He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 407: Indiscriminate attack, silence domestic fans first

Chapter 407: Indiscriminate attack, silence domestic fans first~

"Hahaha, it's finally quiet."

Chen Ke looked relaxed and did not stay on the stage for too long.

If it lasts a long time, it will become a conspicuous bag.

After entering the soundproof room, Chen Ke felt that the world had become quieter.

Brother 9 and Prince Ning hadn't put on their headphones yet. They had just sat down when they came in, and they were still staring outside.

As teammates, they naturally knew about Chen Ke's live performance in the finals.

After all, Chen Ke still needs to prepare in advance, so there seems to be no need to hide this matter from his teammates.

While Brother 9 and Prince Ning were envious of Chen Ke for pretending again, they couldn't help but feel vague worries in their hearts.

Don't look back. Someone is coming.

When they saw Chen Ke come in, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Chen Ke came in, he quickly put on his team uniform.

If he doesn't hurry up, the referee will remind him soon.

Chen Ke's side was fine, but the Lantern Emperor and Wink behind him were slightly affected.

The fans at the scene were like crazy, I don’t care who comes out.

Anyone who is a member of V5 will boo like crazy and vent their inner dissatisfaction like crazy.

There was no way, Chen Ke was really too angry just now.

This is the only way they can express their dissatisfaction.

With the security situation at the scene, it was impossible for anyone to rush to the stage and beat up Chen Ke.

It's not easy to break through the levels.

The Lantern Emperor may be a little stressed, after all, he has never seen any big scenes.

Like Wink, they are fine and don't take this seriously at all.

Anyway, after entering the soundproof room, it was as if nothing happened just now.

Soon it was T1's turn to play.

When they came out, the cheers were exaggerated.

More passionate than ever.

On the one hand, there were more spectators at the scene today. The spectators seemed to be in conflict with Chen Ke.

You're silencing us, right? Then we won't.

Some people shouted, and the veins on their necks swelled.

This final seems to be a bit wasteful for the audience.

"OK, the players from both sides have finished entering, and the finals are about to begin!"

"The atmosphere at the scene is quite warm."

The final commentators are still the same three people everyone is familiar with, Guan Mier.

The distance was relatively close, and the three people also came to the scene this time.

As commentators, they can definitely feel the atmosphere of the scene.

The colonel's words were one of those who were looking for something to say when he had nothing to say. After he said them, he felt quite embarrassed, and everyone didn't know how to answer them for a while.

The atmosphere was indeed lively, but people were booing us. How could we say this?

There was also a tacit agreement among the three of them not to mention Chen Ke's live work.

It's not easy to talk about this kind of thing in an official setting. If it were done in private, everyone would have already discussed it.

Before the BP started, the three people talked most about today's finals.

Miller said more directly: "Judging from the MSI match between the two sides, I think today's final will be quite difficult for T1 with Chen Ke starting."

"To be precise, the relationship between the two teams should have started since last year's World Championship."

"The two teams were divided into the same group in the group stage of last year's World Championship, and finally reached the finals together."

"I didn't expect that even half a year later, these two teams would still meet at the top."

The senior colonel was more enthusiastic when talking about this: "But Chen Ke is indeed very experienced in playing T1. In today's final, I feel that T1 may need to do something different."

The second brother added: "I guess before the starting list came out, T1 didn't expect Chen Ke to start."

"But I definitely thought about Chen Ke meeting and seeing if they can adjust in a short time."

"In the G2 game yesterday, we could see that they seemed to be in pretty good shape."

Miller smiled again and said: "I think the time is so short, there is not much time for them to study anything new."

"Besides, it's difficult to study Chen Ke when you fight him. We all knew that the hero pool was very deep before."

"This season is even more amazing. He can also change positions."

"I just finished a game in the middle, and in the next game I might go to the bottom, which is hard to guard against!"


The tone of the three commentators was relatively relaxed, and just by listening to their tone, you could feel how optimistic they were about this final.

As soon as Chen Ke came on board, everyone relaxed.

If it were any other LPL team, no one would dare to be so aggressive in the finals, even if they were superior in strength.

If you said that, fans would definitely scold you later.

If you win in the end, it will be treated as if nothing happened. If you lose, everyone will suffer.

But this team is V5. In addition to beating the Korean team, it is very accurate and ruthless.

And Chen Ke is attracting firepower from the front.

If V5 loses, Chen Ke will definitely attract tons of firepower, just like Chen Ke's method of drawing hatred before the game.

Who can care about others after losing the game? They are definitely coming to attack him.

In this case, the commentators naturally became bolder in speaking.

This wave is the courage given by Chen Ke.

In the coin toss before the finals, V5 rarely lost.

Allowing T1 to get the right to choose sides, home court advantage and the right to choose sides, they did have a certain advantage in this final before the game.

The time and place are favorable, now it depends on whether people can do it or not.

When the game entered the BP phase, the audience was still noisy.

The sound was just a little better than before, but not much better.

After enjoying themselves, domestic fans realized that Chen Ke was a bit unkind.

After you finished your fun, you went into a soundproof room, and you were wearing soundproof headphones, so you basically couldn't hear anything.

But we, the spectators watching the game, were a little annoyed. The Mad Sticks were really noisy.

Everyone is eager for the game to start quickly so that Chen Ke can exert his strength quickly.

V5 is really skilled at playing T1, and it also has advantages in the hero pool.

Although Lucian must be dealt with on the red side, there is still little pressure on the ban position.

After both sides finished banning three times, T1 blue side grabbed the hero Monkey on the first floor.

The hero Monkey has indeed a very high priority in this MSI.

It's just that Big O is the one who grabs the hero first, but I always feel like he's not worthy.

V5 also first selected the hero Blind Man for the jungle position.

This time, the two heroes Gwen and Captain on the top lane have all been pressed down. There is no need for other heroes on the top lane to get it in such a hurry.

No matter what hero Chen Ke plays, no one is in a hurry.

If you are on the red side, the last counter position is most likely for Chen Ke.

Fans thought there was no problem if Chen Ke came out with an advantageous hero from behind to put pressure on Da Fei.

"Oh? T1 is on the fourth and fifth floors, so I chose Akali and Jace directly."

"Oh, Jace is good at this. This hero is better at beating Kennen online."


V5 was on the fourth floor just now and chose Kennen for Brother 9.

There is no problem with the proficiency of this hero 9, but it is not very common at MSI this time.

Choosing Jace to fight on the opposite side is indeed a good way to deal with it.

Coupled with Zeus, Jace is his most iconic hero.

At this time, the colonel even wanted to ask, if you want to choose Kenan, why don't you get rid of Jace.

You should definitely expect that the opponent will choose this hero.

There is also Akali, who is good at flying science. This is not easy to evaluate.

Akali is a hero that is even rarer than Kennen at this MSI.

Taking out this hero, you can see that T1 has changed its thinking somewhat.

In this game, when the fox was dealt with, Akali was selected to rush in with the monkey to cut through the back row of V5.

Before the team battle begins, let Jace Poke do some damage.

Whenever the enhanced electromagnetic gun touches the opposite back row, it will lose at least one-third of its health.

Then Monkey and Akali enter the field again, which is really a big threat to the back row.

You must know that the AD that V5 got in this game was Aphelios. This hero has no displacement and his self-protection ability is not that strong.

T1's bottom lane is Jinx and Tahm Kench. Anyway, with Ta Tam's protection, their midfielder rushes in, and their own AD is not very afraid of being cut by the opponent.

The midfielder rushes in, and Jinx's ultimate move can also compensate for the damage.

As long as the team fight allows Jinx to run, the team fight will be more comfortable.

The lineup selection here gives people the feeling that the T1 lineup looks better than the V5 lineup.

V5's lineup gives me a strange feeling when I take a quick look at it, and I can't say what's good about it.

What is more important now is to see how to choose the mid laner.

"I think it's better to just use Enchantress. In the early stage, the combat effectiveness of the blind monk is still very strong."

The colonel couldn't help but said: "In addition, the hero Enchantress is also more flexible."

Miller nodded and said: "If you really want to play the T1 lineup, I think it would be better to choose a hero with displacement."

But they can't say too much. Mainly Chen Ke's hero pool in the middle lane is difficult for everyone to say.

Many experienced mid laners may not be able to understand the hero Enchantress.

"Ouch, what is this?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw a Galen displayed on the fifth floor of V5.

Chen Ke doesn't really want to use the big sword to chop, does he?

If it were anyone else, everyone would think this is just for fun, but it’s hard to say anything about the V5 team.

Especially when Chen Ke is here, he usually chooses it if it shows up.

But this time I really didn’t plan to choose Galen. Chen Ke didn’t even expect that this hero was purely Wink’s personal behavior.

Chen Ke probably understood what Wink meant by this move. He showed Galen and told the audience to be careful and silent.

Later, he also revealed other heroes with silence, such as Scarecrow and the like.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

It turns out we were playing with the light on, so that’s good, everyone was really afraid of locking Galen directly.

This hero is really unimaginable and abstract when used as a mid laner.

But the next second, V5 Lightspeed locked a hero on the fifth floor, and all three LPL commentators were instantly silenced.


After two seconds of silence, the colonel said uncertainly: "Am I right? What does this pig girl mean?"

"Is this locked?"

The second brother stretched his head forward and approached the screen to confirm again, but received confirmation from Miller: "This is already locked."

Miller said calmly: "The blind monk should be the mid laner, and this pig girl is the jungler."

When others are unable to move, there is a possibility of swinging in the middle and jungle.

It seems impossible for Pig Girl to play the mid lane. After thinking about it, the only way to go is for the blind monk to play the mid lane.

If this was a clever swing, everyone wouldn't be so silent.

The main reason is that the hero Blind Man has been unable to play solo since this year. He will definitely be selected for the jungle position, and there is no possibility of swinging.

The version of the warrior mid laner has long passed.

Chen Ke suddenly plays this hero, which makes people a little confused. It makes sense that there are many mid laners out there who can play this hero.

No matter how it looks, it is much better than the blind mid laner.

As the team that everyone was optimistic about before the game, everyone felt that if T1 wanted to defeat V5, they needed to come up with new tricks.

If they were to fight on a regular basis, they would definitely not be able to beat Chen Ke.

Unexpectedly, it was V5 who took action first.

The stickmen are definitely not silent yet, but they should silence the domestic fans first.

Co-author Chen Ke wants to silence the whole audience. Is this an indiscriminate attack?


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