I'm most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

At the moment, the air around Chen Ke and Abu even seemed to freeze a little.

Abu has met various professional players, but Chen Ke is the first one who can't speak in front of him.

Thinking about it from another angle, Chen Ke is too good at talking.

Clean and tidy, not polite to you at all.

When you are tempted, he will block the way for you.

Chen Ke could tell that he was angry, but it didn't make Chen Ke feel any special.

To put it bluntly, if possible, Chen Ke and even Abu would want to change it for him.

With or without him, the results of the final Asian Games will not be affected.

It's a pity that Chen Ke is just a player. Although he has status, he doesn't have that much power.

And Abu is responsible for this because he has enough experience.

If the boss wants to read the list, to be honest, what can he understand? It can be said that he has no understanding of this industry.

As long as you see that you have enough titles, you will subconsciously feel good about it.

Therefore, Chen Ke has no qualifications to influence Abramovich's position. Abu can prevent Chen Ke from being selected, but he does not dare to do that.

Because Abu also knows that if Chen Ke is really not allowed to be selected and the matter gets bigger, public opinion will be very unfavorable to him, and he may be in danger.

Without Chen Ke, it would be okay if you can win the gold medal at the Asian Games, but if you don't, the reckoning afterwards will be unimaginable.

He, Abu, will probably stop hanging out in the industry.

Although everyone looked at each other unhappy for the time being, there was nothing they could do to each other.

But Chen Ke's attitude was clear. When selecting people, choose them carefully. It's impossible to just randomly add people from EDG.

In the end, Abu held back because he knew that Chen Ke was more important than him in this Asian Games.

He needs Chen Ke to ensure that he can win this Asian Games, so he cannot break up with Chen Ke.

"What I mean is that the team members who can reach the semi-finals of the spring split should be in good condition."

"Deserves to be qualified for a training camp."

"Who can be selected will be judged based on the performance during the training camp. It will not be decided by me alone, but by me and the coaching team."


Abu's eloquence is beyond words, and he is worthy of being a person who has been on the stage.

In this case, what he said to Chen Ke was relatively coherent.

Chen Ke also nodded and agreed.

This is what others have said, and there is no point in saying anything more.

We can't just say that people from EDG just can't enter, that's a bit unreasonable.

If EDG Nosuke can really kill other people during training, there is no reason not to let them in.

But if your performance is average and you want to force a relationship, it will naturally be impossible with Chen Ke watching.

Abramovich mentioned making the decision together with the coach, which was a reassurance to Chen Ke and told him not to think too much.

Mai Zijian must be in the same boat as Chen Ke, and he will definitely consult with Chen Ke before making any decision.

It's impossible to squeeze people in quietly.

After all the words were said, Chen Ke would naturally have no objections.

Chen Ke himself knew that after a while, EDG Nosuke's condition would be difficult to say.

In addition, in this timeline, EDG did not win the world championship. If you don't win the championship, you don't even have a championship status. If your performance is not that good, there is no possibility of being selected.

After the subsequent conversation between the two people, the atmosphere became much better.

The main thing is that Abu figured it out on his own. It would not be good for him to fall out with Chen Ke.

If he doesn't act like a monster, as long as he wins the gold medal in the Asian Games, he can definitely take credit for his personal contribution. After all, he is the person in charge.

In order to give EDG some benefits, if the results affect him personally, he will naturally know how to make a decision.

Before leaving, Abramovich wanted to wish Chen Ke good luck in the playoffs.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ke didn't seem to need others to wish him good luck in the LPL playoffs.

Moreover, the opponent V5 is about to face is their EDG, so he should leave his blessings to his own team.

Soon, the semifinals officially started.

The first semi-final is between BLG and JD.com.

Both teams have people from V5, so V5 fans are quite concerned.

Before the fight, everyone felt that there was still no way to fight between BLG and JD.com.

BLG is now a real dark horse, but their road should stop at the semi-finals.

But when the game actually started, it was more intense than everyone thought.

The two teams played five full games, and although the result was the same as everyone thought, after the game, everyone expressed their respect for BLG.

If you can fight the Galaxy Battleship for five rounds, even if you lose in the end, you will die standing.

And it's too early to say that I have no regrets, because I still have a life left in me.

If they can evolve again after this battle, they might be able to fight JD again.

The entire V5 team is also watching this game.

After reading it, Prince Ning couldn't help but said: "Damn it, when we go to the finals, we won't be wearing toothpaste, right?"

V5 is relatively confident in their own strength. They have locked in a spot in the finals, which is no problem.

It's just that before today's game, they felt that the only team that threatened the LPL was JD.com.

The two of them should have met in the final, and most people outside thought so.

But after watching today's game, everyone has a different idea.

If BLG comes up from the loser group, they will most likely have to beat JD.com again.

It took five games today to lose. It’s really hard to say next time we meet again. On the contrary, BLG’s winning rate may be higher.

Everyone thinks this way, and even Maizijian feels a little stressed.

Because during this period of time, he had no reason to study BLG at all, thinking that the two teams would definitely not be able to compete.

Only Chen Ke said calmly at this time: "Don't worry, you can't beat JD.com."

Chen Ke didn't say much, just this sentence.

When the two teams met for the first time, the fight was at its most intense. No one could have imagined at this time that BLG would fall faster and faster in the next match against JD.com.

This is the closest they've ever been.

The whole V5 team quickly got into the intense ranking process, because tomorrow is their game.

There is really no pressure to play against EDG, but they have not played in a game for a long time and are a little worried about getting cold hands, so they need to increase their ranking.

The game between V5 and EDG starts on time at 4 p.m.

Today there are three commentators: Colonel, Maomao and Sister Tazi.

When the camera showed the commentary box, the three people were sitting there with professional smiles on their faces.

The senior colonel was the first to speak: "Welcome to watch today's semi-final between V5 and EDG."

"Judging from the regular season rankings, the strength of these two teams is relatively close."

"However, when the two teams met in the opening game of the regular season, V5 could be said to have taught the newcomers in EDG a solid lesson."

"After one regular season, we can all see EDG's progress."

"Their lineup is getting better and better. Let's look forward to their performance today."

"As for V5, Chen Ke started directly. I believe they pay enough attention to this game."


Anyway, the main focus of the commentary is to avoid offending both sides.

Even though no one thought EDG could cause any trouble to V5 today, the commentator still gave EDG some face.

It is true that they can reach the semi-finals and have shown their strength. It is not a shame to fail to beat V5.

EDG fans also knew they couldn't beat him, but when they saw Chen Ke on the court, they knew how to comfort themselves.

Chen Ke chose to take the initiative to start the game when he played against our EDG, which shows that he still recognizes our strength.

If the strength is not enough, can Chen Ke choose to start?

Before the game, the two teams also had data panels between the players, which were nothing interesting to compare.

The second and third teams in the regular season, with their rankings so close, must have data ahead of each other.

Chen Ke didn't play much in the regular season, so his data doesn't have much reference value.

Today, Chen Ke played the first game and still played in the bottom lane.

It seems that when playing EDG, they prefer to go down the lane.

This makes FOFO even doubt himself. Does Chen Ke look down on me so much?

In the first game, V5 took the initiative to choose the blue side.

After EDG had experience playing against V5 in the regular season, they knew exactly how to target the bottom lane.

In the two rounds before and after, all five ban positions were assigned to the bottom lane, which can be said to be very face-saving.

But Chen Ke had no intention of giving face to his opponent.

According to the previously planned strategy, the bottom lane must be strong, and it is best to just go down and destroy it.

However, EDG did a good job in preparing for this round and directly banned all powerful heroes like Draven.

If possible, Chen Ke still wants to continue playing Draven.

Now Draven can't choose, and V5 didn't choose any special AD, so they just used a small cannon.

In the current version, Xiaopao is not a popular AD. He appears more often in the middle lane than in the bottom lane.

However, this hero's explosive ability in the early stage is still strong, and he can push lanes and towers relatively quickly.

He is the kind of person who can quickly snowball after gaining an advantage.

To be honest, everyone was a little disappointed when they saw Xiao Pao.

It feels like V5 came up in the first game today, and there seemed to be no special preparations in the bottom lane.

If you choose someone like Nila, it should be better than Xiaopao.

After the main cannon is selected, Chen Ke will probably play a regular support role.

"Huh? Big Insect Assistant?"

Everyone frowned when they saw V5's selection for the fifth floor.

Even the fans were shocked.

I would rather see Chen Ke do something different, but what everyone wants to see is not a hero like Big Chongzi.

Apart from anything else, this hero is too cumbersome and has no upper limit to its operation.

Chen Ke takes it out to play, and if he is not careful, he may cause damage to the opponent Jinx.

In the midst of panic, V5 didn't seem to think much and quickly locked in.

The colonel also immediately asserted: "After taking a look at this big bug, there is no room for swing. It must be used as an assistant."

"Wow, I've never seen this hero before. Do you have any explanation?"

In other words, the person who chose this hero was Chen Ke. If it had been anyone else, the commentators would have started to question it.

Abu was also watching the game at this time, and he also couldn't understand what Chen Ke meant.

He thought that Chen Ke was going to bring out some violent heroes and be ruthless when beating EDG.

If nothing else, he just took out a Titan. In fact, Abu felt it was a bit troublesome.

Chen Ke's hook accuracy is so scary. If the hero Titan really controls you with one trick, he will be more violent than a robot.

I believe that EDG's coaching staff has also thought of this hero, but there are currently not enough ban spots to deal with Titan.

Taking out a big bug seems a bit like playing.

But after thinking about it again, Abu figured out the key.

When the big bug is laning, the Q skill is equally disgusting, although not as scary as the robot's hook.

But if Jinx eats two Qs from Big Bug, it will probably be difficult to win this pairing.

It's obvious that Chen Ke is looking for these two characteristics: your poor positioning and your tendency to bump into each other.

If you don't move well, expect to be hit hard.

If you rush forward without paying attention to your position, you will clearly give Chen Ke a chance.


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