He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 426 You won’t let me play, right? Then everyone, stop playing!


"No, what is this enchantress doing?"

"Damn it, it's really disgusting to play."

"I can only say that FoFo really has ulterior motives!"

"It's not as good as Xiaohu. Xiaohu knows how to be a dog for the bottom lane."

"Okay, okay, then you should go back and be teammates with Xiaohu."

"Then I guess Xiaohu still feels more comfortable with Gala."

"Why are you talking so much? How can you say this enchantress is okay this time?"


While Chen Ke was feeling comfortable, there was a quarrel on the barrage.

The main reason is that a group of new BLG fans have broken their defense at this time.

It’s time to say it or not, but Enchantress is indeed suspected of being a K-head, and everyone should say a few words if they feel uncomfortable.

Fans started to complain on the barrage, and other people couldn't stand it and started to criticize him.

FoFo doesn't have many fans, mainly because Uzi has more negative fans.

Even Miller couldn't help but say: "Well, I think it's better to give this head to Jinx, right?"

"Anyway, it's okay for the enchantress to eat it. After all, Double C got it."

Wawa quickly smoothed things over and said, "As long as Tam doesn't get it, I think I can accept it."

"That's true!"

Miller nodded. If Tam got a thousand yuan for his head, it would really affect his mentality.

Normally speaking, it is definitely better to give this head to Jinx, let’s not talk about the development of Enchantress and Jinx in the early stage.

BLG's lineup has reached the back, and team battles still rely on Jinx.

I played a Sword Girl on the road. This hero is not very good in team fights. Many times, the Sword Girl who is still well developed will break into pieces in a team fight.

Swordswoman who has no problem with her thinking will usually choose to lead more lanes and fight less in groups.

Let Jinx replenish some equipment, there is still hope for this game.

But in Chen Ke's opinion, he would rather let Jinx get this head.

It's one thing for a hero to be great in team fights in the later stage, but it's always personal ability that determines how well a hero performs.

In the past, everyone's doubts about Uzi's personality may be greater than his ability.

But now that I'm out, my personality may not necessarily have changed for the better, but I've actually become a better person.

It would still be a bit uncomfortable for Chen Ke to get it for Enchantress and equip him with it.

Fortunately, at this time, the reward from the red temperature detector is about to arrive.

To be honest, Chen Ke had been waiting for this reward for a long time.

Mysterious reward: Talent [Constant Temperature]

[Constant Temperature]: With this talent, the host can maintain a suitable body temperature in any environment.

Note: Except for special parts.

Chen Ke couldn't quite understand what this special part of his meant, and it always felt like it was a bit superfluous.

However, this talent seems to be okay, but it didn’t feel good at first.

Think carefully about when the temperature is not so friendly in summer or winter, this thing can make you more comfortable.

Being comfortable is a lifetime thing.

If you put it in the lottery, you may not be able to draw it out by yourself.

After all, the lottery also has to consider the "Thank you for participating" option.

And this is just a mysterious reward given by a prop on my body. To put it bluntly, it is incidental.

It would be nice to be able to give such a reward.

Chen Ke had also guessed before that this thing was stronger than Chen Ke's guess.

[Red Temperature] and [Constant Temperature] seem to be the same word, but in fact they are quite different.

The red temperature detector rewarded something related to temperature, which he responded to.

What surprised Chen Ke was that there was more than one reward, and there were more after that!

Mysterious reward: [Green Tea Identifier]

[Green Tea Identifier]: Using this item, you can detect how many ex-boyfriends the target has.

Note: Each test will cost 10,000 yuan.


After Chen Ke read it, he felt that this prop was a bit baffling.

The previous one related to temperature makes some sense. What's going on with this one?

Is it a bit of an invasion of privacy to test someone’s ex-boyfriend?

But if you think about it carefully, isn't it just the more private things that people are interested in knowing?

The ex-boyfriend I am referring to here is probably not the kind who just holds hands, kisses and hugs.

Chen Ke felt that the name of this prop was not appropriate enough.

The definition of green tea depends more on the person, not the number of ex-boyfriends.

This is at most just one of the standards.

Some girls are not considered green tea, and they may have many ex-boyfriends. They just like the feeling of being in love.

This thing should be used to identify buses.

It doesn't seem to be of much use, but it might come in handy at a critical moment.

It’s all false to say you don’t care about the past. What if someone’s past really exploded?

In addition, there are so many contrasts now. Just looking at the surface, you really can’t tell how good they are at playing.

The only dissatisfaction is that this thing costs 10,000 yuan per use.

Ten thousand yuan is nothing to Chen Ke, but it cannot withstand frequent use.

If he didn't spend any money, Chen Ke would probably want to check it out when he saw a girl, which would not be a good idea.

When Chen Ke was checking the rewards, he was counting down the seconds in the spring water, so it wouldn't have any impact.

After being resurrected, Chen Ke hurried out without wasting a second.

But when he went online, Chen Ke realized that these two rewards seemed to have something to do with God.

Chen Ke has just come back to this tool for identifying green tea.

These two mysterious rewards for co-authoring are related to the red-hot objects, and they are not random like a lottery.

How about giving it a appraisal to the Evil God someday?

Forget it, I'm a little afraid of the lawyer's letter.

God doesn't care. Why do I, an outsider, care about those things? It's just for free.

From this point of view, Chen Ke feels that he is indeed quite great.

"Chen Ke also came out of home. The wave of deaths just now still had some impact on him."

"It was simply because he had too much advantage just now. He was having a little too much fun. It was really a bit high to play like that when his teammates were not around."

"But now V5 still has a big advantage, but we can't give it another chance."

"Yes, but V5 is relatively stable, and the wave just now will not have any impact on them."


When Chen Ke came out of the house, as soon as the camera showed Chen Ke's Verus, the two commentators had a discussion.

Generally speaking, the wave just now was just a small episode, not even a rhythm.

Because of this, I want to make a comeback, which is a bit impossible, unless V5 continues to give opportunities.

Chen Ke's style is one of fierceness and stability. No matter how big the advantage is, it's hard to see him giving it away.

Everyone knows what happened just now.

It was definitely a joke, and he didn't treat the other person as a person.

The ID of the opponent's AD is still attractive. I understand that I want to kill it a few times after seeing it.

After what happened, Chen Ke will surely be more stable.

Chen Ke's next fight was indeed fine with nothing wrong with it.

I have already received the reward, so why should I be polite to you? Now I just need to increase my efforts to get off work quickly!

As soon as 20 minutes passed in the game, Chen Ke and the others began to put pressure on Baron.

The V5 lineup is not too fast to beat the Baron, and Varus is not very fast in attack.

But BLG still has to come here quickly and cannot be careless at all.

Because V5 can use the rock bird's ultimate move to seal the road. When the dragon's health is relatively low, it may be difficult for BLG people to get in if they directly seal the road.

When both sides gathered in the dragon pit, Chen Ke was the first to pull out of the dragon pit.

He plays a Poke hero and definitely doesn't want to fight with the opponent.

When the other side comes, press the blood volume first and then talk about it.


In the blink of an eye, Chen Ke shot out a fully charged [Piercing Arrow], knocking out one-third of Uzi's health.

Jinx's blood-stealing ability is very poor now, and once his blood volume is reduced, it will definitely not be good news for the subsequent team battle.

Logically speaking, BLG should hurry up and launch groups. The problem is that they are lagging behind.

At this time, if the team fight really starts, it will be difficult to beat the opponent. Just look at Jinx's current equipment.

The second piece of equipment hasn't been purchased yet, so it won't do any harm at all.

A Bin's Sword Girl is still leading the lane in the bottom lane, and there is no teleport at this time.

The Sword Girl at this time is not suitable for joining the group because she has no defensive equipment.

They clearly knew that it would not be a good thing for them to keep pulling and letting Varus continue to fight and consume them, but they still did not have the courage to start a group.

At this time, FoFo wanted to stand up and do something for the team.

After taking away Chen Ke's previous kill, his current equipment is pretty good, at least not worse than the one with the advantage of Toothpaste.

The consumption ability is still there. A little consumption of the blood volume of the opposite C position can put pressure on the V5 side.

BLG doesn't want to take over this dragon at all, as long as it can persuade people to quit and ensure that the dragon is safe.

When FoFo found the right time, the first person he went to was Chen Ke.

The V5 lineup seems to be relatively easier to bully than Verus.

Deliberately going around in a circle from the side, FoFo found an opportunity and stepped on it with W.

FoFo was very careful when moving up.

He also knew in his heart that he had to move quickly and not be slow.

Chen Ke has a big move in his hand and cannot be controlled by Varus' big move. The hero Enchantress is very afraid of being controlled.

This is also the reason why some people choose to choose Ice Girl in the middle lane to Counter Enchantress.

What made FoFo's whole body tingle was that Chen Ke moved too fast, faster than he imagined.

His W skill had almost just landed, and before he could throw out the other skills in his hand, Chen Ke's ultimate move came out.

This ultimate move is too fast and has a bit of anticipation in it.

FoFo didn't even have time to press W again to return to the starting position. He was already firmly controlled.

The Enchantress is under control, so you basically don’t have to use it when faced with the V5 skill.

King Ning didn't care about his skills at all and locked up with a big move.

As long as this lock is given, the enchantress will not be able to escape even if the control is over and she can move.

Tahm is not by his side, and there are no teammates around to support him.

Toothpaste's skills also caught up, and almost in the blink of an eye, the Enchantress' health disappeared and she turned into a corpse.

"It's broken, FoFo was hit by Varus!"

"No, there's no way Tam can be saved from this position."

"Once the Enchantress falls, the pressure on BLG will be great. V5 will definitely attack this big dragon."


FoFo's sudden accident made the commentator realize that the game might be over.

Apart from the Sword Girl, the most powerful one in the BLG lineup now is the Enchantress. The 30-plus seconds of resurrection time makes BLG suffer.

Even the commentators can see that after defeating the opponent's mid laner, V5 will definitely attack Baron.

There was no way to continue bringing Bin in the bottom lane, so he quickly found a suitable position to teleport to the front.

There is one less person on the opposite side, so there is no need for V5 to fight with the opponent for punishment.

After seeing the people coming, Wink simply showed up and started the group.

V5 lacks the two ultimate moves of jungler and Varus. Varus's ultimate move is okay, but Wei's ultimate move is crucial.

However, BLG was short of one person, and its economy was more than 6,000 behind. Teamfights were broken when they encountered one, and they had no ability to fight back.

Jinx played almost no role in this wave of team battles.

V5 also understands this. When the team battle begins, no one looks at Jinx, and all the attention is on Sword Lady.

Bin was very confident in his operation, but with so many people from V5 outflanking him, he couldn't touch Chen Ke at all.

Just spreading the toothpaste on the stone array is enough to make this swordswoman uncomfortable.


"There is no way to fight. Without one person, the gap in the team battle is too big."

"Jinx's equipment is really poor. I just saw him hit a lot of female tanks with his A, but it didn't do any damage at all."

"V5 will fight the Baron first. After taking the Baron, the game will almost be over."

"With the Baron, Sword Lady can no longer play solo, and BLG has no comeback point!"


As soon as the team battle was over, the commentator sentenced BLG to death.

Looking at the whole game, this is expected.

Except for Chen Ke's big head, V5 almost didn't give the opponent a chance throughout the game.

When there is a gap in strength between a team and the opponent, in fact, even if the opponent is given an opportunity, you may not be able to seize it.

Many times, the big gap between teams with average strength and strong teams is their ability to seize opportunities.

After taking a look at the troop line and the opponent's resurrection time, I realized that it was too late to attack immediately, so I might as well take the Baron first.

Only about two minutes after winning the Baron, V5 crushed BLG with force.

The score became 1:0.

When the first game ended, Chen Ke was in a pretty good mood.

I was talking and laughing with my teammates throughout the whole process, which was in sharp contrast to the silence at BLG.

At least Chen Ke's goal was achieved, which was more comfortable than winning the game.

The red temperature detector is still very powerful, but it is a pity that other players are not very powerful, so Chen Ke cannot earn rewards happily.

"I feel like it's too easy for you to play a lane hero like Varus."

Once we came to the lounge and closed the door, everyone started talking more freely.

Wink smiled and said: "I feel like the opponent is going to ban Verus in the next round."

When being interviewed outside, people may say some nice things.

But privately it doesn't matter. To put it bluntly, professional players know their level after their comeback.

Now that no one is broadcasting live, Toothpaste has become bolder and simply suggested: "To be honest, let's get Vayne in the next round. Everyone is waiting to see it."

"Indeed, there is no pressure to play in the bottom lane and lane anyway. Vayne can really take it."

Others nodded frequently.

Vayne is weak in the early stage, what does it have to do with Chen Ke?

Against a powerful bottom lane, Chen Ke's Vayne may not be suppressed in the lane, not to mention that BLG's bottom lane is average in lane.

After Chen Ke received the reward, he now has no pressure at all.

The atmosphere in today's scene has reached this point. It's really hard to get off the stage if we don't take Vayne.

It's a pity that the sales time of the champion skin has long passed. This thing is limited and only available for that one month.

Later, during the World Championships every year, they may be unlocked and sold.

However, the proceeds from subsequent sales have nothing to do with Chen Ke and the others.

The skin is divided into only the largest wave.

Chen Ke thought of something and said worriedly: "By the way, has the second player on the opposite side been replaced?"

If your mentality is really bad, it is possible to calm down.

Aning waited for a few minutes before confirming: "I haven't received any news. The substitution time has passed now. The opponent probably won't make a substitution."

BLG really never thought about substitutions from beginning to end.

Even if you let the big dog come in at this time, the big dog may not be happy.

Who the hell wants to come here and take the blame for nothing? Back then at MSI, he was killed several times by Chen Ke.

"The second game started immediately, and there were no personnel changes on either side."

"But what is more surprising is that BLG took the initiative to choose the red side."

"I guess I want to change my tactics."


After losing the previous game, BLG still had the right to choose a side, and they took the initiative to choose the red side.

Fortunately, the winning rates between red and blue are not that big now, and everyone is speculating.

I guess BLG has figured it out. No one else can count on them, and they can only rely on A Bin to win.

On the red side, you can give A Bin a counter position.

"Hey, BLG has banned Vayne?"

When both sides were banning people, BLG continuously banned Lucian and Draven, two of the more terrifying heroes in the lane.

Everyone thinks that the third ban position should be Varus.

What is quite surprising is that BLG chose to kill Vayne.

It makes no sense to ban this hero in the first three hands, and everyone can probably guess why.

"Damn it, the other side banned Vayne?"

"Is this what you did? Vayne is banned?"

"What the hell, there won't be a mole in our lounge, right?"


V5 was also quite surprised, and everyone discussed and complained about it.

When we were talking about picking Vayne before, no one could have imagined that the opponent would ban her, after all, they had already been released in the previous game.

Chen Ke didn't say anything. When the camera turned to him, he could see a weird smile on his handsome face.

"Okay, okay, you won't let me play, right? Then everyone should stop playing!"


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