He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 359 Chen Ke’s post-match sessions never disappoint! (asking for monthly ticket)


"Damn it, are you starting to talk nonsense?"

"You accidentally told the truth again, didn't you?"

"Welcome to the big skewers show."

"Damn it, I thought this guy was schizophrenic. When I saw it was Chen Ke, there was nothing wrong with him."

"Our LPL official commentary station finally has its own string."

"Bit, DYS can still string together."

"What kind of champion of DYS would like to compete?"


Chen Ke's one after another is more exciting than the game.

I was still careful with my front foot, but within a few seconds I started to let go and my heart was hanging.

In the past, everyone was chatting in their own private live broadcast rooms. When they come to the official commentary stage, they can't say they are not chatting at all, but the intensity will be much lower.

Most of the time, most people don't notice it.

Chen Ke is not even pretending, he is going crazy.

If the explanation was different, he would probably be carried down soon, with the person and the chair attached.

How can the official tolerate you doing this?

Even if I don't lift it for you, you will definitely be sprayed after the game.

The official commentary desk, is this the place where you talk nonsense?

Can such a person be on the official commentary stage? It simply lowered the level.

But if this person is Chen Ke, it will be different.

When Chen Ke did this, everyone felt that the program was very effective, and the corners of their mouths couldn't stop turning up.

Some fans even heard that Chen Ke is so cute.

Even Taobo fans don't have much temper anymore. This person is just a casual person after all, and he doesn't have all kinds of yin and yang weirdness Taobo when he comes up.

Chen Ke just wanted to express his regret.

If AD is killed, V5 will really make a comeback immediately.

First of all, my brother is a big guy. He didn't die even if he went on the wave and suffered a loss in a team fight because Tahm was doing his best to protect him.

Not only did he not die, but he also received a human head. He was not well developed.

The bounty of 300 yuan on his body will be greatly improved whether it is received by Xin Zhao or the policewoman from V5.

And this time point is very sensitive.

Once AD ​​dies, there is a high probability that both the small and big dragons will be gone.

V5 didn't use any skills to kill his brother. King Ning didn't even use his ultimate move, he just exchanged a flash with his brother.

If TaoBo wants to play four against five, there is a high probability that something will go wrong.

It’s not just once or twice that my brother gave away the game. I believe Taobo fans are familiar with it.

It's a pity that a good game winner was ruined by Tam.

Those who know how to lick should be damned!

Tong Xi was briefly confused by Chen Ke, but she quickly adjusted: "Although Jakeylove is not dead this time, his flash and Tam's flash have been handed over."

"I think Taobo may be a little difficult to fight in the next wave of team battles."

"If it doesn't work, let's let this little dragon go and wait for the next wave to fight again."


Tong Xi's suggestion made sense, but Taobo didn't think so.

It probably feels like they got the little dragon rhythm before. If this little dragon is taken by V5 again, V5 will listen to the card first on the little dragon, which is a bit hard to accept.

However, in this wave of team battles, neither player in the bottom lane flashed, and Jinx was still the main output.

If you want to win a team battle well, you have to look at how well the explosive packs are placed on the plane.

It can be seen that it may be the reason why Bo Tam cannot protect him. The whole team at Taobo seems to be quite cautious.

They didn't dare to make the first move at all. It could be seen that they probably wanted to fight back.

V5 made a decisive choice here and did not bother with the opponent too much.

369's Poppy circled around, taking the initiative to look for opportunities to flash out and dance in Jinx's face.

Ning Wang's Zhao Xin also rushed in.

This Xin Zhao goes in and uses a big move, which mainly plays a role in disrupting the formation.

He also knew that it would be difficult to hit someone if he didn't flash in the first place. He needed to find an opportunity, so he could just let Bobby handle it from the beginning.

The left hand chose to dive at an angle of 45°, trying to spread out the V5 formation as much as possible.

The formations on both sides were broken up at the first opportunity.

But the prince and the barbarian king rushed over, but their destructive power was still a bit lacking, and Lux ​​still had some protective abilities.

Coupled with Lux's Q, the policewoman's clip, and Victor's stance, there are a lot of small controls.

What a brainless hero like the Barbarian King fears most is control.

On the other hand, Taobo doesn't have much protection.

Tahm now needs to use his ultimate move to eat people, but the cooldown of his ultimate move is relatively long.

I just saved a wave of Jinx, but now I have no ultimate move available.

Without a big move, Tahm Kench is quite embarrassed when playing in a group, and it feels like it has no effect at first.

"Protect AD, what is Taobo trying to do here?"

"Jinx's clamp failed to control 369, and Poppy slammed it against the wall!"

"It's over, Wenbo is messing with you~ (crying voice)"


Chen Ke once again brings you an immersive team battle experience.

Jinx basically gave it up when he was knocked into the wall by Poppy.

With Tahm Kench, Jinx basically won't use Purge.

The purifiers are relatively stable people, and my brother is obviously not that type of player.

When you are stunned, you have no choice but to wait for death.

Tam was anxious beside him, but there was nothing he could do.

King Ning also rushed over at this time. After King Ning came in and opened the door, he found that no one cared about him.

If there was anything Prince Ning could be polite about, he just stabbed him.

Wink's Lux also added a big move, which can deal some damage.

Zhuo also used a weakness on Poppy, and he was a little anxious, so the weakness was actually useless.

King Ning's Xin Zhao has no restrictions and the damage is completely enough.

After his brother died, Brother 9 and King Ning all turned their guns to support their teammates.

"Look at the Barbarian King, look at the Barbarian King. The Barbarian King's ultimate move is about to disappear. Deal with the Barbarian King first!"

"My left hand is going to die too. I let you shoot around!"

"I'll go. Prince, why don't you run away now?"

"Tahm, please stop chasing, leave one person to fight the little dragon, and everyone else will go to the big dragon!"


Under Chen Ke's passionate command, V5 successfully won the team battle.

To be honest, Taobo still has a small economic lead, and the team battle should not be like this.

But it couldn't stand up to AD and it didn't play any role.

In this wave of team battles, my brother was defeated. There was really nothing we could do, and it had nothing to do with him.

If I really wanted to blame it, I still used Flash on the wave, which laid the groundwork.

Even though he knew that this wave didn't flash and that it would be difficult for Tahm to fight when he was still young, he still came to fight.

It’s not surprising that he was beaten like this.

For the hero Jinx, in team battles, you still have to help him kill the opponent first, and only then can he activate his output.

Taobao's midfielders probably also guessed that it would be difficult to survive this wave of AD, so they didn't bother to protect it and just wanted to rush to the opposite back row.

Everyone rushes together to see who can cut faster.

But the policewoman and Victor both had flashes, and they had toothpaste and a stopwatch on them, so they obviously had room for maneuver.

In the end, it took a long time to kill a Lux, but it had no effect.

There are four people left in V5, and they can obviously be taken in by both the big dragon and the little dragon.

In this way, the game seems to be clearer.

Similar to the previous game, V5 came back again after falling behind.

In addition to the experience and resilience in the later stages of V5, Chen Ke felt that Taobo was really rubbish.

It doesn’t matter whether you watch the replay or not. The team battle at Xiaolong just now wasn’t that exciting.

Tong Xi didn't say much about the operation, but just pointed out Tao Bo's problem: "I don't know why Tao Bo is so anxious."

"Actually, it's okay to let this little dragon go. There's no need to come here and fight."

"V5's top jungler is too much of a threat to AD who has no movement."


Before the fight, Tong Xi suggested that Tao Bo should not be let go.

Now that Taobo exploded after the fight, Tong Xi couldn't help but mention it a few more times to prove her expertise.

Many times when commentators hit the mark on what will happen next, they feel a little satisfied.

After Chen Ke waited for her to finish speaking, he nodded and said, "Indeed, there are still some small problems with Tao Bo's command."

"By the way, who do you think is commanding this wave of Taobo?"


Tong Xi didn't know how to answer this for a while, and Chen Ke didn't continue.

As long as the barrage can be lively, it is enough.

There is not much to say about the game, it is a bit similar to the plot of the previous game.

After getting the Baron buff, the policewoman's advancing rhythm became a bit unstoppable.

And at this point in the game, the policewoman's development is also very good. After a critical attack, she clicks a shot, which makes the opponent a little unable to parry.

The game ends before the Baron buff ends.

Tao Bo seemed to be giving up on himself, and seemed to not want to struggle anymore, and even helped speed up the high ground.

"Then let us congratulate V5. They had a close call today. They defeated Taobo 2:0 and won their first spring split victory."

After the game, many V5 fans were even a little disappointed.

This is a win. I am destined not to see Chen Ke today.

If you didn't watch the game, you would probably be a little surprised how the 2:0 score could still be called a near miss.

"Come on, how should I award the MVP for this round?"

After the game, Tong Xi asked Chen Ke the question.

The MVP of this round is a bit more difficult than the previous round.

Because it's not as clear as it seemed in the last game.

To be honest, no one played particularly well, but they all performed somewhat.

369's last wave of AD cuts were very beautiful, including the two wall-dongs in the previous wave of team battles.

This person's team fighting ability is getting stronger and stronger.

King Ning successfully squatted on the grass before and knocked out Jinx's flash, which can be called the winner of this game.

Including the toothpaste that was beaten before, it can also perform well in the dough battle. After it is equipped, the damage is quite high, and the stance position is also very good.

"I'll vote for the Lantern King. He was pretty good in both games and was pretty steady."

Chen Ke finally gave it to the Lantern Emperor.

This game was not outstanding, but there were not many mistakes from the beginning to the end.

He has grown steadily, and he has done a good job of staying alive during team fights, and at the same time, he has also done a lot of damage.

Having just joined V5, giving an MVP can also show Chen Ke's encouraging attitude.

"Okay, then I'll give my vote to Prince Ning. I think his chances of finding Jinx are pretty good."

Tong Xi did not follow Chen Ke, obviously she still had her own ideas.

After the two people finished speaking, the votes were basically tallied.

Chen Ke didn't look at the output list after the game. Everyone's output was not low, and there were no special numbers.

Just listen to Chen Ke say: "The MVP vote has been completed, why don't we analyze Taobo's loss of the game today, who has the biggest blame?"


Tong Xi was confused again, could she still play like this?

When I explained it before, there was no such link.

The fans were completely excited.

When Chen Ke played in the game before, what everyone looked forward to most was not that Chen Ke would kill everyone on the field, but that he would kill everyone in the interview session after the game.

I never expected that Chen Ke's post-match session would be so exciting when he came to the commentary desk.


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