"You're so bad. What the hell are you doing?"

"Shockwave fans, come out and say something."

"What a dish, not as good as a big dog."

"Finally I know why FoFo had a K head in the last game. It means that FoFo knew that it was useless to kill him."

"It's just Pengci V5. Players can beat you with just a few random combinations."


As the game was about to end, the barrage started to show off.

During this period, BLG's "new fans" have been bragging very well, and they have long been annoying to everyone.

This loss to V5 was a trigger, and it will definitely trigger a backlash from everyone.

"Warning warning, it has been detected that a player's temperature is too high."


Seeing that the game was about to end, when I was pushing the front tooth tower, suddenly the red temperature detector issued a warning.

Chen Ke took a look and saw that this game with Uzi was red and warm again.

Mysterious reward: three free attribute points.

What surprised Chen Ke was that after the Uzi temperature was maxed out in this round, he actually got another mysterious reward.

And this mysterious reward is obviously much more powerful than the one in the previous game.

The two mysterious rewards obtained in the last game can only be said to be somewhat useful, but if they really don't exist, they won't have any impact on Chen Ke.

But free attribute points are different, especially after knowing that your attributes will continue to decline over time.

Free attribute points are very important to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke had a guess that his age was considered advanced among professional players.

The decline in attributes may become larger and larger, so it is necessary to have some free attribute points in hand.

For example, it doesn't matter whether Chen Ke adds the free attribute points he got this time, his current level is definitely enough.

Keep it and see which aspects of the attributes have dropped significantly, and just add them directly.

If you expect real points to forcibly increase your attributes, the price you need to pay is too high. Free attribute points are easier to use and more direct.

The problem is not that easy to solve. This time, three points are awarded at once, which is the most free attribute points Chen Ke has ever earned.

According to Chen Ke's experience in so many lottery draws, he spent 10,000 real points to draw ten consecutive draws, but he would never be able to get three free attribute points.

In other words, the benefits brought to Chen Ke by Uzi's two red temperatures today exceeded 10,000 real points.

The reason why Chen Ke didn't observe the temperature in this round was because he subconsciously felt that the mysterious reward was only available once.

After you get it in the previous game, there won’t be any more.

Only now did Chen Ke realize that this thing could earn rewards in every game.

If he plays a few more games with Uzi, wouldn't he make a lot of money?

What's a pity is that after this fight, I don't know when the next time will be.

If you're lucky, you can meet them in the playoffs, but if you're not lucky, it will be next year.

The most undesirable situation is that you will never encounter it in an official competition in this life.

The good news is that the red temperature detector is more powerful than I imagined.

The rewards for the second refresh were so impressive. Chen Ke had reason to guess that the rewards might be even better next time.

When an inconspicuous prop produces something more powerful than your own lottery, you can't underestimate it.

Chen Ke was prepared before and thought that the mysterious reward given by this prop would not be a good thing at all.

It's just that I haven't been able to get this reward, which makes me more curious and thinking about it every day.

Chen Ke also looked specifically at the other players in BLG. After this round, the remaining four players also entered the red-temperature state.

Weiwei and Liu Qingsong had the highest temperatures besides Uzi, but they didn't even reach 95.

The red temperature is in good condition, but it's not so full yet.

In other words, besides Uzi, the second professional player who can give Chen Ke rewards has not yet appeared.

Unfortunately, I don’t know when the next fight with Uzi will be. This is quite a pity.

Chen Ke felt like laughing after thinking about it. The reward he had worked so hard to get in the last game was not as good as this one.

I never looked at the temperature, but people naturally filled up.

What Chen Ke didn't know was that someone in the BLG team helped him in this game.

Uzi Wen was not at full strength, and after losing the last game, he had no expectations for this game with V5.

It was just that towards the end of the game, my teammates went crazy, which affected my mood a bit.

Fortunately, Chen Ke is also satisfied, and today's harvest has exceeded expectations.

It's all thanks to Uzi that I can make such a fortune.

Chen Ke has decided not to slander him anymore, I swear!

"Do you want to show your RNG flag?"

Seeing it being pushed to the base, the guy from Toothpaste suddenly said something.

He is a little ready to make a move, but he is usually not the first to do this kind of thing. Someone in the team needs to take the lead.

Toothpaste likes to follow his teammates to output.

Anyway, the Lantern Emperor doesn’t know, but the five of them, Old V5, all have an RNG team logo on the emoticon wheel.

Showing off the RNG team logo collectively, I guess it’s quite a bit of a mentality.

Chen Ke thought for a while and decided to forget it. Even if Uzi played poorly today, there was no need to help RNG.

After they show off, HZ will definitely use this game screenshot to kill Godzilla.

Both sides are not good people, but Chen Ke is not willing to help HZ.

In addition, Chen Ke decided to be gentler to God in the future.

After a few seconds, everyone in V5 took off their headphones and stood up, walking towards BLG.

When Chen Ke walked up to Uzi, the scene was frozen at this moment.

The fist bump between the two LPL gods, how many people have been waiting for this.

When Chen Ke came over, he looked at Uzi specifically and found that his face was flushed.

After receiving the reward, Chen Ke was very pleased with him and even took the initiative to smile.

In the post-game fist bump, God had a good attitude of being reasonable.

Generally, regardless of winning or losing, bowing is done well.

There are quite a few players who stand there during a fist bump and do not move even when someone bows. They don't even want to bow, and they don't even want to nod.

There are also some who don’t want to stand up even after losing the game, and just sit on their chairs and bump fists with others.

Shen Cai met Chen Ke and found that Chen Ke was smiling at him, so he immediately responded with a smile.

Inexplicably a bit humble, just like Xiaohu back then.

The fist bumping part is only interesting when two people face each other. Later, netizens will use their imagination to see if they can add some text or something.

If we really want to talk about what fans are looking forward to, it has to be the post-game interview session.

Chen Ke has played this game so far this season.

This is V5's home court, so no need to think about today's post-match interview, Chen Ke will definitely come up.

Of course, after the game, the V5 home court was not as full as before.

Some Uzi fans who came to the scene fled as soon as the game ended. They are not considered to be mindless fans.

I just like this player, and now that he has come back, I will continue to support him.

I just want to watch him play, every game I can watch.

I don’t have much opinion on Chen Ke, but I know what Chen Ke’s style is.

I guess the words spoken after the game will not be pleasant to listen to, so why bother staying at the scene and listening to those words that are unpleasant?

The host of today's V5 home game is Sister Tuozi. Now everyone prefers to call her Meiyangyang.

After taking the microphone on stage with Chen Ke, the audience burst into warm cheers.

"Okay, we also invited Real players whom we haven't seen for a long time to accept today's post-game interview."

The hunchback sister said with a smile on her face: "Let's say hello to the fans first."

After the simple greeting, Sister Tuozi continued to ask: "I haven't played for a long time. How does it feel to be back on the court today?"

"I feel pretty good. Although I haven't played a game, I have been participating in the team's training throughout the whole process, so my condition is pretty good."

"Well, it seems that during the days when they are not playing, Real players still maintain relatively high requirements for themselves."

Sister Tuozi was in good condition today and continued: "It is true that everyone can see from today's game that being away from the competition for so long has not affected your condition."

"So how do you feel after these two games today?"

"I just feel okay. There is still a strength gap between the opponent and us. Before the game, I thought that this score would end the game."

Chen Ke's understatement made fans slightly excited.

It can be felt that Chen Ke has begun to increase his intensity. It is obvious that the interview is not over yet, and the next step is the focus.

Sister Tuozi’s third question finally got to what everyone was most concerned about: “Today’s game was also against the returning UZI player.”

"This is your first time playing against each other in the professional arena. How do you feel?"

There is nothing wrong with this question, because the highlight of this game before the game is Chen Ke vs. Uzi.

Both of them are players with a lot of traffic, so I will definitely ask about them after the game.

Fans felt that this question was too cruel and open-ended, which meant that Chen Ke could say whatever he wanted.

In fact, Chen Ke really didn't have any intention of making fun of him.

If it had been before, Chen Ke might have ridiculed him for his poor performance after his comeback, and he would have been busy with endorsements and business.

But now it is very important for Chen Ke that Uzi remains on the court.

For his own benefit, Chen Ke didn't mind giving some encouragement in another way.

What if he sprays too hard and never comes back?

I just heard Chen Ke say seriously: "After all, the UZI player has just come back not long ago. I think he is not in the best condition now. It may take some time."

"Similarly, I think there is no problem in continuing to stay in the LPL with his ability, and this time he comes back, I think he has matured a lot."

"I hope you can continue to persevere and never give up!"


Chen Ke's words are not completely nonsense. He is still a master now, but he is still better than some LPL bastard ADs.

For some players, when you watch them compete, you will only have one feeling: "Why can such a person find a job?"

It's just that if you go to a strong team, it will indeed be a hindrance.

But if you ask him to choose an ordinary team to lead newcomers, then he will definitely not be willing.

After listening, fans only had two words in their minds: "That's it?"

Everyone was not surprised when they heard the beginning, knowing that Chen Ke must be very angry.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke was quite normal throughout the whole process.

Chen Ke suddenly became a human being, which made fans very uncomfortable.

What does this mean? He was beaten the hardest on the field and the gentlest words were spoken to him after the game.

However, fans still know Chen Ke, although it is impossible for everyone to know about the red temperature detector.

But they knew that when Chen Ke suddenly spoke like this, he needed to pay more attention than when he was trolling others. He must have his own purpose.

Fans of Chen Ke thought about it carefully and felt that they almost understood it.

It must be that he hasn't played Vayne today, and he doesn't feel comfortable enough. He wants to wait for the next opportunity to choose Vayne for strength.

Even Sister Hunchback was surprised. When she was ready, Chen Ke failed to do her best.

But Chen Ke did it this way, and she did sum it up relatively smoothly.

If a few random comments are made, the host will often have to move directly to the next question.

Later, I was asked why toothpaste should be used as an auxiliary, etc., and Chen Ke simply answered.

He didn't show any aggression throughout.

After the post-match interview, Chen Ke and his team went out for dinner and even called Weiwei to join them.

Weiwei and V5 are all acquaintances here, so it’s okay for everyone to have a meal together after the game is over.

During the meal, no one talked about today's game.

After eating, Weiwei must also arrange a foot-washing activity.

The innocent boy before can now call for extra time without changing his expression.

It's not too late to return to the base in the evening.

Chen Ke took advantage of the end of the game to plan a simple live broadcast.

Chen Ke's live broadcast time has long been enough. He usually broadcasts more on the second channel.

Today's game is over and the live broadcast begins. Everyone knows that Chen Ke must want to talk about something else.

Fans flocked to the live broadcast room and seemed quite excited.

We knew that Chen Ke definitely didn't have a good time during today's post-game interview. He wanted to have a good time when he returned to the base in the evening.

"What should I say, who is responsible for today's BLG match?"

"How do you evaluate God's Kasumi?"

“Are you considering making a Rambo skin this year?”

"The post-match interview is not offensive at all. If you do this again, I will ask GSL to increase your intensity."

"Do you feel the pressure when you are facing God?"


As soon as the live broadcast started, basically everything on the barrage was filled with jokes.

Chen Ke has long been accustomed to the ecology in his live broadcast room. The barrages are basically all about leading the topic to today's game.

Chen Ke naturally would not avoid it: "Today BLG lost the game. To be honest, I think the biggest problem is the double C. Ueno Suke didn't play very well. I can only say that he tried his best."

Analyzing today's game, Chen Ke is quite realistic.

Needless to say, BLG’s double-C performance in today’s game was disastrous.

In Chen Ke's live broadcast room, Uzi is definitely the one who gets the most hate.

People who like Uzi probably won’t be able to come to Chen Ke’s live broadcast room in today’s headwind situation.

Everyone on the barrage was spraying, and Chen Ke couldn't ignore it.

Chen Ke didn't feel it was necessary to let Chen Ke follow suit. Whatever he said about his feelings could become a piece of news.

There are also many unscrupulous editors squatting in his live broadcast room.

However, as someone who has seen every rhythm, this situation is not difficult for Chen Ke.

Instead, Chen Ke began to take advantage of this wave of rhythm to lead the rhythm in the direction he wanted to see.

Chen Ke just nodded and said: "Uzi really didn't play well today, and I don't want to forcefully make excuses for him."

"Do you feel that there is something wrong with the BLG team?"

"It doesn't matter how good they are. Anyway, the pretty good players went there and they all played average. After leaving them, things got better again."


As soon as Chen Ke finished speaking, everyone felt that this was indeed the case.

It won't be until next year's S13 that the BLG team will be able to stand up. Now is the S12 period. It is reasonable for Chen Ke to say that this team has problems.

A lot of money is spent every year, but the results are a mess.

Otherwise, it would be better to say that uncle is the number one victim.

The key point is that if you can't just buy people, then it's a matter of vision and it's time to change management.

The most unacceptable thing is that if someone can't do it in your place, then they become arrogant again in another environment.

It's okay if one or two people are like this. If many people are like this, then it's hard to say that your team has no problems.

Players can grow up if they join a good team. Everyone knows this.

In fact, many players who performed well in their debut, but then gradually failed, may not necessarily be talented enough, nor may they not work hard enough.

He didn't encounter a good environment, and he didn't have teammates and coaches who could help him grow. The impact was quite big.

Chen Ke waited for a moment and saw that everyone on the barrage was discussing BLG. Chen Ke knew that this wave of rhythm had started.

Strike while the iron is hot: "Actually, let me tell you, there is only one team in China that is most suitable for Uzi, and that is EDG!"

As soon as Chen Ke finished speaking, the barrage was filled with question marks.


"Don't be kidding, the team you are least likely to go to is EDG."

"It's impossible for the sworn enemy who fought against pigs and dogs for so many years to join EDG."

"I would rather believe that he will return to RNG than that he will go to EDG."

"I can't even imagine Uzi wearing an EDG uniform."

"Do you believe that Uzi will go to EDG, or do you believe that I am Qin Shihuang?"


PS: The update of 10,000 words has been completed. It’s the last two days of the month. Please vote for me!

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