He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 414 A special way to celebrate winning the championship, this guy is so vindictive! (asking

Chen Ke's wave of rhythm after the game made things worse.

Not only T1, Riot Games' event team has also fallen into public opinion.

How is this game going and why can T1 be paused so casually?

As a result, Riot Group also issued an emergency statement.

I just asked the commentator to mention it, and everyone didn’t fully understand it.

This time, I came out to give a detailed explanation of the three timeouts, hoping to calm public anger.

Despite the short break, only twenty minutes, a lot of things actually happened.

Even the third game started a little late.

It was so exciting off the court that even Wink won the MVP of the second game and no one paid attention.

Chen Ke's Yongen was in a full state for the rest of the time, except for the big dragon wave that got a little bit ahead and sent him away.

If it wasn't for him, Yongen, he wouldn't have been able to last that long.

But Wink's last wave of group starts was so critical, precisely because he found opportunities well and did so well in the last wave.

Only then did Chen Ke and 369 follow up with perfect ultimate moves.

He deserves the MVP award, but everyone is criticizing him, leaving no one to discuss this MVP.

I can only say that fortunately V5 made a comeback in the end. If V5 had lost because of this, it is estimated that the public opinion after the game would have been even more difficult.

It is naturally impossible for T1 officials to respond.

Let’s not talk about whether you took advantage of these three timeouts. You were so far ahead and others came back, I’m really embarrassed to speak out.

Standing up to defend yourself, it is estimated that even T1 fans will not buy it, so pretending to be dead is the best option.

The only good news for Riot is that after this matter is resolved.

The viewership ratings of the special MSI finals are still rising and have surpassed previous MSI finals.

It has set a new historical record. It is estimated that the number of viewers will increase after the third game starts.

At the beginning of the third game, there were no personnel changes on either side.

T1's lineup is stable. Even if one of the five players is obviously lacking, it is impossible to replace them.

There is suspense here in V5, mainly due to Chen Ke.

Who knows if Chen Ke will go to the bottom lane in the third game after playing mid lane in two games to reward little Lu Bu.

Chen Ke did not choose to do this, because if he did that, it would be equivalent to directly replacing the Lantern Emperor in the championship point game again.

Just like the spring finals.

Just do it once and it will be fine. If you do it continuously, it will probably have some impact on the Lantern King's mentality.

In addition, toothpaste is also relatively Buddhist, and I have won MSI and everything, so I have no desire to continue to hold the cup.

V5 simply used this lineup and worked directly until the end of the game.

As before, T1 is still on the blue side.

There is a high probability that V5 will end the game with three red hands today.

The selection in the third game was finally different. T1 chose the blue side and helped the top lane get a captain.

Captain and Gwen, the two most popular top laners in the current version, were severely blocked in today's finals.

This sentence is finally released, and there is nothing wrong with T1 grabbing it.

Captain is a hero that can be played by both top laners.

After selecting the overall lineup, both sides are pretty normal.

Both sides of the bottom lane got the late-stage big-core AD that developed. After gaining experience from the previous game, V5 banned the hero Big Head in the first round of bans.

The way we played in the last game, apart from the timeout factor, was also related to the bottom lane being beaten.

If you give a weird thing like the big head to the opponent, there's really nothing you can do about it in the lane.

Anyway, Mai Zi Jian is never stubborn. If you can't handle it, I will ban you.

What Chen Ke chose was still not the normal mid laner. He took out a wine barrel in this game.

It's still the same swing routine. He took out the wine barrel first and then swing to the middle.

In fact, the wine barrel had just been taken out, and everyone was wondering where this hero was going.

In addition to jungle, you can also play as a top laner. Brother 9’s wine barrel has already proven himself in the game.

To put it bluntly, he plays better than King Ning, so there is nothing wrong with him.

As a result, V5 can also play in the middle, so there is more room for swing.

It's just that using a wine barrel to defeat the fox in the middle is still debatable.

It doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy to fight, so I can only say that everyone should believe it first.

Blind monks can fly, so why can't wine barrels be played.

Moreover, Wine Barrel is also the kind of person who can affect the situation of a team fight once a wave of group starts.

Everyone can rest assured that Chen Ke is playing this.

The three commentators also discussed the wine barrel. When they were talking about looking forward to Chen Ke's performance, the colonel stared at the hero wine barrel and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He couldn't help but said: "But Chen Ke's choice of heroes in the middle today is indeed a bit strange. They are all unconventional mid laners."

"This is true. It seems to be more normal than Yongen, but it also rarely appears in the game."

As soon as the second brother finished answering, the colonel laughed: "It's mainly because I remembered that the wine barrel and the blind monk seem to be jungle heroes."

"Wine Barrel is a little better. Blind Sin is active in the jungle position most of the time."

"With Chen Ke's current hero pool situation, he won't go back and try the jungle position, right?"

"Don't say anything, it's really possible."


The commentator was joking, but the more fans thought about it, the more they thought Chen Ke could do such a thing.

When the World Championship was over last year, no one thought that Chen Ke could just commentate and focus on the mid lane when he came back to play the game.

Transforming into a jungler seems to be more difficult. After all, junglers are not focused on laning, which is equivalent to wasting Chen Ke's strong laning ability.

But it’s hard to say that Chen Ke can be quite cool even if it’s not fun to be a jungler.

It can only be said that in the V5 team, there is a risk of unemployment in any position.

After entering the game, Chen Ke still had no pressure in the lane.

Just spend it easily with Feike.

The fox does have an advantage due to his long hands, but Chen Ke only needs to not be charmed by him to fight.

Chen Ke can completely bear the consumption by W and A.

The hero Wine Barrel has good recovery ability.

With the comet effect, if the Q skill hits the fox, the damage will be considerable.

In the eyes of fans, the early situation in this round was better than in the previous round.

The main thing is the bottom lane, which is not that disadvantageous.

As long as the bottom lane can line up normally, it is enough for V5. Their strength in the middle and jungle is still higher than that of T1.

In the middle, Chen Ke is actually okay. The hero Jiugong is unlikely to suppress the fox in the early stage until he can no longer take care of himself.

Chen Ke is fighting in the lane and still seems to have an advantage in health, which means he is pretty good.

The captain of Zeus on the top road was a little uncomfortable being suppressed by Brother 9 using Gnar.

The hero of Captain still needs to focus on development, and his laning ability in the early stage is average.

Also, with Zeus in such a state, one final is worse than the next.

The overall situation looked pretty good, and V5 easily won the Pioneer 8 minutes later.

T1 still chose to put the vanguard directly without resistance.

They used this vanguard to exchange for the first dragon.

It can be seen that T1's strategy in this game is to delay. With a dragon, they can delay as much as they want.

In the early stage, try not to fight with the opponent, and let the two big cores of Captain and Aphelios develop.

What's a pity is that the hero Fox's early rhythmic ability is a bit wasted.

After going home and replenishing their equipment, Chen Ke and Feike came online almost at the same time.

At this time, both sides are at level eight, and their last hits seem to be about the same.

In the normal laning situation in the early stage, it is nothing more than seeing who takes advantage of the exchange of blood.

When nothing happens, it would be difficult for other parties to close the gap so quickly.

After going online, Chen Ke threw a [Rolling Barrel] on the soldier.

Press W again and take a sip of the 1982 Lafite.

Feike didn't think much about Li Ke's normal last-ditch push-line operation.

The game between the two of them is going on all the time. Feike is thinking about Chen Ke going up to tie A this time, so he has to find an angle to use his Q skill to consume.

At the same time, this Q skill can also help you push the line.

When laning, it is most comfortable to throw a skill out, which can consume the opponent and push the lane at the same time.


While Feike was still looking for an angle, Chen Ke threw him out with a big move.

It can be said that it was caught off guard.

"Ouch, geometry bucket!"

The angle of Chen Ke's ultimate move was very tricky, and the fox directly hit the Q skill he just threw.

The fox was still flying, and when he was about to land, Chen Ke pushed up with his E skill, and then controlled it!

He slightly shifted the fox's landing point, and landed it squarely in the middle of his own [Rolling Barrel].

A heavy shot hit the flat A in his hand, and the [Rolling Barrel] exploded after charging for 4 seconds.

The damage and deceleration effects are all maximized.

Chen Ke didn't expect to be able to kill him this time, and he couldn't even ignite the mid-range wine barrel.

In addition, the talent is not explosive like electrocution, so far there are no kills, and the equipment is average.

After beating two-thirds of the fox's health and a little more, Chen Ke felt that it was almost done.

Chen Ke's purpose in this wave is to suppress the fox's blood volume.

He was disabled as soon as he came online. If King Ning came to put pressure, Feike would not be able to continue to stand in the middle.

At this time, his teleportation has not improved. If he goes home to recuperate, there will be no one to defend him in the middle.

This just created an opportunity for King Ning to take the lead.

Not only the blood volume, but also the fox's ultimate move must be used.

The big move is replaced by the big move, and at the same time, Chen Ke makes a lot of money even if he doesn't get a solo kill.

What Chen Ke didn't expect was that Fei Science and Technology could be so tight that he didn't even use his ultimate move in the first place.

Chen Ke's skills are very fast now. He did not choose to play the mythical costume first in this round, but bought a CD shoe to wear.

There is also a burning gem on the body that is synthesized from eternal frost.

Without CD reduction, Chen Ke's Q now only takes 6 seconds, and his W skill only takes 5 seconds.

Combined with two pieces of CD-reducing equipment, QW's two skills can be transferred very quickly.

The Q skill is similar to the blind monk Q, and the built-in CD also rotates when charging.

Just now, after Chen Ke's Q skill was fully charged for 4 seconds, the second Q skill was now fully activated, and when thrown out, it was a second Q skill.

The damage is not that high, but the slowing effect is substantial.


Seeing Chen Ke press W again, Feike also knew that his health level was very dangerous, so he rushed to the position where he could use his ultimate move.

Two consecutive big moves pulled him under the tower, and Chen Ke was still following.

Seeing that Chen Ke was about to enter the tower, Feike came over with a charm.

What's scary is that with the size of the wine barrel, Chen Ke can twist Feike's E skill right in front of him.


Before Feike's third ultimate move could be pressed, Chen Ke decisively hit him with an E dodge.

After E dodges and hits, you can directly take it away with a flat A.

I'm waiting for the CD, what are you waiting for?

Chen Ke didn't even think about killing him at the first time, and he couldn't understand why Feike waited until Jiaotong University.

Chen Ke sensed the opportunity, and just as his E skill was about to be fully improved, he tried to catch up.

If Feike quickly pulls out his third ultimate move, Chen Ke won't be able to do it without changing his E skill.

In the end, he had to turn his head to use the skill, probably because he wanted to charm Chen Ke under the tower and take two more damage from the defensive tower.

In this way, Chen Ke's blood volume can be suppressed, but in the end, Chen Ke is given a chance.

It is somewhat difficult to understand whether the fox was single-killed by the wine barrel at full health, or because the wine barrel equipment did not lead.

All we can say is that it is now the third game of the finals.

As long as Feike plays a high-intensity game now, the closer it goes to the end, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.

After the solo kill, the middle lane becomes even easier.

After Chen Ke gained the advantage in the middle, the team quickly knocked down the first tower in the middle.

Allowing Chen Ke to roam around the entire venue easily.

After the game, it can be seen that the mentality of several other young people in T1 has also been affected.

This game was played under a lot of pressure and there were a lot of mistakes.

If V5 catches a few of these mistakes, the game will basically be over.

Similar to the first game, T1 basically has no hope before 20 minutes, and the game is completely crushed.

Basically, many spectators at the scene did not last for 20 minutes before leaving. They did not want to see V5 celebrate the championship next.

"It's over, I think we can congratulate V5 in advance!"

"Chen Ke's ultimate move is really abnormal. The angle of each ultimate move is very tricky."

"T1 has no ability to resist at all, and V5 didn't give a chance from the beginning to the end."

"Congratulations to V5 for winning two consecutive MSI championships!"

"we are…"

"Hey, what the hell is this?!"

After the last wave of team battles, V5 can naturally end the game in one wave.

The commentators said congratulations one after another, and when they saw that the opposite base was about to explode, the screen suddenly went black.

At this important moment, there was a pause.

It confused everyone, and even foreign live broadcasts were filled with question marks.

For the first time ever, when I saw that I was about to win the championship, there was a sudden pause.

If we hold on for another three or four seconds, the game will probably be over.

Isn’t it a matter of state of mind to pause at this time?

Especially the domestic fans, who were already celebrating, but the pause at this time made the fans a little embarrassed and hung up.

On what stupid day did he call a timeout at this time? Isn't it too unethical?

It's like pulling out suddenly when it's almost in place, it's just like being out of place!

At this time, the live broadcast footage was directed to Chen Ke.

The teammates were all immersed in demolishing towers, and they were all confused during the pause.

But when they heard that it was Chen Ke who called for a timeout, all his teammates understood.

This kid definitely called a timeout to be disgusting, otherwise he couldn't have chosen this time.

He really holds a grudge. At this time, he still doesn’t forget to disgust the other person.

When they saw the staff coming behind Chen Ke, the commentators and fans also came to their senses.

It turns out that it was Chen Ke who called for timeout, so it’s okay.

There was no problem for the whole game. At this time, the game is over, and even if there is a problem, it will not affect anything.

To put it bluntly, at this time, Chen Ke, even if the network fluctuates and you exit the game, it will not affect you.

The remaining teammates can also push away the base and directly attack the opponent.

Chen Ke happened to call a timeout at this time. It could only be intentional, and he couldn't think of the second reason.

After knowing what happened, everyone really didn't have to worry anymore. The champion couldn't escape anyway.

Being able to disgust sticks in this way is a good memory.

The staff communicated with Chen Ke and asked Chen Ke what the reason was.

Chen Ke said that when he was drinking water, he accidentally spilled water on the keyboard. There must be something wrong with his keyboard at this time.

After listening to this, his teammates couldn't help but admire him.

I thought Chen Ke was just looking for trouble to call a timeout, but he didn't expect that he had even thought of a reason.

This tactic must be given full marks!

The staff was also quite speechless. You didn’t even need a keyboard to push the tower. It was over with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Everyone knew that Chen Ke did it on purpose, but they still had to follow the process, and it was impossible to ignore the problem of Chen Ke's reaction.

Staff will take Chen Ke's keyboard for inspection and processing, which will take some time.

This waiting period was extremely torture for the five T1 players.

Knowing that he would definitely lose, he wished that the other side would give him a good time.

What they wanted to see most was to end the game quickly, but when it was about to end, there was a pause.

The key to this paused scene is that you can see your main base being pushed halfway.

Unspeakable pain welled up in their hearts, turning into masks of pain and wearing them on the faces of T1.

Because the last game was a big comeback, everyone was very excited.

Thinking of finishing the opponent quickly, Chen Ke didn't expect this either.

Calling a timeout near the end of this round will torture the opponent even more.

This is a championship moment after all.

After the keyboard was taken away, Chen Ke picked up the water glass and took another sip.

He wasn't thirsty at all. He drank water just to cover the raised corners of his mouth with a cup.

You like calling timeout, right? I’ll also give you a shout to make you happy!


PS: More than 10,000 words have been completed, please vote for me!

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