He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 437 The championship interview, the last tenderness from Chen Ke

Chapter 437 The championship interview, the last tenderness from Chen Ke~


To be honest, even Chen Ke didn't expect it to be like this.

He had been paying attention to his brother's position. Aphelios' equipment was not very good at this time, but the damage was still there.

There is no problem with harvesting the endgame.

My brother, who has always been very steady recently, even Chen Ke finds it a bit tricky.

Especially since this wave of brothers have been standing behind looking for opportunities, Chen Ke probably knows what he is going to do.

After being together for so long, no one knows each other.

Chen Ke's skills have already improved, and he still holds a W in his hand.

After W was converted, Chen Ke didn't use it immediately in fierce team battles. He just used it to wait for his brother.

This wave of Lantern Emperors was targeted by the opponent and was unable to deal stress-free output in team battles.

Coupled with the lack of a top laner, this is the most fatal.

If Aphelios was not dealt with, Chen Ke knew that this wave of team battles would be difficult.

When Aphelios wants to come up for output, he only needs to accurately place his rock protrusion under his feet.

It shouldn't be a problem if my brother is carried back directly. In his current state, Flash can be handed over.

The first time you press flash, the output will naturally be cut off, which can buy time for V5.

In addition to watching the team battle, everyone is also observing the resurrection time of 369.

At this time of more than 20 minutes, the resurrection time is not long, just more than 30 seconds.

It can be seen that 369 is about to be resurrected. As long as he delays for a little longer, he can be resurrected and teleported down quickly.

The follow-up V5 can still have the last laugh.

Even Chen Ke didn't expect that his brother secretly hid this move and directly hit his acupressure board with strong wind.

If he slows down a bit, Chen Ke's stone array will disappear.

At least the strong wind did some damage, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.

As soon as his brother fell, the Taobo team battle collapsed.

Xiaotian's monkey just went deeper into the position of cutting the lamp emperor, and took advantage of many skills of V5.

He collapsed before his brother impulsively entered the scene.

My brother fell again, and Taobo now lost his two major output points in the team battle. The fox on his left hand was poorly equipped in this round, and this hero has some scraping attributes.

Using his ultimate move to pull him to the flank, he really can't do much damage.

Brother 9's teleportation had just turned on, but the people hadn't come down yet, and Taobo was completely defeated!

It's a pity that this wave of lamp emperors were eventually replaced by the left-handed man who took his life. He will definitely not lose money by replacing the big head of the lamp emperor.

The team battle was won but there was no Zeli. In addition, except for the wine barrel, Chen Ke and the others also had average health.

Especially since King Ning is still in a state of residual health, there is no way to defeat this big dragon.

However, the dragon can be easily defeated, and with the water dragon soul in hand, the suspense of this round is still infinitely reduced.

At least for now, it seems that V5 is basically difficult to lose.

After getting the water dragon, V5 went out to challenge the big dragon when he came out of the house.

There are no big moves on either side in this wave, so team fights may not be easy for V5.

To put it bluntly, their lineup is quite uncomfortable when heroes like Wei, Lulu, and Zeli don’t have ultimate moves during team fights.

Even Leg Brother couldn't help but said: "Is this forcing Baron? V5 seems to be fighting a little hard."

"Zeli hasn't mastered her ultimate yet. This hero is really not good at fighting in groups without her ultimate. Do you really want to wait a minute?"


Before the colonel's words could be answered, V5 started to activate the baron.

Only after Taobo's people came closer did everyone see V5's intentions.

They did not fight to the end, nor were they in a hurry to start a group.

To put it bluntly, their lineup still relies on Wei or Keg to start a team. Without the ultimate move, the ability to start a team is very poor.

The whole process is constantly pulling against the opponent, and V5 is very skilled in this kind of operation.

The V5 lineup also doesn’t have any Poke heroes, and it mainly relies on its own Water Dragon Soul.

It doesn't matter if you lose some blood, the recovery ability is very strong.

Besides, V5 currently has the economic lead and is the one taking the initiative. Taobo can consume their health, which proves that Taobo is not much better.

The Taobao people can also see that if they continue to pull like this, something will happen to them.

Seeing that the skills are almost there, Taobo is ready to take the initiative to start a group.

Mark's Titan began to move forward, looking eager to try.


The hook in his hand didn't even have a chance to be used. Chen Ke hid in the dragon pit and blindly saw a treacherous rock protrusion and directly lifted Mark back.

Lifting it back is a control, and V5's small skill control on the jungle is connected, and it is very easy to drop a Titan in seconds.

Seeing that there was no support, Taobo's people kept retreating.

The moment Mark was fired just now, Xiaotian hesitated and did not follow.

He used Flash in the last wave of team battles. He knew that if he charged forward forcefully and activated the attack, the Titan would still die, and he would most likely get involved.

If the jungler also dies, it is equivalent to giving up this big dragon.

Chen Ke and the others did not continue the pursuit and went directly into the dragon pit to take action.

With Zeli in their lineup, they won't be slow to beat Baron.

After Taobo loses a Titan, this wave of team battles seems to be unprepared.

Without Titan's headlock, Zeli's output pressure in team battles will be much less.

With Lulu's existence, if the monkey and fox want to cut off Zeli, they must give the Lantern Emperor a chance.

Fortunately for the fox, as soon as the monkey comes in, Wan Wei locks his head. Coupled with the skill connection of the rock bird, he basically needs to stably give the opponent a head.

Xiaotian knew without even thinking that when there was a big dragon, King Ning's ultimate move would definitely lock him down.

Tao Bo retreated directly and kept circling around the Dalong Pit.

Everyone else is just a cover, mainly because they want to create space for the monkey to grab the dragon.

In this wave, for Taobo, the only way is to grab the dragon.

The V5 side is also always on guard. When the dragon is low on health, it uses the wine barrel ultimate move and the rock sparrow's stone array.

All kinds of disgusting skills were thrown out, and it was impossible to get down.

After taking down the baron, the game becomes very simple for V5.

Next, Chen Ke used his ultimate move to block the road and easily captured Taobo's high ground in the middle.

When he pushed down the road again, Taobo seemed to feel it. Anyway, if he continued to push this wave, he would be waiting for death.

The Ancient Dragon will be refreshed in a while. After two lanes are destroyed, they may not be able to get out of the pressure put on them by the two lanes of super soldiers.

Not to mention competing with V5 for the ancient dragon. When you finally come out, V5 simply doesn't look at the ancient dragon and just turns around and goes to your highland to steal your home.

If you drag them down, you won't have an advantage in the lineup. It's better to just start a group and fight.

Chen Ke really admires the style of Taobo, which stands out for its crispness.

Seeing that there is no hope for the situation, there is really no point in still being submissive.

It is true that the current V5 cannot beat the current V5 in team battles. The equipment gap between the two sides is still quite large. In addition, Chen Ke's Rock Bird has greater restrictions on Taobo's side in team battles.

It's normal if you can't beat it, just take the next one to save time.

In the next two games, V5 made no substitutions.

Not replacing the toothpaste proves that Chen Ke will not swing to the AD position in the bottom lane.

In a final like this, it would be impossible for Gill to sway someone unfamiliar with the middle, especially if the opponent is left-handed.

Chen Kean steadily played two more times in the middle and won Taobo cleanly 3:1.

Fans were a little bit regretful that although Chen Ke played today, he couldn't see Draven's line-up against his brother as part of his repertoire.

In fact, after playing against his brother so many times, Chen Ke no longer felt anything at all.

And the opponent must be alert. Whenever Chen Ke wants to go to the bottom lane, the hero Draven must be in the ban position.

The relationship between my brother and Chen Ke has only eased, and he is not stupid. He definitely can no longer bear the pressure of Chen Ke Delevingne.

No one understands better than him how terrifying Chen Ke's Draven is.

It's a pity not to see the two of them facing each other, but in the three games that Chen Ke came up, he did a lot to his brother, which was quite enjoyable for everyone to watch.

The most important thing is that at the end of the game, V5 won the championship again.

Even V5 die-hard fans may not be able to remember for a moment that this is the first time they have seen the team win the trophy.

You are used to this feeling, but you will definitely not get tired of it.

No one would mind having this kind of happy thing happen a few more times.

"Let us congratulate V5. After dominating the LPL for a whole year last year, their dominance continues."

"From last year to now, V5 has completed four consecutive LPL championships and set a new LPL record."

"At the same time, after this game, V5 has also determined the number one seed in the LPL to participate in the World Championship, and Taobao has locked in the number two seed."

"I hope these two teams representing our LPL can perform well in the World Championship!"


In the excited roar of the commentator, everyone realized that V5 had unknowingly set another record.

The LPL has won four consecutive championships, which is unprecedented.

Even the previously dominant EDG team in China has not been able to achieve this achievement.

V5 has long been the number one team in the country, and to this day the value of this "number one" is still rising.

If we win the championship again in this year's S competition, it is very likely that no team in the LPL can surpass V5's status in the future.

It is very difficult to win two world championships, let alone two more MSI championships and four consecutive domestic championships.

Rationally speaking, the possibility should be zero.

The five V5 players on the stage stood up and hugged each other, briefly celebrating.

Then the camera was also shown to TaoBo. The losing side deserves to be remembered by everyone. TaoBo did his best in today's game.

It can only be said that if you encounter the big devil, and there is still a certain degree of bloodline suppression, if you really can't defeat him, there is nothing you can do.

It can be seen that the emotions of the players on Taobo are quite stable, and there is no sign of any discomfort.

Maybe they had thought of this result before the fight.

It's hard to accept it once or twice, it means I have to work hard, I have to fight, and I will definitely fight back next time I meet them.

But if it happens eight times out of ten times, everyone will feel numb.

My brother himself has a good mentality and just shook his head after the game.

At this moment, a scene suddenly appeared in his mind of Chen Ke having dinner with him during the offseason last year to recruit him to join V5.

My brother couldn't help but think that if he really went to V5, he would probably be among the people who laughed until the end this year.

Obviously the Lantern Emperor is another plan he has later.

But my brother just thought about it and realized that his contract had not expired at all, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to leave last year.

Let’s not talk about the explosive transfer fee, but whether V5 can afford it.

He was leaving before the contract expired, and to be honest, he was too embarrassed to talk to Brother Hao.

But after this year's play, his contract is really going to expire.

Before the finals, Brother Hao discussed with him about renewing his contract in advance.

The treatment provided is good in all aspects, and my brother also knows that it will be fine if he wants to retire at TaoBo.

According to Riot's regulations, as long as both parties agree, the contract can be renewed in advance.

However, the prerequisite for renewal is to add the original contract, and the term cannot exceed three years.

As the core of the team, my brother wants to renew his contract in advance.

But after the final, he suddenly wavered.

Forget about renewing the contract, wait until the World Championship is over and see what happens in the offseason.

At this time, people from V5 also came over to shake hands, and his teammates stood up one after another, interrupting his brother's thoughts.

He smiled when shaking hands with Chen Ke, and Chen Ke gave him a hug just like last time.

There is nothing else to do next, the stage belongs to the Summer Split champion!

Golden rain fell again at the finals, so I waited for the toothpaste.

Chen Ke and the other six held the cup again with cheers from the audience.

"Okay, let's congratulate V5 again!"

The cup-holding session ended quickly. Now let alone Chen Ke and the others, even the Lantern King didn't feel that big about lifting the LPL trophy.

Just put it back to its original place after a moment of interest, and then today's host will appear.

After taking a look, it was still Liu Hang and Yu Shuang today.

In the past, for anniversary celebrations, hosts from the entertainment industry would be invited.

But later, one or two of us had accidents one after another, so we still chose to use our own people.

When it came to the post-game interview session, everyone was not as excited as before.

In fact, there is nothing to be flattery about in DaTaoBo's interview. Sheng Yin has done all the flattery that should be flattered so many times, and it is really hard to find a new angle.

Fans also know that the relationship between the players of the two teams is even good now, and there is no sense of tension.

This time Chen Ke stood on the side and asked him the first question in the interview.

Yu Shuang smiled broadly, and her mood seemed quite stable.

Anyway, the one who won today was not RNG. It had nothing to do with RNG. She was doing the interview and naturally the psychological pressure was much less.

Just listen to Yu Shuang ask: "After winning today's final, in addition to congratulations on winning another LPL Silver Dragon Cup, I also want to congratulate you on entering the World Championship as the No. 1 seed for three consecutive years. "

If Yu Shuang hadn't said anything, Chen Ke wouldn't even have realized this.

He was also the No. 1 seed in G2 that year, but he didn't win the league championship. It had nothing to do with him, so the impression was not very deep.

Which seed number enters the World Championship actually doesn't matter.

From No. 1 to No. 4, teams with seemingly different levels of strength can win the championship in the end.

But being the No. 1 seed every year is also a sign of dominance in the league.

Chen Ke didn't speak, because he knew he hadn't finished asking yet.

Just listen to Yu Shuang continue to say: "This year's game is your second final against Taobo this year."

"Now that we have advanced to the World Championships together, have you ever thought about the two teams meeting again in the finals?"


Yu Shuang didn't ask what the goal was for the World Championship, even if the team that won the championship today was not V5.

If you go to the World Championship as the No. 1 seed in the LPL, you can only have one goal, so this kind of question is meaningless.

Yu Shuang made a slight change, which immediately caused cheers from the audience.

If V5 still plays Taobo in the finals of the World Championship, then you can basically congratulate V5 in advance.

What everyone is excited about is not this, but the LPL finals civil war. To be honest, I have never seen it before, and I am a little bit looking forward to it.

Only Chen Ke looked a little weird at this time.

To be honest, Yu Shuang showed some skill during rare interviews, but this skill obviously came at the wrong time.

It is not a difficult question to answer. Chen Ke can directly say that he is looking forward to it and will wait for Taobao in the finals.

In this way, everyone is happy to hear it.

But he saw that Taobo's current trajectory was heading in the direction of being captured.

Mainly, there were already a lot of boomerangs before the game this time, and the laughing scene in yesterday's interview was enough for them to bear.

I would simply not dare to think about taking out a loan in advance to advance to the finals.

It definitely has nothing to do with Chen Ke, but doesn't Chen Ke care about his brother?

He simply said in a low-key manner: "I think there are more variables in the World Championship. It's hard to say this before the game starts."

"Just hope to play every game well."


Chen Ke's words reached this point, which was considered his last act of tenderness.

But what Chen Ke didn't expect was that his speech would cause dissatisfaction among Taobo fans.


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