He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 402 Hong Wen can’t even learn, so you trash will die!

"Prince Ning is indeed very spiritual."

When there was silence at the competition site, the senior colonel's voice sounded quite passionate.

I just heard him praise: "Everyone in T1 thinks that King Ning is in the lower half at this time."

"I didn't expect that Prince Ning's wave came out of the river in the upper half of the area."


Anyway, this kind of competition is just a fun thing for the college to watch.

As an LPL host, he must support V5.

Especially when V5 fans are becoming more and more exaggerated, senior colonels will pay more attention to their emotions every time they commentate on V5 games.

You have to be excited when you should be excited, otherwise it will be quite annoying to be stared at and sprayed all the time.

Compared with the big school, the fans are obviously more excited.

There were a lot of jokes on the barrage, and banana stems could be seen everywhere.

In fact, it's not that exaggerated. This time, it was just normal people who didn't pay attention and got caught.

King Ning found a good opportunity, and the same result was achieved by switching to the mid laner.

It's just that this game is quite special, plus Han Za is quarreling with domestic fans.

Most of those who are T1 fans are Feike fans.

Now that something has happened to you, we will definitely mess with your mentality.

Soon the camera was shown to the bottom lane again, and Chen Ke hit Niu Tou with a flat A shot with a headshot.

After reaching the second level, Niutou is already capable of combat.

The problem is Morgana. Morgana must learn E at level 2. It will be difficult for her to hit anyone when she goes up.

It was unlikely that Wink would be able to react.

Unless the jungler comes over, Niutou will not dare to go up twice.

Even if it can push someone up, it seems like it can't beat them.

At such a close distance, Morgana received a Q skill, and the policewoman took the trap and used it.

On the contrary, his own blood volume will be reduced.

You can only remain obscene in the lane, and there is nothing you can do if Chen Ke occasionally finds an opportunity to click twice.

The female police officer's level A distance is right here. It's definitely impossible for you not to be hit the whole time.

If you really want to hold on in the early stage, it will be really difficult for Chen Ke and the others to break through in a simple laning match.

Morgana, the hero, is a lottery-heavy hero just like Robot.

The Q skill only needs to be hit, otherwise it will be difficult to open up the situation.

If the opponent in question is under the tower, Morgana's Q skill will not be too fatal if hit.

It's not like a robot hooking people out directly, it's a guaranteed flash.

Chen Ke didn't seem anxious at all. If I couldn't kill anyone, I would push down the tower.

Every time the army line advances, the defense tower must be clicked several times to ensure the bottom line.

With the policewoman as a hero, the main task is to knock down the tower.

When the bottom lane was at level 6, the opposite jungler couldn't help but finally started moving.

Teacher Big O actually doesn't want to target the bottom lane. If he mainly comes to catch Chen Ke, he himself doesn't have much confidence.

But now the pressure on the bottom lane is too great. If he doesn't come over to take a look, the defense tower in the bottom lane will probably be pushed down by the opponent soon.

It's good that Kai'Sa can just last some damage now, so she doesn't have time to think about defending the tower.

Moreover, the two heroes, Niutou and Kai'Sa, are not very fast at dealing with the troops under the tower.

There is another more important reason. There is a lot of pressure on the middle and jungle fields now.

When everyone has their ultimate move, they can't beat T1 in the middle and jungle.

They plan to let go of this pioneer, and they also know that V5's jungler is in the top half.

If you move down the road at this time, you won't be hit by someone.

Letting the opponent take the vanguard is an unavoidable choice. Everyone knows that giving the female police lineup a vanguard can easily speed up the policewoman's tower push speed.

If we can kill the policewoman once at this time, we can minimize the impact of losing the vanguard.

Teacher Big O's blind man now has a big move on him, and he does have the ability to catch people. He has a chance to cooperate with Niutou.

When the blind man rushed this way, T1 bottom lane also quickly cleared the line of soldiers under the tower.

You can't let the jungler come to capture you when there are so many lines of troops under the tower.

Keria's bull head got into the grass on the line closest to the red square tower.

At this time, he was already planning to take action.

Wink's position has been pressing forward, trying to find an opportunity to release Q, which can be regarded as suppressing Xiao Lu Bu's position.


Chen Ke just took a step forward and wanted to put a clip in the grass. He knew that the cow's head was in the grass.

As a result, before he could release the clip in his hand, the bull's head on the opposite side appeared from the grass, and his movements were so fast that it caught him off guard.

Chen Ke reacted almost subconsciously and pressed Flash.

The two people completed a shuttle back and forth in the air.

Thanks to Chen Ke, if he didn't dodge this time, Wink's shield wouldn't be able to make it in time.

Even if you react, there is still a casting action.

In addition, Wink was positioned forward and there was a certain distance between him and Chen Ke, so it was too late at the first opportunity.

If she was really hit by the bull head, Kaisha would fly directly behind the policewoman.

Instead, they distanced themselves from Morgana, and the two of them could deal damage to Chen Ke while waiting for the jungler to come over.

Fortunately, Chen Ke's reaction was as exaggerated as ever.

Chen Ke flashed in the direction of T1.

It was quite radical, and it almost hit little Lu Bu's face.

With Morgana's shield in this round, and the Bullhead's skill of knocking back, Chen Ke naturally didn't use purification, and chose sprinting as his other summoner skill.

As soon as he hit the ground, he started sprinting.

He started to output towards little Lu Bu. Chen Ke clicked twice, and little Lu Bu turned E to speed up and twist his body.

He was trying to seduce him this time, because his jungler was about to arrive.


Wink's side was relatively stable. A Q skill hit Kai'Sa who was trying to run away.

But little Lu Bu has purification in his body, so this Q skill is not very lethal to him.

This time, his hand speed was very fast and his reaction was no problem.

Purification quickly released Morgana's restraint, leaving Chen Ke unable to connect the clip.

As soon as the clip hit the ground, it was gone and it couldn't be triggered at all.

"This wave has to go, the blind man is coming!"

Tong Xi said in a slightly anxious voice: "There are two people in the bottom lane of V5 now. This position is too deep."


"Wow, Wink..."

Before Tong Xi could even finish her voice, she saw Wink flash forward and speed up to chase Kai'Sa.

This radical action made Tong Xi not even know what to say.

After Morgana's ultimate move is activated, there will be an acceleration, and a chain spurts out from behind and hangs on little Lu Bu.

At this time, Chen Ke used his ultimate move to target little Lu Bu.

The Bull Head skill has been used, and there is no way to interrupt him at this time. Moreover, he and Kai'Sa are in two directions, so there is no way to help block the policewoman's ultimate move.

Little Lu Bu was really going to take the damage from Chen Ke's ultimate move.

The two people in the bottom lane of V5 had very clear ideas, and they naturally saw the blind monk coming.

But when the opponent's jungler came, Chen Ke's first thought was whether he could control the opponent.

Judging from the blood volume, they are better than the two players in the bottom lane of T1. Chen Ke feels that he has a chance this time.

First, suppress Kai'Sa's health, and also use the flash to make Kai'Sa lose her combat effectiveness.

Next, when Kai'Sa does not dare to join the battle casually, Chen Ke can rely on the movement speed bonus provided by sprinting to slowly pull away from the opponent Nosuke.

After Chen Ke finished his big move, he placed a clip behind himself.

The moment Chen Ke released his clip, little Lu Bu pressed his ultimate move and flew up.

The first time I thought about it was to move as far back as possible and get under my own tower. When I found that it didn't work, I immediately pressed the ultimate move.

He still prefers to use his ultimate move instead of flashing.

When Chen Ke was attacking him just now, little Lu Bu also attacked Chen Ke and put plasma on Chen Ke's body, so he could fly big.


Little Lu Bu thought it over and flew over to confront Chen Ke. The policewoman's injury could not kill him immediately.

The blind man is coming soon. If he waits until the blind man comes, the three of them can completely cut off V5's retreat.

If Chen Ke didn't dodge, there was no way he could escape this wave.

But just as he flew over with his ultimate move, he heard a crisp sound, and a dotted line appeared between him and the policewoman.

Little Lu Bu went numb instantly, and he didn't know why he could fly onto the policewoman's clamp.


Chen Ke moved too fast, QE twice in a row.

While retreating with the E skill, the [Peacemaker] in her hand penetrated Kai'Sa's body.

After landing, he connected with two headshots and leveled A, taking little Lu Bu away directly.

By the time Big O came over, no one was there.

Big O even thought about touching it to give him a shield, but he didn't have time.

Once Kai'Sa fell, the bottom lane became 2 vs 2 again, and the nature seemed to have changed.

The blind monk does have all his skills, but Chen Ke's sprinting has continued to increase, and it is difficult for him to touch Chen Ke at this time.

There is also the most critical point, Wink's E skill is always in hand.

As long as this shield is still there, Chen Ke's output will not be interrupted.

Teacher Big O tried a wave of operations. After all the Q skills and everything were empty, T1 Nosuke simply retreated.

He didn't even wait for the Bull Head skill to improve, because Galio disappeared at this time.

When Morgana has a shield, it's difficult to kill someone immediately, as long as they fight.

Galio's support can have a devastating effect.

In addition, Big O does lack some ruthlessness.

Seeing that something was wrong, I thought about running away and pretending that nothing happened.

Anyway, it wasn't him who died.

Little Lu Bu was immediately paralyzed. If he had known this, he would have simply flashed and moved down the tower.

Later, just wait for Nosuke to operate, and then use the ultimate move to fly over to the K head.

Now the flash is still on me, but the person is gone, no matter how I look at it, I will suffer a loss.

"What on earth is little Lu Bu doing? Flying over and stepping on the trap is too much of a chance, isn't it?"

The senior colonel was somewhat unable to hold his nerve.

Looking at MSI now, I can feel that little Lu Bu is really in a state of stretching his hips these days.

But this time, it seems to be a bit of a gift. If you fly, fly. What do you mean by flying on someone else's clip?

All the Korean audience at the scene fell silent.

Tong Xi gave a slight reminder: "It seems that Chen Kecai put the clip behind him just now. I guess little Lu Bu didn't notice it either."

Soon, when the replay was played, everyone realized that this incident was wrongly blamed on Little Lu Bu.

When he was flying, Chen Ke's clip had just fallen, so it was normal that he didn't see it.

What's scary is that Chen Ke's trap seems to have been predicted in advance.

There was a certain amount of luck involved, but little Lu Bu's operation was indeed guessed by him.

This wave, the death is not unjust!

Chen Ke's position is closer to the opponent's defense tower, and T1 Yefu failed to successfully break the line of troops.

Chen Ke pushed the line into the tower and ate another layer of the tower skin before going back.

In the past few minutes of laning, Chen Ke was under so much pressure that he had already eaten a layer of the pie.

Now push one more layer, and there are only three layers of tower skin left in the bottom lane.

I went home and replenished a wave of equipment before going online. The V5 midfielder quickly started moving again.

Xin Zhao and Galio both have all the skills.

When these two people came closer, everyone realized that they hadn't seen V5's classic bottom lane four-pack-two for a long time.

Big O has been wandering around in the lower half for a long time, and now he is farming in the upper half.

At this time, the lower half of T1 is very empty, and no one can come to support at all.

After Feike was caught in the first wave, he has been uncomfortable in the middle.

King Ning made the first move, and with Wink's E skill, Niutou had no way to deal with Xin Zhao.

Little Lu Bu still had flashes, but they were of little use.

In this fatal situation, after Galio's ultimate move landed, little Lu Bu still handed over Flash to struggle.

Not giving Chen Ke his head was his last act of stubbornness.

But if Xin Zhao gets the kill, his life will not be easy.

Once Kai'Sa dies, the cow's head under the tower becomes the meat on the chopping board and cannot escape at all.

King Ning pulled it out first and let Toothpaste go in and carry the tower.

The bull's head used flash in a wave, leaving no room for maneuver. The head was taken by Chen Ke.

"This is a tower-carrying thing. V5 is really skilled at this trick."

"Then King Ning puts a vanguard, and the defensive tower in the bottom lane will be gone."

"With the female police tower pushing system, this game is very comfortable for V5."


Seeing this, everyone knows that this game is almost over.

This was V5's favorite rhythm last year. King Ning got the vanguard and then came down to do a wave.

Whether it is to catch the opponent to death, or to put pressure on the opponent, making the opponent's bot lane afraid to defend the tower.

Basically, the final result is to allow Chen Ke to get the first blood tower.

In this round, Chen Ke was still a female police officer. It was very important to get the first blood tower.

"Don't rush to release the vanguard. I think this bottom lane can be killed later."

At this time, Chen Ke used a red temperature detector to measure little Lu Bu's temperature.

I found that it had reached 90 o'clock and entered the red temperature state.

It became popular not long after the start, and Chen Ke felt that there might be something to play in this game.

I just thought about making another wave. Anyway, the advantage in the early stage is so big, there is no need to rush to push the tower.

If the bottom lane pushes everyone to change lanes and go to the middle lane, to be honest, the pressure on the middle lane is not as great as the bottom lane.

Prince Ning did not force it, and everyone was really relaxed in this situation.

"Hey, won't Prince Ning let the vanguard go?"

"Maybe it's because I feel that if I don't let go of this wave of vanguards, I can push down even the bottom tower."

"It would be nice if the vanguard could be left to hit the middle."


The explanation was quite polite. Everyone who saw this could tell that V5 wanted to raise pigs.

Otherwise, there is no reason not to release the vanguard. There is one tower in the bottom lane of the three-layer tower. After releasing the vanguard, everyone disperses, and Chen Ke can eat a tower at will.

It's a bit reluctant to say that he should stay in the middle to hit the middle. It can help Chen Ke develop quickly and there is no need to grind.

This wave must have been negotiated, and they felt that they might make more money if the bot lane laning continued.

When the equipment was replenished again, Chen Ke's equipment was too far ahead of Kai'Sa.

The bottom lanes on both sides are completely unbalanced, and there is no way to line up.

Keria ran away immediately after being online for a while.

He knew that he had to wander elsewhere to see if there was any chance. He couldn't operate at all if he was always online.

The teams will also become increasingly difficult.

As soon as Niutou left, Wink also left. This was what Chen Ke meant.

He and little Lu Bu were playing slowly in the bottom lane.

Even if Morgana left, little Lu Bu would not dare to come out.

Now the equipment between the two of them was too different, and he couldn't compete with Chen Ke.

He can only wait under the tower for the soldiers to come in, and then Chen Ke pushes the tower and gives him a last hit.

What's even more disgusting is that Chen Ke stopped pushing the line and started grinding there.

Directly cross the line of troops to put pressure, and don't forget to use a weak blast on the head.

When facing foreign competition areas, Chen Ke stopped showing RNG, fearing that they wouldn't understand what it meant.

After all, Xiao Lu Bu's idol is RNG, so in his heart RNG must not be considered garbage.

Little Lu Bu just swallowed his anger. No matter how much Chen Ke tried to talk, there was nothing he could do.

Chen Ke had been observing the red temperature value and found that there was nothing he could do despite this.

I got stuck on the number 90.

Seeing that the blue square artillery soldier was about to lose its health, little Lu Bu adjusted his angle slightly and hit it with a W skill.

It doesn't matter if other soldiers are missed, this artillery soldier must try to make up for it.

However, this action seemed to be seen through by Chen Ke. Chen Ke stood forward and blocked the W skill with his body.

Little Lu Bu could only watch the artillery soldiers being taken over by his own soldiers.

This is indeed a bit confusing, but Chen Ke took a look at the red temperature value.

It was found that it fell instead of rising, and suddenly fell to 85 points.

What does this mean? The missed artillery carriage became the straw that broke the camel's back, and this thing was put on display instead?

Chen Ke's hard-earned expectations were once again disappointed.

In anger, he simply chose to take action.

After hitting the minion with A, use the reverse E skill to pull yourself forward.

Then Guangfeng came to the opponent's defense tower and hit Kai'Sa with a flat A.


Little Lu Bu realized something was wrong, and quickly pressed the E skill to accelerate and twist back, but Chen Ke's Q skill still hit the target steadily.

After using the Q skill, little Lu Bu was left with little health. Before Wink left, little Lu Bu was tortured by him, so his health was naturally not full.

Chen Ke simply pressed his ultimate move, and the damage was completely sufficient.

A sniper bullet took away little Lu Bu and completed a single kill!

Chen Ke was still a little unhappy after getting a kill this time.

I haven't learned anything else, not even Hong Wen.

How can you stand shoulder to shoulder with your idol like this?

You trash thing, die!


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