Chapter 382: I am among you, and you are among me~

“How is my skin?”

After entering the game, Chen Ke directly sent everyone a message to his brother.

The two people just interacted.

If you look at the player's first-person perspective, no matter which of the ten people on the field is the first-person perspective, you can see the chat history of the two people.

My brother quickly replied: "Yes, it's better than the original leather!"

Chen Ke was stunned for a moment.

It sounds like you're bragging, but why does it feel like you're not bragging?

There are even suspicions of attacking others.

Chen Ke continued to joke: "Then you are playing Vayne, why don't you write an application for me?"

elder brother:"??."

After seeing two question marks plus a period, Chen Ke didn't reply because his brother walked up to him at this time.

Chen Ke was still standing in the middle, and his brother walked straight over.

Emphasis on trust, knowing that Chen Ke will not hit him.

Chen Ke also took a step forward. When the left hand next to him saw this scene, he consciously left the middle.

I feel a little redundant.

The two people faced each other and seemed very close to each other.

Then using their respective skins, almost at the same time, pressing Return to City began to display animation effects and signatures.

The two of them played the same scene last year, but they used their own skins at that time.

Now that I'm using the other person's, it seems even more different.

It's just that last year, Chen Ke still had Lucian's skin, and this year he has another one.

On the other hand, my brother still has Kai'Sa's skin.

But if you think about it carefully, if a professional player can have his own skin in this life, he will leave something behind.

I am worthy of my efforts over the years.

The kind of person with multiple skins, to be honest, most people would never dare to think about it.

Not long after, the two people stopped interacting.

Chen Ke was okay, but his brother was going to the bottom lane, so naturally he couldn't drag himself too much.

When his brother left, Chen Ke realized something.

My damn brother seems to be the first person to show off his Vayne skin in a professional arena.

The main hero, Vayne, may be quite a few in the rankings. Recently, the popularity of these two heroes in the national server, Jace and Vayne, is quite good.

But in the game, Vayne is really unplayable for the time being.

At least so far in the LPL spring playoffs this year, Vayne has not come out once.

Even Chen Ke himself has never used it. The main reason is that he plays too little.

This is his second small game in the playoffs. Besides, in the middle position, it is really inappropriate to choose Vayne. It often depends on the situation.

Chen Ke was a little embarrassed when his brother was chosen today.

Do you want to catch your brother and kill him later?

Chen Ke wanted to kill him in his heart, but the problem was that he was afraid that if he killed too hard, it would affect the sales of his skin.

Before Chen Ke could think about it, the soldiers from both sides came online.

When the laning started, Chen Ke also withdrew his attention and began to immerse himself in the laning.

It's definitely not that easy to line up with the left hand. No matter what you say about the left hand, in terms of operation, he can still rank first among the domestic mid laners today.

But when he met Xiaohu, he was never able to win, and his winning rate was very low, which is also quite puzzling.

Heroes like Kai'Sa are quite rubbish in early laning, especially if you want to play AP Kai'Sa, it may be even worse in the early stage in the middle.

Chen Ke can only try his best to repair every soldier, and then try not to let the opponent Zoe touch him.

Zoe, who was taking Ai Li, would still be in pain even if she got hit by him.

Chen Ke started to go out with the long sword and three reds, also trying to save his health.

In the early stage online, as long as it can develop, it's easy to say, but AP Kai'Sa still has to wait for W to evolve before it can be played, which is disgusting.

Chen Ke really doesn't have problems in laning here, and his personal ability lies here.

Even if the left hand wants to consume, there is no good way to take Chen Ke.

In the process of exchanging blood, the two people also had their own victories and defeats. Chen Ke always had the better blood volume because he had more blood medicine.

The stable laning reached level six, and both of them had gone home once before.

At level six, Zoe may be more comfortable.

After Zoe reaches level 6, she can use her R skill to better attack and deal damage.

However, R goes up to pull flying stars, or throws bubbles.

When the distance is closer, the hit rate will always increase.

After Kai'Sa has her ultimate move, she also has the ability to cooperate with her teammates on entering the field.

At the same time, if the angle of this ultimate move is adjusted well, there is no big problem in using it to escape.

Kai'Sa's steady development rhythm seems good, but if Chen Ke continues at this pace, Chen Ke will definitely not be satisfied.

Because Kai'Sa is too hungry for equipment, she can't produce AP equipment at the beginning of AP. She has to do magic cut first, otherwise it will be difficult to line up.

After completing the magic cut, you can use AP equipment to evolve the W skill. If it develops normally, this will take 15 minutes.

Fortunately, both sides soon gathered at the vanguard, preparing to compete for the vanguard.

Both lineups look like they have a chance at this point in time.

Less than half a minute of pulling, the 369 stone man forcefully knocked him out.

When the stone man enlarges his moves, he must be decisive.

If you see an opportunity, take it.

At the same time, I can't be too greedy. I always think about finding a good opportunity to bump into four or five people at once.

With less than three people, my ultimate move is a waste.

Generally, those who have this idea, if they pull the OB on the edge for a while and then open the big position, there is a high probability that it will be empty.

There is also a certain probability that when you see something is wrong, you can just run away with a big move.

369 Stoneman has been practicing for a while, and he obviously has his own understanding of the release of his ultimate move.

When the left hand R came up to pull the flying star to consume, the stone man found the right opportunity and flashed into it.

To deal with a hero like Zoe, just focus on the placement of his ultimate move.

This hero is not like Zed, who can choose whether to go back or not. As long as he goes out with R, he must go to the original position.

Including this auxiliary female tank, it is also a bit of a counterattack against Zoe.

Zoe, it won’t work if you don’t come up to fight. This hero doesn’t dare to poke, so why is there really any need to play?

The key is to come up with R. The female tank can just give her a big move at the right spot.

This wave of Wink's ultimate moves quickly followed up, directly controlling the opponent's left hand and Mark.

The team battle started instantly, and King Ning's bear also rushed in.

Chen Ke and the Lantern Emperor distanced themselves slightly, and both of them caught up with their output immediately.

On the opposite side, the Barbarian King and Centaur rushed to V5's double C immediately.

But Chen Ke and Deng Huang are really not afraid of being charged. Xia has a big move.

Chen Ke can also use his ultimate move to fly in directly and deal damage with his teammates. Instead, he opens up his position and makes it difficult for the opponent to attack.

The left hand was unlucky. Even with the hand flashing, it still couldn't withstand the full impact of V5.

Control after control, unable to move at all.

Even though the stone man is made of flesh, when all the damage is done to one body, it is still not low.

Coupled with King Ning's damage, Chen Ke easily took away Zoe's head after entering the field.

The familiar first blood is obtained!

The subsequent team battle was chaotic, with Chen Ke's Kai'Sa doing limited damage and not performing any amazing moves.

On the contrary, the Damp King acted calmly and calmly when facing the two slightly brainless heroes, Barbarian King and Centaur.

First, he used his ultimate move to dodge the Centaur's ultimate move, and Chen Ke flew away first, resulting in Xiaotian's ultimate move being similar to Kong Da's.

After landing, he adjusted the angle and performed another beautiful E flash, which at the same time shortened the distance with his teammates.

Feathers all over the ground rose up from the ground, controlling all of Taobo Ueno, buying himself and his teammates a lot of time.

After Zoe fell, Taobo still had to rely on the jungle to deal damage in this team battle.

Vayne is still a little weak at this point in time.

It's just that the Centaur and the Barbarian King are not that easy to deal with, especially since the Barbarian King's ultimate move is still in hand.

In addition, my brother's position at this time was not very good. He was close to the edge of the dragon pit and relatively close to Chen Ke and the others.

Fortunately, my brother reacted in time and released the control of the female tank with a purge. This purge was pressed quickly and in time, which made people feel a bit strange.

When my brother pressed Purify too fast in the past, he might have pressed Purify in advance before the control could reach his body.

Chen Ke wanted to follow the DPS immediately, but the Titan's ultimate move was used on him, which gave his brother a slight reprieve and he didn't have to hand over the flash immediately.

When Chen Ke was knocked away, the control of the men, horses and the Barbarian King was released.

As soon as the two people entered the scene, the situation became even more chaotic.

What made Chen Ke a little annoyed was that both of them came to attack Chen Ke.

Obviously, the Damp Emperor's HP was lower at this time, and it looked easier to kill before he could dodge, but in the end, they all came to attack Chen Ke.

Especially after the Barbarian King gave him a call, Chen Ke's movements were now slow and stiff, and his movements were not smooth.

With his teammates temporarily in a skill vacuum, Chen Ke felt a little uncomfortable being touched by these two people.

The blood volume is dropping crazily.

In desperation, Chen Ke tried his best to stand against the wall and pressed out with a flash.

It was a very thick wall, but fortunately Chen Ke passed it very quickly.

If this flash hit the wall, the other party would probably be able to accept the head while laughing.

"Oh my god, the Barbarian King and Centaur are so good at fighting. I feel like giving a lot of V5's skills to Zoe is a bit irrational."

"Ka'Sa is in danger now. Fortunately, she dodgeed through the wall."

"The Barbarian King's flash did not turn well. The men and horses were running at a fast pace. It seems that no one can keep up."

"Oops, Vayne also dodges!"


The three commentators were talking to each other at a faster and faster pace when suddenly the colonel exclaimed.

I thought that Chen Ke's life would be saved by this flash, but his brother ended up in trouble.

The initial interaction was very cordial, and he showed no mercy when the opportunity arose.

I finally managed to kill Chen Ke once. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this opportunity?


The original position was still fiercely fighting, but the director's camera had already shown him behind the wall of the Dalong Pit. Obviously, the director also wanted to see the two people's PK in the Imperial City.

The location where my brother flashed was easier and the wall was not that thick.

The first time he came up, Chen Ke was pressed against the wall.

The elder brother's E skill had already improved, and a heavy crossbow nailed Chen Ke to the wall.

Fortunately, Chen Ke has Purification. When a hero like Kai'Sa faces Zoe and Centaur, it is very necessary to bring Purification.

Chen Ke's purification speed was even faster.

As soon as his brother's first flat A hit was released, Chen Ke got rid of the stun effect.

Without flash, it is already difficult to escape. Chen Ke can only try his best to deal damage and switch with the opponent.

With my brother's blood volume, it seems like he really has a chance.

Compared with Kai'Sa, Vayne's burst damage at this point is still a bit behind.

Chen Ke's flat A and Q skills all hit his brother.

At the moment when he was about to fall to the ground, the [Void Enemy Seeker] in Chen Ke's hand flew out.

Almost at the same moment, both men fell down.

No one took advantage, just exchange heads!

"Both of them fell. This wave is for one. I think it is acceptable to both of them."

"It's true, this wave is really the limit!"

"Chen Ke purifies too fast. It feels like it won't be replaced if it's a little slower."


If both of them died, for some reason, the fans on both sides would feel relieved.

When my brother flashed up, fans felt that he was a little impulsive with his blood volume.

But Chen Ke's fans were also shocked at that moment, thinking that his brother was going to rebel.

If two people are replaced, it will be equivalent to a tie, and we have to look further.

Both of them are big cores in the late stage who eat equipment. They can also accept the exchange of heads. At least they speed up the formation of equipment.

As for who is more powerful after taking shape, this depends on performance.

It's just that the director was a little weird at this time, and the camera zoomed in to show two corpses on the ground.

Falling together, there is me among you, and you among me.

It was a normal scene in itself. The two people were too close when they were fighting.

But when the director did this, everyone felt that something was weird.


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