He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 352 Bathtub or bathtub, it doesn’t matter to me (please vote)

Chapter 352 Bathtub or bathtub, it doesn’t matter to me~ (please vote)

After all the contracts were finalized, V5 also began to look for AD players on the market.

After the all-Chinese class won the championship, there will basically be no Korean players in the V5 lineup.

It has nothing to do with whether or not the brand name Quanhua Class is used to promote it.

Before winning the championship, there was no hype at the team level.

It's just that Chen Ke himself is saying it, mainly to disgust RNG.

Now that I have become the first all-China class champion, S12 is the best time to reap dividends this year.

If a Korean is found to join the team, it will really affect the team's subsequent operations and income, and it is estimated that some fans will not be satisfied.

That's not necessary at all.

In addition, if Chen Ke catches someone, the Koreans are almost done with AOE. Whether they are willing to come or not is still one thing.

It's a little bit difficult to only find domestic players, who have to be strong.

Fortunately, I am looking for an AD. If I am looking for a mid laner, it is really difficult for a domestic mid laner to find a good mid laner.

Chen Ke also gave the team some advice.

He was the one who pulled up the V5 lineup last year, and it turns out that Chen Ke still has a good vision.

In fact, there are not many powerful ADs. There is nothing Gala can do and they will definitely not be able to escape.

The contract with RNG is still there, so it is unlikely that he will leave.

Coupled with the current relationship with RNG, it is impossible for you to expect him to sell people to you.

Unless you can make him make a fortune, but with RNG's appetite, V5 may not be able to satisfy it.

There was also a Lantern King, and Chen Ke asked the management to contact him first.

People from Li Ning have also been in contact with Chen Ke some time ago, and they are obviously planning to switch to AD.

I guess they didn't expect that the AD who wanted to dig V5 didn't find them, and now V5 is going to dig their people.

If the Lantern Emperor can't get it, the next backup option is Old Dream, which will change its ID to Elk this year.

WE will basically explode this year, and the entire WE3.0 will fall apart.

There was also some conflict among several members of the team.

Elk is definitely going to leave. According to the timeline, he went to the UP team and stayed there for a whole year.

Anyway, as a free man, it is relatively easy to get him, and the salary will not be too high.

Even though Ruler hasn't reached LPL yet, this person is quite useful.

What's a little surprising is that the news about V5's contact with AD spread out somehow.

The market during the transfer period is like this. Once someone gets some information, someone will immediately come out and expose it.

V5 has too much traffic now. If you break the news about V5, naturally the attention will be different from the traffic.

People who come out to engage in operations such as breaking news are doing it to earn traffic.

Sure enough, this news immediately attracted a lot of attention, and even brought a lot of attention.

When it was reported that V5 could basically renew its contract, fans were quite happy.

Winning the championship is the time when fans have the most fans. Naturally, fans hope to see the V5 championship lineup continue to play together.

We can't let the Icelanders become a memory just after winning the championship.

However, no one knows the specific news, and V5 has not made an official announcement.

It’s not that V5 is trying to whet your appetite. After the contract is signed, it will be submitted to the higher-ups for approval.

You cannot make an official announcement in advance before approval is obtained.

Some teams may not be able to hold it in any longer and will give some little hints.

Post it for fans to see and make some guesses, and you can almost have an idea.

V5 still needs to talk about AD, plus there are many other business and sponsorships to talk about.

There are not many people in the management itself. They have been very busy recently and have not thought of giving any hints.

I thought that when the time comes, I can just make an official announcement.

As a result, things started to go wrong right from the beginning, and many people were asking what was going on with Chen Ke.

Some people have already interpreted that V5 is making preparations and wants to find another AD to replace Chen Ke.

Chen Ke's current fans' fighting ability is not something to brag about. Any SG sister who comes over will be instantly turned into scum.

The more rational ones are still thinking that maybe the two parties have not agreed on the price.

The more impulsive ones have already started rushing towards V5.

The rhythm was a bit loud, but there was no response from V5.

When the time came, it was immediately announced that the entire championship lineup would be retained, and the rhythm naturally disappeared.

The transfer period is not over yet, Tengjing organized an event for the entire V5 team.

With the current traffic of V5, it is really unreasonable not to make arrangements during the offseason.

It just so happened that all of them had renewed their contracts. We were all on the same team, so it didn’t have much effect if we got them together to continue the show.

Today's program is also in the form of an interview, but the theme is very clear, and the discussion is about champion skins.

Finding an entry point will attract fans' attention even more.

It's still early for this skin to come out. Tengjing has already arranged to build momentum at this time. You can imagine how much he is looking forward to making a lot of money.

The skin of the champion of the first all-China class is naturally not bad at all.

If the skin were made better-looking or easier to use, it would not be impossible to surpass IG’s first crowned skin in sales.

No matter what, Prince Ning is making a lot of money anyway.

The first championship and the first All-China Championship were all due to him.

When Chen Ke approached Prince Ning last year, he really didn't expect this.

Moreover, Tengjing worked very hard today and even invited a designer from Riot Games to the scene.

This designer is the one responsible for the V5 championship skin.

In addition to these people, even two substitutes came over.

Both PPgod and Weiwei have left the team, and have recently decided on their next players.

With the strength of the two of them, it would be no problem to join other LPL teams as starters.

If you continue to stay in V5, you will still be a substitute. You can only play occasionally. Obviously there is no need.

PPgod went to the OMG team, and Weiwei was bought by BLG.

PPgod is okay, the support position itself has a low salary.

Weiwei's salary this year is quite good.

Anyway, the BLG team is rich now, and Biubiu could earn a good salary there before.

Although they are no longer members of V5, they both still have skins.

It’s not a big problem to come over and participate in activities with former teammates.

The program trailer has just been released, and fans are looking forward to it very much.

After the World Championship, during the post-game media interview, someone did ask about the champion skin.

It’s just that everyone didn’t think much of it at the time.

It's just a general idea, but I can't be sure.

Subsequently, Chen Ke and the others communicated with Riot designers, and basically everyone decided on their own champion skin hero.

It is precisely because of this that Tengjing launched this event.

The program adopts the form of live broadcast, so that everyone can watch it at the first time.

We were talking about skin anyway, so I wasn’t afraid of touching on sensitive topics.

"Okay, let's all sit down, the live broadcast will start soon."

After people arrive at the scene, put on makeup and sit down on the chair.

The director at the scene reminded everyone that with the countdown to "321", the live broadcast will start simultaneously at this moment.

Under the guidance of the host, Chen Ke and others waved and greeted the fans.

We are all veterans, so we don’t feel uncomfortable at all on this kind of show. Everyone is quite adaptable.

At the beginning, the designer hadn't arrived yet, so V5 and the others chatted with the host throughout the whole process.

The topic is quite simple, just ask everyone which hero they want to choose as a skin, and then tell them why.

Starting with Wink, it was no surprise that he chose the robot.

During the interview on the day after the finals, Wink expressed his desire for a robot.

After so many days, nothing has changed.

It's not surprising to everyone, this hero is considered one of Wink's signatures.

Moreover, the robot does not yet have a champion skin. Generally speaking, during the World Championship that year, the champion support player may not have played this hero in a game, and there is no way to choose the skin of the robot.

Coupled with the skin of the hero Robot, it is quite simple to make.

As long as you can get the special effects and feel of the hook right, you're basically more than half successful.

369 asked for Jace's skin, which also surprised everyone.

Among his signature heroes this year, it is difficult for everyone to think of Jayce.

However, since their debut, Captain and Jace have been his favorite heroes.

After winning the championship, it is normal to choose your favorite hero and give him a skin.

Like the robot, Jace does not have a champion skin.

This hero is a bit like a tool man. Many times he seems to be okay in the World Championships, but people just don't pick him.

This year 369 can be regarded as rectifying his name.

Prince Ning chose Qian Jue, which was somewhat unpopular.

After learning the lesson of Qinggang Shadow before, King Ning chose the champion skin this time and tried his best to make this hero only play in the jungle.

As long as the hero's mechanics don't change much, Kindred will definitely be a hero in the jungle position.

Toothpaste chose Galio, which was not unexpected.

This year’s toothpaste is Galio, that’s the signature among the signatures.

The host was a little curious and asked about the toothpaste and why he didn't choose Zoe's.

Zoe was the brand before toothpaste.

Toothpaste directly stated that he felt that the skin of Zoe Pool felt good enough, and there was no need for him to choose any more.

Don’t look back and it’s not as good as the one in the swimming pool.

Just like when Emperor Chi won the championship, his Varus was very impressive.

However, King Chi also feels that the gay skin of Verus Valentine is already good enough.

There is another factor that affects the choice of toothpaste, and that is the color matching of the V5 champion skin.

The main color is gold, and the hero Galio appears again with special effects, which is really domineering.

PPGod and Weiwei, one chose Titan and the other chose Prince.

Since the two of them were substitutes and their skins were mixed together, the host didn't ask much.

I deliberately asked Chen Ke last, but the host said: "Then I want to ask Chen Ke, have you thought about your skin now?"

In previous interviews, Chen Ke did not clearly express his choice of skin.

But Chen Ke said it before.

Many people wondered whether Chen Ke wanted Draven, but Chen Ke still retained his previous thoughts and said directly: "I said before, I still want Vayne's skin."

I have communicated with the designer about this skin, and the designer nodded and said there is no problem.

Although after Chen Ke's skin was made, Vayne had three championship skins.

But each one is well deserved, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Chen Ke wanted to see who would dare to plunder his skin in the future.

While chatting, the designer also came up.

A translator was also assigned.

Chen Ke can speak English well, but we can't let Chen Ke translate.

The designer came up and shared with everyone the current progress of the skin.

After winning the championship, the skin project was launched, but the whole process was relatively long.

The first step is to determine the hero and style, and then complete the original painting.

There will be a lot of adjustments during this process, and we will continue to communicate with the players.

Coming to the show to talk about skin with the contestants, in the designer's opinion, this is also a way of communication.

When discussing details with the players, everyone was very reluctant and somewhat reserved.

Only King Ning is slightly better.

Chen Ke was really rude here, when the designer asked Chen Ke what Easter eggs or return to town actions he wanted.

Chen Ke thought for a while and simply said: "I want a bathtub to appear next to Vayne when I return to the city. Can you think of it?"


As soon as the words were spoken, everyone burst into laughter.

The designer had no idea what this meant, but when he saw everyone laughing, he laughed too.

I thought Chen Ke was telling a joke, but I just didn't realize the cultural differences.

After finishing laughing, the designer couldn't help but said: "Why, why do you need a bathtub?"

"I prefer taking a bath. I think taking a bath can quickly calm down my irritable mood and relieve the stress on my body."

"If it could be displayed on the skin, I think it would be very inspiring."

"Of course it doesn't have to be a bathtub, a bathtub is fine, I don't care."

"So that's it. I've written this element down and will consider it seriously."

The designer looked thoughtful and said, "To be honest, I also like to take baths, but I usually like to take cold showers."

"Then I'm different from you. I like the temperature higher."


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