He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 400 Come on, come on, feed me before you go up! (asking for monthly ticket)

"V5 players make remarks that humiliate South Korea again"

"Forcibly finding reasons for the team's poor condition is a shame among professional players! 》

"It is recommended to expel V5Real players"


Chen Ke stopped broadcasting after he was almost finished having fun. Anyway, it was getting late and he had to rest early.

There is still the last day of competition tomorrow, and the final ranking is almost determined.

However, when I woke up the next morning, Chen Ke was scolded again and was on the hot search list on Korean websites.

It can be said that Chen Ke's complaints this time caused dissatisfaction among a large number of Koreans.

It is no longer limited to the e-sports circle.

You can imagine how angry Koreans get when they hear someone complains about their food, and in such a bad way.

Just be angry if you're angry, what does it have to do with me, Chen Ke.

The angrier you are, the more excited I am.

Seeing the current public opinion situation, Chen Ke felt that losing in yesterday's game was not necessarily all bad.

At least after winning a game, the stickmen became tougher in their speeches.

If they had lost again yesterday and lost to V5 in both matches, I guess the players wouldn't be too lazy to look forward to the next games.

Once you don't care much, your aggression towards Chen Ke will naturally drop a lot.

How can there be such a hot situation now?

The online scolding is indeed lively, but it will not have any impact on Chen Ke.

The e-sports related media here in Bangzi have already written articles suggesting that Chen Ke should be expelled.

Taking advantage of this popular title, it instantly attracted a lot of traffic.

In fact, it is just words and suggestions, and it is impossible to implement them.

It would be a big joke if someone who flaunts his freedom of speech all day long gets punished even if he complains about the bad food.

These off-field rhythms will not affect the normal progress of the game.

On the contrary, many people in other teams are also taking advantage of it, and many players feel that there is nothing wrong with what Chen Ke said.

After coming to Korea, they also felt that they were not used to eating.

Today, V5 has the last two games left, one against the Buffalo team in Vietnam, and one against G2.

Neither of these two opponents is too difficult.

Let’s not talk about the Vietnamese team. If they lose, then they will be out of the queue.

G2, which seems like it can cause some trouble, is actually quite troublesome now.

It was pretty strong at the beginning, but after beating T1, it started to get worse and worse.

Forget it if they lose to North America, even Vietnam can lose.

Fortunately, this team is G2, so it won’t be too surprising to lose to the Vietnam team.

Everyone knows that anyone can win and lose in G2.

As long as they win these two games, V5 will lock in the first place in the competition.

After winning first place, it was a favorable situation for the time being.

Although fans complained about his appearance during the live broadcast yesterday, Chen Ke was still not prepared to appear in these two matches today.

Just leave it to your teammates to handle it.

Even Chen Ke didn't expect that V5 would overturn today.

It's conceivable that Chen Ke can't make it and can't beat T1, but it's really surprising that he hasn't beaten G2.

Even Chen Ke didn't understand.

G2 seems to be playing this game with a mentality of letting themselves go.

On the road, I directly chose a Novo player.

A lineup that looked strange and unconventional was still won by them.

After the game, I guess V5 and the others were a little confused.

Moreover, losing this game will make the Korean audience extremely happy.

Everyone celebrated wildly at the scene. Even if T1 didn't win, they were still very happy.

As long as V5 loses the game, it can celebrate.

Basically, no matter which team is opposite V5, this will become their home court.

Even when the Vietnamese team played V5, the crowd cheered for a long time when they got a head.

T1 also lost to G2 before, and now V5 has also lost, which proves that T1's previous loss seems to be nothing.

The most important thing is that it seems that the two teams will score the same points.

The first place in the competition, which originally seemed to have no suspense, now seems uncertain.

Next, T1 will have a final game against the North American Division EG team.

As long as they win, they will have the same 8-2 record as V5.

Moreover, the two teams each won one match in the match.

In this case, it will be a playoff.

The only way to determine first place without playing extra rounds is for EG to win T1, which seems quite difficult.

As soon as the game was over, the Korean Open was even more excited.

Chen Ke just finished talking bad words last night, and V5 lost again today. In their view, this is retribution.

Chen Ke must be very embarrassed at this time, right?

In fact, Chen Ke didn't think about what happened yesterday at all. If he said it out loud, he would throw water away. There is no point in thinking about it all the time.

Chen Ke was a little excited and said: "Brothers, the bad news now is that our first place in the competition seems to be uncertain."

"But the good news is that there is a high probability that we will have another match with T1."


After losing to T1 last time, I originally thought that the two teams would not meet again until the finals.

If there is one more extra game, it seems to be different.

To take revenge in advance, of course, Chen Ke must go up.

In the last game of the competition, the entire V5 team was watching the game in the lounge.

After watching the whole game, everyone realized that they really couldn't have expectations for the EG team.

He had no ability to fight back against T1 and was easily crushed by them.

It is estimated that this game does not matter to them. Anyway, losing will ensure that they can enter the top four semi-finals. Their desire to win this game is not very strong.

In this way, a playoff is certain.

Who is number one in the competition is in your own hands, it all depends on your ability.

To put it bluntly, being number one in the competition is of little use.

It just gives them the extra power to choose their opponents, ensuring that G2 is left to the second place in the semifinals.

Relatively speaking, among the two European and American teams ranked third and fourth, EG is definitely easier to deal with.

If first and second place really meet again after reaching the finals, this ranking will be of no use.

Side selection for the final is decided by a coin toss.

It is said that it is of little use, but the two teams know without thinking that they must fight for it with all their strength.

The first one sounds better than the second one, plus the relationship between the two teams.

As long as we meet, even if it is a friendly match, we must play very seriously.

"If there's an extra round, Chen Ke, you can play."

When it is determined that a playoff will be played, the roster will be announced to the staff soon.

No matter how you look at this game, Chen Ke is going to win.

After losing to G2, it really affected morale.

If Chen Ke fails to play next, he will encounter T1 who is in excellent condition, and there is a high probability that he will lose again.

If we lose this game again, I can’t imagine what the public opinion will be like.

Not only the Korean network, but everyone in China probably can’t stand it and is going to start complaining.

Chen Ke nodded. He didn't plan to take action today because he didn't expect there would be an extra match.

If he encounters T1 again, Chen Ke will definitely not be able to continue sitting there.

I just finished spraying a lot of hatred yesterday, and if I don't meet it today, even Chen Ke's fans may not be able to stand it.

And given the current atmosphere, I really need to support myself.

As soon as they heard that Chen Ke was going to play, the teammates were all excited.

The toothpaste is all ready to lie down.

Find a comfortable position and sleep while watching the game.

If the game is intense, I will watch it. If the game is slow, I will take a nap and watch it again after waking up.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke suddenly said at this time: "I will take the place of the Deng Emperor in this round. I see that little Lu Bu is smiling quite happily today."

The Lantern Emperor nodded and agreed directly.

It just so happened that he really wanted to see Chen Ke go down the road. He was watching the game from below, so he could observe more carefully.

There is a high probability that I will encounter T1's bot lane in the future. You can first see how Chen Ke does when facing them.

Others didn't have any objections, but began to mourn for little Lu Bu in their hearts.

This guy is probably going to suffer again.

"Okay, I won't talk too much about tactics. Let's BP follow the normal rules and try to focus on the bottom lane."

When he heard that Chen Ke was going up, even Mai Zijian felt much more relaxed.

Aning even took out a bag of bananas and distributed them: "Come on, let's all eat one to replenish our energy. We can eat after the game is over."

Ever since the banana stems came out, there has been no shortage of bananas in the V5 team.

This time is indeed quite late, the extra round starts only after all the games of the day are over.

It's now past 11pm domestic time. At this point in the game, Chen Ke and the others haven't had dinner yet.

Feike's previous words were suspected of being harsh, but it is true that people's attention will be distracted when they are hungry.

Of course, you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, it will also be difficult to concentrate.

Therefore, it is impossible to prepare food for everyone to have a full meal. We can only eat a banana first and then talk about eating after the game.

Chen Ke saw a lot of bananas and suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly grabbed a bunch of bananas and put them into a plastic bag.

He said to the team photographer: "I'll go to T1 to deliver a banana. You can follow me and take a picture."



All the teammates couldn't sit still, and King Ning almost couldn't swallow a mouthful of banana.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke was really going to deliver bananas across the street. It looked like this was no joke.

Chen Ke said that he must do this, and he directly opened the door of the lounge.

It is indeed more convenient to send bananas to the other side at this time.

Unlike in a hotel, we are not on the same floor as the T1 team.

In the lounge of this venue, everyone is face to face. Chen Ke went out and walked two steps to the entrance of the T1 lounge.

There is a Korean sign posted above, which Chen Ke can completely understand.

"Dong dong dong!"

Chen Ke knocked directly on the door with considerable force.

Within two seconds, the door to the T1 lounge was opened.

The person who opened the door should be a staff member from T1, but Chen Ke didn't know him at all anyway.

But this person must know Chen Ke. After seeing Chen Ke, his brain suddenly shut down and he didn't know how this person got here.

Before he could speak, Chen Ke walked in.

He swaggered in and placed the banana directly on the table in the T1 lounge.

At this time, Benji reacted very quickly and directly crossed out the screen on his laptop, so that the linked large screen went black.

Chen Ke must not be allowed to see the tactical content mentioned above.

In fact, Chen Ke didn't bother to look and simply said, "I'll give you some bananas."

The subtext is: "Why don't you just give me more food? Don't say you're hungry again and then blame the banana."

Of course, Chen Ke is speaking in English. I believe everyone can understand "Don't take it".

The fact that he knows Korean cannot be exposed for the time being. If he knew that he knew Korean and entered the T1 lounge, the sticks would probably explode.

It is really wrong to enter the opponent's lounge before the game, and it is not easy to wash.

But as long as he didn't speak any Korean, it would be difficult for Bangzi to falsely accuse him of going in to inquire about tactics.

When everyone in T1 saw Chen Ke coming in, only the head coach, Benji, reacted faster, and everyone else seemed to be possessed by a stone man.

At that moment it seemed like my brain couldn't move.

When he realized what he was doing, Chen Ke had already run away after pretending to be cool, and only Chen Ke's background could be seen.

Everyone else was baffled, only little Lu Bu put on the mask of pain.

He knew that he would face Chen Ke later, which was a sin.

Chen Ke could just send it over anyway. He knew that the people in T1 would definitely not eat that banana.

If you dare to eat something given by your opponent before the game, then you are really awesome.

It is estimated that it may be sent to the staff to handle it, and the matter will be expanded to allow the official to investigate.

But as long as there is nothing wrong with this banana, it will be difficult to cause trouble.

When Fist turned around to investigate, Chen Ke only had to insist that I was just sending some food to the other side. What happened to me expressing my friendliness?

For Chen Ke, it's not like he went in and did it out of nowhere. The people in T1 didn't react at all. Chen Ke couldn't gain any pleasure at all by going in and doing it.

The most important thing is to have someone following you.

When Chen Ke came out, the entire V5 team was standing outside the lounge, fearing that Chen Ke would really get into a fight with the opponent.

I was relieved to see that everything was okay.

Back in the lounge, Chen Ke quickly said: "Hurry up, just edit the video you just took and send it to me."

It didn't take long. After getting a short video, Chen Ke posted it directly on his Weibo.

The accompanying text is relatively simple and not offensive at all: "Banana first, competition second, friendship third~"

As soon as it was posted on Weibo, everyone in the circle was shocked.

The play was so big that even the fun people were a little scared.

Of course, the effect is also explosive.

Chen Ke's action greatly increased the importance of this game.

No one on either side can lose now.

If V5 loses, Chen Ke's behavior of giving bananas will usher in the biggest liquidation in history.

If V5 wins, you can ask Feike, why did you lose again after eating banana this time?


PS: The update of 10,000 words has been completed. It has reached 400 chapters. Let’s celebrate with a monthly ticket. I hope I can finish the book after writing 500 chapters. 嘤嘤嘤~

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