He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 480 Memories are pearls, the champion trio officially leave the team!

After some banter between the two, the food was quickly served.

Chen Ke was not polite, because he was really hungry and didn't eat a bite on the plane.

During the meal, we naturally started talking about today’s business.

My brother couldn't help but ask: "Have you renewed your contract with V5?"

"At present, the intention to renew the contract has been reached, but the contract has not been signed yet."

Chen Ke answered truthfully.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if he has a little push with the team about renewing the contract, but there is no need to push with his brother.

Chen Ke didn't even need to ask, his brother said it himself, and his contract with Taobo hadn't been renewed yet.

If you really want to renew the contract, why would you come to me? It's obviously not necessary.

"If you can leave, I still recommend coming to V5, because it will still have a big impact if I leave V5."

After listening to Chen Ke's words, the elder brother simply nodded.

Naturally, he didn't want to leave Taobo at first. After being lured over by Brother Hao, he basically thought about staying in Taobo until he grew old and had no intention of leaving.

If Chen Ke didn't look for him, he would indeed stay in Taobo.

If I want to leave this year, besides seeing V5 win the world championship again, the temptation to join forces with Chen Ke is too great.

Another important reason is that the left hand is leaving Taobo.

It’s still unclear who the mid laner of Taobo is now.

But my brother knows it well, and he probably doesn’t have a good left hand for any mid laner.

His fans dislike the left hand all the time. In fact, the brother himself knows that it is more comfortable to be a teammate with the left hand, which is equivalent to having a big leg in the team.

To put it bluntly, there is no mid laner on the market in the LPL who is better than him.

If you play in the league in the left-handed World Championship, there won’t be much of a problem.

They say they can’t compete in the World Championships. The problem is that without him, they may not be able to compete in the World Championships.

These brothers almost all understand that now that Zuo Zuo has gone to JD.com, it would be a good choice for him to leave.

When the TopBo management approached him about renewing his contract, he didn't directly agree, so everyone understood what he meant.

I also had a chat with Brother Hao a few days ago. My brother is very grateful to Brother Hao. The two of them have been getting along very harmoniously for the past two and a half years.

But now he wants to leave for the sake of his career.

It's not easy to force Brother Hao to stay, but he can't let him go so easily.

It just means that if Chen Ke can be dragged to Taobo, it can be considered a good plan.

The current budget of Taobo is not that high, and most of the budget is given to AD.

There is no way to pay too high a salary to the left hand, which is also one of the reasons why the left hand left the team.

Last year, thinking about my brother LOL, I took a salary cut and played for a year.

As a result, he directly became a prisoner of Vietnam, so he might as well try other teams.

Maybe it would be better to change the environment and work with teammates, and at the same time, the salary would be higher than staying in Taobo.

If Chen Ke went to Taobo, it makes sense that Taobo would not have the money to match Chen Ke's salary.

But if he can really come, Brother Hao will be sure to ask the management to increase the budget.

His mouth is relatively good at deceiving people, and his ability to ask for money is quite good.

The problem is that Chen Ke owns shares in the V5 team, and the possibility of leaving the team is very small when his salary is fully extended.

This is not a secret in the industry, even the fans know it.

In addition, Chen Ke is endorsed by Anta. The publicity effect of this World Championship is very good, and the two parties plan to deepen their cooperation in the future.

Chen Ke had no reason to refuse. It was easier to be an endorser. In addition, it was a big brand, so there was no pressure to earn the money.

The problem is that Taobo is a dealer of Nike, Adidas, and Puma brands.

The LPL itself was a little uncomfortable when Li-Ning was sponsored.

If a player in the team promotes another brand every day, it obviously conflicts with their interests.

Taken together, it is too difficult to expect Chen Ke to fight.

My brother has finally figured it out. If conditions permit, he is willing to go to V5.

After getting his brother's nod, Chen Ke immediately said that he would discuss it with the management when he returned and would also ask V5 management to contact his brother.

A player with a lot of traffic like my brother is one of the best among domestic AD players in the LPL.

Usually there are many people who complain about him, but if he is really a free agent, many teams will fight for it.

It is a fact that he is unstable in the game, but it is also a fact that he is popular. There is no conflict between the two.

For players who are really no one cares about, even if they are given away in the game, no one will care.

But if you want to come, there is also a salary issue involved.

His brother's salary has always been the maximum salary, and Chen Ke still doesn't know how much salary the management can offer.

Whether it can be done depends on how the negotiations go.

Anyway, there is no rush on this matter for the time being, as the transfer period will still take a long time.

If you negotiate a contract too early in the LPL, it may not necessarily be a good thing.

My brother had the experience of leaving IG to find a team, so he was already familiar with the pull during the transfer period.

As long as you don't go to RNG, everything else is easy to say.

After the meal, Chen Ke invited guests to wash his feet.

Since my brother wants to come to V5, he must first get familiar with the team culture.

Chen Ke has been wondering if he and his brother will be photographed when they go out to eat today.

Afterwards, I saw that everything on Weibo and the forum was calm. It was obvious that I was lucky enough not to be hit by fans today.

In the next few days, V5 management also quickly followed up on this matter.

The need to give Chen Ke face is on the one hand, and the other is players like his brother. The management of most teams will not refuse.

After it was decided to introduce his brother, the bigger problem was the Lantern Emperor.

The Lantern King's contract has also expired. He came from Li Ning last year and only has one year left on his contract.

After the contract expired this year, I originally planned to renew it.

The salary of the Lantern Emperor must have been increased, but of course the salary will not be too high.

Now that my brother has arrived, the Damp Emperor's position is in an awkward position.

If Chen Ke also goes down the lane, then there will only be four people in V5 down the lane, who can form a mahjong table.

It doesn’t matter if there are too many players in the team. Some teams have also used four people in the bottom lane to operate, and then constantly arrange and combine.

After working in groups for a long time, I realized that they were all colored pens.

If my brother really comes, the four bottom laners of V5 will be different.

Their salaries are not low. The salaries of Lantern King and Wink are just not too high compared to the maximum salary. In fact, the two of them together make more than 10 million.

The cost of raising so many people is indeed too high.

When chatting with the Lantern Emperor, the Lantern Emperor didn't feel like he was being kicked.

Because during this period, it is inevitable that many teams are looking for him to talk.

Among domestic ADs, there are only a few that are really easy to use.

Apart from my brother and Gala, there are also the Lantern Emperor and Elk.

The Lantern Emperor is also a relatively popular presence in the free market.

The salary quoted to him from outside was higher, but the Lantern Emperor felt that since he had won the championship, he couldn't just run away.

Now that the team's willingness to renew his contract is not that strong, the Lantern Emperor naturally has no pressure.

Anyway, I’ve won the championship and so on, so it’s good to be able to go out and make money.

The two sides got together and parted easily, and the Lantern Emperor was still very grateful to V5.

V5 bought it for him last year, allowing him, who had never won any championships before, to win them all.

If Chen Ke hadn't asked him by name, he knew he might never have such an opportunity in his life.

Even if he has to leave now, the experience he had in V5 over the past year is enough for the Lantern Emperor to remember for a lifetime.

After the Lantern Emperor left, he saved some expenses and a little more money would be enough to sign his brother.

My brother used to have a maximum salary of close to 20 million a year. Even if the salary is reduced, it will still be at least more than 10 million.

However, for the V5, the extra money spent is still a good deal.

My brother is indeed stronger than the Lantern Emperor in terms of commercial value and strength.

V5's bottom lane, without looking at Chen Ke, has also been strengthened.

When his brother's progress was relatively smooth, Chen Ke and the team also signed a contract extension.

As before, Chen Ke still signed a one-year contract.

The disadvantage of signing once a year is that if you sign next year, you won’t be able to get a high salary in the future.

If you sign for two or three years, you can still get such a high salary even if your level drops later.

Even if the team can't bear it and terminates the contract with you, it will have to be negotiated by both parties. I will definitely have to pay you before I can terminate the contract with you.

For Chen Ke, there is no such trouble.

Even if he pulls, as long as it's not the one-and-done kind, the contract offered by the team will not be lower for the sake of Chen Ke's popularity.

A one-year contract is relatively flexible.

But before my brother officially signed with V5, something unexpected happened.

Originally, the entire V5 team was participating in the year-end awards. As a Grand Slam team, V5 once again became the biggest winner.

Received numerous awards.

For those who don’t know, they might think they are watching a replay from last year.

Everyone has long lost their feelings about this. To put it bluntly, these awards are meaningless.

The rewards in everyone's contracts are basically based on the team's performance or what championships they can win.

Or the first and second team honors in the regular season are somewhat useful. Some players have these clauses in their contracts.

The best players at the end of the year and the like are just an improvement in reputation for the players.

After winning it last year, I naturally won’t be too excited this year. At most, fans are more concerned about these things.

And here in V5, Tengjing will not do anything to divide the pork.

If you win the championship from the beginning to the end, who of the other teams is qualified to take points?

After the awards, V5 began to prepare for the official announcement.

First of all, players who leave the team must make an official announcement to thank them. This has been a tradition for many years.

Unless it's the kind that makes a lot of noise.

Overall, the lineup has not changed much. Double C left the team, and then his brother joined.

What even Chen Ke didn't expect was that the contract renewal on the road had not been negotiated.

At the end of the conversation, 369 actually wanted to leave.

After Chen Ke learned the news, he immediately called him.

Logically speaking, the salary given to him by the team is not low. Besides, he has been in the team for two years and is already acquainted with the management.

No matter what happens during the contract renewal process, you should not feel that you are not being respected or anything like that.

His relationship with Chen Ke has always been fine.

It was Chen Ke who tried his best to get him out of Taobo in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today.

If you want to leave, in the final analysis it is a matter of money.

After V5 gave Chen Ke a super maximum salary, others are destined to not get the maximum salary for their respective positions.

Just like T1, Feike's salary is too high.

After winning the world championship, if others want to renew their contracts, they are bound to lose some money.

The prices offered by T1 are definitely not as high as those offered by outsiders, and some may be more than double the price.

This year it was JD.com that set the price for 369. Chen Ke didn’t ask for a specific number, but the price must be over 10 million.

If you stay in V5, you will definitely not get this annual salary.

JD.com will definitely have to pay more to grab people, and even a slight premium doesn't matter. They are focused on building a luxury lineup this year.

I bought both the left hand and the ruler. Naturally, I also want to strengthen the top lane position.

After my uncle stopped spending money, JD.com should be the richest team in the entire LPL.

Even though V5 has two world championships, it still can't match others in terms of expenditure.

If this is the first time for everyone to win the championship this year, then the championship team must continue to play for another year, even if they get less money.

The problem is that after winning two championships, my mood is naturally different from when I won the first championship.

If you stay in V5, you have a higher chance of winning the championship.

If he can still win three consecutive championships, the skin share money can also be used to make up for his salary.

It's just that those things are too far-reaching. The money itself is very tacit.

They don’t know when the money for last year’s skin will arrive.

In addition, there will soon be two sets of skins, and sales will definitely slowly decrease.

Now that I have the opportunity, I might as well just make a lot of money. Anyway, my career may only be the last two or three years.

After two years, it’s hard to say what level you are at.

When Chen Ke heard this, he stopped persuading him.

To put it bluntly, wouldn't it be shameful for me to earn such a high salary and let others earn less and stay on the team?

Why should we persuade others when they can make more money?

There is no need to talk about relationships. On the contrary, Chen Ke feels that 369’s decision is the right one.

When the team no longer needs the Lantern Emperor, let him go. If you talk about feelings with the team, you will definitely be hurt in the end.

Of course, in addition to money, JD.com’s lineup is also very competitive.

After he goes there, it will obviously be a strong team, and maybe it can challenge V5.

At the same time, in the middle is the left hand who has a good relationship with him, and the two of them can play brothers in LOL again.

Various factors are intertwined, and it is understandable if you want to go to JD.com.

Chen Ke just reminded him, don't just think about playing with meat after you go, and don't lose your previous skills.

Hongmi is a very good coach, especially in terms of training.

Many top laners will make immediate progress under his command, and may also perform the best operations of their careers.

But after a long time, you will find that the top laners he has taught all seem to have the same shape.

If 369 also leaves, a lot of salary space will be freed up for V5.

What Chen Ke regrets is that if he had known that 369 was leaving, he could have asked the management to increase wages for Toothpaste to stay.

Among the domestic mid laners, I really can’t find anything useful.

There is no need to think about Xiaohu and the left hand. The only thing left seems to be toothpaste.

Give Toothpaste a salary of two million, and he will definitely stay.

But he has reached an agreement with BLG, which can only be said to be a pity.

In the end, three people left, which was a bit unexpected, and it was also spread by the outside world.

V5 will simply be officially announced directly.

Toothpaste, 369 and the Lantern Emperor all left the team.

As soon as the news came out, the outside world was really shocked. Logically speaking, after winning the championship, there is a high probability that the lineup will be maintained, and V5 does not look like it has no money.

V5 fans even have the feeling of eating melons until their own house has collapsed.

Fans are okay with the Lantern Emperor, but they still have feelings for the two of them.

As long as Chen Ke was still there, everyone could still calm down.

In any case, the former championship lineup can only become a memory.

Chen Ke is not sad at all. Being able to be teammates together for two years is already considered good.

Everyone is out making a lot of money, and you should be happy for them.

After winning consecutive championships and everyone's worth rising, even if my brother doesn't come, some people will actually leave. This is inevitable.

On the contrary, my brother got it at a reduced price for the sake of grades.

Toothpaste went to BLG, Denghuang went to Weibo, and 369 went to JD.com.

They have already agreed on their next home, but it is still under review. In addition, V5 has not yet issued a statement about leaving the team, so naturally it is impossible for their next home to be officially announced first.

In the S13 season, I hope everyone has a bright future.

Chen Ke also retweeted Weibo and sent blessings to his old teammates.

After the blessing, Chen Ke faced a headache.

That is the two positions of upper and middle, who should be replaced.

V5 will only stick to the all-China class. If you choose among domestic players, the choice will be relatively small.

Chen Ke didn't think about finding someone too strong, but he must not be too cheating.

As long as it is almost enough, Chen Ke remains optimistic about the team's combat effectiveness next year.

"Who the hell is this?"

Chen Ke had been contacting players with the management for the past two days, and suddenly received a call from Magic City.

Chen Ke initially thought it was a harassing call and did not answer it.

However, he called again later, and Chen Ke realized that he was probably looking for him.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Chen Ke, I am Dahuang!"


Chen Ke realized it when he heard it was rhubarb.

He and Dahuang are friends, but they don't have a phone number.

Nowadays, we all communicate via WeChat when we go out. Who has nothing to do to remember their phone numbers? We are not the kind of people who have a particularly close relationship.

Chen Ke was a little surprised that Dahuang made a special call to find him.

As for how he got his number, it's not surprising at all. You can find out just by asking his brother.

Chen Ke couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"Have you found the top laner for your team?"

Dahuang said a little eagerly: "If you don't find it, what do you think of me? My price is cheap."

As an insider, Dahuang naturally knows more than others.

For example, my brother’s decision to go to V5 still needs an official announcement.

When he knew that his brother was going to find Chen Ke, Dahuang couldn't help but want to come.

In addition to getting good grades, following Chen Ke and having nothing to do can also play together, which is so comfortable.

He felt that Chen Ke was very interesting, and he also liked the feeling of playing with Chen Ke.

After learning that 369 had left the team, Dahuang quickly contacted Chen Ke.

I am afraid that I will miss this good opportunity, which may be my only chance in this life.

After hearing this, Chen Ke's expression changed instantly, and he quickly said: "Well, what are you talking about? The signal is not very good!"

"Hello? Dahuang, please speak. Why don't you speak?"

After fooling Da Huang with a few nonsense words, Chen Ke quickly hung up the phone.

I thought to myself, is this a matter of money? Even if you don’t want a salary, I can’t let you come.


PS: This is just one chapter today. I felt a little uncomfortable due to illness, so I forced myself to take drugs to write this chapter. I will update as normal tomorrow when I feel better.

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