He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 396 Radisson and folks, please cheer for me, cheer for me!

"Look at the Lantern Emperor, look at the Lantern Emperor!"

For the first time, no one in the V5 team said anything.

Everyone has been fully committed to the team battle.

The follow-up personnel of T1 were just like the previous one, choosing to rush forward against the strong wind and the slightly aggressive position of the Lantern Emperor.

Everyone on the V5 side also leaned over. When playing in a team, it is indeed the AD position that will receive the most protection from teammates.

As a result, no one cares about Chen Ke. Even if Chen Ke doesn't flash, he still has the effect of swimming dragon in the team battle.

W is turning very fast now, and T1 doesn't have any serious damage equipment.

Chen Ke was crazy about sucking blood and dealing damage in team battles, and he seemed unstoppable.

In the team fight with the second dragon in the game, T1 was directly wiped out. This was very surprising.

It’s hard to see team fights being so intense at this point in time.

T1 was simply a little anxious when they saw the policewoman being beaten, but when the fight started, they found it difficult to leave.

"Made, what was the AD on the other side doing just now? Everyone was dumbfounded."

"Reverse E, really do it."

"After he plays the game today, he won't be able to leave this venue, right?"

"Chen Ke can walk out, so he probably won't have a big problem."


After the team battle, everyone in V5 was in a good mood after winning a great victory.

Obviously everyone knows that there is no suspense after this wave of games.

At this time, people were also discussing what little Lu Bu did just now.

For any professional player, it would be an unbelievable performance, and it would be completely impossible to wash it off.

When discussing little Lu Bu, I didn't forget to poke fun at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke just smiled and said nothing more.

As the first person involved, Chen Ke had to admit that he was shocked when he saw what little Lu Bu did.

It's not surprising after thinking about it. Chen Ke doesn't think it's because of how much psychological pressure he has.

It's just that this guy has been in bad shape lately.

In Chen Ke's impression, before the start of this year's MSI, T1's bottom lane was also very popular.

The main reason is that their record in the LCK this spring is so great that they are almost unique.

T1's bottom lane is also the only one that exists, and it has even done various scientific research, such as Jhin support and female police support.

To be honest, being able to select that kind of support is called scientific research to put it nicely.

In fact, I feel that there is no pressure to hit the opponent, so I just take it out and play.

The reason why the coach acquiesced was probably because he wanted other teams to take a look, which would inadvertently increase everyone's pressure.

When it comes to the World Championship, I won't choose those supports at all.

With such a strong dominance in the LCK, it is normal to be praised before the game.

But this year's MSI did not play well, and was defeated by the bottom lane of the wild card team.

In a bad state, any kind of honey operation is possible.

King Ning beat Xiaolong alone, while Chen Ke and the others led the line to push down the tower.

King Ning was focused on by the opponent just now, but as long as the hero Monkey is not instantly defeated.

Pulling out the last fake body can still save your life.

The first tower in the middle lane and the first tower in the bottom lane were all removed. After this wave of battles, V5 earned far more than it seemed.

Looking at the scene again, it is really quiet now.

From just now to now, there has been no sound for a long time.

It was in stark contrast to when the game first started.

Domestic fans at the scene were quite excited, but the number was a bit small.

Despite being very far behind, T1 still did not give up.

Under the instigation of nightmare, he is still looking for opportunities.

But their lineup, as a whole, is still difficult to find a rhythm in a disadvantageous situation.

The only ones he could rely on seemed to be Fox and Nightmare, and Nightmare still took so long to make a big move.

The policewoman who had a smooth start has now entered an embarrassing period.

There is no way to push the tower, and the damage cannot be dealt. It requires a long development period to replenish equipment.

T1 may also know that delaying it will not do them any good.

When these two heroes, Sylas and Aphelios, develop, their damage is so explosive that a female police officer cannot compare.

When it was time to fight Xiaolong, T1 was still quite active.

There was no intention of dragging it down at all, and it looked like it was about to speed up.

This style of play is very un-LCK.

I guess I saw that 15 minutes had passed long ago. Anyway, it would not break their record for the fastest loss in a game.

Seeing that it is difficult to comeback in this game, it is better to fight with the opponent more, which can be regarded as a way to find opportunities.

When the third dragon was refreshed, T1 arrived at the dragon on time.

They want to fight, and V5 is naturally happy to see them.

As soon as the team battle started, King Ning charged very hard.

This time there are enough ultimate moves on both sides, all ten ultimate moves are available.

When King Ning rushed in, Nightmare turned off the lights in time, making it difficult for the others in V5 to keep up with the damage immediately.

At the same time, Nightmare also rushed in, relying on the stopwatch he had on his body, both sides were rushing towards each other's back row.

If you want to rush at T1, you can only rush at the Damp King.

Chen Ke, this Silas, couldn't beat him if he really rushed over.

And he also has a stopwatch on him, so it will be difficult for two or three people to kill him.

Once a team battle begins, the ADs on both sides basically focus on saving lives.

There is no time to deal with output, only those who are alive are worthy of output.

Little Lu Bu's operation was much more stable this time. When King Ning rushed in, he flashed directly into the dragon pit.

Then he pressed the E skill against the wall and pulled it out, which made V5 somewhat unexpected.

When we arrived at the dragon pit, it was really hard to touch him for a while.

But at this time, the policewoman is equivalent to an outsider and cannot produce any output.

At most, you can use your ultimate sniper shot from a distance. If you can block bullets, the effect is not great.

Little Lu Bu didn't even dare to do some damage with his ultimate move.

He was afraid that if he crouched on top of the dragon pit without moving and zoomed in, his position would be exposed to the opponent.

Chen Ke was also walking into Xiaolong Pit, but he did not join the battle group.

The female police officer is not here at this time. In fact, it is easy for everyone to win in a normal five-on-four game.

Chen Ke came here specifically to find little Lu Bu.

When E reached the wall, he threw a second stage E skill out of the wall in his blind vision.

Chen Ke still had a flash on his body, but he didn't directly flash over the wall.


What is surprising is that this second section of chain actually pulled the policewoman directly.

As long as you are touched by Chen Ke, don't even think about leaving.

Nothing was done again, and the person was gone in two seconds.

Chen Ke still had the ultimate move of Nightmare in his hand. After killing Xiao Lu Bu alone, Chen Ke flew back to the main battlefield with his ultimate move.

Even if Chen Ke is not here this time, his teammates seem to be able to win if they fight four on four.

As soon as Chen Ke flew over, it was equivalent to speeding up the team battle process.

After the game was over, there was still no way for the game to take off, but it was no different than it was over. It was just a question of how many more minutes we could still struggle.

After watching this wave of team battles, many Korean spectators at the scene had already left.

Their expectations for this game are quite high, coupled with T1's status in the hearts of Korean fans.

I never expected that the fight would be like this, with no way to fight back.

After watching this wave of team battles, even the Korean on-site commentators were a little overwhelmed.

If they can't win normally and lose the game, they won't break the defense.

When they knew that Chen Ke was going to play before the game, even the most optimistic Koreans just thought that the game would be a 50-50 draw.

The problem is that there are problems with T1's mental state and fighting spirit in this game.

When lagging behind, it looks like they are looking for opportunities, but in fact they are constantly accelerating the game.

I can't see anything at the operational level at all.

The casters couldn't understand how T1, which was so powerful in the LCK, ended up like this at MSI.

Is the gap between the LCK and LPL champions really that big? This is where Korean commentators are most vulnerable.

Just over twenty minutes later, the game was over.

Dalong got off work right after he got to get off work, and he might not have even checked in his card.

The game was won very easily, but after winning, everyone stood up and even gave high fives to celebrate.

He seems even more excited than winning the LPL Spring Split championship.

It may be due to the defeat of their home team in South Korea, coupled with the public opinion situation these days.

After winning T1, at least they have a favorable wind and don't have to worry about public opinion for the time being.

Many fans don't think so much. As long as they can defeat the Korean team at any time and anywhere, it is something worth celebrating.

Chen Ke and the others didn't stay much, let alone get ready after winning the game. Instead, they went directly to the opposite side to bump fists.

When fist bumping with Chen Ke, Feike's expression was as calm as ever, without any disturbance.

On the other hand, little Lu Bu's hair was messed up and he looked miserable.

I guess he also knew that he would be the first to suffer the consequences after the game.

"Congratulations to V5, for your perfect performance in defeating a strong opponent. As a result, we won two matches on the first day and got a good start."

After the game, the commentators became louder and louder.

When you win the game, you speak with toughness.

After Miller finished speaking, Wawa added: "To be honest, with T1's current state, I don't think it can be considered a strong opponent."

"Of course, I hope they can adjust well."

In order to avoid being liquidated when T1's condition improves, Wawa added another sentence at the end.

At this time, all members of V5 also came to the middle of the stage.

After arriving according to the rules, you have to bow to the audience.

Even his teammates didn't expect that Chen Ke would start causing trouble at this time.

Bowing to Chen Ke was normal, and there were fans from China who supported them anyway.

This bow is for them, thanks to the fans for their support.

But after the bow, Chen Ke did not leave.

Instead, he waved to everyone on the stage.

Both hands were waved, with a smile on his face, as if he had won the championship.

I also went through all the different angles of the stage.

Only some of the audience left early, and most of them stayed.

Really loyal fans, even if they are very disappointed after watching this game, they still want to see the T1 players withdraw.

If it is a home game, even if they lose the game, it is very likely that the people from T1 will come over to say hello to the audience after the people from V5 leave.

As a result, the fans stayed and saw that Chen Ke was disgusting them.

Chen Ke is in high spirits and Chen Ke is radiant.

Chen Ke waved his arms, as if to say: "Ladison and fellow citizens, please cheer for me, please cheer for me."

It's a bit deliberate, but the disgusting effect is equally satisfying.

The Korean fans at the scene really couldn't bear it any longer. In an instant, they left the venue one after another as if a switch had been pressed by Chen Ke.

Some people walked too fast and bumped into each other, causing a little chaos.

His teammates were watching Chen Ke from the side, digging their toes into the ground crazily.

If you keep doing this, you might really get beaten.


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