Chapter 500 The power of idols is beyond imagination~

When Abu felt that his thoughts were clearing up a little, he looked up at the screen in the lounge.

At this time, the game has gone on for about 15 minutes, and V5 has already achieved what can be considered a relatively large advantage at this point in time.

There is no point in worrying about the result of the game.

If Abramovich cared about the result of the game, he would not be distracted during the game.

It was just that the other EDG people in the lounge looked at Abu who had been silent for a long time and didn't look very good.

I thought it was because I was watching the game to watch Hong Wen, and for a while no one in the lounge dared to speak at all.

After all, in the absence of the boss, Abu's status is the highest.

For the EDG players on the court, especially the upper midfielder side, it feels a bit baffling.

I was playing really well, and suddenly there were no more people. What was I doing?

Especially FoFo is the most uncomfortable one.

He obviously didn't do anything, but if he loses the game later, he still has to take the blame.

It doesn't actually matter how Chen Ke, this big bug, develops later or how many layers of [Feast] he has stacked.

For a large auxiliary insect, there is no need to pay attention to how big he is.

More of a focus on functionality.

Many times it is enough to be able to control it.

Because the cannon's early development is too fat, and its equipment is significantly ahead of Jinx.

EDG's lineup lacks the ability to start a team, and there really isn't anyone who can restrain the small guns very well.

Wei is a hero with good group-starting ability. The problem is that his way of starting a group is a bit uncomfortable facing small guns.

As long as the small cannon W is in hand, it is difficult for Wei to use her ultimate move to take the lead.

When you locked me, I jumped back, and it was difficult for others to follow.

Moreover, this game went too smoothly in the early stage. After the third-level line kill, King Ning's monkey soon came to arrange a wave in the bottom lane. After that, the opponent's bottom lane was completely incapable of fighting back.

The bond between Chen Ke and his brother was triggered early, which made his brother more focused while gaining weight.

It was too difficult to find opportunities for him. On the contrary, EDG made constant mistakes despite being at a relatively large disadvantage.

After the first game ended smoothly, many people completely ended their fantasies.

EDG's lineup looks pretty good, but when it comes to more powerful teams, it still lacks a lot.

To put it bluntly, the quality of Double C is still insufficient, and there is no way to stand up and turn the tide at the critical moment.

In the first game, Chen Ke started paddling as soon as ten minutes passed, almost as if he was invisible.

It looks like he can beat EDG without even breaking a sweat.

People who had previously felt that EDG had a chance today suddenly felt how unrealistic they had been before.

What's even more outrageous is that in the second game, Chen Ke did not change positions and continued to walk down the road with his brother.

This makes it clear that we need to continue to increase our intensity.

It is estimated that when we were down there just now, the EDG coaching staff also conducted an emergency review.

Everyone knows that the key point is the bottom lane.

The bottom lane collapsed so early every time, and it was useless even if I played well in the middle and jungle.

EDG's upper midfielder really doesn't have the ability to defeat V5's upper midfielder.

As long as King Ning plays around the bottom lane, what can you do to me?

When banning people is useless against V5 bottom lane, you must find other ways to break through.

It can't be said that they have a breakthrough, they just want to stabilize in the bottom lane.

You can be defeated, but you can't collapse.

Anyone who has played this game knows that if one of the lanes in the team collapses when laning, the game will be difficult to play.

Unless you can also defeat the opponent along the way, don't think about winning.

When playing regular AD and always being tortured by the opponent, EDG finally made changes in the second game.

"Ouch, Nila?!"

When EDG targeted a hero like Nila, many people were shocked and thought they were seeing it wrong.

Maomao's tone was even more exaggerated, a bit beyond the potential of a senior colonel.

In everyone's mind, when the gap in the bottom lane is so obvious, they must think about how to stabilize the lane.

But after Nila is taken out, it is difficult to imagine this hero developing steadily with the opponent.

Anyway, if the big core heroes that Leave is good at normally have to be broken through by the opponent, it is better to choose a different one.

EDG has practiced the combination of Nila + Cat many times in training matches.

Leave's Nila is also a little unique, and her proficiency is still very high.

Maomao and the others are still analyzing EDG's tactical changes when Nila is used as a hero.

The colonel directly jumped in and said, "I think it's a good thing that EDG can seek changes even after losing a game first."

"It shows that they still want to win and have not given up on this game."


V5 is still on the red side, and the last counter position is left to Chen Ke.

When he saw that the opponent was playing Nila, Chen Ke simply chose Pike.

In this game, my brother played Zelie, which actually didn’t match the hero Pike at all.

If Chen Ke chooses this kind of support, his ability to find opportunities online will be stronger.

But when it comes time to play in a group, Zeli will lack protection.

This version of Zeli still needs to be matched with someone like Lulu to be powerful.

Chen Ke's idea is very simple. No matter what hero you play, I will play a hero that makes you uncomfortable when you use skills.

If we actually play against each other, we can see that it is indeed much better than the previous game.

The early pressure from Pike was not even as great as the big bug in the last game.

At least Leave can hide behind the minions for the time being and doesn't need to be afraid of Pike's hook.

And Pike's hook needs to be charged.

The process of accumulating power also gives the opponent time to react.

Apart from squatting in the grass, it is difficult for Chen Ke to perform sudden attacks.

However, Chen Ke can always find opportunities, especially after he has gained a little level. The hero Pike still mainly wins because of his flexibility.

The first time Nila took a hook, it even looked a little funny.

When Chen Ke turned invisible and crossed the military line, the hook in his hand was charging up when he appeared.

When charging, it gives the opponent's AD sufficient time to move.

There are no targets around to move him, he can only move through his own movements.

However, Pike's hook is relatively easy to dodge when moving. At least it is slightly easier than the hooks of robots and titans.

In addition, Nila has acceleration herself, and the cat can also give him movement speed.

As the movement speed increases, the position will become smoother.

With his body twisting crazily, Chen Ke managed to hit the hook easily.

It's impossible for the cat to block this hook for him. It's okay for Nila to eat the hook, but if the cat eats it, it will die immediately.

In fact, everyone felt that it was going to happen before Chen Ke took the bait.

Generally speaking, when you see someone who moves back and forth a lot, he basically loses his skills in the end.

I can only say that fortunately in this round, V5’s AD was Zeli, and there was no violence at all in the early stage.

The hook was just a flash, and I was a little worried about being caught by Chen Ke's E before handing this flash.

In fact, Chen Ke also knew that there was no way to kill Zeli. Zeli's output in the early stage was too weak, just like being unable to urinate.

There is also a cat protecting him on the opposite side, so it is impossible to kill him directly.

Chen Ke didn't have E-dodge at all, so it was a surprise to be able to scare the opponent with a flash.

The real advantage in the bottom lane is at level six.

Without the participation of the jungler, Chen Ke cooperated with his brother and still completed the lane kill.

After level 6, Pike has his ultimate move, which does enough damage.

And Chen Ke could see that Leave's subsequent state became increasingly worse after the first hook was caught.

This person is also the kind of player whose status fluctuates greatly.

Sometimes when I get excited, I can get so excited that I may not even know what I’m talking about when I’m talking, and I’m very daring to operate on the other side.

But in today's situation of relatively high psychological pressure, it is understandable that the state is not good.

After all, he is just a newcomer playing in the LPL for the first year. Just listen to what he says about his big heart. His mental quality cannot be that good.

Once Nila dies, it will be difficult for the cat to escape.

Cat, a hero, can easily become a bonus after AD dies.

Once he loses his teammates, he doesn't even look like a normal hero.

But the head money is still there.

Chen Ke was not polite at all and jumped twice in a row to score a double kill.

The cat's head can be given away a little, and Zeli, the hero, needs to develop.

But after Chen Ke took the head, he could also give his brother money, so Chen Ke was not polite.

When playing Pike and seeing someone on the other side killing the lane, it's hard not to press R.

What's Parker doing if he doesn't have a K-head?

After being killed twice, Nila, Leave, didn't dare to get involved.

If Nila starts to get timid, it means that there is not much point in taking out this hero.

My brother followed Chen Ke, and the number of people was indeed much less than before.

But he has been developing well, so it doesn't matter.

"Wow, is V5 so hardworking?"

The game time came to 21 minutes, and when EDG's jungler showed up in the lower half, V5 quickly organized everyone to gather in the Baron Pit.

After arriving, without saying a word, he inserted a real eye into the dragon pit and took action.

Even the commentator was a little surprised and said: "The V5 lineup is not particularly fast at beating Baron. It mainly relies on Zeli."

"Although the big tree on EDG is in the lower half, others can get there."

"We see that EDG is already sending signals like crazy. It's impossible for V5 to steal this Baron."


It can be seen from the movements that V5 does not look like he is here to force the team, but more like he wants to change speed and directly steal the baron.

It's just that EDG has a field of view outside the Dalong Pit. The eye position in that place is close to the wall, so it can often avoid scanning.

When they saw V5 moving the dragon, the people from EDG naturally wanted to come over immediately.

Chen Ke also knew that the big dragon could not be hit, so he got out of the dragon pit first and entered the invisible state.

His vision was blocked by the wall, and he hit Nila again with a sinister hook.

People from V5 rushed forward.

Since the big dragon can't steal this wave, they must start a team fight before the big tree comes.

If the big tree really takes the lead, it will cause some trouble for V5 in the terrain of Dragon Pit.

Before this big dragon wave, fans were somewhat worried.

I was afraid that something might happen to me while I was filming Dalong.

The advantage was originally so great, and with a big core like Zeli, if it continued to develop steadily, it would be really easy to win in the future.

After my brother came to V5 this year, the number of times he gave away items has been reduced a lot, so no one is really worried about what problems he, Zeli, will have later on.

The days of climbing mountains are long gone.

However, after this wave of fighting started, and seeing that V5 still won a great victory, the last trace of worry in the fans' hearts disappeared.

After the team battle is over, controlling the Baron can quickly end the game.

V5 also became more relaxed when they beat the Baron.

My brother just got three kills in the team battle, so he was in a good mood.

It is indeed difficult to get three kills with Pike around.

I just heard my brother joke: "The AD on the other side really has a problem. I feel like this guy played pretty well in the regular season. Why does he act like this when he meets Chen Ke?"

"I can't even remember how much Q he ate today."

As soon as his brother finished speaking, Chen Ke showed an intriguing expression and smiled: "If I remember correctly, he seems to be your fan."

[True Points +800]


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