He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 468 Three consecutive personal championships, the cleanest championship trophy! (Ask for mon

"Just hit it directly, I don't think you really need to look at the opponent."

It can be heard that there is a tremor in the voice of the explanation, which is an excited reaction.

Even though we know that V5 has this advantage now, it will be a matter of time before the game ends.

But as long as this big dragon is taken down, it will basically be stable.

If Baron wins, judging from V5's past style, the championship moment may be just a few minutes away. Can the commentators not be excited?

The five V5 people on the field did gather immediately.

After Chen Ke achieved a solo kill this time, King Ning and Wink shouted wildly in their voices without Chen Ke opening his mouth.

Aoun's side teleported from the bottom lane, and everyone quickly gathered at the big dragon.

One disadvantage of the V5 lineup is that it is not fast enough to deal with the Baron.

Dashu and Ornn have nothing to hope for, they rely solely on the output of double C.

The key is that Jace and Poke Varus are really not fast enough to beat the baron.

Fortunately, their equipment is good enough and can somewhat make up for this disadvantage.

This gives T1 enough time to get to Baron.

Feike is still teleported, but it will be impossible to teleport him after he is resurrected.

If they want to fight this wave, T1 can only fight four against five, but they have no second choice.

The Baron will definitely lose to the opponent. If you play a team with the opponent, you might still have a slight chance of winning.

It can be seen from this wave of team battles that the remaining four players in T1 really fought hard.

Everyone knows that this wave of team battles is the last chance.

If you win, you will have a way to survive. If you lose, the game will be over. It is better than being tortured by the opponent's poke lineup with the baron.

The T1 team battle still follows the same idea, to attack Chen Ke, Jace who has no flash and no armor.

As long as Chen Ke can be eliminated in seconds, the V5 team battle will lose a main output point.

At the same time, the sword demon is refreshed with a great destruction effect, making it more likely to take over team battles.

Zeus has developed so far that he is the most developed among the five people in T1, and his equipment is still combat-effective.

However, the V5 lineup has too many controls.

The absence of Feike also has a relatively big impact, which is equivalent to the lack of a big tree ultimate move on T1 during team battles.

As long as the big tree like King Ning stands in front of Chen Ke, it will be difficult for the Sword Demon to rush in. There is no point in forcing Q to dodge to kill Chen Ke.

Instead, he was pulled away by Chen Ke and did a lot of damage in the team battle.

Chen Ke's CD is very fast now, one shot after another, making T1 fans feel physically uncomfortable when they see it.

"Zeus has fallen, so has Gumayusi!"

"Kill them all, no one can escape!"

"Just do it, you can do it directly!"

"It's over!!!"


After a fierce team battle, T1 fought to the last man.

All I can say is that no one is surprised that it turned out like this.

With the economy lagging behind by almost 7,000, there is still one less person to fight with the opponent.

Before the fight started on V5's side, Chen Ke didn't flash, but everyone else's skills were there. This team fight itself was very difficult.

If you win, you will be a miracle team, but if you fail, it will be normal.

It's just that for T1, they have no better choice and must fight this wave of team battles.

When the last little Lu Bu fell, the outcome was completely doomed.

There is no need to fight the Baron anymore, V5 can directly end the game in one wave.

When Chen Ke and the others pushed to the high ground, Feike came to life.

But he alone couldn't defend the advance of five people.

Feike was also trying his best to delay, stealing King Ning's ultimate move and trying to defend.

However, with Ornn at the front and a W skill immune to control, Big Tree's ultimate move has no effect.

Even the minions couldn't stop it.

With the desire for the championship, the V5 team directly crushed Feike with unstoppable momentum and forcibly bulldozed the T1 base.

"we are the champion!!!"

The three commentators shouted out the line that the LPL audience liked to hear most in unison.

No matter how much you hate this commentary, as long as you shout this sentence from the commentary desk, it still sounds comfortable.

There are indeed T1 fans in China, but it is difficult for them to stick to this point in time.

At most, after the big dragon team battle is over, you can turn off the live broadcast when you know that the game is going to be a wave.

The moment the T1 base was bulldozed, Chen Ke finally had a smile on his face.

As soon as I took off my headphones, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami came from all directions.

Chen Ke and his teammates stood up and hugged each other tightly.

Just like last year, we won the championship for another full year.

In front of the most important champion, after all, everyone still can't do it without any emotional fluctuations.

Not just a world champion, everyone knew he had accomplished a feat.

No team in LPL has ever been able to accomplish this, the team won two consecutive championships!

Looking around the world, only T1's predecessor, SKT, has done this.

That was still about S5 and S6, seven years ago today.

Especially now that the Riot version is becoming more and more influential, and the overall competitive level of each competition region is rising.

V5's two consecutive championships are obviously more valuable.

After thinking about it carefully, Ning Wang's three championships seem to be unusual. They are all championships of historical significance to the LPL.

The first one is the first championship, and its significance is needless to say. It is not an exaggeration to say that the championship saved the LPL.

The second championship we won last year was the first time that an all-China class won the championship, which fulfilled the dream of many people.

This year’s championship is the LPL’s first consecutive championship.

In this regard, Chen Ke is slightly inferior. After all, Chen Ke won a championship in the European Division, which has nothing to do with the LPL.

However, Chen Ke personally became the first professional player in history to win three consecutive championships. This achievement is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no more in the future.

Even if you can win three championships, it is not the same thing as three consecutive championships.

After the fist bump with T1, Chen Ke will enjoy their championship moment with his teammates.

Waiting for the toothpaste to arrive, everyone held up the dazzling Summoner's Trophy together.

"From Reykjavik to San Francisco, golden rain falls again."

"Let us congratulate V5 again for completing two consecutive championships!"

"From last year to this year, for two full years, V5's dominance continues!"


When Chen Ke and the others win the cup, the output of the commentators must be indispensable.

Miller and the others even felt a little too dreamy at this moment.

Once upon a time, I never thought that our LPL would have such a dominant level of professional players today.

Now as long as I see Chen Ke, I know that LPL will not fail!

The emergence of a team like V5 is a very desperate thing for many people or teams.

You will find that no matter how much you spend money to buy people and build a team, you still can't beat them in the end.

I can only say that fortunately this team belongs to our LPL.

Ordinary people, who cares about other teams? As long as our LPL team can keep winning outside, that's fine.

Despair is a matter of other competition regions, and it has nothing to do with us.

In the past, when South Korea ruled, people would win the championship every year, but I never saw anyone who was afraid that they would stop playing and deliberately let you down.

After holding the trophy back and forth several times, Chen Ke and the others all changed into championship jerseys specially prepared by the team.

This year, things are a little different. The team has prepared championship jerseys for the award ceremony.

Obviously after the awards are over, maybe this clothes will be on the shelves and gain a wave of fans.

It’s just a short-sleeved item, and as long as the price is not outrageous, it’s quite memorable.

Moreover, Chen Ke and the others had tried on these clothes before, and the design was okay and relatively simple.

It doesn't need to be too fancy, as long as you are not ridiculously ugly, fans will definitely let you see what your strength is after you win the championship.

After Chen Ke and the others changed their clothes, the host of the North American competition came up with a translator.

Today's translator is not the common hosts in the LPL competition area.

And there is a female commentator for the English stream.

In the post-match interview, V5 and the others were all experienced players, so they didn’t feel any nervousness or discomfort at all, and could handle it calmly.

The most arrogant person in the team right now is probably the Lantern Emperor.

However, this is the Lantern King's first S-race championship. Unlike others, he has won it at least once.

Although the answer I gave was a bit awkward, it was quite informative, and at least the proportion of nonsense was not high.

Chen Ke's question asked about the match against Feike and what he thought of the championship tying Feike.

"From the day I started playing professionally, my only goal was to win the championship."

"Being able to win three championships, tying Feike's number of championships, I think this is a good thing for both of us."

“Hopefully we can play again next year.”


Chen Ke's answer this time was more official, and he didn't try to cause trouble or take advantage of Feike.

Having won three consecutive championships, he is directly the first player in history. It would be meaningless to try to output at such a moment.

Only a few people will over-interpret it, good boy, are you planning to continue to abuse T1 next year?

After the interview, we entered the final stage, the selection of FMVP.

This is the highest personal honor, and the FMVP is quite discussed every year.

However, this year is the same as the previous two years. This award can only be given to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke's performance is here, both in terms of data and effects, everything is impeccable.

Not to mention that when Chen Ke didn't play, V5 lost the game, but Chen Ke came on and won three games in a row.

Riot will definitely not cause trouble. FMVP was determined to be Chen Ke at the first moment. The so-called selection is just a formality.

If Riot really wants to give it to others, it can operate it. To put it bluntly, who knows how you vote behind the scenes, and your Riot executives have the final say.

It's just that it's not necessary here in Chen Ke, it will cause a bigger rhythm.

FMVP, if you let Riot give you a position for three consecutive years, it will be difficult for him to accept it.

If there is still a jungler who plays very well in the fourth year and can compete for FMVP, Riot Games will most likely forcefully change it for you.

Because it has been in the same position for so many years, it seems that there is something wrong with the changes to this version of my fist.

But if one person gets it for three consecutive years, Riot Games would be happy to see it.

After Feike, it is a good thing to be able to create another god.

Under normal circumstances, Riot Games would also like to find another player to promote him to the level of Feike, just like Tengjing also wants to create an LPL god.

The more awesome players there are, the more people can watch the game.

Many times the audience doesn't go there for any team or region, but just to watch a certain player.

I just watch when he's here. If he's not here, it doesn't matter to me how intense your competition is.

If there were more people like this, the impact of Feike's retirement would be reduced a lot.

However, if everyone fails to live up to expectations, then there is nothing we can do.

Now that a character like Chen Ke has appeared, Riot Games has no reason to refuse. Instead, it will pour more resources into Chen Ke.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Ke was in the AD position for the past two years. In this year's finals, he was AD in one game and mid lane in two games.

If you count him as the FMVP as a mid laner, you won't get much.

It's not the same position, so the fist won't care even more.

Amid the blessings from the audience, Chen Ke delivered his FMVP speech, and this year's S-Games has come to a complete end.

The live broadcast is over. Chen Ke and the others can relax a little. After all, they can't be too casual when facing the camera.

But there is still a lot of work ahead of them.

First, we have to take a photo with the trophy on the stage. Everyone has to pose with the trophy for a while, and there are also some photos of the staff.

After everything was over, they had to go down to accept interviews with the media.

When you go down, you have to take the trophy with you.

When you go for an interview, be sure to put this fresh championship trophy in the media room.

It is still the previous practice that the newcomer in the team carries the trophy. This year it is the turn of the Lantern King.

As the one who just won the championship, the Lantern Emperor was quite excited carrying the trophy and didn't feel tired at all.

After everyone came down, they returned to the lounge.

T1 is being interviewed over there, they have to wait for a while.

It just so happens that everyone can take a break and go to the bathroom or something.

But the first thing Chen Ke and the others did when they came to the lounge was to look at the championship rings on their hands.

This year, Riot Games collaborated with a luxury jewelry brand and got an extra championship ring compared to previous years.

It can be regarded as an extra sense of ceremony.

Even if Chen Ke and Ning Wang have three championships, this is the first time they have won championship rings.

It's hard to see on stage, and the lighting is average.

After coming to the lounge and looking at it carefully, Wink couldn't help but said: "To be honest, I think this ring is really good, but it's a bit big."

Perhaps because he felt it was fresh, Prince Ning also nodded and said, "Indeed, this ring is good, but the modified Summoner's Trophy is really ugly."

Chen Ke and the others immediately focused their attention on the trophy again.

This year, in addition to the championship ring, the Summoner’s Trophy has also been replaced with a new model.

The shape is quite different from the previous one. It seems that the overall lines are much simpler.

It is not as heavy as the previous old trophy, but Chen Ke also feels that it is not as good-looking as the previous one.

We all had a discussion, just a casual chat.

To put it bluntly, the most important thing about a championship is the honor and the identity of the champion.

Does the trophy look good or not affect my status as a champion?

Speaking of the latter part, Chen Ke smiled and said: "Whether it's new or old, have you noticed that these trophies all have one thing in common?"


“Very clean!”


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