He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 466: The Battle of the Gods, Shock Waves Shape Godhead! (Please support with monthly tickets

No one cared about this little incident at all.

Because now everyone is looking forward to V5’s championship moment.

There is still one game left to win, and the waiting time is extremely painful for everyone.

Whether it is Chen Ke himself, the LPL league, or Chen Ke's fans, they all need this championship.

Once you get this championship, you can change a lot of things.

The most important one is the issue of Chen Ke's historical status.

If a Chinese can become the first person in League of Legends and the greatest professional player in the history of this game.

The structure of this game between China and South Korea will undergo great changes.

There are other aspects of the LCK system that may still need to be improved, including the fact that they have won many championships before and still have a slight lead in this aspect.

But when the first player is not in your region, how can you still brag that we are the strongest in LOL?

Fans also need this champion when they are criticizing each other.

The atmosphere in the V5 lounge is indeed more relaxed, but everyone does not take the game seriously.

After relaxing a little, we still chatted a few words about the game.

There isn't much to talk about. Apart from some tricks that the BP opponent may use in the next game, the coach mainly wants to talk about the top lane.

In today's finals, even though V5 is in a great situation, at the top of the road, 369 is really suppressed by Zeus.

He was beaten into Ares forcibly.

If it weren't for his teammates' advantage, it would most likely be difficult for him to turn around when he hits the road.

Of course, as teammates, we can't blame him for this.

The top priority now is to discuss more about how BP will proceed in the next game at this point in the top lane.

"Do we need to ban Sword Demon in the next game? I think if not, they will still choose."

"They may even ban the Crocodile in the first three moves. If we don't ban the Sword Demon and lose the Crocodile, 369, what hero do you think you can use to fight it?"

Mai Zijian sounded quite fast at this time.

The most uncomfortable thing about the hero Sword Demon is that if you let him go, you won't be able to grab him back even if there is no one on the first floor.

Because if you grab the Sword Demon, the opponent's T1 will backhand to get Yongen on the top lane.

Zeus' Yongen is a weapon that everyone knows, and its operation is indeed abnormal.

Let’s not talk about the operation first. Even if your operation is similar to that of Zeus, the hero Sword Demon will not be able to beat Yone in the lane.

The restraint between heroes is sometimes really impossible.

It would be unrealistic if you ban Yongen in the first three moves. Since you are on the red side, the ban position is not very useful.

If you want to ban Yongen, why don't I just ban the Sword Demon? It would save trouble.

The 9th brother was beaten today and became the 3rd brother directly.

Even though he was about to win the championship, his personal mood was not very high. After the coach finished speaking, he nodded and said, "I think you can let go. I'll take Gwen and Gnar here."

"If it really doesn't work, I can use Ornn to resist the pressure on the top lane."

When he said this, he looked around at his teammates.

Chen Ke didn't have any good suggestions. Some heroes could defeat the Sword Demon, but he couldn't do it either.

He just nodded and said, "No problem, just play what you know how to do."

The fourth game came quickly as scheduled.

When we arrived at the championship point, we could hear even the commentator's voice being a little excited.

As long as V5 can successfully win this game, the greatest professional player in League of Legends will change hands.

This is a historic moment, and as a commentator being able to explain this historic moment, it is worth remembering.

For example, when everyone remembers our first LPL championship, the commentary background sound at that time is indispensable.

It is equivalent to leaving a mark in the history of LPL just like those five players.

Now that the opportunity is before them again, the three of them are secretly preparing.

Especially for the senior colonel, he must consider whether this is his only chance in this life.

There were no substitutions or adjustments for both sides in this game, and they still had the same players as in the previous game.

There is nothing surprising about T1, but among V5 fans, many people hope that toothpaste will be replaced in the fourth game.

Everyone still wants to see the original team from last year win the championship together.

The Lantern Emperor has gained a lot of fans over the past year.

To put it bluntly, in a team with such a huge traffic and still winning all the time.

As long as your performance is not too bad or your emotional intelligence is too low, you can attract a lot of fans.

If he chooses to continue to stay at Li-Ning, he may never reach this level of fans in his lifetime.

Moreover, he has already been substituted once in the second game of this final. If you suddenly get substituted in the fourth game, it will still be after winning the previous game.

His intentions are somewhat obvious, and he also has the mentality of a lantern emperor.

I already had a cup of toothpaste, so there was no need to deliberately replace it with him.

As long as Chen Ke is still there, no one will think there is any big problem.

Just like the previous game, T1 still chose the blue side.

Anyone who loses the game will have the right to choose a side in the next round.

In this situation where death is only one step away, T1 didn't come up with too many strange things.

When playing against other teams, their hero pool may have a greater advantage.

But now there is a sea of ​​heroes in the V5 formation. When the opponent's hero is weirder than yours, it's hard for you to exert your strength in this area.

While the Czar was still outside, Feike took the initiative to choose Silas.

It’s not difficult to understand. After all, you have lost two games in a row with this hero. No matter how confident you are, you have to try another hero.

One is not enough, but two can already explain some problems.

Feike himself obviously didn't want to persist and wanted to try another hero.

Judging from this game, Silas is a pretty good hero.

The best part is that in this game, V5 chose a big tree jungler for King Ning.

The presence of Silas can steal the big tree's ultimate move during team battles.

When fighting the dragon group later, the big tree's ultimate move is very disgusting. When I have the same skill here, it will be more comfortable.

In the game, everyone knows that when the opponent has a bull head or a stone man, it is more suitable to choose Silas.

In the version where big trees are popular in jungle, Sylas is also a good choice to deal with big trees.

Many times there are not enough bans, and the big tree may be forced to be released. You have to find a way to deal with it.

Fortunately, domestic fans, including the commentators, were the same and didn't panic when they saw Silas.

Feike's Silas proficiency is certainly fine, but it's not a top-notch technique.

Besides, he has to face Chen Ke, so even if his skills are top-notch, he may not be able to perform them well.

In addition to Chen Ke's reassuring operation, he also has a counter position in this game.

It’s really hard to guess which hero to choose to fight Sylas.

However, the commentators still feel that if it really doesn’t work, just Akali.

Akali is not necessarily easy to beat against Silas, and there are many Akalis who are manipulated by Silas.

However, everyone believes that Chen Ke can operate. With these two heroes facing each other in the middle, it is easier to hit something in a 1V1 situation.

After the hero Akali gains a certain advantage online, the next game may become easier.

There are also other heroes that can be chosen. For example, if it doesn't work out, Chen Ke can take out the most orthodox Tsar from T1 and use it.

If you win with the Czar, it will have some teaching effect.

Teaching Feike to play Tsar, just sounds a bit coquettish.

The colonel even suggested: "To be honest, if it doesn't work, just Yongen, otherwise Jace can do it too."

After hearing this, Miller and Wawa nodded in agreement.

Yone and Jayce are both mid laners who work well with big trees.

This game was all played outside, mainly because there were not enough ban seats.

T1 himself knows that there seems to be no point in targeting Chen Ke.

He may not choose a hero that you think poses a greater threat.

If you target him, he will be able to pull out something more threatening.

"Coming, Jace!"

V5's last move didn't come up with anything cool, it was really just Jace that the colonel mentioned just now.

When the hero Jace fights against Sylas, his pulling ability is slightly stronger.

Coupled with the long hands, he will definitely be able to overwhelm Silas when he comes online.

When laning, you need to pay a little attention to Sylas' blood exchange. It's best not to be pulled into one set.

Also, be careful when the opposite jungler comes to catch you. Jace is also easier to catch.

Overall, there is no problem in laning. The most important thing is that it can cooperate with the big tree to play Poke.

If the big tree has a mask, it can actually be regarded as a Poke hero. The tree son is quite disgusting when it explodes.

Imagine eating a tree son from a big tree, which is quite disgusting in itself.

When Jace is slowing down, he will give you another shot, which is really a bit overwhelming.

One AP and one AD, still mixed damage.

At the same time, there is another advantage when facing Sylas, that is, the ultimate move is stolen by Sylas, and it has no great effect.

In a normal game, Sylas rarely steals Jace's ultimate move.

Unless you really can't find anyone, or the ultimate CD is so fast, just steal one over for fun.

AP's equipment, stealing the shock wave from Jace's ultimate move, does no harm.

When playing a hero like Sylas, in addition to considering the laning, you must also be careful not to give the opponent a super move that is too comfortable.

Sometimes the stolen ultimate moves of this hero are much easier to use than the genuine ones.

I can only say that luckily there was a big tree in this round, otherwise Silas would have been really uncomfortable.

The commentators are all analyzing that it would be more appropriate to use Jace as a hero, but they don’t pay much attention to this on the barrage.

Seeing that he is about to win the championship, now everyone really cannot do without his skin.

The last game hasn't been finished yet, and everyone has arranged for Chen Ke's Rambo skin.

But after seeing Jace in this game, everyone suddenly felt a little less confident.

I feel like the hero Jace has something to say. Is it possible that Chen Ke wants Jace’s shock wave skin?

There was a crazy discussion on the barrage for a while.

"Why did you treat Jace again? Chen Ke wouldn't want Jace's skin, would he?"

"It feels a bit possible. Jace is relatively more handsome than Rambo."

"No, what's the point of Jace? It's just a shock wave, but Hong Wen is more interesting."

"If you open your mind, you can completely create a red-temperature shock wave."

"It's unlikely that Jace will have a skin. We had Jace's skin last year, so it's unlikely that we will have the same hero this year."

"It's hard to say this. If Chen Ke strongly requests it, Riot will still agree."

"Indeed, S8 Baolan agreed. No matter how much you say, Chen Ke's influence is greater than him."

"The problem is that last year's 369 Jess skin also had shock wave sound effects, and was voiced by Chen Ke himself. Even if we make another one this year, what else can we do?"

"Believe in Chen Ke's wisdom!"


In fact, I simply felt that this hero was good, and Chen Ke also wanted to end the game smoothly.

But I can't stand it. Fans are too good at interpreting it.

In the same way, when a person is used to being yin and yang, and he speaks seriously, everyone will feel that there is something in his words.

This is the situation Chen Ke is facing now. Unless he develops a photolithography machine, it is estimated that this image will be irreversible.

After the game started, Chen Ke was quite relaxed in the middle.

Level 1 Silas could not pose any threat to him.

The teacher Big O on the opposite side is playing a pig girl. In this version, it is unlikely that the pig girl will come to the middle early to mess with Chen Ke.

Before the soldiers came online, Chen Ke pressed in front of the opposite defense tower and made crazy moves.

Feike's position was relatively far back and did not give Chen Ke any chance to meet him. Chen Ke's doing this just added some psychological pressure to the opponent.

After the minion comes online, Feike will definitely not be able to get the A minion normally.

Chen Ke directly entered the don't eat mode. As long as Feike dared to move forward, he would definitely be ordered.

Fortunately, Silas was like this in the early stages of laning, and Feike was used to it.

He clicked Q at level 1, preparing to hit the target remotely.

In this round, his Silas will most likely lead Q.

When Chen Ke was at level one, his position only looked strong, but he didn't actually think too much about consumption.

Still using the finishing position, the first wave of soldiers was cleared relatively quickly, and all six minions were captured.

For Feike, it is more difficult to supplement all six soldiers in the first wave.

The second wave of soldiers had just come online. After the first melee soldier fell, Chen Ke's body flashed and he reached the second level.


"Shock wave!"

The moment it reached level two, Chen Ke fired an enhanced electromagnetic gun.

This gunner's speed is so fast that people are a little surprised. How can Chen Ke directly upgrade his skills and press QE in such a short period of time.

There is no problem with Chen Ke's angle, and the timing of his release is a bit sudden.

Feike had no time to react and took the hit.

But for Jace, who was only at the second level, the damage caused by this shot was relatively limited.

For Chen Ke, consuming blood is just one aspect. Chen Ke just wants to hear the shock wave.

This time he still uses V5’s Jayce champion skin.

It was a strange feeling to suddenly hear the words "shock wave" in my own voice.

At the same time, Chen Ke felt completely comfortable after listening to it.

In this game that is likely to be the last game of the year, it is also a game where winning can completely make you a god.

Chen Ke chose Shock Wave, and I have to say that this is also a tribute.

"After winning three consecutive championships, you should be qualified to be compared with the great God of the Void, right?"


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