He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 425: Full temperature, full red posture! (asking for monthly ticket)

Chen Ke just glanced at the numbers and quickly returned his attention to the game.

The battle is not over yet at this time.

Uzi is dead, but the support cannot let him go.

Liu Qingsong knew better and was very decisive in selling his teammates.

The main reason is that I have judged that I don't have a big move, and I can't defend this wave at all, so I might as well withdraw quickly.

If you continue to stay, you will definitely be in danger.

When using the W skill to push up the toothpaste, it can also be considered as a displacement.

Hurrying back, there was a flash, and the distance was directly moved back.

The toothpaste hit very resolutely, and after landing, it directly dodged and followed the rock spur.

It just so happened that Tahm Kench didn't have the ability to connect to it just now. W was still in his hand and was useless, so it could be used to keep Tahm back.

After all, Yanqiao's W skill is an unstable skill, so it would be best if teammates can have stable control to cooperate with him.

Now that no one can cooperate, the operation of flashing to lift people is a bit difficult.

If it is twisted away by movement, it is equivalent to losing a flash in vain.

As long as it is a C-position hero without displacement, flashing is very important.

Toothpaste mainly went to the bottom lane, but in the end he didn't even get an assist, which made him a little angry.


Fortunately, this rock protrusion is accurate, Tahm's movement speed is too slow.

In addition, he was a bit big, so he was not able to move smoothly, and he was forcefully lifted back by a rock that popped out from under his feet.

The Tamu people haven't even landed yet, and the rock formations of Yanque have also been laid out.

He was stunned as soon as he landed. Chen Ke also followed up and directly caught and controlled with a big move.

Chen Ke's level is ahead of the opponent's bot lane, reaching level six.

Tamu has no flash now, and this wave has also left the range of the defense tower. Chen Ke and the others control it and follow up, and it is very easy to deal with it.

When he saw the remaining blood, Chen Ke took the initiative to give the head to toothpaste.

In the end, it could be seen that he stopped on purpose, not even following the flat A, which was somewhat surprising.

However, each of the double Cs gets one head, which is a relatively reasonable distribution.

The hero Yanqiao is not a tool man. His ultimate move and the heroes like the Stone Array may look a bit like a tool man.

But if this hero is well equipped, the damage will be outrageous, and even the burst damage will be a bit confusing.

"There's really nothing we can do about this. V5 just came at the right time. Knowing that this wave will definitely kill you."

"Mainly, Tam is also dead. If Tam can walk away, I think this wave is not a big loss."

"It's definitely a loss. Let's see what Weiwei can do after he quickly takes down the vanguard."


As soon as Wawa heard what Miller said about it, he immediately thought of that night in S8.

He quickly stopped and changed the topic.

Judging from the situation, it is indeed not optimistic for BLG.

Even if Weiwei gets the vanguard, it won't be of much use.

This pioneer is more of a stop loss. V5 let go of this pioneer when they had an advantage, which shows that they made more money.

For Chen Ke, there is no difference between bottom lane and flat push.

If possible, he would like to push the bottom tower a little slower.

There are still 5 points of temperature, and I might be able to fill him up during the laning period.

After all his teammates retreated, Chen Ke ate two layers of tapioca before going back.

"Fight as soon as the little dragon refreshes, and try to be as fast as possible."

After replenishing equipment and vision from home, Wink communicated with Prince Ning.

Usually, even when Chen Ke is here, the two of them are responsible for directing the team. Chen Ke can only take charge at critical moments or when he has an idea.

Obviously the V5 lineup is the strongest in the mid-term.

Dragging it to the back may not necessarily give you an advantage. Let’s not talk about Jinx for now. If this situation continues, it is estimated that Jinx will not be able to play its role in the later stages.

The main reason is that Sword Lady's single belt at the back will make them a little uncomfortable.

It's best for Xiaolong to pick up the pace and not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

King Ning was farming in the jungle, nodded and said: "OK, the dragon on the other side shouldn't come to see them. They can't fight in the bottom lane in this situation."

"I'll be able to solo Xiaolong alone. You guys in the bottom lane remember to suppress the opponent's HP. If Pig Girl goes on the top lane later, we can continue to cross the bottom lane."


At this time, Prince Ning stood out as an inappropriate person.

It seems that I have tasted the sweetness of being in the bottom lane. I succeed every time I catch it, and I can't help but want to do it a few more times.

Depending on the situation in this game, Pig Girl is unlikely to come to the bottom lane, because the bottom lane is now close to collapse, and you will not be able to help, but will completely destroy your own rhythm.

Weiwei knew Chen Ke relatively well, and he knew that arresting Chen Ke was not a good choice, especially when Chen Ke was well equipped.

Sword Girl is considered the BLG lineup, and currently seems to be the only hope for a comeback.

I got a small advantage online, which doesn’t seem very obvious.

Every time Bin plays against Brother 9, he always feels like he can't perform well.

If Pig Girl wants to win at this time, she will most likely help Jian Ji. It just so happens that the vanguard in his hand can be used to help Jian Ji develop.

If Pig Girl doesn't come to the bottom lane and Enchantress can't get the lane rights, there will still be no one to support her in the bottom lane.

There is a chance for Chen Ke to suppress Jinx's blood volume.

Wink couldn't help but said: "Tahm has reached level 6, and Jinx still has Flash. I'm afraid it won't be that easy, right?"

Wink's worries are justified, mainly because Chen Ke and King Ning don't have their ultimate moves anymore.

Coupled with the fact that Tahm Kench also has a protective hand, the difficulty of jumping over the tower can be said to rise sharply.

The bottom lane advantage is already big enough now, but if a few blind attempts to jump over the tower cause an accident and give the opponent a kill, it will be a bit outweighing the gain.

Prince Ning, however, said indifferently: "Tamu has a big body, doesn't he have a big body? It doesn't matter whether Jinx flashes or not, don't worry about it."

Chen Ke: "..."

To be honest, sometimes I wish I could give up this system to Prince Ning.

If this microphone leaks out, just wait.

After defeating the dragon, there will be a prompt for the entire audience.

BLG's bot lane also knew that King Ning was nearby, and he could tell that he was quite nervous to the naked eye.

It's okay for him to be loose, there's nothing to be nervous about when he plays Tam.

Mainly because Uzi was attacked twice in a row, it was obvious to the naked eye that something was wrong with his mentality.

Chen Ke can see the real-time temperature here, which can be said to be clear at a glance.

Now when I go out to play games, I have a burden. I can't play anymore after dying twice in a row.

The nervousness would be transmitted to his teammates, and since he suddenly stopped talking, Liu Qingsong was also a little nervous.

The two of them would retreat from time to time. Prince Ning was not in a hurry and always put pressure from the side.

It's definitely not easy to move without a big move, so I can only peek out from time to time.

They retreated in time, and indeed no one was in trouble, but none of the soldiers under the tower could be killed.

Seeing that the gap between last hits was getting bigger and bigger, Uzi's mentality became even more wrong.

It's not a problem that he can't get soldiers now, but that he has already exited the experience zone.

Now that he doesn't even have experience, the level gap between him and Chen Ke will become more and more obvious.

The economic backwardness of this game is not the most terrible thing, but the backward level is.


Seeing this situation, Uzi directly pressed out the ultimate move in his hand, aiming at Chen Ke and Wink under the tower.

Now the two people in the bottom lane of V5 have brought in a large wave of troops.

The two of them are standing quite close to each other, as long as their [Super Ultimate Death Missile] can hit anyone at will.

After it explodes, it will deal AOE damage and clear the troops.

It will definitely not be possible to clear out all the minions directly, but by lowering the health of the minions, the defense tower can be cleared faster.

Otherwise, this wave of enemies will eat tapas like crazy.

Anyway, there is no use keeping the ultimate move now. This time there is no other solution.

Then just when Uzi took action, King Ning seemed to see through everything.

The two of them are indeed old rivals in S8. Although King Ning didn't beat him that year, they still know each other relatively well.

Jinx just took the launching posture, and King Ning moved up with a Q.

It was definitely not enough to hit Jinx directly from a distance. King Ning chose to stand in the middle and simply blocked the rocket sent by Jinx.

The rocket exploded on King Ning, and the damage was just that, not worth mentioning at all.

But Uzi's plan fell flat, and his mentality cracked again.

Chen Ke could see that the temperature had risen a little more, and it was now 96.

Ma De, if you get the mysterious reward today, Prince Ning will definitely be the first to do it. You must make arrangements for him tonight.

Prince Ning was so disgusting, but the Enchantress swam down later, allowing Uzi to take a breath.

Chen Ke didn't push the tower very fast, and he deliberately didn't push the tower faster in this round.

The main thing is that the first blood tower is not in a hurry. If you put the vanguard on the opposite road, you will only eat two layers of tower skin. It is still too early to push down the first blood tower.

BLG didn't remain passive. They simply let the bottom duo go to the middle lane in advance.

Anyway, there is no way to collect this tower in the bottom lane, and it will be pushed down by the opponent by default.

If you continue to stay in the bottom lane, it will be obvious that King Ning and Toothpaste will use their old tricks again soon.

If people come here a few times, they will always find opportunities.

If you continue to stay in the bottom lane, there is a high probability that you will continue to be arranged.

BLG obviously also knows that if Jinx is messed with like this again, the game will be unplayable at all. Changing lanes in advance is a wise decision.

The middle lane is considered the safest line. Once you reach the middle lane, you feel much more comfortable than before.

Uzi never thought that he would feel very happy if he could finish the kill and take the line normally in the game.

Safety is one thing, but King Ning still made another abrupt arrangement later.

Taking advantage of Tam's absence, King Ning seized the opportunity and directly used a Q dodge.

To be honest, Wei's Q flash is more difficult to react to and will be more sudden, so you have to press the flash in advance.

It is normal and understandable to not react.

But it couldn't stand in everyone's eyes. This wave really happened but didn't happen.

When he was hit by a fist, the outcome was doomed without Tam by his side, and Chen Ke got his head again.

After 15 minutes of catching up, I couldn’t even stand the commentary anymore.

He couldn't help but said: "What's going on with Prince Ning today? I feel like he's very excited!"

"It's rare to meet an old rival. I think it's normal to be a little excited."

Wa Wa, who has a relatively high emotional intelligence, added: "Being targeted by Prince Ning all the time means that Prince Ning thinks you are a big threat."

"Hey, what you said seems to make sense."


While the fans were excited, they also felt a little weird.

Originally, everyone wanted to see a showdown between the two gods, but it seemed like the protagonist was about to become King Ning.

Chen Ke didn't care about this at all. In his opinion, Prince Ning's move was very crucial.

Unexpectedly, in Xiaohu's absence, Prince Ning would be the one burning the boiler.

After this wave, the temperature reached 97 points. The number that Chen Ke had been looking forward to now seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Without Prince Ning, the temperature would not have risen so quickly.

Even under the excitement, Chen Ke kept putting pressure on him.

But after this wave, Chen Ke suddenly found that the change in temperature seemed to be less obvious.

I didn't think anything was wrong at first, but Chen Ke later used various methods.

It has everything from straight-up intensity to disgusting ones, but the temperature is stuck at 97, and it has been stuck there forever.

This situation was a bit unacceptable to Chen Ke.

Don't be happy for a long time, only to fail in the end.

When the game just started, Chen Ke saw that he was red and warm without playing, and thought it would be easy to get the mysterious reward in this game.

Now, the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for BLG. Unexpectedly, the situation is not optimistic for Chen Ke.

Chen Ke knows that the further back the number goes, the harder it will be to improve.

But Chen Ke thought that the difficulty depended on the person, and after all, he was a bit underestimated.

After thinking about it, I guess it has something to do with my mentality.

When you are tortured to a certain level, once you feel that the game is no longer interesting, your mentality will naturally not get worse.

Chen Ke realized this when he faced little Lu Bu, but little Lu Bu's red temperature numbers at that time were still incomparable with his idol.

As the fight continued, fans were a little surprised as to why Chen Ke seemed a little anxious and angry, and his heart rate accelerated.

Logically speaking, if you get this kind of advantage, you should just take a leisurely stroll.

With this gap, even if the opponent's lineup is okay in the later stage, it is basically unlikely to come back.

No one can understand what Chen Ke is feeling now.

Chen Ke feels so bad right now that his balls hurt.

Now it's like boiling water, the lid of the kettle is moving, making a squeaking sound.

It's just a little short of the boiling point, but it can't boil anymore.

Chen Ke could realize that this game might be his only chance in this life, and he was not joking at all.

Thinking about it from a pessimistic perspective, after this round of abuse, BLG might be replaced.

The two teams can only meet once in the regular season, and the next time they want to meet is in the playoffs.

However, the gap in the regular season rankings between the two teams is still quite large. Even if BLG makes it to the playoffs, it is estimated that they will not be able to make it to V5.

After playing today, there is a high probability that we will not be able to touch him in the game this year.

If we have to wait, the fastest he can do is come back in the summer split next year.

The main thing is that Chen Ke has to take into account some changes in the timeline, in case he completely gives up the idea of ​​coming back after this fight.

If the red temperature value on him can't explode, then it's even more impossible to find someone else.

Chen Ke knew that he must not give up in this round, and still had to find a way.

Maybe he was a little anxious, but Chen Ke couldn't think of a better way to improve his mentality.

Just now, he blindly shot an arrow to take away Jinx's head, and also showed the RNG logo.

Chen Ke fully believed that showing the RNG mark would be a sure win.

In fact, Chen Ke was overthinking.

This situation cannot be given up no matter what, we still need to think of a way.

The main reason is that the advantage is a bit big. Chen Ke is afraid that the opponent will suddenly die, otherwise he will not appear a little eager.

To use an old saying, there may not be much time left for Chen Ke in this game.

If we continue at this pace, everyone at BLG will know that there is no way to win, and they might want to end the game as quickly as possible and take the next move.

Judging from Chen Ke's previous use of red temperature detectors, this red temperature value cannot be accumulated.

After a small game is over, the red temperature data will be recalculated.

If the game ends too soon, it will not be a good thing for Chen Ke, and it means that he will fall short.

However, if this game follows this pace, it may end very quickly.

So Chen Ke must think of ideas quickly.

Time is passing minute by minute, giving Godzilla or BLG fans a rather suffocating feeling.

The economy is still being expanded by the opposite side, and there is really no hope at all. Even the fans have given up hope.

Rather than being tortured like this, it would be better to end it early and prepare for the next one.

Sometimes the abuse is too harsh, which will affect your mentality in the next game.

This is why even top teams like SKT would choose to surrender in the competition when they surrendered before.

There is no point in persisting in a game with no chance at all.

In addition to torturing your own mentality, it may also make the opponent completely lose their momentum.

After waiting for more than two minutes, Chen Ke took advantage of the time when Wink went back to refill his eyes.

Ning Wang's Wei also appeared in the bottom lane. He went to the bottom lane to put some pressure on Bin's Sword Queen, so that Sword Queen could not comfortably lead alone.

In the absence of teammates, AD needs to pay attention to his position.

BLG also noticed this situation, so Uzi relaxed a little. As for Chen Ke, he had to quickly push the line of troops and go back.

Chen Ke's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that an opportunity seemed to have come. Seeing that the distance was about the same, he swung it with a big move.

Anyway, I don’t care about that many, just kill them when they meet.

In this wave, just kill it alone, and then everyone will chat and ask questions after the killing.

It seems that highlighting the mark doesn't work anymore, so let's see how lethal the question mark is.

If this doesn't work, Chen Ke will probably have a headache.

Jinx is purified. Chen Ke obviously knows this information. Purification is one aspect, but the subsequent reaction is the key.

Uzi's purification is a little slower, and his hand speed cannot be as fast.

But there's nothing wrong with it. At least the control of [Blight Chain] has been released.

I quickly gave him a clamp, and then the strong wind moved me backwards.

Varus's damage is really scary. Even if both of them use their skills to face A now, they might not be able to defeat this Varus.

Chen Ke flew over with a charged Q skill, and simply forced out Jinx's wind and flash.


When Chen Ke saw this situation, he knew he couldn't kill him. He didn't expect Uzi to be able to kill him so quickly this time.

His appearance made Chen Ke feel strange.

But for this reason, it is relatively profitable to kill the opponent's purification and flash with one big move.

Chen Ke's Poke leaked outfit is full of CD-reducing equipment, and the cooldown time of his ultimate move is quite fast.

It's like paying nothing.

Seeing that there was no chance, Chen Ke turned back and prepared to continue clearing the military line.

"Hey, we need to leave quickly, Tam is here!"

Miller's voice suddenly changed, and he realized something was wrong, because he saw Songsong Tam's position.

Liu Qingsong was near the river in the middle lane. As soon as he saw that Chen Ke was about to move, he quickly moved to the middle lane, fearing that his AD would be killed alone.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with this operation, which prevented Chen Ke from using the skill after his ultimate move.

I originally wanted to save people, but looking at this position, it seemed like there was a chance.

Varus did not flash this news, and everyone in the BLG team knew it.

Liu Qingsong reacted quickly, and at this time he was far enough away.

Press W and flee directly towards Chen Ke's location.

This W skill predicted Chen Ke's next move. Chen Ke's attention was slightly distracted and his mind was filled with things about Hong Wen. He didn't have time to turn around and move in the opposite direction.

After being knocked into the air by Tahm's W skill, this wave was actually very dangerous because he didn't flash.

Just now, Flash was used to win the kills with blind vision, and it looked cool, but it hasn't turned around yet.

Even the commentator realized something was wrong, "It's broken, Varus didn't dodge, it seems he can't escape this wave!"

After being knocked away, Tam followed Chen Ke and immediately hit Chen Ke with a Q skill.

This skill is really helpless. Even if Chen Ke didn't mean it, he couldn't move to avoid Tahm's Q this time.

After being Qed by Tahm, this wave looks very dangerous because of the slowdown effect.

The most uncomfortable thing is that this wave of big moves are gone, and it is almost a certain death situation.

For Chen Ke, this wave of deaths is not the key. The key is that it would not be good if his big head is given to Jinx.

The one thousand yuan head is quite crucial, but if Uzi gets this head, Chen Ke is not too worried.

Chen Ke has also been watching the games after his comeback this year.

The team fighting ability has deteriorated quite a lot. Many times, some strange operations will be performed in team battles, such as not pressing any skills, and people will disappear immediately.

Even if you get a few kills in the early stages of a game with the help of your teammates, it will still have no effect later on.

It's not enough to say that this head made Jinx take off and became a turning point in the game. The main reason was that he was afraid of giving him the heat to kill him.

Chen Ke simply turned around and wanted to change Jinx on the opposite side.

As long as the skills are given, Chen Ke's current damage is still enough.

Fortunately, Uzi didn't get too excited and kept paying attention to his position.

After switching to gun form A twice, he saw Chen Ke turning around and quickly moved back.

Chen Ke is being slowed down. As long as he retreats, Chen Ke will definitely not be able to catch up.

Liu Qingsong never stopped here. After licking Chen Ke red, he simply sucked him in with a big move.

After spitting it out, and then using Jinx's ultimate move, Chen Ke instantly became reduced to residual blood, looking like he was in danger.

Chen Ke felt a little bit sick. He was indeed a little over the top this time. He should have retreated immediately before he finished killing everyone.

Fortunately, at this point in time, the Baron has not been refreshed yet, there are few resources on the field, and the impact on the team is not that big.

Nothing more than a less dry head.


What Chen Ke didn't expect was that FoFo's enchantress appeared out of nowhere at this time.

Two sections of W stepped up directly, giving Chen Ke a Q skill, triggering Luden's effect.

Chen Ke's blood volume is very low, and FoFo's Q skill does a lot of damage and just takes Chen Ke away.

We can't say there was anything wrong with FoFo in this wave. He saw the fattest spot on the opposite side and gave him a chance.

It's understandable that you can't wait to come up and deal damage, but it's hard to say whether it's intentional.

There is a high probability that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if it is missed, it will never happen again. I only have Chen Ke in my mind, and I can't think of much else.

In addition, Uzi's development is too poor, and the current damage is very low. Even now, it may not be as high as Tahm Kench's damage.

I have also used my ultimate move, and if I want to get killed, I can only go down and draw A.

Kuang Feng was forced out by Chen Ke just now. If there was Kuang Feng, he would also have received this head. It can only be said that it is all foreshadowing.

"Warning warning!"

Chen Ke was also a little confused when the screen went dark.

Then I heard a prompt sound coming from my ear: "The temperature value of the detection object has reached 100, the temperature of the detector is too high!"

"What the hell?!"

Chen Ke's eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't expect that this wave would surprise him.

I originally thought that this incident was due to my carelessness, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

FoFo hit the head with a K and immediately made him red.

I was shocked at first, but I couldn't accept the unstable mentality at first, but I got used to it later.

Just now, when I was about to get the big man's head, my teammates snatched it away. This is really a bit embarrassing.

In previous games, his teammates always gave in to him, and since he was not playing well in this round, he really needed this kill.

If you think about it for a moment, there is nothing wrong with the temperature rising.

FoFo, I am Superman, you are acquitted this time!

Finally, finally, red!

Chen Ke was so excited that he didn't even have time to look at the mysterious reward. A thumb appeared on the corpse.

It’s good to have a full temperature, but you still have to work on your mentality.


PS: I finished the 10,000 words today, it’s the last few days of the month, please support me with your monthly votes!

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