wanted to give Rookie a championship pair of shoes. They were really good shoes.

I have experienced so many ups and downs in the past two years, and I never thought that I would be able to survive a second life after leaving IG.

Basically, after last year's bubbling match and the crazy education from the naughty fans and Xiaohuahua, everyone thought that this person could be buried in the grave.

Chen Ke was trying to call him over in the first place. To be honest, it wasn't that Chen Ke thought highly of him, but that he had no other better choice.

At that time, the V5 team was not attractive at all, and it was still difficult to find a stronger jungler.

Chen Ke himself did not expect that Prince Ning would be saved after he corrected his attitude.

It can be seen that people who rely on talent to make a living are indeed different.

Fortunately, King Ning was there for a brief moment at the end of the game, and now he seems to have recovered.

When facing the host, I have been able to achieve less fluctuations.

Even though my mood has stabilized, my heart is still full of thoughts at this moment.

This championship made him even more emotional than the one in S8.

I was very high-spirited that year in S8. After defeating KT, I felt like I could play anything, and I played smoothly all the way to the end.

Judging from the situation this year, it is completely different from that of the past.

Although V5 was expected by everyone to win the championship this year, IG was not that year. Everyone was optimistic about another team before the game.

It can only be said that after a few years, my mentality has completely changed.


It was a very simple question, and Xia An’s translation was very timely and smooth.

But after Prince Ning picked up the microphone, he inevitably fell into deep thought.

I just heard him sigh: "My personal mood now is more similar to when I won the LPL championship this spring."

“That was our first championship as a team and the first championship for all seven of us.”

“When we first formed the team, I really didn’t expect that we would reach the point of winning the championship.”

"After winning the spring championship, the first thing I thought about was not MSI, but whether we really had hope to win the S championship this year. I didn't expect that it would really come true today."

"A big thank you to my teammates..."

Prince Ning suddenly started talking humanly, and he still said it so seriously.

The fans are very emotional, but the teammates are only scared at this time.

Fortunately, King Ning has good emotional intelligence this time. When talking about the team, he also knew to add two substitutes.

In everyone's opinion, the V5 championship is basically a matter of the starting five.

Their lineup is very stable, and the two substitutes are pure champions. There is nothing wrong with that.

But the outside world can say that, and as a teammate, it is definitely not appropriate to say this.

After King Ning's interview ended, I felt that the entire post-match interview had become more sublime.

Many fans even felt that this was even better than the finals.

A good interview may even make this championship seem more precious.

Next is the ointment.

After the brief excitement, this kid felt his eyes narrowing.

It seemed that such a big stage and so many spectators and fans could not excite him.

When this person is interviewed, he usually doesn't say much.

Even if he wins the championship, he will not show his true feelings like Prince Ning.

The female host asked about the game. Toothpaste said that she had no effect and was purely driven by her teammates.

Sometimes a relatively simple teammate like Toothpaste is good.

If you want him to carry the game like a top mid laner, it is probably difficult to do so.

Occasionally I can stand up, but my personal abilities are still a bit behind.

However, he can provide good emotional value to his teammates, which is still relatively important to the entire team.

After the game, it never attracted attention, just like when I was on JD.com.

After winning a victory or championship, everyone pays more attention to his teammates.

Then I asked about two substitutes.

Sometimes substitute players don't need to be interviewed and answer questions.

Nowadays, the substitutes of strong teams are relatively marginalized. Basically, everyone still pursues the stability of the lineup.

The contestants didn't come to play in any of the finals, so you suddenly interviewed them, which was quite embarrassing.

The fans didn’t find it interesting, and even the players themselves felt weird.

I don’t know what the arrangement is this year. Maybe I know that the two substitute players V5 also have skin, so I interviewed them both.

PPgod and Weiwei are usually a bit boring.

It's the boring kind.

I don’t have much experience in such big scenes, so I will inevitably feel a little nervous when being interviewed on such a stage, and I will seem to be stumbling when I speak.

The answers were basically clichés, so Xia An had to help them polish them a little while translating.

But what's more interesting is that when PPgod first came out, the local European audience became excited.

Even if one minute of the final is not played, it will not hinder PPgod's popularity in Europe and the United States.

After Weiwei finished speaking, Chen Ke was next.

When it was Chen Ke's turn, even the host had to pause his rhythm.

There was no way, the audience at the scene was too enthusiastic.

"Yeah, we meet again."

When the female host came to Chen Ke, her tone was like greeting an acquaintance.

Obviously, having collaborated so many times before, I am really familiar with Chen Ke.

Although she also interviewed other LPL players, those players had to use translators.

Chen Ke can communicate with her directly, and the feeling is still different.

One is in-depth and the other is not yet in place.

"This is the second consecutive year that you have won the world championship, and all of them were won by defeating LCK teams."

"I saw many people commenting that you inherited the glorious tradition of G2 and became an LCK killer."

"What do you think of this title?"

After thinking about it, I knew that no Koreans would watch this interview after the game.

There are only a few people who can persist in watching the game.

With such a huge disadvantage in the third game, knowing that the suspense of the game was over early, many Korean fans probably turned off the live broadcast in advance.

Those who can persist until the end are the players who take one last look at T1.

I don’t even want to watch them hold the cup, but I still expect them to watch V5 being interviewed on the stage. Isn’t this more uncomfortable than killing them?

Mentioning LCK, Chen Ke suddenly laughed.

He likes this question very much, and obviously European hosts don't care so much.

To put it bluntly, there are no European teams, so what does the LCK and LPL matters have to do with them in Europe.

She just asked what she wanted to ask.

Even the teammates on the stage are looking at Chen Ke, obviously they are also looking forward to how Chen Ke will attack the LCK.

Chen Ke's feud with South Korea has lasted for half a year from MSI to now.

Now that the winner has been completely decided, how is that possible if you ask Chen Ke to stay calm and value peace.

Chen Ke laughed and said, "It's true. My old team G2 has a very high winning rate in previous matches with LCK teams, especially when facing T1 in recent years."

Chen Ke initially praised G2 a little.

Anyway, it’s my old club, and they were cheering me on on their official account before the finals.

If you say something nice, the audience will like to hear it, so there is nothing wrong with it at all.

Next, Chen Ke got to the point: "I already said it before when I was at MSI."

"When the LCK team faced me, they couldn't win even once."

"Today's game, including this year's entire S game, proved that I was right."

"I hope the LCK division can work hard and try to beat me once before I retire."

"come on!"

Chen Ke directly cheered for the LCK division on the stage, but everyone knew what he meant.

It sounds crazy, but it seems to be true.

Even if the stickmen were furious after hearing this, there was nothing they could do against Chen Ke.

It's true that I can't win even once on the court, and I haven't won since last year.

Counting last year's World Championship, Chen Ke's three world championships were all won by LCK teams.

The person who wins is entitled to be crazy. If you don't accept it, just hold it in and wait until you win again next time.

If there were Korean players in the team, it would be hard for Chen Ke to be so crazy.

People will say that your LPL is nothing without Korean aid.

Fortunately, all V5 players are Huazi, which relieves Chen Ke from any pressure when starting a group.

Anyway, Chen Ke has not risen to the top of the entire LPL. He only emphasized that he still has a V5 team.

After Xia An finished translating, Chen Ke continued: "I also want to correct you. I am not an LCK killer."

"I am their father!"

After saying that, Chen Ke knew that his hatred was almost gone.

It is conceivable that after being so humiliated by myself, the LCK will definitely remember it.

Next, I have to improve myself crazily, and maybe even form one or two super teams.

Then they restrict powerful Korean players from coming to LPL and the like, thereby achieving a trade-off effect.

It doesn't matter to Chen Ke, you can work hard as much as you want.

I will retire directly at the worst possible time. It has nothing to do with me if you beat LPL to me.

The worse the LPL is beaten, the more everyone misses me.

Fans are also quite satisfied with Chen Ke's answer.

Being able to defeat the LCK team head-on and win the championship is already comfortable enough. Chen Ke was the first to step on his face like this after the game.

It’s no longer interesting to play against a team like T1. I’m playing against the entire LCK.

"Chen Ke is awesome!"

"T1 comes first to recognize his father, and everyone else should stay back."

"I'm laughing so hard. Someone please add subtitles to this interview and put it on the Korean website."

"Within ten minutes, I want to see hot reviews on Korean websites!"

"It's so crazy. Chen Ke, you are a player who has only debuted for more than a year. It's really not good for you to be so crazy. What if you kill me with pleasure?"

"That's actually true. Last year's S-Game, this year's S-Game, and this year's MSI, the LCK team met Chen Ke and acted steadily and filially, no different from his son."

"Then, compared with my brother, which one is more filial?"


When interviewing Wink and 369, the barrage was still making fun of Chen Ke’s interview just now.

Soon, in addition to the championship, the FMVP part of the game that everyone is looking forward to is coming.

This year's FMVP, after King Ning won the small game MVP in the second game, there seemed to be suspense again when some people deliberately set the pace.

In fact, you will know after watching three games that it is really outrageous not to give it to Chen Ke.

In the end, just as everyone thought, the moment FMVP was given, the scene once again burst into warm cheers.

Chen Ke's ID resounded throughout the venue.

It's just that teammates are used to calling Chen Ke by name, and even the commentator likes to call Chen Ke's name. When I suddenly heard his ID, I was a little uncomfortable.

Winning FMVP for two consecutive years, this alone is overwhelming.

"OK, congratulations on winning this award again~"

The host came to Chen Ke again and asked: "From G2 to V5, from LEC to LPL, we all know that you have an unparalleled career."

"So in the process of becoming a professional player, who do you think has helped you, or who do you want to thank?"


The last question depends on how you want to answer it.

If you want to answer well, you can really express your true feelings.

If you like Prince Ning and the others to answer, the first person to thank must be Chen Ke.

That's not polite, it's completely from the heart.

If you want to be more perfunctory, just say thank you to your teammates, the coach and the team, and the fans for their support.

Chen Ke doesn't engage in those false claims, and he didn't even mention last year's G2.

It seemed that he wanted to thank G2 for giving him the opportunity to play professionally. In fact, Chen Ke knew that it was the result of the system's power.

Besides, I also helped you win the world championship.

Just listen to Chen Ke say: "On the way to becoming a great professional player, there are many people who have helped me."

"The person I want to thank the most is not one person, but our LPL Team Taobo."


All the teammates suddenly looked at Chen Ke, obviously knowing that Chen Ke was about to start a team.

It's just that no one expected that Chen Ke would open Taobao at this time.

I thought the first one to be hit hard would be RNG.

Brother 9's eyes are full of light at this time. If you start Taobao, then I will be very excited.

Chen Ke's rhythm control is pretty good.

After Xia An finished translating, he continued: "I still remember last summer game. After commentating on Taobo's game, I became a professional player."

"First of all, if it weren't for Team Tobo, I might still be on the commentary desk right now."

"Also, during this offseason, I am very grateful to Taobao for being willing to cooperate with us and selling the top order to us."

"If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have the championship lineup we have now."


Chen Ke was in a weird mood in the first half.

His becoming a professional player has little to do with Taobo. He just explained the Taobo competition quite cleverly, which is more of a kind of fate.

After feeling weird, Chen Ke wanted to really thank them. After all, 369 had to agree to come over.

But to everyone’s ears, this kid is trying to kill his heart!


PS: We are still busy coding during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Brothers, if you have a monthly pass, come and get one~

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