
There are people over at RNG watching Chen Ke's post-game interview.

After watching Chen Ke's interaction, some people were already furious.

There is nothing they can do against Chen Ke on the court. Their lineup this year is, to put it bluntly, the best they can get.

I thought it would be better than last year, but I didn't expect that after meeting Chen Ke, he still looked vulnerable.

You can't beat them on the field, and the management and boss can't do it in person.

Infinitely being slapped by Chen Ke, it is difficult to accept the truth.

There is really no other way but to find something to do off the court.

Calling out RNG by name really gave RNG a reason to sue Chen Ke.

The right of reputation is within the scope of legal protection.

Anyway, the relationship has long been broken. Even if Chen Ke is not prosecuted, his reputation will be terrible. Now, it is better to go completely crazy.

Of course, Chen Ke didn't know this either, after he finished the interview.

The teammates are all packing their things.

After winning the third game, there was nothing to review.

With that kind of lineup, there is actually nothing to say about winning or losing.

Pack your things first so that you can leave as soon as the media interviews are over.

Winning the game and Chen Ke's return to the competition is definitely worth celebrating.

However, after everyone has been together for so long, the way of celebration is still as simple and unpretentious as ever.

As soon as he returned to the base at night, Chen Ke couldn't help feeling sleepy.

I was stunned that I didn’t even start the live broadcast, so I went back to the room to rest.

Today's victory over RNG is nothing to Chen Ke.

Maybe many fans are waiting for Chen Ke to start broadcasting and talk about how this void lineup was selected.

In the end, without waiting for Chen Ke, a bunch of people chatted in the black screen live broadcast room.

RNG was severely tortured again.

Once we win this game today, HZ can stop playing for a while.

Judging from this result, Chen Ke's move today was correct and necessary.

After new players joined this year, the room allocation within the team also changed.

Chen Ke and Wink, an old couple, finally separated.

The Lantern Emperor moved into the room where Chen Ke lived before and lived with Wink.

There seems to be no problem in letting the bot lane duo live together.

This thing of tacit understanding must be continuously cultivated not only in competitions, but also in life.

How else could Chen Ke and Wink have such a good rapport? They didn't just sleep together.

The main reason for this change is that the management wants to improve Chen Ke's treatment.

Considering Chen Ke's status, it is reasonable to have a single room.

Normally, two people in a professional team will live in a room, and in more extreme cases, there are three-person rooms.

There are also single rooms, but it’s not that easy if you want to live in a room alone.

Or maybe he has some quirks, such as snoring at night, grinding his teeth, farting, and sleepwalking from time to time, which would really torture his roommates.

There is also merit within the team, and only players with higher status can enjoy this kind of treatment.

It's nice to live with Wink. At least you have someone to talk to when you're bored.

However, it would be much more convenient to have a room by myself, so Chen Ke agreed.

Chen Ke's room is only slightly larger, but the layout is still similar to the previous room.

There are still two beds inside, but Chen Ke lives alone, so one bed is empty.

I had asked Chen Ke before if he needed a bigger bed or something.

But Chen Ke lives alone, so there is no need for a bed that is too big.

It's good to have an empty bed. It will be just in time for my brother to move in when he comes.

When he came to bed, Chen Ke still followed his usual habit of checking his mobile phone before going to bed, otherwise he would feel that he would not sleep well.

The forum went viral. What attracted Chen Ke today was not the online trolling about RNG after the game.

Someone just drew a set of Void Champion skins directly.

I used these five heroes selected by V5 tonight, and gave V5 another set of championship skins.

Don't tell me, the painting is really good.

Being able to draw it so quickly and still maintain the quality shows that this person is very capable.

Chen Ke feels that if the team name is changed to "RNG", the program effect will be better.

After browsing for a while, Chen Ke turned off the phone, feeling that there was nothing interesting to see.

He had just washed his feet. Even if he was the only one in the room, Chen Ke was too lazy to reward himself tonight.

When he closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, Chen Ke took a look at his true point.

I found that I haven’t used it for a while, and I have accumulated a lot of real points.

It's already around 25,000 now.

Chen Ke didn't have anything that urgently needed improvement, so he didn't draw for a while.

I had nothing to do today, and since it was a lot more realistic, Chen Ke simply fired ten shots in a row.

Since the last time he discovered that his attributes would decline, Chen Ke would deliberately save some more truth points in case of emergencies.

What makes Chen Ke a little uneasy is that I don't know what logic the attribute decrease follows. It only dropped once, and Chen Ke didn't notice the pattern.

It would be fine if the price dropped once a year, but I'm afraid it won't follow the routine.

If the decline really affects his strength and catches up with the key competition, Chen Ke will feel more uncomfortable.

If there is some truth then, don't panic. If there is not enough truth, Chen Ke will feel even more uncomfortable.

If he changes his mind, Chen Ke also knows what will happen to him next.

To be honest, this thing is almost like money. If you don't save in advance, you won't be able to make that much immediately if something happens to you.

You can still borrow money, but to be honest, there is really nothing you can do.

Even if Chen Ke wanted to do it, it would be difficult for him to do so much at once.

Everything that can be real is almost real. If you try to make things like RNG real, the effect will not be very good.

Ten draws in a row were generally okay, with only four empty draws.

Chen Ke has always felt that a 50% chance of "thank you for participating" is acceptable.

Even if there are many "Thank you for participating", Chen Ke will not doubt his luck.

To be honest, it is not certain whether the system's lottery is purely based on luck. In short, Chen Ke remains skeptical.

Of the six draws, three are all cash prizes.

The three add up to 50W, which is the most useless to Chen Ke now.

There is also a free attribute point.

After the attributes dropped, free attribute points became more important to Chen Ke.

The remaining two are the real ones for Chen Ke.

"Congratulations to the host, you won the prop [alarm] in this lottery"

[Alarm]: After possessing this equipment, if there is danger lurking near the host, the alarm will be alerted in advance.

Note: ① This prop will be automatically equipped after it is owned.

②This prop will become ineffective after alarming once.

Before reading the introduction, Chen Ke thought it was an alarm in the game.

I also thought that if I had such a thing, I would be even more invincible in the game.

Now Chen Ke's personal ability can be easily suppressed when faced with most players who only talk about laning.

To say crushing is an exaggeration, but there is no problem in suppressing it, even if sometimes you get a weaker hero.

However, when pressing the line, Chen Ke was still a little worried about being caught in the early stage.

If you can alert yourself to danger during the game, then it will be more comfortable to hang up.

Chen Ke doesn't even need teammates, he can move freely online.

But in reality, it is more useful to think about it carefully.

It doesn't seem dangerous, but it's actually hard to say. There will always be some extreme people.

After someone takes action, you can get proof of mental illness, but there is nothing you can do.

In addition, Chen Ke has attracted a lot of hatred, so he really needs to pay attention.

Good health is one thing. If there is a murder weapon in someone's hand, Chen Ke will definitely not be able to withstand it just based on his physical fitness.

At the World Championships the year before last, if Chen Ke had had this thing, he wouldn't have been almost killed offline by a gambling dog.

Having this thing on you might help you avoid danger.

If there is a surprise inspection while washing feet, being able to call the police in advance will be of great help.

When he got some props before, Chen Ke always thought about finding time to use them.

But it’s best to never use this prop.

It's a pity that there is only one chance, and it will be scrapped immediately after use.

The last thing that comes out is also a prop.

"Congratulations to the host, you won the prop [Ingredient Detector] in this lottery"

[Composition Detector]: The host can use this tool to detect a person's composition and get the deepest answer in his heart.

Chen Ke: "..."

Chen Ke naturally knew what the ingredients here meant.

Just feeling it is not of much use. As time goes by, many people will basically know their composition.

Even if you are pretending normally, you can still be exposed inadvertently.

No matter how good a person is at pretending, there will always be times when he becomes anxious.

Therefore, in Chen Ke's opinion, this thing is of little use, it is purely a joy.

If you come across a big skewer like that in the future, you can take it out and use it.

People are complaining about this and that on the Internet. If Chen Ke could tell at a glance what the ingredients are, he would kill the game directly.

But when it comes to the biggest blame, Chen Ke thought for a moment and thought that he should be the one.

So Chen Ke's first target became himself, testing himself to see what the ingredients were.

"Warning warning!"

Unexpectedly, the detector immediately issued a warning after it was used, causing Chen Ke to think that he was in danger and that the alarm was going off.

"The ingredients are too complex and cannot be distinguished by this instrument!"

Chen Ke: "..."

Chen Ke felt that there was something wrong with this instrument. Chen Ke would not deny that the ingredients were complex.

But no matter how complicated the composition is, people will still have their own home team.

Chen Ke definitely supports V5 100%. There is nothing to argue about. Isn’t it possible to tell the difference from this?

He was alone in the room, and Chen Ke was too lazy to go find someone to continue testing.

When I got up at noon the next day, there was no competition in V5, so everyone had lunch and prepared for the afternoon training match.

Chen Ke took advantage of the opportunity to eat while everyone was there and tested each of his teammates.

Although the detector is not very useful, after getting it, Chen Ke found that it was addictive.

I really want to test it when I see someone.

The first one to test is Wink. The teams this person supports are IG and UP.

The team I hate in my heart is EDG.

Chen Ke, the team he supports, can understand the influence of IG's first championship. It is normal for many players to have a favorable impression of IG.

In addition, the year before last, if Chen Ke hadn't cut off Hu, Wink would have joined IG.

Being able to come to the point of almost joining shows that both parties must be interested in each other.

Chen Ke from the UP team thought for a while and figured out that his former teammate Brother Guozi was here. The two of them used to be EStar's double Cs, so they should have a good relationship.

Chen Ke doesn't understand why Wink hates EDG.

At least in daily contact, I really didn't feel it at all.

In this way, the importance of the component detector is highlighted, and it still has some effect.

What surprised Chen Ke was that Wink was a HZ to be honest and had deep feelings for RNG.

As a result, I seem to be indifferent to RNG now, which may have something to do with my own influence.

In addition, after Chen Ke started the team last year, the relationship between the two teams has been deteriorating.

Wink has also done the things that highlighted RNG during the game.

If he goes out with RNG and does this, he will naturally be chased by HZ. It is normal for him to have no interest in RNG.

At the same time, Chen Ke also realized one point: V5 was indeed not mentioned.

It seems that the team he is in is not included in it.

In this way, it seems understandable that his ingredients cannot be detected.

Chen Ke tested all the next teammates.

Basically, it is similar to what Chen Ke thought. Prince Ning and Toothpaste still have feelings for their old club. After all, they spent their peak years there.

Although he has reached the highest point in V5, he is no longer the same as he was back then. He is considered more of a tool player within the V5 team.

What Brother 9 said was different. Even if he said he was relieved after winning the championship, he actually still didn't want to see Taobo doing too well.

The only thing that surprised Chen Ke was the head coach.

What's weird, one of the teams that Mai Zijian supports is RNG.

Except for Lao Ganba, the rest is RNG.

The godfather can understand, after all, it is his old club, and he also led the team to the World Championship.

Apart from his unsatisfactory performance in the World Championship, Lao Gandad was relatively good that year.

Regarding RNG, Chen Ke is thinking about it and doesn't understand why. There seems to be no relationship between the two.

If it weren't for the ingredient detector, Chen Ke would never have known about this in his life.

Thinking about what he had done to RNG, Chen Ke's heart suddenly tightened.

From now on sleeping in the base, it seems that I really can’t sleep because it’s too deadly.

There are bad people among the masses!


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