He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 427 The weather has cleared up and the rain has stopped. Do you feel like you are okay again

"Well, it can be seen that BLG's hand is relatively stable."

Miller and Wawa were both embarrassed for the first time.

I wanted to say something, but after looking at each other, I felt like forget it.

Some words are better left in your heart.

The director is quite knowledgeable and has started to use camera language to express some things.

At this time, the camera was just right for Chen Ke.

Chen Ke also didn't expect that the camera would be on him even though the person opposite was banning him.

At this time, Chen Ke was subconsciously thinking about whether his idea could be successfully implemented.

After being arrested on the spot, the barrage is now full of "cute" comments.

"Tell me, can I choose Rambo in this round?"

When Chen Ke asked, his teammates knew that he probably really wanted to choose.

Having worked together for so long, we know each other so well that we probably know every hair on our bodies.

Chen Ke wants to play, so he definitely can't refuse him.

The status within the team is on the one hand, but mainly everyone knows it and knows that Chen Ke will not play around.

If you take out a weird hero but use it every time, it won't be considered weird.

Mai Zijian said mildly: "If you think there is no problem in the bottom lane, then choose it."

"But I suggest you pick him in the second round. It's impossible for the opponent to ban this hero."

Regarding banning Wei En, the other party probably guessed that Chen Ke wanted to play. This was not difficult to guess, even the audience could guess it.

To prevent Chen Ke from getting crazy after taking out Vayne, just ban him.

Anyway, my ban position is here, and I have the final say on how to use it.

Uzi also thought about it, but it was impossible for him to take the initiative and ask the coach to ban Vayne.

The hero Vayne is now banned in the first three rounds, which is a bit of a waste of ban spots.

This is purely a decision made by BLG coach Dian.

I knew I couldn't beat V5 in this game, and I didn't think I could beat it before the match.

But don’t let this game affect your mentality afterward.

If BLG spends such a big price this year, they can't just make it to the playoffs and fail.

If he doesn't play well, he may not be able to serve as a coach until the end of the season.

He felt it was a good deal to spend a ban position to avoid future troubles.

As for Varus, Dian feels that even if he is released, Chen Ke may not choose him.

In this kind of regular season competition, if you ask him to use the same hero for two consecutive games, Chen Ke may not be happy.

But for a hero like Rambo, it is impossible for the opponent to prevent him.

Banning the opposite bot lane player Rambo is impossible no matter how you look at it, there are not enough ban spots yet.

What Mai Zijian means is don't be anxious, and try to choose heroes in other positions for the first three moves.

It doesn't matter when he chooses Chen Ke, he also knows that no one will target this hero.

However, Chen Ke still had to make it clear in advance: "I got Rambo, and I feel it would be better to go to the middle."

Rambo, the hero, is really unable to play as a jungler now.

The best positions are top and middle. Both lanes can be played, but it still depends on what hero the opponent chooses.

And whether our own lineup supports it or not.

Let Chen Ke get this thing and play in the bottom lane, to be honest, it would be more uncomfortable.

Chen Ke has completed his task in the last game, and there is no need to pursue a match with Uzi in this game.

Just take a Rambo and move it to the middle, and just be happy.

"Where can I go if you go to the middle, how can I play AD?"

Toothpaste is a little confused. You said earlier that you wanted to play in the middle and let the Deng Emperor come up.

Chen Ke also had an impromptu idea. Before the BP started, Chen Ke also planned to show off Vayne.

Chen Keneng said this, naturally he took this issue into consideration.

I heard Chen Ke laugh and say: "Wink can play AD, why don't you go and assist."

"Damn it, don't do it. How can I help you?"

Toothpaste is a bit painful. He is a professional player, so he knows that the support position is not that simple.

There are too many things to do, including vision, group initiating, roaming, protection, and taking damage.

You can't relax at all when laning.

But Wink couldn't stand it and was a little tempted. After hearing Chen Ke's idea, he was very interested.

He's pretty much on par with Uzi.

King Ning and 369 also wanted to have fun, so they simply obeyed the majority, and the team completed the decision to change positions.

It's not that Toothpaste is against playing as an assistant, he's a little worried that he's being cheated.

Seeing that his teammates are all so excited, toothpaste doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, just go to the bottom lane and have fun.

Usually when Chen Ke plays, he is used to playing in the middle lane. When he goes to the bottom lane, the ecology is different, but the experience is still there.

Chen Ke can have such a bold idea mainly because of the strength of the opponent's bottom lane.

Uzi doesn't have much suppressive power online now. He can suppress the opponent in many cases because the jungler often goes to the bottom lane.

Songsong obviously still has the strength, but there are some problems with his current condition.

Before Uzi came back, his performance this year had already been criticized by many people.

In addition to his status as champion support, he also received the highest salary for the support position this year, and his performance is indeed not worthy of his worth.

This is also the reason why Chen Ke has such an easy time laning.

Even if Ning Wang's second level didn't make that wave, Chen Ke's suppressive power would not be weakened much.

The laning situation on the opposite side of the lane made Chen Ke feel like he could give it a try.

It is impossible to expect Wink and Toothpaste to take advantage in the bottom lane, and they will most likely be suppressed.

But as long as the two of them want to be steady, they won't be defeated.

Rambo is a hero who pushes the lane very quickly. If he is in the middle, the pressure to prevent gank will be much less.

After pushing the lane by himself, he can also roam more to support the bottom lane.

Push through it in the early stage, and they will feel comfortable once they start to move.

Both sides played relatively early in this round.

BLG selected Xayah for Uzi, and this hero is currently playable.

We can no longer play Jinx and Tahm Kench’s system. BLG needs Liu Qingsong’s team-building ability.

Even if he picks a Tahm Kench in his hand, it feels weird, and the team is missing a rhythm point.

Without Tahm, it is best not to use Jinx alone.

With the strength of V5, it is too easy for them to target a hero without displacement.

Xayah's self-protection ability is very strong, and her late-stage output is also guaranteed. It is indeed a good choice for Uzi.

Now that Xia is selected, there won’t be anyone who doesn’t know how to play.

If you don't know how to play Xayah, that's a matter of S7. You can play Xayah very well in S8.

"Here comes Chen Ke's Jinx!"

V5 quickly responded and selected the hero Jinx.

This hero is what Wink wants to play. The strength of the version of the hero is here.

In addition, Wink occasionally rewards himself for playing a few rounds of AD in ranked games. Recently, he has been playing Jinx a lot, and he is one of the few heroes who dares to use it in games.

If you don't go down the lane with Chen Ke, you won't have much confidence if you ask him to use Draven, which he has a pretty good proficiency with.

It’s just that no one outside the world knew what V5 was thinking, and they subconsciously thought that this hero was played by Chen Ke.

All the comments on the barrage are about "forehand and backhand education" and "Jinx teaching".

After Vayne is gone, it is normal for Chen Ke's character to take out Jinx and perform forehand and backhand.

It's just that Chen Ke's Jinx does not have many highlights in everyone's impression.

On the contrary, the one where Jinx lost the game was more impressive to everyone.

Again, if I believe Chen Ke, it will be over.

Wait for Chen Ke to go on a rampage and kill everyone!

In the second round of selection, after V5 locked Ornn in the top lane, another Rambo came.

"Huh? These two heroes?"

"what does this mean?"

"Can Rambo take it out and walk in the middle? It's been a while since I've seen him."

"I didn't expect Toothpaste to secretly practice this skill."


The two commentators looked at each other in a strange way, not realizing for a moment that Rambo, the hero, could warn.

Judging from the lineup and heroes, this hand is quite capable of single Rambo, unlike normal people who can do BP.

There is Ornn in the key top lane, and there is no possibility of swing. This Rambo can only go to the middle lane.

To be honest, hitting Syndra on the opposite side in the middle is not an easy fight for Rambo.

The audience didn't think about this. As soon as Rambo was locked, the barrage immediately started teasing him.

Many V5 fans are telling everyone what the toothpaste is called on Weibo.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke didn't do anything in this round. The person who did it was Toothpaste.

At this time, no one could realize that V5 would have a line change operation.

Some people even feel a little pity, it would be better if Vayne was released.

Rambo is paired with Vayne, and when Chen Ke takes a bath with the champion skin, Rambo can light a fire next to him to keep the temperature up.

What a beautiful scene.

It wasn't until the heroes were swapped that everyone realized something was wrong.

The moment Rambo arrived in Chen Ke's hands and remained motionless for a long time, everyone was just stunned for a short time, and then felt that there was nothing surprising.

No wonder Rambo was chosen out of nowhere. There is no such hero in Toothpaste’s hero pool, so Chen Ke can only play.

Then when Tam got into Toothpaste's hand, he knew that Toothpaste was going to help.

How it sways is clear at this moment.

This lineup was so hard-working that even the two commentators didn't dare to say anything.

With V5 playing like this, the outcome of this game is very critical for both sides.

If you win in this way, BLG can indeed be buried.

If V5 loses this game, then the whole life will become a snake game, and you can't run away after being sprayed.

Coming up with this strange lineup really added a lot of excitement to this game.

After entering the game, the camera was shown to the middle.

Rambo mid laner, who has not been seen for a long time recently, everyone wants to see what effect he can have in the hands of Chen Ke.

The whole thing is one thing. If you can't take it out and hit it, you will be embarrassed instead.

FoFo plays Syndra, which can be regarded as long-handed and short-handed in the middle.

It's just that after the last round, he felt inexplicably nervous now.

This round has just started, and my palms are already sweaty.

It has something to do with Chen Ke, but it's not because I have to face Chen Ke that I'm so nervous.

He is different from Big Dog. He has not played against Chen Ke very often. Big Dog was really beaten to pieces by Chen Ke at PSG last year. Now he is a little panicked when he sees Chen Ke.

When FoFo was in RA last year, he even defeated Chen Ke in the summer regular season.

It was just in the last round that FoFo knew he was going to be scolded.

Especially in the last wave of team battles with Baron, he was controlled by Varus and dropped instantly, causing the game to end immediately.

Looking at the overall situation, even if FoFo loses in the last wave, it will not be his turn to take the biggest blame in the game.

But I can’t stand someone who has so many fans.

FoFo's reputation itself is not good, and he really doesn't have many fans. After the first fight, he knew that he was going to suffer a lot.

Even in this game, Chen Ke seemed to be quite nervous. The pressure that should be given in the early stage was not given to Chen Ke at all.

Let Chen Ke play online like a fish in water, very relaxed.

King Ning's monkey also came early and was put under pressure, and he defeated Syndra's flash at level three.

The hero Rambo has no control and is not easy to coordinate with the jungler, but it is indeed too stressful now that he cannot hold up FoFo.

Even Chen Ke, who was opposite him, could feel from his movements that this man seemed nervous to the naked eye.

"Wow, Prince Ning is here again. This Prince Ning seems to be a bit active today. He has been arresting people for the past two games."

Wawa smiled and said: "To be honest, I feel that he has been helping Chen Ke catch him. When Chen Ke was in the bottom lane, he caught him at the second level."

"In this game, Chen Ke came to the middle, and he started to hit the third level again."

"FoFo was indeed careless in the last wave. Logically speaking, when Monkey and Rambo don't have ultimate moves, it would be very difficult to catch Syndra with E."

"To be honest, I think FoFo was a little too careful when posting. Don't you think he was too anxious when he flashed? I think he won't die even if he doesn't pay."

"But he didn't dodge this time. You really need to be careful. If you take two steps forward, something will happen."

"But this line of soldiers is pushed out, which makes Syndra very uncomfortable now, and the jungler didn't come to help clear the line."


Under everyone's gaze, FoFo still took steps toward the abyss.

He needs to push through this line of troops before he can go home, otherwise he will suffer a huge loss this time.


Talent had just taken two steps forward when Chen Ke made a decisive E-dodge.

FoFo doesn't have a flash, so no matter how fast your reaction is, there's nothing you can do.

After Chen Ke's [Electronic Harpoon] was given, Syndra had a fatal deceleration effect on her body.

Seeing that Chen Ke was controlling his temperature well, he couldn't withstand Hong Wen's wave of damage.

He raised his hand and fired a QE, using [The Weak Retreat] to push Chen Ke back, causing a dizzy effect at the same time.

But at this time, Prince Ning also touched him.

Syndra didn't dodge E, so there was no way to prevent the monkey from causing damage to herself.

Prince Ning touched him from the side, so there was nothing FoFo could do.

The opposite center fielder is not in the same direction, and his push can only reach one person.

After Syndra ate Chen Ke's E skill with a comet, her blood volume was less than half.

Prince Ning went home and replenished his equipment, so there was no problem in dealing with Syndra with this level of health.

Chen Ke couldn't keep up, so he also used Flash.

Seeing that Syndra was about to enter the tower, King Ning knew that there was no way to give up the head. After the Q skill improved, he simply took Syndra's head with one stick.

"First Blood!"

"I got first blood, it's Prince Ning again!"

"The early rhythm of King Ning's two games is really too strong!"

"I think the scariest thing for Syndra is yet to come. When Rambo the Monkey has his ultimate move, it's impossible for his flash to improve. It will still be very dangerous then."


There were cheers from the audience, and the commentators even praised Wang Ning's performance crazily.

Ning Wang played today. I wonder if he was too excited when Chen Ke came back. It can be seen that his condition is very good to the naked eye.

Fans don't care if Chen Ke doesn't get the first blood, getting first blood for the monkey is equally effective.

V5 fans were excited. In fact, after taking a look at the game, they found that at this point in time, BLG was actually doing okay in the lane.

It was only the middle lane that was uncomfortable, as both the upper and lower lanes had lane rights.

On the road, Ornn fights against Gnar, and Brother 9 has nothing to do. He has to resist the pressure in this lane, which is considered a sacrifice for the team.

There is nothing that can be done about the bottom lane. Neither of them is playing in their own position.

It's good if you can stand still, but you definitely can't beat him in the lane.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with King Ning's early choice in this game, he just wants to help the middle lane.

Help Chen Ke gain the advantage and free himself from the line early. After the two of them started swimming, the wing became comfortable.

Being slightly suppressed online in the early stage is too normal in professional competitions.

As long as the rhythm of the midfielder and jungler of V5 is maintained in this round, nothing will go wrong.

After Chen Ke reached level six, FoFo became much more careful and did not dare to leave the defense tower casually.

When he plays Syndra, he can't wait to get the mercury shoes first.

Playing so cowardly, Chen Ke really has no good way to deal with him for the time being.

But by doing this, Chen Ke can push the lane without pressure. With Rambo's powerful lane clearing ability, he can leave the middle and roam after the push.

Once Chen Ke disappears, both the upper and lower sides of BLG will be a little nervous. This is a big Rambo.

The top side is fine, but the pressure on the bottom side of the V5 is really reduced a lot.

After taking a closer look at the last hit, Wink was only seven or eight kills behind, which was completely acceptable.

But Chen Ke is just putting pressure. The two heroes Jinx and Tahm in the bottom lane really have no control to keep people.

Chen Ke also lacks control. When there is no guarantee that he can catch someone, Chen Ke cannot use this ultimate move indiscriminately, because the vanguard will be refreshed later.

As the most important resource in the early stage, the competition for vanguard is the biggest highlight in the early stage of the game.

But BLG really can't compete. The main reason is that the strength of V5 is too high when both the upper, middle and jungle are big.

Ornn, Monkey, and Rambo, these three ultimate skills are very useful in team fights, and Monkey also got first blood, so he is now well equipped.

BLG's choice to abandon Pioneer is the best choice.

Once you come to pick up the group, the opponent may earn more than just a vanguard.

Chen Ke and the others realized that the other side was going to use this vanguard. They saw that the vanguard was refreshed and the other side didn't even come over to get a view.

When they thought they were about to move the vanguard, Chen Ke and King Ning went on the road first.

In conjunction with Brother 9's Ornn, all three of them unleashed their ultimate moves.

Being attacked by these three ultimate moves in turn, Bin can only say that there is no way to die this time.

For this reason, it can be seen that V5's top, middle and jungle rhythm has a tendency to take off.

No wonder they dared to let Toothpaste and Wink play the bottom lane. The abstraction is a bit abstract, but if they can't stand it, they can lead the midfielder.

The opponent lacks a top laner. Even without the ultimate move, the vanguard can easily win, but it is impossible for the opponent to come over.

Weiwei was not even in the upper half, but came to the lower half ready to use a dragon to stop his losses.

As soon as they arrived, before they took action, they noticed that Wink seemed to be giving him a chance.

With the upper, middle and junglers in the upper half, Wink did not abide by the half-zone principle this time.

Logically speaking, it is not safe under the defense tower at this time. If you give up the defense tower and lose two layers of tower skin, you can accept it.

Wink still dared to come out, purely because he saw that the rhythm of the middle and jungle was so good, and he began to relax.

Weiwei is very direct, Q comes and flashes for the ultimate move, and his Wei is also very good.

Both assistants had not yet reached level 6, and Liu Qingsong also flashed EW and came over to catch the blow.

Wink placed the clip as soon as he was locked by the ultimate move and flashed back to pull the position, but Luo was still able to keep up.

Uzi also flashed to catch the feather and pull the barb, and this time he flashed more timely.

There is no level 6 toothpaste, otherwise Weiwei would not choose to use Wink.

Seeing that Wink was definitely going to die, Toothpaste simply stepped back and ran away.

After pulling to a safe position, he didn't forget to give Wink a like.

Query the real-time temperature of Wink with one click.

Weiwei's damage is quite high at this time, and it's easy to kill Jinx.

However, he cherished this job more than the head, and chose to give the head to AD.

"This wave is mine, Shabi!"

After Wink died, people were a little upset.

But Chen Ke and the others don't care. They've only had one incident in the bottom lane so far, so they're totally fine with it.

Don't worry about any chain reactions. After the Pioneer fight, there will be no resources in the top half.

And helped a wave of top lane. After Brother 9's pressure on the top lane was much reduced, Chen Ke and Ning Wang will definitely focus on attacking the lower half.

It is impossible for the opponent to keep targeting the bottom lane and use the bottom lane as a breakthrough.

The commentator didn't think there was anything wrong with the head, but actually laughed because of the thumbs up for the toothpaste.

Tahm Kench will have a big move in the next wave. If BLG wants to continue targeting the bottom lane, it won't be that easy to target.

But after seeing Xia get the head, the barrage was inexplicably high.

"What do you say about this wave? Heizi speaks!"

"What are you talking about? Isn't this a jungle opportunity for junglers to find?"

"Tsk, tsk, King Ning did a good job in the last round. Why are you so crazy about Chen Ke? In this round, Uzi's jungler did a good job. Don't be too ugly with some people's faces."

"Seeing Uzi take someone's head makes some people uncomfortable."

"Indeed, I have only gotten one kill in two games so far. Can I ask him to make me feel uncomfortable a few more times?"

"Gitui, you still have confidence after taking someone's head."

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

"Waiting for a three-piece Uzi set, I will let you know what cruelty is."

"The fans of V5 now probably don't know how terrifying Uzi's Xayah was back then."

"Don't brag about it. If they choose Xayah as the champion skin this year, how should you deal with it?"

"Damn it, don't let Chen Ke see this. I also want a V5 Rambo champion skin."


PS: The 10,000 words end today.

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