He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 377 Warning, warning, who do you think is the little guy? (asking for monthly ticket)

As sales of V5 champion skins continue to rise, the LPL playoffs are becoming more and more exciting.

Chen Ke still arranges commentary in the playoffs.

In the absence of special requirements from Chen Ke, the officials naturally arranged shifts according to normal procedures.

The first opponent of the V5 playoffs is the JD team.

It can be regarded as toothpaste versus his old club.

This was Chen Ke's commentary for the first game of the playoffs. If he was on the commentary stage, it meant that it would be difficult for him to play.

This game made fans quite nervous.

The winning team will have the opportunity to resurrect A and have one more life.

It would be embarrassing if we lose, as this season will end immediately.

In the absence of Chen Ke, the V5 lineup played BO5 for the first time, and no one knew what was going on.

JD.com has returned this year with the addition of broiler and red rice.

After a slow start at the beginning of the season, the current state is getting better and better.

I'm afraid that if I can't beat him, I'll be embarrassed.

Fortunately, the game went smoothly in the end. V5 has been running in for a season. This lineup is not weak.

Even without Chen Ke, Duoduo is still a strong team that can rank among the top in the LPL.

After winning the championship, everyone did not relax.

This year we are still working as hard as ever, which is very important.

The biggest taboo among professional players is self-satisfaction.

After defeating JD.com 3:1, V5 locked in a resurrection armor.

In the semi-finals, they directly defeated EDG and entered the winner's group.

Their opponent in the winner's group is RNG, and the winning team will directly enter the finals.

The loser will have to play another BO5 to compete with the team from the lower bracket.

When Chen Ke took action during the regular season, he thought that he would most likely encounter RNG in the playoffs.

As long as the top four teams have locked in the Resurrection A, the probability of encountering them in the double-elimination format is very high.

When playing RNG, Chen Ke was not ready to play yet.

But Chen Ke didn't go to the commentary stage today and stayed in the lounge.

He participated in all the tactical arrangements and discussions before the game.

The team is currently in good shape, and Chen Ke still believes in his teammates.

With the current state of V5, Chen Ke feels like he can have a chance with this RNG.

Although Chen Ke is missing, it does not affect the focus of this game.

It is indeed difficult not to pay attention to the various grievances between the two teams.

It's just that many people are a little surprised that RNG has sued Chen Ke. It's a rare encounter in the playoffs, but Chen Ke doesn't choose to take action.

But most fans are not in a hurry, since a BO5 is very long anyway.

Chen Ke just didn't start. If V5 doesn't play well in the first game, it's hard to say whether he can sit still later.

There was no drama of letting two chase three, V5 won the first game.

The fight between the two sides can be said to be very intense.

The first four games were tied at 2:2, and the battle song started playing.

Judging from the first four games, it is not surprising whoever wins between these two teams today.

The strengths are still relatively close, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first four games were relatively intense, but in the fourth game V5 was beaten by the opponent, and the game was won by the opponent in less than 25 minutes.

This will make V5 fans a little uneasy.

Mainly playing like this proves that we can fight with RNG.

It would obviously be inappropriate to date Chen Ke at this time.

Chen Ke himself really didn't want to go.

After realizing that this year's MSI was being held in South Korea, Chen Ke suddenly became interested.

He must go to this year's MSI.

When other teams passed by, Chen Ke was worried.

Winning the trophy at home in South Korea, is there anything more wonderful than this?

In addition, Chen Ke knows that the sticks are unhappy with him. The more the sticks are unhappy, the more Chen Ke will do it.

It’s a pity that this year’s MSI quota is still only one per division, and the system will not be changed until S13.

There is only one condition for entering MSI, which is to win the Spring Split.

Just looking at the conditions, it is indeed much more difficult to enter than the World Championship.

Chen Ke feels that it is difficult for the current V5 players to win the championship.

Therefore, Chen Ke will choose to take action when necessary.

If today's match against RNG was the fifth game of the final, then Chen Ke would definitely not be able to sit still.

The problem is that this game is just a competition for a ticket to the finals.

If you lose, you still have a chance to come back.

Even after losing, it doesn't matter if HZ is in the face.

If you get into the finals and just take advantage of me, don't be angry when I come back and show you my face in the finals.

We have played until the last round, and we must let the five of them finish the game.

If the final game can really be won, it will be an improvement for the entire team.

As soon as key matches are won, some teams or players feel transformed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as everyone came down, Toothpaste couldn't help but said: "I can't hold it anymore, Chen Ke, can you help me hold it in the next game?"

It doesn't look like Toothpaste is pretending, it does make me feel sleepy.

Today's game is full, and it is indeed not very friendly to older players.

Especially for things like toothpaste, you use the tactic of keeping the old man awake until he feels sleepy.

No wonder Chen Ke felt that Toothpaste's performance was not quite right in the game just now.

It seems that he is really sleepy.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

Chen Ke was not pretentious, it was inappropriate to take the initiative to apply to play.

But if toothpaste talks, it doesn't matter.

It's okay for him to win today's game. At least everyone will have one less BO5 next.

Don't underestimate the toll a BO5 takes on the players, especially at this stage of the playoffs, when every opponent is difficult to beat.

After the substitution was confirmed, everyone else felt much more relieved.

But no one showed it, and everyone just chatted naturally.

Toothpaste hasn't fallen asleep yet, so he can't make it too obvious.

Seeing that Chen Ke and Toothpaste had discussed it, Aning hurriedly said: "I have to go to the staff to report it."

"By the way, Chen Ke, have you brought your peripherals?"

Prince Ning also gave a warning.

On the contrary, no one talks about their opponent RNG.

"Oh, we also got a reminder from the director that V5 is going to make a substitution in the fifth game."

"Chen Ke will appear instead of Toothpaste."

After getting the news, the colonel quickly informed everyone.

Just now, the three people were still speculating whether there would be a replacement.

Neither Maomao nor Rita thought it would be possible. Only the senior colonel thought that someone might need to be replaced, and he was right.

After his last appearance, it is no longer surprising that Chen Ke moves to the mid lane position.

Chen Ke's appearance made the decisive game more popular.

Everyone thinks that Chen Ke really holds a grudge and gets excited every time he plays RNG.

I haven’t played a game for so long, and it came up again when I was playing RNG.

It seems that they are planning to send RNG into the loser group with their own hands.

If we go to the loser group again, it’s hard to say whether we can reach the finals. I think that after reaching the finals, I will have to face V5 again.

It’s okay not to play in this final.

HZ really didn't dare to speak at this time, even in the fourth game when they easily defeated V5 and evened the score.

They were just happy and didn't dare to do anything arrogant.

Afraid of shouting too loudly, Chen Ke turned around and took action directly.

Unexpectedly, while keeping a low profile, Chen Ke still came out. This was a clear target for RNG.

Once Chen Ke came up, his impact on RNG was huge.

Not to mention strength, BP alone is enough to give RNG a headache.

While they were still in the lounge, RNG learned that Chen Ke was going to play.

But at that time, Zhu Kai didn't say anything about how to adjust BP, and simply gave everyone chicken soup.

When it came time to ask for BP on the stage, the whole team started discussing it.

I feel that there is nothing to target against Chen Ke.

Just follow the normal BP, and Chen Ke can play whatever he likes.

Chen Ke has not played many games at all this season. There are only two small games in total, which is difficult to study.

Basically, most of the players in Rank play the AD position.

No one can figure out Chen Ke's hero pool at all, and they don't know how to target it.

The Kassadin played by Chen Ke last time was very annoying, but he was chosen to deliberately invigorate the Void lineup.

Today, if you give Chen Ke a choice, Chen Ke may not be able to choose it, so basically all the mid lane heroes are released.

V5 is on the red side in this round, so Chen Ke is not in a hurry and is waiting to see what the opponent is going to do.

It can be seen that RNG does not intend to select the mid laner for Xiaohu too early. The popular mid laners on both sides of the game really will not be banned.

However, the red side has a counter position. If this counter position is reserved for Chen Ke, you, Xiaohu, have to play the hero first no matter what.

When he saw Yong En on the fifth floor opposite, Chen Ke couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

If Xiaohu plays Yongen, he can win even if he hangs up online.

"Oh, the card is directly locked!"

However, RNG's mid laner choice on the fifth floor is still surprising.

Card, a hero, is rare nowadays.

Xiaohu is an experienced mid laner, but his cards are really average. Thinking about it carefully, he seems to have no impression at all.

In the decisive game, a hero who is not very common was forced out. It is impossible for you to say that you are unprepared.

There is a high probability that this is a tactic prepared by RNG.

In short, it is to make Xiaohu move.

Of course, after selecting this hero, the colonel also bluntly said: "The card does have strong roaming support capabilities, but this hero is prone to trouble in the lane."

The colonel's intention is also very clear, in case Chen Ke comes up with the kind of hero who can fight in the line.

It’s hard to say whether your card can survive to level six. Chen Ke’s operation is there after all.

"Let's see what V5 will choose for Chen Ke."

The colonel suggested: "I feel that Galio's kind is unlikely. If it doesn't work, just Silas."


Many heroes were discussed, and Enchantress and Syndra were also considered. It seemed that the question of whether Chen Ke could do it or not was not considered at all.

Chen Ke seemed to have thought about it a long time ago. The coach didn't give any advice. It was obvious that Chen Ke could play whatever he wanted.

Chen Ke was not polite when time was limited and simply asked Wink to choose a hero for him.

Wink said unexpectedly: "Is it true, you have secretly practiced this hero?"

"It's okay, take it out and play with it."

After Chen Ke nodded, Wink took a while to find the hero.

"Warning, warning, who are you calling the little man?"

Mid laner Rambo, here he comes!


PS: The third update of 10,000 words has been completed. Please vote for me. I will show you the red temperature directly tomorrow!

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