He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 384 Shocked, he was actually laughing! (asking for monthly ticket)

"Oh, the game looks great now."

"Indeed, V5's continuous substitutions are a bit surprising."

"This is probably the first time we've seen this lineup this year."

"From the cheers of the audience, I can already hear how much everyone is looking forward to it."

"Let's enjoy this game!"


The commentators were as excited as the audience.

The meaning behind the words was as if the next game was the last game.

It's just that it's hard to be too straightforward on stage.

When Chen Ke returned to the AD position, everyone felt that that was the strongest Chen Ke.

Although Chen Ke's performance in the middle is as good as ever, everyone can't help but have a filter for Chen Ke.

This is also a normal phenomenon, after all, the two world champions were won in the AD position.

This year I didn't explicitly say that I changed my position, and I played more of a free agent role.

But Chen Ke did not play a few games in the middle, so maybe the impression he left was not very deep.

There is another main reason why fans are so excited.

After half a year, we finally saw the championship team unite again. This was the first time since last year’s World Championship finals.

This year Chen Ke went to the commentator's desk and basically didn't play in the game.

The next two times I came up, I played in the middle.

As long as the Lantern Emperor is here, it has never been a championship lineup.

If the championship lineup can win another cup, even the LPL championship trophy, it will satisfy the wishes of many fans.

It is really not an easy task for the championship lineup to win the trophy again.

"What should I say? Do you want to ban the hero Draven?"

For Tao Bo, there was no time to think about why Chen Ke suddenly returned to the AD position.

Chen Ke can do anything anyway, and the rules do allow him to do so.

As soon as they learned the news, the entire Taobo team had to discuss BP again.

Chen Ke's return to the bottom lane will have a huge impact on BP.

What is more surprising is that the biggest problem turns out to be Draven.

Draven is not a popular AD, but in Chen Ke's hands, he is the only one.

Chen Ke goes to the bottom lane to play, and there is a high probability that he will pay for this hero.

At the same time, there is a small chance that Vayne will be chosen to show off her skin.

With Chen Ke's character, everyone in Taobo felt that these were the only two choices.

What's bothering me most now is the lack of seats.

Even if Taobo has the priority to choose the side after losing, he can still choose the blue side in the fourth game, but the pressure on the side is still quite high.

Bandlevin was okay in the second round, but I was afraid that Chen Ke would be selected in the first round.

With Chen Ke's character, it is not unheard of for him to do such a thing in previous games.

"Or if it doesn't work out, we can play Draven first. I guess if they choose, it will most likely be their third choice."

Bai Yueya once again gave a suggestion. It would be a good idea to replace Ban.

Anyway, my brother's Draven is okay, if he's not good enough.

Previously, V5 would not ban the hero Draven.

When my brother heard this, he immediately shook his head and said: "It's too risky to take Draven first. If he chooses one to target me, it will be difficult for me to fight in the bottom lane."

They are all his teammates, and my brother is no longer pretending.

The bottom lane itself can't beat Chen Ke, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

After losing so many times, if you still pretend at this time, it will inevitably make people feel a little disgusting.

The elder brother continued: "If I think it won't work, let it go. If he chooses Draven, I will choose Bomberman to stay in the bottom lane, as long as they don't pick robots together."

"Okay, let's see what happens on the other side later."

This suggestion from her brother actually made Bai Yueyue nod.

The hero Draven's suppression power is indeed terrifying, but if he really messes up the lane in the early stage, it will be the same thing later in the group fight.

Instead, he was more worried about Chen Ke getting late-stage cores like Xia, Jinx, and Yue Nan.

Anyone who has played in this kind of matchup knows that Draven is really not that easy to fight against Bomber.

Unless there is something wrong with Bomber's own thinking, it will be difficult for you to break through him.

Soon, both sides came to their respective seats.

The moment you put on the headphones, you immediately enter the game state.

From a BP perspective, Taobo's first three moves are a little surprising.

During the discussion before the game, many people felt that Taobo was going to take down Delevingne in this round.

What is surprising is that not only Draven was released, but also basically all popular heroes were released.

Taobo just banned Kai'Sa, and this hero is not yet a popular AD.

I guess he was a little worried that if Chen Ke didn't have a good time in the first game, he would have another AP Kai'Sa in this game, and no one would be able to withstand him in the mid-game.

I would rather be defeated head-on than be tortured to death.

Once the bans are over, both sides select people.

After Chen Ke thought about it, he felt that the opponent was testing whether he dared to take Draven.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

"Here comes Chen Ke's Draven!"

"To be honest, I really guessed this. I just don't know why Taobo didn't ban it."

"I think Taobo either thinks that V5 will not pick in the first round, or they have a way to deal with it."


When the commentary first started discussing, the cheers from the entire scene were a bit scary.

When the final comes to a stadium with thousands of people like this, the cheers are really shocking when there are more people.

Today I can see the championship lineup again, and I can also see Chen Ke's Draven. This final is really worth it.

For fans who came to the scene, this feeling was even stronger.

The only regret is that during the second round of banning, the Wink robot was knocked down by the opponent.

Mainly in the current version, the priority of the middle and jungle is relatively high. Choosing two heroes for the bottom lane in the first three hands will make the upper, middle and jungle somewhat uncomfortable.

In addition, the hero Robot was only made famous by V5's bot lane, but it's really not that important.

The lineups of both sides were selected, and they quickly entered the game amidst the cheers of the audience.

A large number of V5 fans are looking forward to what the bottom lane will be like in this game.

But Taobo fans are a little afraid to speak.

Among TaoBo fans, team fans or other people’s fans are only a small part.

Most of them are brother fans.

After watching the last game, Brother fans caught the mid laner and sprayed him.

In this game, when Chen Ke went to the bottom lane and got Draven, his voice suddenly became much quieter.

If my brother was beaten violently in this round, whatever he said in the previous round, all the boomerangs would be able to reach him.

The director's shots also showed the bottom lane many times, but in fact there wasn't much to watch.

If you get a hero like Bomberman, you are destined not to fight head-on with the opponent's bottom lane.

My brother basically focuses on defense.

The biggest highlight of this game is to see how V5 tears a hole in Taobo's bottom lane.

If the lane cannot open a gap, the midfielder will have to come down to help.

If you choose a hero like Draven, it is impossible for you to ignore him at all in the early stage.

Chen Ke really wanted to talk about it. Even if he had a good relationship with his brother, it would not delay Chen Ke from killing him in the game.

What's more, the relationship is not that good yet.

It's a pity that my brother is too stable, which can be seen from the previous games.

My brother is in pretty good shape today, or in recent times, since the playoffs started.

If you really want to be sleazy when playing Bomberman, it's really not that easy to find opportunities to kill him online.

What's more, Tao Bo's support also chose Tahm Kench.

Bomberman paired with Tahm is a bit abstract no matter how you look at it, but Tahm is a hero that is very suitable for Taobao.

Mark is more like an old Tam, so there is no problem with his proficiency.

It's hard to move in the early stage. In the later stage, Wink Titan has a big move which is an opportunity, but the opponent is really guarding under the tower.

With Bomberman's ultimate move to clear the line and Tahm's ultimate move to protect, it is still difficult to kill these two people.

Chen Ke was basically passive the whole time.

It is true that the line power has always been controlled, but nothing substantial can be obtained.

It really doesn't matter if a hero like Draven does a few CS, he still has to get kills in the early stage.

Taobao played smarter and did not come to catch Chen Ke in the bottom lane.

Knowing that coming down from the jungle would give Chen Ke a chance, he simply ignored the bottom lane.

When playing 2 vs 2 in the bottom lane, just hide under the tower without giving the Titan a chance to hook.

Staying under the tower, Titan didn't dare to take the bait casually.

The nature of the hook is different from that of the robot. If the Titan's hook is hit, Bomberman will use another W to bounce the person in, but he is betraying himself.

On V5's side, whenever the middle lane disappears, the two players in Taobo's bottom lane will quickly pull back.

The bomber can even clear the troops from a distance, so that you can't see me at all.

As soon as I reached level 6, something went wrong first on the road.

Xiaotian's bear went up and forcibly captured Brother 9's Kenan.

This is the second time it has come up. There was a wave at level 4, where Kennen flashed.

This wave of Dahuang's anger was equally well controlled.

After he was full of anger, he flashed up in the next second and slapped Kenan back.

Kennen, who had no ultimate move, was shot back and had no resistance at all.

The damage of Gnar + Bear is enough to kill one Kennen.

Rhubarb's Gnar scored first blood, which made Taobo fans extremely excited.

Although Rhubarb's condition seems to be a bit poor today, they still believe in Rhubarb at the moment.

The Gnar given to him gave him an advantage. Even if he hit the back, even with a single belt, it would cause a headache for V5.

Another comforting point is that they got the first blood through Tao Bo.

If Chen Ke got first blood again, the game wouldn't have to continue.

Fortunately, this time point is a little early, and Pioneer V5 can still catch up.

Chen Ke took time to go home. After replenishing his equipment, he went directly to the river in the upper half of the area.

"The V5 bot lane duo took the lead in taking action. I feel like Chen Ke can hardly bear it any longer. It's really frustrating to play against Bomberman in the lane."

"This wave of pioneers can let him show off."

"But looking at Taobao's movements, he doesn't seem to be ready to fight."


The colonel was warming up for the next wave of team battles, but found that Tao Bo's actions were not quite right.

Everyone is working on the vision of the river in the upper half of the area, but your wild jungler has also gone to the lower half to clear the jungle.

Obviously he is not ready to take this pioneer.

Miller was also slightly disappointed and couldn't help but said: "Taobo should be giving up. He has no intention of coming over."

"But let's face it, they did a pretty good job of avoiding battle this round."

"Even if we have to fight, I will choose to fight when you, Draven, are not around. I will let you go when Draven comes."

"It's really hard for Delevingne to be unable to withdraw the money."


Everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with Taobo simply giving up.

Even though Kennen's ultimate move was used just now, it still had a considerable impact on the teamfight on V5's side.

But Taobo's top laner also has no ultimate move, and Gnar has just finished the sage time.

There is no anger in his body, and it will take some time to grow bigger at this time.

In addition, the combat effectiveness of the two sides in the bottom lane is too different, and Taobo's side is mainly afraid of Chen Ke's Draven.

There is no problem if you choose to let go of the vanguard.

Anyway, they gained an advantage on the road, so they won't feel a loss if they let go of this pioneer.

My brother simply didn’t come to the top half and went directly to the bottom lane to make up for his growth.

If Chen Ke came slower, he might be able to touch a layer of the tower skin. The bomber pushed the tower very quickly.

Surprisingly, the vanguard hadn't finished fighting yet, but Kennen teleported to the bottom lane.

The second brother couldn't help but wonder: "Whose teleportation is this? How come it was Kenan who teleported it?"

"This is a layer of tart crust that I don't want to give to the bomber."

"But if this happens, won't we have to change the line? Draven will definitely go on the road."

The colonel speculated: "Maybe it's because I feel that the bottom lane can't produce anything in the lane, so I have to force Draven to suppress Gnar's development."

"Nar got first blood. If he continues to develop smoothly, when the Shipbreaker comes out later, the pressure on the V5 side will be very great."

"Indeed, there is nothing good that Kennen can do against Naar the Shipbreaker."


When the pioneer died, Chen Ke did turn around and hit the road.

But an incomprehensible picture appeared again. Chen Ke went to the top, but Wink's Titan moved to the lower half.

Logically speaking, it wouldn't be much of a problem for Kenan to keep an eye on the bottom lane alone.

Bomberman is not in great danger, and Tam lacks the means to strike first. He can withstand it by himself.

Why would Wink run when there was little pressure?

In this case, wouldn't Chen Ke be alone on the road? How could he ask King Ning to come over and push a tower?


After Chen Ke came up, Dahuang directly gave Chen Ke a weak blast.

This person really likes to highlight signs, and often he will do so out of nowhere.

Of course, he's playing pretty well at this stage, so no one talks too much about it.

Chen Ke didn't show any weakness at all, and directly showed RNG.

You call me weak and I call you trash, which is reasonable.

Chen Ke kept making up for his damage, and his passive was still rising.

The fight was a little too strong, so Dahuang could only retreat.

At this time, Taobo's upper half field of vision was average, and Dahuang was unsure of Wink's position.

He just likes to pretend, he is not stupid, he is afraid that Chen Ke is deliberately fishing.

However, as he was playing, he found that Titan appeared in the bottom lane, and Rhubarb became active.

He started talking to Chen Ke, and now he has good first-blood equipment.

The level is also higher than that of Chen Ke, so he is more confident and is really not afraid of one-on-one fights.

However, he didn't dare to be too pretentious. He just used Flash in conjunction with the jungler to kill Kennen.

Without flashing, I know I can't use E skill casually.

I just occasionally look for opportunities to throw a boomerang at Chen Ke, and then show my mark.

Chen Ke ignored him and found an opportunity to speed up and slash him.

After entering Chen Ke's attack range, Dahuang did not dare to fight Chen Ke for damage.

He jumped back and wanted to leave.


Chen Ke's E was too fast, and the timing was just right to interrupt Gnar's jump.

While interrupting, take action with your ultimate move!

Go forward and pick up the axe, press W again to speed up and get closer to Gnar.

After three straight A hits on his body, Gnar was already a bit overwhelmed.

In order to face Kenan, the first thing he bought was mercury shoes.

This equipment would be a big disadvantage against Draven.

Chen Ke only has straw sandals on him, but with W's acceleration, his movement speed is completely sufficient.


He chased all the way into the defense tower and chopped twice more, and directly took the head before Gnar grew bigger.

After taking two hits from the defense tower, before the third attack from the defense tower landed, Chen Ke flashed and took away the aggro from the defense tower.

As soon as Chen Ke got the head, the scene almost exploded.

When Taobo fans were so angry that they wanted to curse, the camera showed Dahuang.

After discovering that Dahuang gave Draven a head, he was still grinning, with all his big white teeth exposed.

Fans were immediately furious.

There were already girls at the scene scolding: "Why are you laughing at Biyang's stuff?"


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